Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 1999, Page 2, Image 2

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July 21, 1999
ÏFlje ißurthuih (ffhsvruvr
E R 5
Hit-and-Run Worries Road
Construction Workers
• The recent death of a member
of a highway construction crew
on I S is a reminder of the danger
Inherent in the Job
The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation w ith t'rim e Stoppers, is asking
for your help in locating and apprehending Avery Lydell Holloway
A rrest w arrants are on file charging H ollow ay w ith F elo n y Possession
o f a Firearm , P arole V iolation, and A ttem pt E lude »o Police H ollow ay is
k n o w n to frequent N orth and N ortheast Portland. He should be considered
B i P < y 4 T ims of T u t O kf <. u \ k ' s n n
T U A L A T IN — T h e h it-a n d -ru n
arm ed an d dangerous.
, . ...
A very Lydell H ollow ay is a 30-year-old black m ale, w ith a date o fb irth
o f July 24 1968. He is describ ed as a 6 ’4 tall, w eighing 195 pounds, w ith
b ro w n eyes and black hair. H ollow ay has a scar on his back, right finger
traffic d eath o f a freew ay c o n s tru c ­
tio n w o rk er late W e d n e sd a y h a s p o ­
lice se a rc h in g fo r a su s p e c t, an d
o th er crew m e m b e rs w o n d e rin g if
an d ch in , a pierced left ear, and a tattoo on his right arm .
C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation,
reported to C n m e Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest in this case or any
unsolved felony cn m e and you can rem ain anonym ous. C all C n m e Stoppers
they m ay be next.
S tate p olice ask ed for th e p u b lic 's
help in finding the d riv e r o f a car
described by w itn esses as a late ’70s
w hite F ord B ro n co w ith large tires
at (503) 823-HELP.
Man Held in Serial Killings
force m em b ers h ad kept a 2 4 -h o u r
su rv eillan ce on R eed, w h o lived w ith
a g irlfrien d in a g ray , sin g le-fam ily
h o m e in the 3400 b lo ck o f N orth
“ H e w as the quietest one on the
block," said Elijah C ochran, w ho lives
next door. "Y ou know , he didn t bother
C o m m ercial A venue.
A bout 7:30 p.m . Sunday, after he
you, and you didn t bother him.
R achel T o m lin said she alw ay s
th o u g h t o f him as a fam ily m an. " I t’s
had gone to w ork , p o lice carried ou t a
search w arrant at the hom e and tow ed
aw ay his black M itsubishi E clipse
p arked in front o f the house. The
search w arrant records w ere sealed.
Thursday, his parole officer noted that
Reed appeared tired, and theofficeragain
instructed Reed to get a polygraph.
P o lice said th ey re c eiv ed ab o ut
6 0 0 tips as th ey in v estig ated th e k ill­
ings — so m e from p ro stitu tes, the
eerie. I ju s t d o n ’t u n d erstan d how no
one h ere co u ld have noticed.
R eed got divorced in N ovem ber
1997 after a nine-year marriage ; his ex-
H e w as arrested as he w as about to
unlock his bicycle and leave w ork in
the m iddle o f his night shift at R inella
P roduce on S outheast A lder Street.
* ‘H e got a call from his girlfriend, and
v ic tim s’ friends an d o th ers.
Worries on dangerous s treets
The arrest brought slight relief at
Rose H aven, a center for hom eless
w om en in O ld Town. H om eless advo­
w ife has custody o f their tw o sons, ages
8 and 11, but they visited him regularly.
H e w as behind bars from N ovember
1992 until N ovember 1995 for first-
degree attempted rape and violating the
conditions o f a pnor first-degree bur­
glary conviction from Gresham, accord­
all o f a sudden he w ent over to his bike to
leave, and the police got him ," owner
Dave Rinella said, pointing out the black
bicycle still chained to the fence.
A t Rinella, w here he worked five
nightsaw eekloadm gproduce.his bosses
described him as punctual and reliable.
“ H e w as o n e o f the b etter o n es,"
said F red P ittm an , a m an ag er. “ Y ou
n ev er w o u ld hav e know n. H e lo oked
very harm less. H e lo o k ed k in d o f
like a n erd y gu y , w ith th ick g lasses
an d strin g y b ro w n h air."
