July 2i, 199»------------------------------------------------------------------- fb r tb n ìi Vancouver Housing Authority Im m ediate opening. Responsible for A D V E R T IS IN G Contracts Compliance Administrator The Finance Division of Multnomah County is currently seeking a Contracts Compliance Administrator. The person in this position will plan, develop, and supervise the County's Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business (MWF/B) program and the contract management system; coordinate contract management with other divisions and departments; and perform a variety of technical tasks relative to the assigned area of responsibility. The successful candidate will have training and experience equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in business administration or a related field and three years of responsible administrative experience in contract management. One year of lead or supervisory experience is highly desirable. Multnomah County welcomes applicants of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, who are able to enhance service to our diverse community. Salary range is $41,892-$58,649 annually. Multnomah County offers a comprehensive benefit program, including fully paid - family medical, vision, and dental coverage, and fully paid participation in the Public Employees Retirement System (RERS). Application m aterials and job announcement are available at; m u itn o m a h .n r.u s /. Application materials can also be obtained in person or by mailing a self-addressed, stamped envelope, requesting application materials for Exam Number 964401, to: Multnom ah County Employee Service«, 1 1 2 0 SW 5“ Avenue, First Floor Lobby, P.O. Box 1 4 7 0 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 3 -0 7 0 0 . Applications, m ust be postmarked by August 6 ,1 9 9 9 , to be considered. Assisted access to Multnomah County iob information and website is available at Multnomah County Libraries. A Portland State University Wilsonville Heights 3 0 1 2 5 SW Brown Rd. W ilsonville, OR 9 7 0 7 0 (503) 6 8 2 -3 3 3 6 Se&NTUNTV Education (two positions) needed for alternative school providing GED and employment Training for youth age 16-21. Responsibilities include developIngandteachingGED, basic skills, employment, and life skills curriculum and case management o f youth In com bined GED/ employment training program. Oregon teaching certificate required. Starting salary range $26,500- 2 8 ,5 0 0 + excellent benefits. Please submit cover letter and resume Attn: O perations M anager, Youth Employment Institute, 1704 NE 26°’, Portland, OR 97232. Position closes 7 /3 0 /9 9 at 5:00pm. We value diversity. EEO D ay C a r e /F a m lly D e v e lo p m e n t Supervisor needed for alternative s ch o o l p ro v id in g GED and employment training for youth age 16-21. Responsibilities include supervision o f on-site day-care o p e ra tio n s . D e m o n s tra te d experience providing infant and toddler care, three years exp. Preferred. AA degree in early childhood or closely related field or c o m b in a tio n o f tra in in g and experience required. Starting salary $ 2 3 ,9 9 9 + excellent benefits. Please subm it cover letter and resume Attn: Operations Manager, Youth Employment Institute, 1704 NE 26th, Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 . P o sitio n c lo s e s 7 / 3 0 / 9 9 at 5:00pm. We value diversity. EEO Janitor Janitorial The Vancouver Housing Authority is Holman Building Services Immediate openings for Floor Care Technicians. recruiting for a half time Janitor to perform a variety of cleaning and janitorial tasks In Housing Authority owned buildings. May be assigned to perform ground work and minor repairs as needed. Competitive w age, e x c e lle n t b e n e fits . Application materials are available at the VHA Administrative Office, 500 Omaha Way, Vancouver, WA 98661, or by calling (360) 694- 2501. Closes 5:00 p.m. Monday July 26, 1999. Equal Opportunity Employer Office Administrative Assistant needed for alternative school providing GED and employment training for youth age 16-21. Responsibilities include re c e p tio n , re co rd -ke e p in g , maintaining professional office e n viro n m e n t, and se cre ta ria l supportto staff. Working knowledge o f word for windows and databases required. Experience working with adolescents preferred. Starting salary $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 + excellent benefits. Please submit cover letter and resume Attn: Operations Manager, Youth Employment Institute, 1704 NE 26”’ , Portland, OR 97 2 3 2 . P o sitio n c lo s e s 7 / 3 0 / 9 9 at 5:00pm. We value diversity. EEO. Salmon Corps Salm on Corps is looking for young adults (ages 18-25), to serve the Portland community by restoring salmon habitat and watersheds. Learn about environmental and social issues facing the Northwest and be a part o f the community solution. Service begins October 4, 1999 and runs 11 months. M e m b e rs le a rn life , jo b , conservation, team building and leadership skills; receive up to 18 college credits, a GED or high school diploma if needed, child care, health care, a $ 4 ,7 2 