Page A 7 ÎFfye ÿlortlanh (Obsmier Saturday Academy Students Learn to Apply Math in the Real World Saturday orty-tw o Portland area A f­ Academy rican-American, Latino and students at A m erican-Indian students Intel learn how are spending July learning how math is applied math is used in the real world. in the work D raw n prim arily from N orth and world. Brittinie N ortheast Portland, these students Harper and are participating in the Saturday Mahogani A cadem y A pplied M athem atics Gordon are (SAAM ) Summer Institute. Satur­ making a robotic car and day Academy is a pre-college edu­ using the Lego catio n program o f the O regon Cad program. G raduate Institute o f Science and Kumasi Sadiki, Technology. Jo Ann O ffered every sum m er since Robinson and 1991, SAAM aims to increase stu­ Sarita Smith (in dents’ competence and confidence back) is are regarding math before they enter shown making high school. Com ing from ethnic a video on the groups under-represented in math computer and and science fields, many o f these e-mailing it to friends. students have less opportunity than others to observe role m odels use m athem atics day to day. This y e a r’s institute is being held this m onth until July 30 at Jefferson High School in N orth Portland. T hirty m iddle school Would like to take this opportunity to say graduates are learning "applied m ath ” in the classroom from four sen io r teachers o f color and from 12 high school m entors who have graduated from the program . All students participate in w eekly site visits to learn how m athem atical skills are used in various fields. “T his project offers intensive instruction in m athem atics and to the following local businesses: p ro b lem -so lv in g strateg ies and presen ts the m aterial in such a Renaissance M a rk e t 9 0 9 NE K illin gsw orth w ay that students w ill understand the relevance o f these sk ills,” said MLK Ribs On M LK Blvd 2 8 7 -2 7 7 1 Dr. W illiam Long, D irector o f T ra u m a C a re S e r v ic e s fo r M a rk e t Stone Paving 1 2 9 3 NW Wall St # 1 4 4 4 5 4 1 -5 8 9 -2 1 6 2 Em anuel H ospital. SAAM receives support from Eddie’s Com plete Auto Repair 1 5 4 0 NE K illin g sw o rth 2 8 1 -0 9 5 5 m any local corporations and foun­ datio n s, including Intel, W ells Bobbys 2 5 3 5 NE A lb e rta 3 3 1 -1 8 5 1 Fargo Bank, Portland Parks and Recreation and Standard Insurance. Safew ay Inc. 5 9 2 0 NE M LK Blvd. 2 8 4 -5 9 5 8 In-kind support is provided by Port­ land P ublic S ch o o ls, T ri-M et, AM N orthw est Kittelson Engineering A ssociates and OHSU. Core support for Sat­ The Mom and Pop Stores do not support you. urday A cadem y’s Outreach Initia­ tive, which operates SAAM as well as other math and science outreach program s, comes from M eyer M e­ morial Trust, O regon Com m unity F o u n d a tio n (O C F ), US B ank, Boeing and NW Natural. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , v isit w w w .o e l.e d u S a ta c a d /O u tre ac h or call Renée A nderson at 503/ 282-2694, rander@ adm F P ut a t w i s t on eri me for N a tio n a l N ig h t O u t. or sheriff's department. . PGE and our employees X are proud to support Portland General Electi Electric National Night Out. Yeu Mothers’ Jobs Have Modest Effect on Children B y L inda J acobson Whether children are harmed by having mothers who work outside the home is a topic o f great debate But a new study, published this month in the journal Developmen­ tal Psychology, concludes that the negative effects on children aren’t very great. In fact, the researcher who conducted the study concludes that some children benefit from the income that their mothers bring to the household. Elizabeth Harvey, a psychology professor at the University o f Mas­ sachusetts at Amherst, analyzed data from the long-running National Lon­ gitudinal Survey o f Youth, con­ ducted by the U.S. Department of Labor, to determine how parental employment affects children's aca­ demic achievement, behavior, and emotional development. [ C o n n e c t in g P e o p l e , P o w e r and P o s s ib i l it ie s .29 * SAFEWAY Safeway Club Price F O O D & DRUG Fryer Leg Quarters Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide Cagle's brand. Sold in the 8-lb. bag only, $232 ea. In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area . . .and save more by shopping at Safeway. gg wl Visit Safeways Web site at Dreyer's k e Cream BUY O N E GET ONE Half gallon. Selected varieties. Limit 2, indudes Free one. SAVE up to $4.99 on 2 > •wm A pnm r, t»i d «» * «s» m» tn M m 'r%Uu<4nft or M M ta m S4K « M Ourdm a» wm» "W» t» «wí » FREE Safeway Club Price Seedless Grapes Red Flames and Superior Grown in California. SAVE up to 91 (lb. Now the savings are Safeway Club Price