Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 1999, Page 8, Image 8

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J u lv 2 l, 1999
(Tfye ÿlortlanb ©bßeruer
Oregon A rts Commission Announces
Deadline fo r A rts Build Com m unity Grants
The Oregon Arts Com m ission has
announced the deadline for Arts Build
Com munities grants, designed to rec­
ognize and support the use ot the arts
in building and strengthening O r­
egon com m unities.
"The commission believes that the
arts are integral to community develop­
ment in Oregon, and this pregram recog­
nizes the expanding role arts organiza­
tions are taking in the broader social,
educational, and economic arenas ot their
communities,” said Christine D Arcy,
Oregon Arts Commission director.
Arts Build Com m unities is de­
signed to broaden the impact o f the
arts in the community and foster com ­
munity partnerships. D 'A rcy said.
The program 's goal is to better con­
F riends
nect local arts and cultural resources
with specific problem s and opportu­
nities facing com m unities. The ini­
tiative also offers opportunities for
arts organizations to enhance their
role in the com m unity to increase the
impact o f the arts on com m unity life.
Funding support from the USDA
Forest Services Rural C om m unity
A ssistance Program w ill m atch the
grant aw ards o f the A rts B uild co m ­
m unities grants w hich directly sup­
port com m unities w hich have been
under-served by arts services. U n­
d er-serv ed co m m u n ities include
those isolated by geography and both
rural and urban com m unities with
history o f pow erful social, cultural
or econom ic barriers.
Arts Build Communities
grants are available to both
non-profit organizations and
local government programs.
Applications will be ac­
cepted until a postmark dead­
line o f Oct. 30, 1999. Grant
requests must be for activities
and projects occurring be­
tween Jan. 1 and Dec. 31,
2000. To request an applica­
tion, write to the Oregon Arts
Commission at 775 Summer
Street NF, Salem, Oregon
97310, or call (503) 986-
0088. Guidelines are also
posted on the commission’s
w eb
p ag e
art.econ@ state.or.us.
p re s e n te d by
T e so ro P etro leu m C o rp o ra tio n
Fred Meyer Friday Night Blues, August 6th
T rees A nnounces
N eighborhood P lan tin g S ch ed u le fo r
1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 0 Season
L ittle F e a t
N e v ille B ro th e rs
Now's the Time for Property Owners in Northeast Portland to Order Trees
Friday, Aug 6th
Friday, Aug 6th
Friends o f Trees’ Neighborhood
Planting season will involve many com­
munities in Southeast Portland during
the 1999-2000 planting season. Sum­
mer is the time for property owners to
express their interests in purchasing
street trees at a great price ($45 - $65
including the tree, stakes and ties, hole
digging and help on planting day).
A Friend o f Trees is entering year
4 o f its five-year. Seed the Future
Cam paign to restore our urban forest
and strengthen communities. Todate,
10,450 volunteers have helped plant
more than 85,000 trees and seeding
throughout the Portland region. With
only two seasons remaining with Seed
o f Trees Executive Director. “This
is the best deal in town to help beau­
tify the neighborhoods, im prove the
environm ent and to meet neighbors,
H arm on-W alker concluded.
Neighborhood projects scheduled
for N ortheast Portland in the winter/
spring o f 1999-2000 include:
•Beaumont-W ilshire «Concordia
Friday, Aug 6th
•Cully «Grant Park «King
•Rose City Park «Roseway
•Sullivan'sG ulch «Vernon
I f you are interested in
purchasing a tree, helping
out with any other o f these
projects or to learn more
about Friends o f Trees and
its Seed the Future campaign,
call 284-TREE (8733).
Formore information call
284-TREE (8733) or email
us at FOT@ teleport.com.
