Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 1999, Image 9

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J u lv 21, 1999
Committed to t ultural Di'ersitv
V o lu m e \ \ l \ . N u m b e r 29
'Qltfe ^ n rtla n h (Observer
Local agencies & Bechtel celebrate innovative project
Homeless Veterans Project
are celebrating their 5* annual Minority and
I Homeless Veterans Conference. At the event,
there will be free health screenings, educa-
I tional information offered, picture ID’s taken
and other offerings. The conference is being
I heldat the RamadaPlazaHotelonFriday, June
Airport MAX Takes Off!
m u n ity
a I c n h a r
The Portland VA Medical Center and Cen-
I tral City Concern Homeless Veteran Project
cial real estate at the entrance to the airport.
o ca l g o v ern m en t agencies and
T h e P o rt o f P o rtlan d , T ri-M et, the C ity
Bechtel Enterprises Inc. celebrated
P o rtlan d , th e P o rtlan d D evelopm ent
their innovative public/private ven
m issio n and B ech tel have jo in e d to ­
ture that w ill bring light rail to the
Portland International A irport (PDX) in 2001 to form a u n iq u e p u b lic/p riv ate
v en tu re. I t’s th e first o f its k in d in the
and developm ent o f 120-acres o f com mer-
n atio n to u se p u b lic an d p riv a te funds to
b u ild lig h t rail in c o n n e c tio n w ith d e v e l­
o p in g a h ig h - d e n s ity , tr a n s it- o rie n te d
p ro je c t on a irp o rt p ro p erty .
US Dept. o f T ransportation Deputy Secre­
tary, Mort Downey, also attended the festivi-
25 from 9 AM until 5:30 PM. Call 503/402-
12903 or 1-800-949-1004, ext. 52903.
Mambo Queens
O n Friday, July 23rd, concerts will be held
I at the Tualatin Com m ons. The M am bo
Queens will introduce you to Afro-Cuban
I music and culture in a program o f drumming,
I song, dance, storytelling, and costumes that
I you w on’t soon forget Led by Cuban bom,
ties and toured the 5.5-mile light rail exten-
sion, which is now under construction. Downey
congratulated the Portland area for being a
national model o fhow to creatively build light
rail lines in a highly competitive funding arena.
D owney added that the US D ept. ofTrans-
portation and the Federal T ransit A dm inis­
tration helped w ith technical support for the
Environm ental A ssessm ent for the A irport
M AX project, and helped the Federal A via­
tion A dm inistration in its approval to use
existing passenger Facility C harges to pay
for the P o rt’s share o f the light rail extension.
Airport Max project
The $ 125 m illion project extends from the
G atew ay T ransit C enter, along 1-205 to the
PDX term in al’s south baggage claim area.
M ajor construction o f the project began in
June after the financing plan w as finalized.
T he p a rtn e rs are sh a rin g th e co st o f th e
$125 m illio n p ro je c t - no fed eral fu n d s,
state g en e ral fu n d s o r a d d itio n a l p ro p erty
tax es are b e in g u tiliz e d .
T ri-M et G en eral M an ag er F red H ansen
added that, "h a v in g p rivate funds help pay
for the light rail ex ten sio n m eans w e ’re able
to expand o u r system and d eliv er m ore q u al­
ity tran sit serv ice to th is grow ing region.
T his p roject, alo n g w ith the developm ent,
also provides an o th er exam ple o fh o w light
rail serves as a cataly st to shape dev elo p ­
m ent and create liv ab le com m u n ities.”
Virginia Lopez, this international cast hails
from Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Panama, and
I the US, as well as Cuba. Call 692-2000 ext.
1932 for details and directions.
World Walk for Breastfeeding
La Lee he league international ’ s World Walk
for Breastfeeding will be held on Saturday,
August 7 from noon to 4 PM in Lair Hill Park in
downtown Portland. The one-mile symbolic
walk will begin at 1:30 PM on the running track
adjacent to Lair Hill Park. La Leche League
International (LLLI) is a nonprofit organization
I thatprovides information and support to200,000
breastfeeding mothers in 66 countries every
I month. Call 503/524-9616.
Explore Africa This Summer
The H om ow a African Arts and Cultures
are presenting a four-week series o f African
I arts day camps for children ages 6-12. The
I day camps begin July 19 and run through
August 13. Each weeklong camp occurs
M onday through Friday from 9 AM until 3
PM. The series begins July 19-23 at the East
| Portland Com m unity Center, 740 SE 1061*’
I Ave. The second camp follows July 26-30 at
W hitaker Middle School, 5700 NE 39*. For
I additional information, call 503/288-3025.
Above photo- Tri-Met General Manager, Fred Hanson, (center) takes a moment to discuss with U.S. Department of
Transportation Deputy Secretary Mort Downey, (right) and George Passadore, President Wells Fargo.of
the creativity required of the team players to form a unique public/private venture. The first of it s kind in the nation.
Right photo: U.S. Department of Transportation Deputy Secretary Mort Downey, enjoys a moment with celebrating
partner Helen Knoll, FTA Regional Administrator Region X.
Help Needy Children
TheL.LF.E. (Low-Income Families Emer-
gencyjCenter is having its 16* annual back-to-
school drive for needy children (K-12). The
drive will continue through August 10,1999.
