Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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    July 28,1999
Page B5
i__. J
n r
- Office
A s th e re c ip ie n t o f th e P o rtla n d
Cham ber of Comm erce Growth
Award, Holman is in need of
qualified personnel in all categories
and areas. Custodians; Cleanroom
Techs; Supervisor; Rovers; Floor
Techs. Call 236-2092 to arrange a
private interview.
Immediate openings for Floor Care
Full time & b e n e f it s .___
M ust have good driving record and
take pride in a job well done.
Apply at 2 8 0 1 SE 9 * Ave. between
9 am and 5 pm , M-F or call 236-2092
Vending Business: M&M Mars
50 Locations. $800-11200 solid
monthly income.
C ost $2995.
Social Work
Child Advocate in C h ild re n 's
Program in a do m estic violence
shelter. Oneomone interactions. Send
resume to P .0 . Box 2398, Portland,
OR 97208. -
Frlto-Lay, Inc.
A Division of PepsiCo, Inc. is a dynamic organization
which embraces ongoing innovation and change.
We are a world leader in the snack food industry
and are currently pursuing individuals for front­
line manufacturing management positions at our
Vancouver, Washington location. Successful candidates will po sse ss the
following abilities and qualifications:
M in im u m 2 y e a rs m a n a g e m e n t experience in a manufacturing
'W illingness to work on any of 3 shifts.
-Teamwork and team development skills.
-Demonstrated leadership ability to create dramatic change through others.
• E xc e lle n t com m un ica tio n s k ills -ve rb a l and written.
Please submit resum e to:
Human Resources
Frtto-Lay, Inc.
4 8 0 8 NW Fruit Valley Rd.
Vancouver, WA 9 8 6 6 0
Frtto-Lay is an Equal Opportunity Employer, M /F /O /V
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
□laced on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed
placed on wain g
Alberta Phillips Manor
6 06 NE Sacram ento
Portland, Oregon 9 7212
(5 0 3 ) 287-2162
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed
p iace oon w
Rrwood Village Apartments
39501 Evans Street
Sandy, Oregon 9 7 0 5 5
(5 03 ) 6 68-3132
Margaret Carter Complex
6 20 NE Brazee
Portland, Oregon 9 7212
(5 03 ) 287-2162
If subsidized units are not available at this time qualified applicants may be
Dlaced on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to
Lydia Roy Court
735 N. Frem ont
Portland, Oregon 97227
(5 0 3 ) 287-2162
Portland State University
Portland State University is searching
for a Director of New Student
Programs. Responsibilities include
recruitment, enrollment planning
and implementation, assistance
in new s tu d e n t o rie n ta tio n s ,
management of student database.
Requires M a ste r's degree, five
y e a rs c o lle g e re c ru itm e n t,
a d m is s io n s a n d / o r re la te d
experience, including professional
staff management. Review of files
begins August 13— Position open
until filled. Appointment is effective
S e p te m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 9 9 . Fo r
application packet contact:
Ruth Toba, Secretary
Director of New Student Programs Search
PSU Office of Student Affairs
PO Box 7 5 1
Portland, OR 97207-0751
(5 0 3 ) 725-5341
P o rtla n d S ta te U n ive rs ity p ro m o tes equ al
opportunity for all Individuals without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
McMenamlns now hiring FT Pubstaff,
F in e
D in in g
S e rv e rs ,
Housekeeping, Front Desk, and
PT Bartender for our Edgefield
location. Also hiring FT Servers
and H osts at our Kennedy school
location and Cooks for downtown.
M ust be at least 21 yrs. to apply
forPubstaff, Server, and Bartender
p o s itio n s . We o ffe r e xce lle n t
benefits and wagesl Apply at any
McMenam ins location or on line at
www.mcmenamin.com No phone
calls please. E.O .E
ittici*'-' y
Educatlon/Development Specialists
(two positions) needed for alternative
s ch o o l p ro vid in g G E D and
employment Training for youth age
16-21. Responsibilities include
developingand teaching GED, basic
skills, employment, and life skills
curriculum and case management
o f you th in co m b in e d G E D /
em ploym ent training program .
Oregon teaching certificate required.
Starting salary range $26,500-
28,500+excellent benefits. Please
submit coverletter and resume Attn:
O p e ra tio n s M a n a g e r, Y o u th
Employment Institute, 1704NE26"’,
Portland, 0R97232. Position closes
7/30/99 at 5:00pm. We value
diversity. EEO
Dental Assistant
Tillamook County Is seeking a
Dental Assistant for it's Community
Dental Clinic.