R eed liked to read science fiction
and fantasy books and w ould talk about
them with co-w orkers. The only un­
usual thing co-workers noticed was when
cates expressed gratitude for tenacious
police work, renew ed sadness for the
deaths o f the w om en, cautious opti­
m ism that the right m an had been caught
and extrem e frustration that Portland s
ing to the Department o f Corrections.
Eight years of supervision
After his release, he was ordered to
serve eight years o f post-prison supervi­
sion, including sex-offender treatment
for the attempted rape, w hich involved a
knife used against a 24-year-old woman,
said M aggie Miller, spokeswom an for
M ultnom ahCountyCommunity Justice.
F or the m ost part, his supervision
w as routine, and during the past sev­
eral years he had m ade required con­
tact w ith his parole officer m ore than
200 times. B ut he w as kicked out o f
sex-offender treatm ent tw o w eeks ago
for failing to attend. M iller said. A t that
point, parole officials knew he w as a
he w ent into a panic about a m onth ago
because he feared he had lost his wallet.
O n his N orth Portland block, neigh­
bors reacted w ith surprise and disbe­
suspect in the Forest Park case.
“Hewasalwaysnoncompliantin treat­
m e n t and (his parole officer) was always
trying to keep him in treatm ent" Miller
lie f M onday. R eed m ostly kept to
him self, they said, b u t they som etim es
saw him barbecuing on his frontporch,
riding his 10-speed bicy cle or sp en d ­
said. He also had repeatedly failed to get
a polygraph test that was required rou­
tinely as part o f his sex-offender treat­
ment. During his most recent hom e visit
and hig h -b ack seats.
T ith M ao, 29, o f O lym pia, d ied o f
injuries suffered w hen the northbound
car struck him at approxim ately 11:45
p.m. ju st south o f the N y b erg S treet
overpass on Interstate 5.
M ao 's death brings to six the n u m ­
ber o f construction crew m em bers and
m otorists killed in w ork zones this
year. The m ost recent incident prior to
W ednesday ’ s occurred tw o w eeks ago,
m o st d angerous o ccupation in the
U n ite d S ta te s , a c c o rd in g to th e
L ab o rer's H ealth an d Safety Fund o f
N orth A m erica. Since 1994, accord­
ing to the fund, the risk o f death is seven
tim es higher for highw ay w orkers than
forav erag e w orkers. T he risk of injury
is 66 percent greater, the fund reported.
O reg o n ’s O ccupational Safety and
H ealth D i vision’s num bers indicate that
the occupation ranks at least am ong the
10 m ost dangerous in the state, said
Steve C orson, a division spokesm an.
L arry C h ristian so n , w ho c o o rd i­
n a te s
th e
T ra n s p o r ta tio n
D e p a rtm e n t’s w o rk -zo n e safety e f­
fort, said m ost o f th ese crashes can
be a ttrib u te d to d riv ers m ak in g the
w ro n g ch o ices, w h eth er it is d riving
w h ile im paired, d riv in g aggressively
o r failing to pay atten tio n .
“W e d o n ’t regard this latest occur­
rence as an accident,” Christianson said.
for w hile flag g in g traffic, sh e said.
“ E veryone is alw ays late, an d it’s
alw ays our fault," said C hris M artinez,
33, a crew m em b er em p lo y ed by
B ergeson B oese & A ssociates Inc. of
W ilsonville. “ Itse e m s like it’s getting
w orse alm ost by the d ay .”
M artinez said he w as alm ost struck
on the last jo b by a speeding car driven
by a laughing motorist. The teen-age
driver, later apprehended by police, said
he j ust felt like m ow ing dow n the traffic-
slow ing cones M artinez had set out.
“ W h en y o u ’re o u t h ere, th ere is
alw ay s o n e th in g to keep in m in d ,”
M artin ez said. “ N ev er tak e y o u r eyes
o f f th e traffic. N e v e r.”
B eforeW ednesdaynight’saccident,
num erous w itnesses reported that the
vehicle w as w eaving across lanes on
Interstate 205 and then Interstate 5. It
veered from the freew ay’s right lane
into the closed-offcenter lane as crew s
applied striping to freshly
‘‘T his w as a preventable
applied asphalt ju s t be­
incident that could have
fore m idnight.
been avoided.”