5 education scholarship, and a living stipend. Please call Mikael Kuhn 9 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -0 8 2 0 fo r fu rth e r information and an application or stop by the office: 2 030 NE MLK Jr. P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 2 . Applications must ba submitted by B p.m . on August 1 3 . Accounting Assistants - A /P And A /R Detail oriented. Comfortable in fast- paced office. Non-profit and MAS90 experience preferred. Resume: Northwest Housing Alternatives, 2 3 1 6 SE Willard St., Milwaukie, OR 97 2 2 2 . Attn: Dlr. Of France; fax: 654-1319. applications must be received by 5 :0 0 p.m. Monday, August 2, 1999. V a n c o u v e r H o u s in g Equal Opportunity Employer If subsidized units are not available at th is tim e, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to "EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY." Educatlon/Development Specialist« enforcing lease agreements and re n t c o lle c tio n . In te rp re tin g complex program requirements and applying them to specific situations, resolving tenant related p ro b le m s and c o m p la in ts , interviewing clients to determine continued eligibility, assessingjob re a d in e s s , d e v e lo p in g and implementing a “ Moving to Work” a g re e m e n t, c o m p u tin g re n t, maintaining files and paperwork for a caseload o f tenants. Requires graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in one of the social sciences or re la te d fie ld and tw o years p ro g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le e xp e rie n ce o r an e q u iv a le n t com bination o f education and experience. M ust have knowledge o f caseload management and eligibility determination. Starting salary $2322 per month; excellent benefits. Call (360) 694-2501 or (5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 -5 5 9 3 to re q u e s t required application m aterials. Resumes without applications will not be accepted. C o m p leted A uthority, 2 5 0 0 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98660. SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIM E. Education (fibaeruvr Moving To Work Case Manager LASSIEIE I J Full tim e w/overtim e & benefits. Must have good driving record and take pride in a job well done. Apply a t 2 8 0 1 SW 9 * Ave. between 9 am and 5 pm , M-F or call 236-2092 Portland State University is searching for a Director of New Student Programs. Responsibilities include recruitment, enrollment planning and implementation, assistance in new s tu d e n t o rie n ta tio n s , management of student database. Requires M aster's degree, five y e a rs c o lle g e re c ru itm e n t, a d m is s io n s a n d /o r re la te d experience, including professional staff management. Review of files begins August 13— Position open until filled. Appointment is effective S e p te m b e r 1 5 , 1 9 9 9 . For application packet contact: Ruth Toba, Secretary Director of New Student Programs Search PSU Office of Student Affairs PO Box 7 5 1 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 7 -0 7 5 1 (5 0 3 ) 7 2 5 -5 3 4 1 Portland State University promotes equal opportunity for all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status Mental Health Case M gr/ Therapist M ulti-cultural CMHC seeks clinician to provide assessment, Rx plans, 1-1, case mgmt for adult CMO w / dual diagnosis, & groups. MSW or MA/MS in related field. PT $ 1 6 / hr. African/Am erican/M inorities encouraged to apply. Submit resum e&coverlettertoCCMH. M. Blum, 3716 NE MLK Jr., Portland, OR 97212 or Fax (503) 288-8168. W hen it comes to keeping Oregon healthy, we couldn't care more. Since 1941, Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians O ur people understand that while quality often has a pnce, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthwhile pursuit to you. consider our possibilities: C ro u p A c c o u n ta n t I (job #3174) In this entry-level position, you will be responsible for performing accurate and timely eligibility and reconciliation tasks fo r 350-600 groups This will include generating group bills; coordinating eligibility changes w ith subsidianes; morutonng and pursuing aged accounts: and ensunng cash is processed through daily reconciliation. Requires a High School diploma, GED or equivalent and previous office and accounting expenence College level accounting courses are desired. Must have strong verbal and w ritten communication skills and be a team player with the ability to work well with all levels of employees, and identify and pnorrtize w ork to meet deadlines M e d ic a l M a n a g e m e n t C o o rd in a to r (job #2575) W e re currently expenencmg high growth due to a recent business acquisition and have several exciting opportunities available! As a Medical Management Coordinator you will perform advanced medical case assessment management and intervention which includes pre-authorization. as well as concurrent medical review. You wiH oversee medical care provided to subscnbers to comply with company quality assurance, utilization review and case management policies and procedures You must have a current