R e q u ire m e n ts : Tw o y e a r o f
responsible dental assistant work
e x p e rie n c e OR a s a t is fa c t o ry
equivalent combination of experience
and training. At time of appointment,
must posses dental assistant anad x-
ray certifications. Preferred applicants
will be fluent in the Spanish language.
To apply, contact the Tillamook
County Office of Personnel, 2011
Laurel Ave Tillamook, OR 97141 (503)
842-3418. Resumes are not accepted
in lieu of the county application form.
Corrections Deputy
Tillamook County is recruiting a
career-minded Corrections Deputy to
work in its new, state of the art
c o rre c tio n s f a c ilit y . P re fe rre d
applicants will po sse ss experience
as a corrections deputy and/or college
course work in law enforcement.
Salary Range for this position is
$2490 - $3026/mo. Closing date:
0 8/06/99. For Required application
materials contact: Tillamook County
Personnel, 201 Laurel Ave. Tillamook,
Oregon 9 7 14 1 (5 0 3) 84 2-3 4 18 .
Resum es are not accepted in lieu of
county application.
Tillamook County is an Equal Opportunity Employer
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed
Tillamook County is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Assistant needed for
alternative school providing GED
and employment training for youth
age 16-21. Responsibilities include
re c e p tio n ,
re c o rd -k e e p in g ,
m aintaining professional office
e n viro n m e n t, and s e c re ta ria l
supportto staff. Working knowledge
ofword for windows and databases
required. Experience working with
adolescents preferred. Starting
salary $23,000 + excellent benefits.
Please submit cover letter and
resume Attn: Operations Manager,
Youth Employment Institute, 1704
NE 26“’, Portland, OR 9 7232.
P o s itio n c lo s e s 7 / 3 0 / 9 9 at
5:00pm. We value diversity. EEO.
Mow Y our C areer
I nto H ion G ear
The Air Force Reserve's
advanced, high-tech training
will help your career go
further, faster. As you work
with the most sophisticated
equipment available, you’ll be
earning college credit toward
a degree from the Community
College of the Air Force. All
for a commitment of just one
weekend a month and two
weeks per year. Call the Air
Force Reserve today.
(503) 335-4738
1 -800-232-3421
A i r F o r c e
R e se r v e
Night Club Bar M anager, m ust be
experienced & self motivated for
high volume nightclub. M ust have
cost control experience & proficient
in M S Office. Imperative to have
strong people skills. Fax resume/
salary requirements to Panorama
@ 503-226-7031
Diversity Coordinator
Pacific University School of
Physician Assistant Studies seeks
applicants for 3-5 day per week position
as the Diversity Coordinator for a 3
year DHHS-HRSA grant funded project.
R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s
in c lu d e
identification of community leaders
for an advisory committee, conducting
workshops on the PA profession as
career pathway, and development of
mentoring program for applicants from
d is a d v a n ta g e d
c o m m u n itie s .
Q ua lifica tio n s include ba ch e lo r's
degree, 1-2 ye ars experience in
c o m m u n ity o rg a n iz a tio n , c a s e
management and/or outreach.
Send letter with resume to:
Christine Legler, PA Program Director
Pacific University
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116
(503) 359-2898
University instructor/
Assistant Professor
Univ. Instructor/Assistant Professor
for Bilingual Teacher Pathway Program,
Portland State U. Qualif: bilingual/
bicultural, m aster's in education/
expertise in bilingual Ed, etc. for job
description & applications information
call 725-4756 (Mary Witse) or http://
www.ed.pdx7employ Position open until
filed. Review will begin immediately.
PSU is an affirmative action/equal
opportunity institution.
Computer, High Technology
S s portswear Company«
Computer, High Technology
Sportswear Companys
Work for One Tough M other
Work for One Tough M other
Columbia Sportswear Company
has proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a formula for success. Join
our IS Department in the following
Business Analyst Trainee -
Rlvergate B a c h e lo rs d e g re e or
equivalent In Business, Computer
Science, and Accounting, or related
field. Minimum two to three years in
progressively responsible positions
providing management support by
a n a lyzin g b u s in e s s p ro c e s s e s ,
including medium to advance level
computer operations support.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs
competitive com pensation/benefits
package, and a business-oriented
team environment.
Please send resume and salary
history to: Human Resources, Dept.
COSS, PO Box 83 2 3 9 , Portland OR
97283, or Fax to: (5 0 3 ) 735-4597.