Highway co nstru ction w ork is
T h e d riv er, d e scrib ed
O n Thursday, traffic risky business.
m an in h is late 20s
flaggers throughout the
U.S. since 1984: more than 10.0U0
shaggy dark h air cut
area recounted their own
• D eaths in Oregon work zones
e th e e a rs , sp e d
near-misses as road con­ since 1 98 5 : 166
an d last w as seen
struction season— and
in 1 9 9 7 :2 1 : in 1 9 9 8 :1 4 ; so far
o u n d o n 1-5.
the anger it sparks in
th is year: 6
know from wit­
fru strated drivers —
Source Oregon Dept o f Transportation
that the car w as
m oves into full swing.
traveling m uch faster on I-
P enny N icholas,41,
205 than the posted65 m ph speed limit,”
a flagger for J . P. C onstruction ofB end,
said state police L t G regg Hastings,
helped shepherd cars past a W est Linn
spokesman for the O regon State Police.
intersection w here a new fight pole is
‘ ‘ It was apparently having di fficultv main­
going in.
taining a lane o f travel on 1-5, too.
O nly a few hours earlier, she said, a
M em bers o f the public had p honed
w om an driving a van loaded w ith chil­
o u t 30 tips as o f T h u rsd ay a fte r­
dren knocked dow n all eight bright-
H astin g s said.
orange traffic cones — and blithely
hether from intoxication or fa­
kept going as if nothing had happened.
appears to be som e type o f
“ W e understand the frustration of
im pairm ent involved," H astings said.
waiting, because w e all want to get home
" W e ’ve got a lot o f w ork ahead o f us."
toourow n families tonight,'' said Nicho­
w hen D ebra A nn C ousins, 44. w as
struck and killed w hile flagging traffic
on O regon 730 about five m iles east o f
B oardm an in Eastern O regon.
Safety in construction zones is be­
coming a prim e concern for state Trans­
portation Department officials, as well as
for the workers w ho m ust stand only
inches from long fines o f frustrated driv­
en; winding their w ay through the height
streets still are dangerous.
o f the sum m er road construction season.
A m a th a S a e n z , 18, w h o w as
“T here’s not a person out here w ho
friends w ith Iso n , has n o t b een lo­
’t scared m ost o f the tim e,” said
cated sin ce she w as rep o rted m issing
Shaw n C urtis, 21, w ho has flagged
n early th ree w eek s ago.
R elatives o f the v ictim s said they traffic for five m onths for K .M . Ser­
w ere p leased w ith th e arrest and vices o f V ancouver, W ash. "E v en on
p led g ed to follow R e e d ’s case as it the best days, w e get a lot o fsw earin g ."
O fficials had hoped a law passed by
w in d s th ro u g h court.
1995 L egislature doubling fines for
“ I’m relievedthatthey finally caught
las, a seven-year veteranofthejob. ‘ ‘W hat
w e don’t understand is the rudeness."
H er com pany w as alarm ed enough
someone, ’saidSusan Ison, Alexandna s traffic violations in construction zones
mother. Police called Ison about 6 a.m. w ould be enough. B ut, they said, m o ­
M onday to tell her. "T h ere’s no justifi­ torists consistently ignore the penalties
cation for what happened, but I w ant to and seem to drive faster each year.
“ Everyone is on edge today,” said
know how it happened. A nd. I w ant to
b y the tw o re cen t co n stru ctio n zone
d e a th s to call an areaw id e safety
m e etin g o f all flag g ers, she said. T he
m eetin g , sched u led to b e held in P o rt­
lan d in three w eek s, w ill cover acci-
d en t p rev en tio n an d w h at to look o u t
see this guy, face to face. 1 w ant to see R on Scheele, a spokesm an for the O r­
this to the end, and 1 w ant to m ake sure egon D epartm ent o f Transportation.
“Everybody is pretty shook upabout it.”
justice is served."
H ighw ay construction now is the
Stephanie R ussell’s father, Robert
O fficials at W estlin e C o n stru c ­
tion o f O ly m p ia said they d id n o t
know w hen em ployees w ould resum e
w ork at the 1-5 p a v in g site.
A spokeswom an, w ho declined to
give her name, said M ao had worked for
the com pany for 10 years. His death
marks the first time a W estline employee
has died in a construction zone, she said.
Russell, said he felt in his heart that
police had caught the real killer. “It
d oesn't bring Stephanie back, but it
gives m e peace that no one else will get
killed and that Stephanie can rest,” he
said. "T he police have been real heroes.
