Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 1999, Page 2, Image 2

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-JJtirllaui» ©hemrer
July 28. 199«)
T he P ortland P olice B ureau, in co o p eratio n w ith C rim e
S toppers, is asking for y o u r help in id en tify in g and a p p re ­
h ending an in d iv id u al resp o n sib le for p assin g thou san d s
T h e W a s h in g to n C o u n ty S h e r i f f s O f f ic e , in c o o p e ra tio n w ith C rim e
S to p p e r s , is a s k in g fo r y o u r h e lp in lo c a tin g a n d a p p re h e n d in g G e o rg e
R ic h a rd G ra y , Jr. A F e lo n y a rr e s t w a rra n t is o n file c h a rg in g G ra y w ith
S ex A b u s e a n d R ap e. G ra y h a s fa m ily a n d fr ie n d s in th e c o m m u n itie s o f
S ta y to n , S a le m , a n d N o rth P o rtla n d . H e d riv e s a w h ite P o n tia c F ire b ird
o f d o llars in “ b a d ” ch eck s.
U s in g a d a te o fb irth o fJu n e 16,1976, the suspect obtained
traudulent identification in the nam e ofR ichard A llen Hellyer
He then used a com puter to generate the counterfeit checks.
T h e s u s p e c t is d e s c r ib e d a s a m a le w h ite in h is e a rly
2 0 ’s, 6 ’6 " ta ll, w e ig h in g 2 5 0 p o u n d s w ith b ro w n h a ir
a n d a p ic k - u p o f u n k n o w n d e s c r ip tio n
G e o rg e R ic h a rd G ra y , Jr. is d e s c r ib e d as a 3 6 -y e a r-o ld w h ite m a le w ith
a d a te o f b ir th o f M a rc h 9 , 1963. H e is 5 ’4 ta ll, w e ig h in g 165 p o u n d s w ith
g re e n e y e s a n d g ra y in g b ro w n h air.
C rim e S to p p e rs is o ff e rin g a c a s h re w a rd o f u p to $ 1,000 fo r in fo rm a ­
a n d b ro w n ey es.
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o fu p to $ 1,000 for
information, reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an
arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e and you can
rem ain anonym ous. Call C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP.
tio n , re p o r te d to C rim e S to p p e rs , w h ic h le a d s to a n a rre s t in th is c a se o r
an y u n s o lv e d felo n y c rim e a n d y o u c a n re m a in an o n y m o u s. C all C rim e
S to p p e rs at (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -H E L P .
Homicide In SE Portland
O n T hursday, July 22, 1999, at
approxim ately 7:20 A M , a ja n ito r at
C herry Park E lem entary School, 1930
SE 104th A v e ., d isco v ered the b o d y o f
a ju v en ile m ale b ehind the school on
an asphalt drivew ay. U n ifo rm offic-
w ith in fo rm a tio n to call th e D e te c ­
tiv e D iv isio n at 8 2 3 -0 4 0 0 . D et. S e r­
g ean t F ran k Jo lly . D et. S e rg e a n t
D erek A n d e rso n an d D et. S e rg e a n t
S ara W e stb ro o k a re a ssig n e d to the
spo n d ed to the scene and determ ined
that the victim died from an apparent
g u nshot w ound to the head. T he vic­
tim has been identified as 16-year-old
R am S ingh o f southeast Portland.
D e te c tiv e s a re a sk in g a n y o n e
in v estig atio n .
ers a n d H o m ic id e D e te c tiv e s re-
COMING SOON... August/September 1999
SE Mill Plain Blvd Paving Project Mayor Appoints Assistant Chief
Interim Chief Of Police
Here’s w h at you can expect:
• C onstruction is scheduled for A u­
gust/Septem ber 1999.
• A four day cure is required. During
that tim e the lane can not be driven on.