Columbia Sportswear Company
has proven that quality construction,
engineering and innovation in sports
apparel is a formula for success. Join
our IS Department in the following
Computer Operator (Swing Shift)
Experience troubleshooting in PC/
W in d o w s / N o v e ll
e n v iro n m e n t
required. AS400 understanding/skills
desired. Previous Operations and/or
help desk experience required.
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r o ffe rs
competitive compensation/benefits
package, and a business-oriented
team environment.
Please send resume and salary
history to: Human Resources, Dept.
COSS, PO Box 83239, Portland OR
97283, or Fax to: (503) 73 S 4 5 9 7 .
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Washington County
Dog Control License Writer
$1,822 - $2,217/m o
Closes August 6, 1999
Planning Assistant
#2,393 - $2,9O7/mo
Closes August 6, 1999
Support Unit Supervisor
(Health & Human S ervices/
Public Health Clinic)
Closes August 6, 1999
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information. County
a p p lic a tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l
application forms required. Women,
minorities, and people with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Day C a re /F a m lly D e v e lo p m e n t
Supervisor needed for alternative
s c h o o l p ro v id in g G ED and
employment training for youth age
16-21. R esponsibilities include
supervision of on-site day-care
o p e ra t io n s .
D e m o n s tra te d
experience providing infant and
toddler care, three years exp.
Preferred. AA degree In early
childhood or closely related field or
c o m b in a tio n o f tra in in g and
experience required. Starting salary
$23,999 + excellent benefits.
Please submit cover letter and
resume Attn: Operations Manager,
Youth Employment Institute, 1704
NE 26th, Portland, OR 97232.
P o s itio n c lo s e s 7 / 3 0 / 9 9 at
5:00pm. We value diversity. EEO
City Of Vancouver, WA
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Urban League of Portland, a non­
profit social service organization, is
currently seeking qualified applicants
for the following positions:
Administrative Assistant
Seeking Admin Asst, to provide
office support to Director. Must be
d e t a il-o rie n te d , h a ve e x c e lle n t
com m unication sk ills, and 2+yrs
admin exp.
Case Managers
Several Case Managers are needed
to a sse ss needs and refer youth to
appropriate se rvice s. M ust have
Bachelor’s deg. In Social Sciences
and 2 yrs exp. Working w/youth.
A Counselor is needed to provide
comprehensive case monitoring and
in d iv id u a l, g ro u p , and fa m ily
counseling. Must have Master s deg.
In counseling, 2 yrs exp. In human
services, and 2+ yrs youth and family
advocate exp.
If qualified and interested, please
send resum e and thre e current
re fe re n c e s to “ Y o u th & Fam ily
S ervices,’ 10 N Russell St., Portland,
OR 97227. EOE
Front Desk - Reception
Part-time. BHingual Spanish/English.
3 years experience in office setting
preferred. Detail and multi task oriented,
computer experience. Applications
available: Albina Head Start 3417 NE 7*
Portland, OR Closing date 8/12/99.
Oregon Department Of
Engineering Specialist 3
Senior Inventory Specialist
Capitalize on your strong computer
skills and knowledge/experience in video
technology and technical engineenng
Located in Salem, this position will
organize and operate field and lab
activities for ODOT's Video Log Program;
and assist in updating and management
of the Integrated Tra n sportation
Information System (ITTS) relational
da ta b a se system . R equires and
A ssocia te's degree in Engineering
Technology from a recognized community
college ortechnical school of engmeenng
and four years of experience directly
related to engineering; OR five and one-
half ye a rs (6 6 m onths) of sub­
professional engineenng experience. A
Bachelor" degree In Engineering,
Architecture, Geology, Mathematics or
Physics may be substituted for the
A sso cia te " degree in Engineering
Technology. Expenence with GIS a plus.
Salary $2,376 - $3,407/m onth +
excellent benefits: health insurance; paid
vacation; sick and personal leaves; nine
paid holidays; and full employer-paid
retirement contribution.
A n n o u n ce m e n t # 0 C D T 9 1 5 5 .
Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503)
9864030 (TTY (503) 986-3854 forthe
h e a rin g
im p a ire d )
v is it
www.oregonjobs.org for application
materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer
committed to a diverse workforce.
Deadline is August 16, 1999.
Im m ediate o p e n in g for full and
part-tim e lot attendant with
P ortla n d 's leading parking
Com pany. We are seeking
dependable individuals with
a neat appearance and a
positive attitude.
