Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 28, 1999, Image 1

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Serena Cruz Looks Into
Needs That Challenge
the Latino Community
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C om m itted to C ultural Diversity
Volume \ \ l \ . Number 30
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University of Oregon
Knight Library
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Eugene OR 97403
S ecció n
E spañ ol
v u e WEEK
$50,000 Gift To SEI’s
In-School Program
Shuttle Landing
E ileen C ollins, the first w om an
to com m and the space shuttle C o­
lum bia landed the craft safely a f­
ter a short trip into o rb it to drop
o ff the w o rld ’s m ost p ow erful X-
ray telescope. The com m ander and
her C olum bian crew had d iffic u l­
ties at first during tak e-o ff, p o ssi­
bly from hydrogen fuel leaks and
a sh o rt circuit.
Aid to Kosovo
The U nited States governm ent
is providing up to $500 m illion in
food, shelter and other hum anitar­
ian aid for K osovo civilians, but
U.S. o fficials said “ not one penny”
w ill go to S e rb ia so lo n g as
Y u g o sla v P r e s id e n t S lo b o d a n
M ilosevic rem ains in pow er. The
funds w ould be applied to care for
ethnic K osovo A lbanians and es­
tablish an international police force
o f about 3,100 officers, including
450 from the U nited States.
Milosevic Protected
A ccording to a top Y ugoslav
g e n e r a l, P r e s id e n t S lo b o d a n
M ilosevic w ould be m ilitarily pro­
tected against any attem pts to un­
seat him. Gen. N ebojsa Pavkovic
explained, “The Y ugoslav army
w ill...g iv e its unconditional sup­
port to the state institutions and
their legally elected representa­
tives, from the low est officials to
the president o f the republic,” he
said. T here is a grow ing concern
that arm y intervention could le-
acIflCorp Foundation partners with SEI’s In-school program. Pictured from left to right are Deshe Mangum
Tony Hopson (founder of SEI), Kristin Wilkes, Kenyatta Richmond, LeLa Roberts (Principal of Jefferson High
chool), John Millhouse, Ernest Bloch (Executive Director of PacifiCorp Foundation).
Self Enhance­
ment, Inc (SEI)
announced that it
w ill
re c e iv e
$50,000 from the
PacifiCorp Foun­
dation over the
next four years
that will fund a
partial class spon­
so rsh ip
Je ffe rso n H igh
School students.
T he in -sc h o o l
program for thirty
in co m in g SEI
fre sh m e n
Je ffe rso n H igh
S chool w ill be
partially under­
w ritte n by the
foundation’s con­
tribution on behalf
o f Pacific Power.
Lela Roberts,
p rin c ip a l,
Je ffe rso n H igh
School, was on
hand to receive
the check w ith SEI
President Tony Hopson. Student representa­
tives of the Jefferson High School Class of
2003 who will benefit from the donation
were also present at the event.
In addition to its monetary support, Pa­
cific Power is investing human resources by
encouraging its employees to volunteer in
SEI summer’99 programs. Other Pacific
Power employees are getting involved in the
effort as well by participating in a book drive
to collect books for the growing library at the
Center for Self Enhancement.
Since 1993, the PacifiCorp Foundation,
on behalf o f Pacific Power, has donated
more than $140,000 to SEI. Over the past
ten years, the foundation has invested more
than $25 m illion in communities in the
Pacific Pow er and Utah Power six-state
seivice area. In 1998 alone, more than $3
m illion was given to 354 non-profit organi­
zations in 120 communities. The founda­
tion uses its perm anent, self-sustaining en­
dowment to make grants to qualified non­
profit organizations. PacificCorp Founda­
tion is focusing its 1999 philanthropic re­
sources on children.
Founded in 1981 by Tony Hopson, SEI is
a non-profit organization committed to help­
ing Portland' s inner-city youth make positive
choices to achieve their full potential.
OAME Considers
Housing Addition
in talking about it,” Brooks says. I f it is,
we w ant to invite everyone w ho has a
stake in it to discuss w hat th e y ’d like to
he O regon A ssociation o f M inor
see there. It should be a lot o f fun. I get
ity E ntrepreneurs may soon build
credit for getting things done, but it's
housing on topofitsincubatorcampus.
O A M E p re sid e n t Sam B rooks says because I listen to people."
For him self. Brooks w ould like to see
the agency, w hich p ro v id es com m ercial
a m ixture o f incom e
space for startu p m i­
levels. “W e w ant to
n o rity and w om en-
m a k e n o r th e a s t a
ow ned b u sin esses, is
com posite co m m u ­
considering building
n ity th a t’s n o t all
one o r tw o flo o rs,
poor or all ric h ,” he
and up to 80 u n its, o f
says. C ondom inium s
h o using on top o f its
are “ a thought, and
4 0 ,0 0 0 sq u are foot
certainly co n sisten t
cam pus at 4134 N.
w ith our vision for
V an couver A ve.
th e
W illia m s -
“ W e ’re in a fe a si­
V ancouver c o rri­
b ility sta g e n o w ,”
dor.” He w ould like
B rooks sa y s. “ T he
in particular to see
en gineers and the a r­
m in o ritie s, w om en
ch itects say i t ’s d o ­
and youth involved
ab le.” The next stage
in the developm ent.
w ould be to see if
He sees an agency
the p ro je c t is fe a ­
specializing in ho u s­
sible in term s o fe c o -
in g m a n a g e m e n t,
n o m ic s a n d o th e r
rather than O A M E ,
factors, he says. This
running the finished
should be c o m p leted
project if it is rental.
“ I hope that by this
T h e n e x t s ta g e
time next year, w e ’ll
w ould be a com m u­
see som e d irt and
n ity p la n n in g p r o ­
structures m ove," he
cess. “ I f it’s not do­
able, th e re ’s no point
B> L ee P frleman
Minority TV Shows
ABC, a major TV network, will be
adding ethnic characters to at least five
o f its shows for their fall series. This
was in response to criticism for not
making their programs more cultur­
ally inclusive. As presented in a pilot
form this spring, none o f the 27 new
comedies and dramas set to premiere
on the top four networks had minori­
ties in a leading role, and few had them
in supporting roles.
I get credit
for getting
but it’s
I listen
to people.
____________ 55
Raising Children
M aine was voted the best state
to raise a child, says a ch ild ren ’s
advocacy group that assessed each
state in the country. O ther top states
included in the listing after M aine
are M assachusetts, C onnecticut,
V erm o n t and N ew H am p sh ire.
N orth D akota, M aryland, K ansas,
W isconsin and Iowa rounded out
the top 10.
Panda Dies
Dudu, the w orld’s oldest giant
panda in captivity died in a zoo in
central C hina’s Hubei province The
37-year old panda’s death may have
been from hot sum m er weather.
M ost pandas live in captivity for 25
years. China only has about 1,000
w ild and captive pandas left.
Sam Brooks, OAME President