There w ill be no w orkers on the road but
the lane w ill be closed to ensure that a
proper seal is achieved. W ork will re­
Timeline Set for Police Chief Recruitment/Hiring
L auding h e ra ttn b u te s for honesty,
openness, and com m itm ent to co m ­
m unity policing. M ay o r V era K atz
nam ed A ssistant C h ie f L ynnae B erg
Interim C h ie f o f P olice to take o v er
the bureau July 31, 1999, follow ing
C h ie f C harles M o o se’s departure.
“C h ie f B erg has a high level o f
sum e after the cure period.
• T he outside lanes, eastbound and
w estbound, w ill be closed 24 hours a
day during the cure. Follow ing that
period, no section will be closed for
m ore than tw o w eeks at a time.
• In the com m ercial area, lane work
will occur at night to reduce disturbanee
during business hours. Construction
uted one w eek before construction.
• 24-hour notice o f changes during
• W ork in the residential areas on the
east end o fth e project will be com pleted
during theday. Construction hours are 7
a . m .
construction will be given.
• For m ore info - call 696-8050
to 10 P.M.
Groundbreaking Set For Wildwood Park
V ancouver-C lark Parks and R ecre­
ation Services invites local residents to
attend a groundbreaking cerem ony
W ednesday, July 21, at 4 p.m. for W ild-
w ood N eighborhood Park, east o f SE
134* A venue and northofS E 27* Street.
It will be the fourth o f 19 parks to be
designed and built as part o f the Parks
Legacy Project.
The neighborhood park will include
play structures, swings, balance beam,
spring riders, enhanced entry with acces­
sibility ramps, bench, dnnking foundation
and new lawn. In addition, a total o f 1400
linear feet o f trail will be paved during the
second phase o f park construction.
C o m p le tio n o f th e p a rk w ill be
Estate Excise Tax (REET). implemented
in 1996 w ith support from the G reater
V ancouver C ham ber o f Com m erce,
C lark C ounty B oard o f Realtors and
C lark C ounty H om e Builders A ssocia­
tion. All funds from this tax are desig­
nated for the developm ent o f parks.
c e le b rated w ith a d e d ic a tio n c e r­
em o n y in N o v em b er.
The Parks Legacy Program will de­
velop 19 neighborhood parks b y the
end o f the year 2000, and three com m u­
nity parks b y 2002. Construction is
m ade possible by funding from the Real
Tuesday Market
integrity, com plem ented by her strong
sense o f personal responsibility, "said
Katz, “she w ill be an active c h ie f w ho
w ill continue to m ove the bureau for­
w ard during the m onths o fh e r tenure.”
B erg jo in e d the P ortland Police
B ureau in 1981, starting as a uniform
officer in N ortheast P recinct, includ­
ing having spent tim e in the M ounted
P atrol U nit and as a p eer counselor
and instructor for b o th defensive and
patrol tactics. She m ade D etective in
1986, w as p rom oted to L ieutenant in
1992, becam e a C aptain in 1995, and
w asappointedA ssistantC ’h iefin 1997.
“ I have asked her to continue our
at #737-8298 o r at the in form ation
b o o th on Saturdays b etw een 9a.m .-
3p.m . Space rent w ill be $ 15 p er w eek
an d if vendors sign u p now for all 9
w eeks they w ill get the last w eek Free.
T he V an co u v er F arm ers M arket
w ill be o p en from 4 to 8 p.m ., every
T uesday from A ugust 3rd through Sep­
tem ber 28*, at the current Saturday
M arket location at 5* and B roadw ay.
V en d er sign u p applications can be
obtained by calling A m y B lankenship
F o r inform ation call the V an co u v er
F arm ers M arket office # at 737-8929.
Clark Co. Prosecutes Woman For Writing Bad Check
Charges have been brought for the
first tim e under C lark C o u n ty ’s N SF
(N on-Sufficient Funds) C h eck D iver­
sion Program . A ccording to A rt C urtis,
Clark C ounty Prosecuting Attorney.