Saturday, August 7th
Light Rail Repair Work
C laren ce
G atem outh Brown
Big Band
In Lloyd D istrict W ill Reduce Eastside M a x Service for 3 W eeks
B eginning July 15th, Tri-M et con­
tract m aintenance crew s w ill replace
a sw itch at NE l l " 1 and H olladay
Street. The w ork w ill m ean Eastside
M ax riders w ill experience delays
o f up 15-m inutes during rush hour,
and 5-7 m inute delays the rest o f the
day. The project w ill be com pleted
w ithin 2-3 w eeks, and no later than
T uesday, A ugust 3rd.
Because Eastside Max trains will
operate on a single track through the
Lloyd D istrict, Tri-M et m ust reduce
the num ber o f trains operating dur-
ing rush hour.
• Eastside M ax w ill operate ev­
ery 10 m inutes, even during rush
hour w hen trains run an average o f
every 7 m inutes.
• Because fewer Eastside Max
trains w ill be operating during rush
hour, custom ers should leave earlier
to get to and from work or plan an
alternate travel mode.
• Eastside Max trains will be more
crowded than usual during rush hour.
To avoid the crowd, riders should con­
sider taking a bus from Gateway or
Ronnie Earl
& The
B roadcasters
N n e e n a F re e lo n
D avid S a n b o rn
Saturday, Aug 7th
Saturday, Aug 7th
Saturday, Aug 7th
Hollywood Transit Center.
• In addition to ensuring
continued safe operation o f
the sw itch by the Vintage
Trolleys, these repairs will
allow Tri-M et to store an
additional Max train on NE
11 * Avenue that can be used
to provide extra service for
Rose G arden events.
For trip-planning assis­
tance, call 238-RIDE w eek­
days betw een 7:30 AM and
5:30 PM.
Sunday, August 8th
R oyal C ro w n
R e v ie w
B ruce Hornsby
R ic h a rd E llio t
Sunday. Aug 8th
Sunday, Aug 8th
Sunday, Aug 8th
M ose Allison • Sphere, “ Honoring Thelonious Monk”
Flora Purim & Airto • Spirituals To Swing, 100 Years ot Jazz History
Danilo Perez • The Jazz M essengers, The Legacy ot An Biakey”
Darrell Grant, “The Spirit of Ellington” • M ark Isham , “The Silent Way Project”
Kirk W halum , “Gospel According To Jazz” • KeikO M atsui
Jeff Golub With Avenue Blue • Jeru Blue, “Tribute to Gerry Mulligan"
plus Ellen Whyte & Reflex Blue, Paul Mazzio, Dan Faehnle, Jerry Hahn,
Dr Jazz & The Interns, Mary Kadderly, Jed Wilson, People Music Project,
Black Swan Classic Jazz Band, and Beacock’s All-Stars
AUGUST 6 '8 . 1 9 9 9
; JULY 31 m • 7iCC D3L
M t. H ood C om m unitv C o lleg e/G resh am O regon
Tickets are on sale at all TicketM aster outlets, including Gl Joe’s and M eier & Frank
locations, on the web at www.ticketmaster.com, or by calling (503) 224-4400
For 3-Day Reserved Seats, call (503) 231-0161 For more info on the Mt. Hood
Jazz Festival visit our website at www.mthoodjazz.com.
A Special Thanks To Our 1999 Mt. Hood Jazz. Festival Sponsors:
Fred Meyer
fill II UUlj
u soovit
also sponsored by ACT-Advanced Communication Technologies, Inc., Amencan Airlines, The Boeing Company,
Equity Group, Inc. Realtors, Fujitsu, KMHD FM, Mt. Hood Meadows Sk. Resort, Oregon lottery, Pacific Inns.
Perion Bottled Water, VoiceStream, Tazo Tea Company, Willamette Valley Vineyards & Zuka Juice
$8.50 IN ADVANCE, $10.50 DAY OF SHOW
Win a r n c c ticket to the 1999 Mt. Hood Jazz Festival. Simply complete and
return the coupon below. Quantities are limited so return the coupon today!
Coupon must be recieved by July 26, 1999!
I w a n t a fre e tic k e t to th e 1 9 9 9 M t. Hood J a z z Festival!
Return this form to:
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