The Center needs new and good usable cloth­
ing to ensure needy children are properly
prepared for the upcoming school year. Ifyou
I need more information or would like to volun­
T he C ity
neighborhood celebration featuring food,
music, entertainment and fun dog events. The
I event is sponsored by the M LK Goode Ole
R e c r e a t io n
2020 Parks Vision Plan
| Or, call the Center for a pick-up.
On Saturday, July 31 “ from 10 AM until 5
I PM, unleash your spirit on M LK Boulevard
I with special sidewalk sale discounts. Enjoy a
P o r tla n d P a r k s
Invite the Public to Share in Their
teer for the giveaway, call Leslie Garth at 503/
284-6878. All donations maybe dropped offat
the L.I.F.E. Center at 2746 NE M LK Jr. Blvd.
Dog Days of Summer
The vision: To reinforce the role of
parks as th e liaison betw een
people, their community, and their
kortland Parks & R ecreation is attem pt
" ing to assem ble a diverse and broadly
representational workingCitizen Tearn.
T h e 2 0 2 0 P ark s V isio n P lan w ill b e a
tw o -y e a r p la n n in g p ro c e ss a im e d at d is ­
c o v e rin g h o w P o rtla n d P ark s & R e c re ­
atio n w ill m e e t th e e v e r c h a n g in g n eed s
o f o u r c o m m u n ity o v e r th e n ex t 20 years.
P o rtla n d h as b e e n e x p e rie n c in g an u n ­
p re c e d e n te d ra te o f g ro w th an d d e v e lo p ­
in a n e w c e n tu ry .
Days Merchants Society. Call Bridget Bayer
I at 503/288-4169.
Ancient Forest Picnic
The 2020 Vision Plan will
focus on three major
issues that our Park
System will face in the
next 20 years:
Join ONRC friends and families for a day
o f guided ancient forest hikes, games, swim­
ming, music and fabulous vegetarian bar-b-
que. Learn about the Oregon W ild campaign
I to protect wilderness in Oregon on Sunday,
August 22 from 11 AM - 5 PM. The cost is $5
for adults, $3 for kids 8-18. This will get you
I the entire day’s activities and all-you-can-eat.
I For more information or directions, contact
C o n s id e r in g th e c u rre n t s ta te
o f o u r p ro g ra m s , la n d an d f a c ili­
tie s as w e ll as th e n a tu re o f fu tu re
d e m a n d , h o w w ill P o rtla n d P a rk s
a n d r e c re a tio n d e te rm in e an a p ­
p r o p r ia te le v e l o f s e r v ic e fo r
s p o rts fie ld s , p o o ls, p la y g ro u n d s ,
Catherine at 503-283-6343 ext.211 or visit
I their website page at ct@ onrc.org.
2nd Annual Marble Tournament
Trophies and prizes are offered to the 1",
2nd, and 3"1 place winners. The event will be
lield in the Water Tower, in the special marble
p it The goal is to get people back to the basics-
down on their hands and knees-discovering the
e tc ., in th e fu tu re ?
H ow w ill w e p r o v id e fo r b o th
th e a c tiv e an d p a s s iv e re c re a tio n
n e e d s o f o u r c o m m u n ity as w ell
as se rv e o u r ro le as ste w a rd s o f
o u r s e n s itiv e e c o s y s te m ?
Celestial wonders- in the marble p it exploring
the craft ofa glass blowing marble making, and
experiencing the history o f marbles. The event
begins Saturday July 23 at 10 AM and Sunday
July 24 at noon. The entry fee is $5 at the David
Frank Charms and Amulets ofthe 2 1* century
If you have any questions, contact David or
I Connie Frank at 503-222-2034.
SI IlM IS S K > \S : ( o iiiiiiu n it i
< ilm ila i in tu ì illa tio n u i ll lie g i ' i ' l l
pi tin it i il it it e li t " n l i n k s
In Ini i t h e e l i ill i t i t i .
m en t. A d ir e c t e ffe c t o f th is g ro w th has
b een an in c re a sin g v a lu e on th e p re s e rv a ­
tio n o f o p e n sp a ce as w ell as re c re a tio n a l
o p p o rtu n itie s c lo se to h o m e. T h e d aw n
o f a new m ille n n iu m su g g e sts th a t it is
tim e to g iv e a fresh lo o k at h o w PP & R
s h o u ld c a p ita liz e on th e se o p p o rtu n itie s
W h a t r e s o u rc e s w ill be n e c ­
e s s a ry to re a c h th e s ta te d g o a ls in
te rm s o f s ta ff, f a c ilitie s , g o v e r ­
n a n c e , p a r tn e rs h ip s an d v o lu n ­
te e rs ? H o w ca n w e n u rtu re an d
b r o k e r th e s e rv ic e s o f o u r k ey
C M « . J o n i» D I,» .o r of Portl.nd R « k . « d RocroUon. PortloM C om m l..lon., Jlm _F ,»»o o o l M . I S,o ol. O IM » 4« M il.
Loop Land Trust relax for a moment during the presentation of Portland Parks and Recreation s 2 0 2 0 Plan.
p a r tn e rs ?