“T his p ro g ram 's prim ary goal is to
obtain reim bursem ent for m erchants in
our com m unity .’’C urtis stresses. “H ow ­
ever, we m ean business and those w ho
don’t com ply w ith the program will be
O n July 7, 1999 he signed a com -
plaintagainstC eciliaB .T horson,21 for
unlawful issuance o f a B ank C heck
under $250. This is a gross m isde­
agem ent,” says Debbie G arvin, pro-
meanor in the state ofW ashington, which
is punishable by up to a $5,000 fine and
gram coordinator. "T horsen w as given
the opportunity to participate in this
program , but she failed to com ply and
w as referred for p ro secu tio n "
Since the N SF program started in
a year in jail.
W inco Foods reported they received
a check on N ovem ber 20, 1998, for
$ 119.07 allegedly written by Thorsen.
The check was returned as "A ccount
C losed." A fter unsuccessful attempts to
collect on the check, W inco subm itted it
to the N S F C heck Divereion Program.
The program gives defendants an
opportunity to avoid criminal charges
b y m aking restitution. “T hey also must
pay a program fee and attend a w ork­
shop on responsible checkbook man-
June 1998,77 defendants have success­
fully com pleted the w orkshop, 317 bad
checks have been cleared, and $ 13,209
returned to merchants. Also, a total o f
$ 18,797 in fees have been collected and
returned to the county’s general fund to •
offset the cost o f running the program.
For m ore information, please con­
tact Debbie Garvin at (360) 397-2216.
B u ffa lo S o lid er To Hold Anniversary C elebration
The 9* an d 10* (H orse) Cavalry
A ssociation o f the B uffalo Soldiers will
hold its 133rd anniversary reunion July
28 -3 1
w ith e v e n ts c e n te r e d o n
V ancouver B arracks in V ancouver,
W ash. T he event celebrates the early
presence o f A frican-A m erican soldiers
in the Pac ific N orthw est with the them e
“D ow n by the R iverside," co m m em o ­
rating B uffalo soldier history from the
M ississippi to the C olum bia rivers.
The reunion also marks the 150* anni­
versary o f Vancouver Barracks & the
100* anniversary o f the death ofhonored
Buffalo Soldier, S g t M oses Williams,
w ho is buried in the post cemetery.
T he keynote speaker w ill be O lym ­
pic m edallist Lt. Col. W illie D avenport
o f the U.S. A rm y and N ational Guard.
D avenport com peted in five O lym pic
G am es, w inning a gold m edal in the
110-meter hurdles in M exico City m
1968 and a bronze m edal in the sam e
event in M ontreal in 1976. D avenport
will address the reunion luncheon Sat­
urday, July 31.
T he original B uffalo soldiers w ere
A frican-A m erican m en and w om en
w ho served in the U .S. A rm y from
1866 to 1944 T h e s e le c tio n o f
V ancouver as the site o f this y ear’s
reunion acknow led g es close historical
and present-day ties b etw een the B uf­
falo soldiers and th e U .S m ilita ry p re s ­
ence at V ancouver Barracks.
“ It is im portant that we maintain the
history o f the Buffalo soldiers and edu­
cate others about their contributions to
this country,” said Carl Flipper, presi­
dent o f the association. In 1866, an A ct
o f Congress authorized the creation o f
six regim ents o f black troops, tw o o f
cavalry and fourof infantry Fhese tnxips
were called “B uffalo Soldiers” by the
Plains Indians. To be associated with
the spirit o f N ative A m ericans’ sacred
buffalo w as a measure o f respect, and
the black troops adopted the nam e and
carried it proudly.
For nearly 40 years, the 9* and 10*
cavalry regiments served on the frontier
from Montana to Texas, along the Rio
Grand in N ew Mexico, Arizona, Colo­
rado and Dakotas They built forts and
roads, strung telegraph lines, protected
railroad crews, escorted stagecoaches and
trains, protected settlers and cattle drives,
and fought Cheyenne, Arapaho. K iow a
Comanche and Apache warriors.