I salute them for w hat th ey 'v e done."
ing tim e w ith his tw o sons.
With FHA's new
higher loan limits,
City Announces Arts and
Heritage Grant Program
$30,000 for arts and hentage efforts
w ill be available for the rem ainder o f
1999 with the introductionoftheC ity o f
V ancouver’s Cultural Plan grants pro­
gram. The funding is intended as an
incubator ofarts and heritage endeavors
that benefit citizens countyw ide It is
available to tax-exem pt nonprofit orga­
nizations, public and tax-supported or­
ganizations, private organizations and
individuals. G rants will be available in
am ounts from $ 1,000 to $ 10,000.
Cultural Services has scheduled two
inform ational w orkshops for prospec­
tive grant applicants. T hey w ill b e held
program Cultural Commission m em ­
bers, w ho recently completed a Cultural
Plan with eight goals, see the grant pro­
gram as a major accomplishment in sup­
port for arts and heritage efforts that
contribute significantly to a vibrant cul­
tural atmosphere. Applicants should
focus on one o r m ore Cultural Plan’s
goals, w hich are: public art, hentage
resources, arts facilities, diversity, edu­
cation, development and redevelopment.
award cycle for 2000 will begin in Janu­
ary, with applications due March 1.
For more info, call Pam Brokaw,
Cultural Services manager, a t696-8297.
Open Houses
C lark C ounty is proposing nine
changes to its Arterial Atlas, the m ap o f
T uesday, July 27, from 10A .M .-noon.
Providing funding for arts and heri­
potential m ajor roadw ays that are part
o f its long-range transportation system.
The county is holding a series o f open
houses to give citizens a chance to find
out m ore about the proposals and to
offer com m ents about them. The open
Tuesday, July 2 7
Clark C ounty Em ergency Services
B uilding,707W. □ "’S treet V ancouver
Thursday, July 2 9
Clark C ounty Public W orks O pera­
tions C enter, 1700 N E 78"’ Street,
ap p lican ts to fill three v acan cies on
th e V a n co u v er B o ard o f A d ju stm en t
T he B oard o f A djustm ent is a five-
m em b er citizen s group appo in ted by
C ity C ouncil to co n sid er variance re ­
q uests for re lie f to ow n ers o f indi­
vidual parcels o f land from “unneces-
dream home.
house will take place on:
Thursday, July 22
Clark Public Utilities (Com m unity
R o o m ), 8 6 0 0 N E 117"’ A v e n u e ,
7:30 p . m .
M ost o f the proposed changes deal
with roadways that could be constructed
over the next tw enty years, either all at
V ancouver
once o r in pieces.
- —
sary hardships or practical d ifficu l­
ties” created b y strict ap p lication o f
p ro v isio n s o f the zo ning ordinance
T he b o ard also hears appeals o f the
Z o n in g A d m in istrato r’s d ecision re­
lating to interpretation and ad m in is­
tration o f the zoning ordinance.
M em b ers serv e fiv e-y ear term s.
H o w 's
th a t fo r a h o u s e w a r m in g
g ift?
V ancouver
All open houses are from 5:30 to
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City Invites Applications for Position
On Vancouver Board Of Adjustment
T h e C ity o f V a n c o u v e r is seek in g
you can buy your
Focus on Proposed Change to County's Long Range Transportation Plan
at M arshall house, 1301 O fficers R ow ,
M onday, July 26, from 6-8 p . m . and
tage through a competitive grant process
is a major goal o f the city’s Cultural
Comm ission, an advisory board tot he
City Council and to the C ity 's Cultural
Services. Followingalkicationof$30,000
for each year o f the 1999-2000 bien­
nium, the Cultural Com m ission held a
series o f public w ork sessions to invite
the „ grant
I U Z A . i l input into design o
----- f ----------
cultural poficy.andnetw orking.and sup­
port dev eloped through partnerships.
Grant application packets will beavail-
able beginning M onday, July 19. T o
request an application, call 696-8171.
Deadline forsubmittingproposaLs is Sep­
tember 1 at 5 p.m. The application and
T h e C o m m issio n m eets o n an “on-
c a ll” b asis.
A pplications are available through
P eggy F u m o , V an co u v er C ity H all,
P.O . B ox 1995, V a n co u v er, W A
98668-1995 o r b y callin g 696-8484.
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