Çurtlauh (©baemr Focus Focus S U P P L E M E N T August 21-22 at the Expo Center OF •jjjortiatth (©bserùer Publisher Chuck Washington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Director o f Advertising Tony Washington Copy Editor Joy Ramos Welcome! Get out of the crowd and into the game! Hoop It Up is where you play for something more than talk. This is the best 3-on-3 tournament in the known universe. It is time to sign up, suit up and show up. Whether you are a Top Gun or a rusty gun, we’ll do our best to match your team against teams on your playing level. Whether you’re 8 or 80, male or female, play every day or haven’t played in five years, you’ll get fun games, fairly matched. Top Gun Division winners will earn the right to represent this city at the Regional Playoffs, and if they win there, at the National Champion­ ships, which will be broadcast on NBC Sports. Creative Director NBA Action Heather Fairchild 4747 NE Martin Luther '-î * "*/ í , y ■ * ‘ King, J r B lv d . Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 You’re gonna love this game. Be­ and enjoy the sound of music from the Cathedral Park Jazz sides competitive 3-on-3 play, ev­ Concert goers bask in the summer sun Festival. eryone can enjoy an NBA-styled special event going on all weekend! Grab your teammate or a friend and play NBA The Jewish Federation of Portland and ‘¿ball presented by Gatorade and Spalding! It The M ittlem an Jewish Community Center takes two to score in the NBA ¿ball competition present - a 60-second test of shooting, strategy, and teamwork. Sign up at the NBA ¿ball court for a fast paced competition that’s fun for everyone. The F irst Annual e-mail: news@ portlandobserver.net Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ 1 iil ti'fl w f tographs can be returned if ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. nORTIAND J ewish 'ESTIVAL Deadline for Entries: August 11th Your entry must be postmarked or received on or before Wednesday, August l l lh for Port­ land. If entering Portland after August U ,h, re­ view the entry form for late fee information. As space is limited, entries will be accepted on a ‘first come, first-served’ basis. Team Check-In A team representative will be required to attend Team Check-In on Friday, August ¿0"* on the first floor of the Mall under the Foot Locker, located at 1‘233 Lloyd Center. Check in is from 3 PM to 8 PM. There you will receive your team’s schedule and player favors. Sunday July 25 2 ’. 00-6*.00PM Reed College Campus 3203 S W Woodstock Blvd FREE! Entertainment All Day! Fun For The Whole Family! For More Info, Surf the 'Net! Come visit the Hoop-It-Up Website at... www.hoopitup.com ... for the latest information on all tournaments! Music by the Schneiderman Sisters featuring Stephanie Schneiderman, opening act fo r the Lillith Fair! Michael Allen Harrison and Friends Showcase Concert with Jiappy 'Qirthiay Johnny J lu ff 'from 'Family b 'Frittiti Great Jewish Food from Garbanzos, Ron’s Center Deli, Noah's Bagels and More! Jewish A rts Festival Booths,Retail Booths, Children's Arts and C rafts, Storytelling, Maccabi Games. ... Sponsored by WELLS FARGO, Fred Meyer, Quality Food Center (QFC) and Dan's Subaru and Honda For More Inform ation Call 24 4 -0 1 1 1 or 2 4 5 -6 2 1 9 tWPTkr P w O m M Okwrar , ESSI iiR Ä ä i'B U S d l W -. w -*- h **»W ^~ **-***’* ,,*'’' m -•*•'•**"* v* F-. .rfi I