July 21, 1999 ©bseruer Page B7 =1 ß \v, he A Weekly Publication from ^Jortlanò (hbscrorr Glosario Glossary a d q u iría n - aquired al n ú m e ro - the num ber a p lic a r m e d id as p rev e n tiv as - apply preventitive m easures c o m p ra -v e n ta de n arc ó tico s - buy/sell narcotics c o n s id e ra ro n en e n tre v ista s p o r s e p a ra d o - considered in separate interview s c r e a r á - created d e je n de s e m b ra r - w ithout planting delitos c o n tra la sa lu d - health crim es d esy erb e - w eeded d irig e n c ia s - leadership Northwest Health Foundation Awards $1.4 Million E l se c re ta rio - T he secretary em pleo te m p o ra l - tem porary em ploym ent e n tre viciosos - am ong users e n tre v ista - interview e stá n - they are T he N orthw est H ealth Founda­ tion announced it has aw arded ap­ proximately $ 1.4 million for its spring 1999 grant cycle. T he Foundation is explicó - explained fra cc io n es - fractions G o b e rn a c ió n - G overnm ent g o b e rn a d o r - governor im p a c ta d o - im pact inicia m a ñ a n a - will initiate tom orrow in itia tiv a - initiative in q u ie tu d e s - anxiety, w orry in te rn a - internal la c a p tu r a - the capture com m itted to advancing, supporting, and promoting the health o f the people o f O regon and Southw est W ashington. The Foundation B oard o f D irectors are com prised o f civic and governm ent leaders; educators and m edical pro­ fessionals; and b u sin ess leaders. F o rty - tw o o r g a n iz a tio n s w e re to recruit, hire, and tram Hispanic com m unity members to be ‘health prom oters’ in their ow ncom m unities. aw arded grants from the N orthw est H ealth Foundation for the spring as w ell as o th e r m in o rities, are underrepresented in the medical com­ 1999 grant cycle. T he grants m ade to th e se o rg a n iz a tio n s ran g e from munity. rh e Foundation sought to es­ tablish more adequate representation and communication between the His­ panic population and the medical com­ populations. Projects range from sup­ portive aftercare for homeless people after hospitalization, to the production o f a video promoting organ donor pro­ grams. Needs addressed by these grants L os g a n a d e ro s - The cattle­ projects the Foundation funded in­ cluded the areas o f Alzheimer’s dis­ ease, asthma, AIDS and nicotine-in­ duced ailments. Populations served include youth, seniors, women, mi­ norities, low-income individuals and evaluating a project’s purpose in rela­ tion tot he Foundation’s grant priori­ ties and funding preferences; the capa­ bility o f an applicant organization and its staff to achieve the desired results o f the project; and other relevant selec­ tion criteria. Grant recipients are tax- exempt charitable organizations, edu­ cational institutions or governmental families and the homeless. Supporting the training o f minor­ ity health care professionals, Mt. Hood entities. Grants are not made to indi­ viduals, or “private foundations”. The N orthw est H ealth Founda­ tion expects to aw ard a total o f $3 C om m unity College will use grant m illion in 1999. Mérida, Yuc., Al responder a las inquietudes por la sequía en Sonora, el yaque el hato ganadero ha dism inuido considerablem ente, por lo que de los p re su n to s - the alleged gobern ad o r Armando López Nogales s e g u ir las a c tu a les co n d icio n e s m e z c la rá - m ixed señaló que los gobiernos estatal y fed­ c lim a to ló g ic a s eral elaboran un programa emergente de empleo para que productores del campo puedan enfrentar una crisis que expectativas no son positivas. López Nogales explicó que en las m o rta l m e rc a n c ía - deadly product vive ya su quinto año, lo que perm ite no son positiv as - are not posi­ am inorar los efectos nigativos con tives recursos extraordinarios. Los ganaderos, dijo, experimentan una experiencia que les ha permitido ap lica r m edidas preventivas, no ob­ stante lo cual ha im p actad o al estado. p a rtid o s politicos - political parties p erio d o - period p e rm ite - allow en S o n o ra las hectáreas qeu se dejen de sem b rar el presupuesto del procampo se dejen de sembrar el presupuesto del Procampo se m ezclará con recursos del gobierno del estado y se creará así el programa emergente de empleo tem poral, que servirá para desazolve de canales y desyerbe en tanto no llueva Childrstf’tf Fair p la n te l - school J e ria p lá tic a s - talks p ro d u c to re s - producers C -e rtiu rta Z /W T r ifle s FUN, REFRESHMENTS, RESOURCES AND FREE STUFF! /fa/7Ze with prizes. Tips fo r Parents. Child Development information. Lead Testing quinto año - fifth year JUEGOS, REFRESCOS, RECURSOS, COSAS GRATIS!!! re c u rso s - resources Avuda para Padres. Information del Desarollo de Ninos. Examinar para plomo re s p o n d e r - respond Saturday/Sabado • August 14,1999 • 10 a . m . - 3 p . m . re sp o n sa b ilid a d d ire c ta - di­ rect responsability Please fill out. enclose check or money order, and mail to: su isc tim o is project tóxicos - toxics (C lje ^ l o r t l a n b ( © b a c r u c r u n a te lev iso ra - a television P. 0. BOX 3137 • POBTUBD, OIEGOI 97208 station v a rio s - several lilt. de sus c o m p ra d o re s - and nam es o f his buyers S u á re z A rista, su có m p lic e , se efe ctu ó frente al n ú m e ro 4 2 2 0 de la av en id a P ro lo n g a ció n D iv isió n d el N o rte, luego de q ue h ab ian en tre g ad o a un in d iv id u o -q u e se d io a la fuga - , v ario s e n v o lto rio s p resu n ta m e n te co n co caín a. Los ahora indiciados, se inform ó en la IV ag encia del M in isterio P ú b lic o , e s p e c ia li z a d a e n la atención de d elito s c o n tra la sa lu d , fueron sorprendidos en los instantes qu e ce rra b an u n a o p era ció n de c o m p ra - v e n ta d e n a rc ó tic o s las q u e p re s u n ta m e n te e fe c tu a b a n ju d ic ia le s, em p re n d ió la h u id a y no obstante los esfu erzo s policiales fu e im p o sib le su cap tu ra. II,» ?ortlanh