• $ 7 .2 5 starting wage
• Advancem ent potential
• M edical, Dental and 4 01 K
A p p lic a n ts m u st have valid
license, subm it to drug test
and background check.
Apply in person betw een 1 2 :0 0
and 1:00 PM daily at City Center
Parking at 215 SW 6th. '
currently has the following opportunities available:
Aging and Disability Services
Com m unity Inform ation Specialist
Provide information and referral services focusing on people with
disabilities, as well as be trained to handle inquiries from the elderly
population. This will include performing public information and education
functions; gathering information from people’s inquiriesto identify and so ve
problems; and determining eligibility for available programs. Requires 2
years' public information and/or public education experience, preferably
related to the people with disabilities. Equivalent to an Associate s degree
with major coursework in communications or related field' '¡e9“ ir®^_J°^
sharing a possibility. Salary is $14.32 per hour; full range is $1 4.3 2 -$ 1 6 .6 O
per hour. Apply by July 30.
Quality People Providing Quality Service
C ity
V ancouver,
Washington is seeking qualified
applicants for current openings. We
are looking for individuals who want to
make a difference in their community
and who take enormous pride in a job
well done. We value employees who
demonstrate stewardship, integrity,
respect, responsibility, cooperation,
leadership and a good reputation.
’ Vancouver is recognized for its civic
excellence. Our employees are proud
to work in an o pe n, supportive
environment where we are empowered
to create solutions and outcomes
which exceed the expectations of the
citizens we serve."
For more information contact:
Human Resources and
Risk Services
703 Broadway, Suite 500
Vancouver, WA 98660
Phone (360) 696-8419
Fax (360) 696-8364
E-Mail (vanhrrs@ci.vancouver.wa.us)
Web Page: www.ci.vancouver.wa.us
Job Hotline: (360) 696-8128
TDD: (360) 696-8142
Health Department
Health Inform ation S pecialist II
Tobacco Prevention Program
Full-time; $13.99 per hour. Apply by August 13.
Health Inform ation Sp ecialist II
H IV/H epatitis C Prevention and Testing
3 Positions; full-time; $13.99 per hour. Apply by August 13.
Senior Data Analyst
4 Positions; full-& part-time; $38,003 - $53,204 annually. Apply by August
Com m unity Health N urse (RN)
Bilingual English & Spanish Preferred. Various positions; full- & part-time;
$17.81-$23.92 per hour. Open Continuos.
Application materials and formal job announcements are available at;
www.m ultnom ah.or.us/jobs/ in person or by mailing a self-addressed
stamped envelope requesting application forms to: Multnomah County
Employee Services, 1120 SW 5,h Avenue, First Poor Lobby, PO Box 14700,
Portland, OR 97293-0700. Assisted access to Multnomah County job
information and website is available at Multnomah County Libraries.
Equal Opportunity Employer
The City O f Vancouver Is an Equal Opportunity
Employer And A Tobacco Free/ Drug Free Workplace
Wlnnef Of 1999 Wor* S Family Pro«reee Award
Sisters Of The Road C att Inc. is
seeking a Cook/Baker for our Micro-
Enterprise Coffee House.
A successful candidate must be
committed to a philosophy of non­
v io le n c e and te a m w o rk , have
experience in ail aspects of the kitchen
including baking, and knowledge of
health code standards. $7.50/hour
plus tips with benefits. Please send
resume and letter of interest by 8/6/
99 to Diana Rockholm.
McMenam ins now hiring FT Ln.
Cook and Hoots at our Kennedy
School location. Exp. Necessary to
apply for Cook position. We offer
excellent benefits! Apply in person at
any McMenam ins location or on line
at www.mcmenamins.com No phone
calls please! E . O . E .
Employment Specialist
Full tim e p o s itio n d o in g jo b
development and career counseling for
adults with disabilities. Knowledge about
the employment needs of people with
disabilities; excellent communication
and time management skills: ability to
work flexible schedule; willingness to
jump in and assist with varying tasks:
and computer literacy are requirements.
Bilingual (Spanish/English): bachelor's
degree; and job experience in a
vocational program are preferred.
To apply, send a cover letter and
resume to Cindy Chaffee, 1AM CARES,
4134 N. Vancouver Avneue, Suite
202, Portland Oregon, 97217, or fax
to (503) 335-6165.
Social Work
Emergency Domestic Violence
Shelter Ceee Manager. BHingual
preferred. Send resume to P.0. Box
2398, Portland OR 97208.