Before disbanding in 1944. the 9*
and 10* w ere formed into the 4* Cavalry
Bngade in 1941, com m anded by Gen.
Benjamin O. Davis Sr. the 9* and 10*
Cavalry Association holds annual re­
unions throughout the Nation. Associate
m em bership is extended to any person
w ho has rendered outstanding service to
the United States through military ser­
vice or service to the community.
T h e follo w in g ev en ts are open to
the public:
Wednesday, July 2 8 , 6 p . m .
O pening cerem ony, parade grounds
o f Fort V ancouver National Historic
Site, rh e cerem ony will feature A kbar
D ePriest’s Regim ental B and and the
Lions o f Batucada Sam ba Band. The
event is free.
Thursday, July 29, noon
L u n c h e o n at C o lu m b ia R iv e r
Doubletree Guest speaker will be former
Rep M argaret Carter, O regon senato­
rial candidate and the First African-
K atz also a n n o u n ced that the N a ­
tio n al R ecru itm en t F irm o f S han n o n
A sso c., w ith P o lice E xecu tiv e R e­
search F orum , a n d the local firm o f
K athleen D otten and A ssociates, w ill
lead the c ity ’s recru itm en t effo rts for
recru itm en t and hiring efforts, co n ­
tinue w o rk in g on im plem enting the
Institute o f L aw and Justice recom ­
m en d atio n s for the bureau, w ork to
brin g the labor negotiations to clo­
sure, an d continue our efforts to re ­
d u ce y o u th gun crim es,” said K atz. “ I
am confident she w ill perform adm i­
rably and that she w ill m ake ap ositive
im pact during her tenure.”
B erg p articip ates in the R egional
D ru g In itiativ e, h as been a S M A R T
v o lu n te e r at K ing S chool for three
y ears, an d is the treasu rer o f a n o n ­
p ro fit p resch o o l. S he is also a m em ­
b e r o f the International A sso ciatio n
o f C h ie fs o f P o lice and the N ational
C e n te r fo r W o m en in Policing.
She earned a B achelor o f A rts in
psychology and Crim inal Justice from
G ustavus A dolphus C ollege in St. Pe­
ter. M N in 1980 and received her M as­
ters D egree in Public Adm inistration
from Lew is & Clark College in 1995.
the p e rm an en t C h ie f o f Police.
The M ayor’s O ffice is currently in
the m iddle o f ten com m unity focus
groups slated through this w eek to hone
a list o f candidate qualities and skills
desired for the C h ie fs position which
will be used in recruiting materials.
Previously, K atz’s office received over
70 responses to a question posed in her
w ebsite’s ‘ ‘Pulse Poll” asking w hat citi­
zens w anted from theirnext police chief.
R ecruitm ent is expected to open in
early August for approximately 30days.
B y S eptem ber 30, she hopes to deter­
m ine sem i-finalists and set interview
dates. Finalist interview s are slated to
begin O ctober 15, with the goal to
nam e the C hie f at the end o f the month.
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A m erican elected to the O regon House
o f Representatives. C ost is $20.
Friday, July 3 0 , 9 *. m .
G raveside tribute to Buffalo Sol­
diers at O ld Post C em etery, 2401 E.
Fourth Plain Blvd. The event is free.
9 p . m . - USO Show featuring Akbar
DePriest’s Regimental Band and an ar­
ray o f other performers. A t Pearson Air
Museum, 1115 E. 5 St. cost is $12.50
Saturday, July 3 1
9:30 a . m . - Free sem inar at C olum ­
bia River Doubletree led by historian
Robert Powell. 12:30 p.m. - Reunion
Parade on the parade grounds o f Fort
V ancouver National Historic Site.
6 p . m . - Reception and banquet, C o­
lumbia River Doubletree, Lt Col. Willie
Davenport, guest speaker. C ost is $30.
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