Oregon RN's license and at least 3 years' active practice in a hospital setting o r recent pre-certification expenence. You must have knowledge o f current medical and nursing standards o f practice and a valid Oregon o r Washington driver's license with a good dnving record.The ability to exercise independent judgment and initiative is necessary, as is the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously and pnorrtize workload. Expenence with the following would be helpful: utilization review, quality assurance, discharge planning, home health care, o r HIT. A ssistant A u d ito r (|ob #3202) As the entry level member within the Medicare Reimbursement and Audit Department you will be responsible for performing desk reviews, field audits, and finalizations m accordance with generally accepted accounting pnnciples (GAAP), federal regulations, and approved Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) procedures. Duties wi) include performing assigned audit procedures; prepanng necessary work papers to document audit findings; and obtaining knowledge o f the providers’ accounting systems; and perform audits at providers' facilities Requires a Bachelor's degree m Accounting Previous work expenence in accounting or health care services is a definite plus Ability to develop working knowledge o f the Medicare cost reporting forms as well as become familiar with generally accepted accounting principles reimbursement recitations manuals and other directives issued is necessary. P ro d u c tio n C o n tro l O p e ra to r (job #3375) You wtH be responsible for outgoing manual mass mailing pre-assembly and mailing o f Individual Literature packets, and processing special mailing protects and miscellaneous forms as needed Dubes will include operating controlling and monitonng the Master Mailer inserting machine; documenbng and reporting problems with daily production; and maintaining sufficient amount o f postage m meters. Requires a High School education, GED or equivalent a valid driver's license and previous expenence working on postage meters Excellent attendance and the ability to maintain a flexible work schedule necessary Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds. W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment. To apply, please indicate job number and/or tide at the top of your resume or cover letter and submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence H M O Oregon, Hum an Resources, P O. Box 1271, Portland, OR ♦7207-I270.TT Y (SOI) 225-4710 W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment *9 Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon For more information about career opporbnties. cal osr job Information line ( M t ) U I - I 4 I 7 o r visit our wobsito s t «nmv.bcbto.com Page B6 Dog Control Officer 1 $2162-$2731 per month Clackamas County has a vacancy for a skilled person to enforce dog control laws, handle dogs and provide customer service. Must possess valid driver’s license and be able to lift 75 pounds. Knowledge of dog handling, animal diseases, and record keeping are required. Compressed work week of 4 days a week (37.5 h rs/w k) including Saturdays. County Employment Application Required. Application materials available at Clackamas County Personnel, 900 Main Street, Oregon City, OR 97045, (503) 655- 8459 or download an application fro m o u r web s ite h t t p : / / w w w . c o . c la c k a m a s . o r . u s / personnel/jobs.html. Closing date August 2, 1999, 5:00 PM. EEO Employer Social Services Volunteers o f Americs of Oregon, a not- for-profit social services organization with a 102-year history serving this com­ munity, has the following positions: PROGRAM ASSISTANT £ Work w ith seniors with disabilities providing therapeu­ tic health and social activities in a d iy tim e , group set­ ting. Volunteers o f America o f Oregon (VOA) Adult Day Care is currently seeking Program Assistants to work in a m ulti -cultural, team setting to support seniors in maintaining independence m the com m unity CNA pre­ ferred One fu ll-tim e, regular and several on-call posi­ tions, available $8 OO/hour and excellent benefits. Closing date July 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 Send resu m e, o r stop by to fill o u t an ap p licatio n , a t V o lu n teers o f A m erica o f Oregon. Inc., 5 3 7 SE A lder S treet. Portland. O reg o n 9 7 2 1 4 , referen cin g ADC. VOLUNTEER AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION COORDINATOR Domestic Violence program recruiting for experienced, organized coordinator o f our volunteer and com m unity Make the move that pays. Earn extra income, insurance and retirement benefits. Sharpen your career skills, and get advanced training, or qualify for over $9,000 toward your college expenses. For one weekend a month and two weeks a year, make the move that pays off. For information, call: education com ponent Responsibilities include volun­ teer recruitment and training, supervision o f staff and volunteers, program development, com m unity netw ork­ ing, and oversight o f com m unity education and train ­ (503) 335-4738 or ing Req: domestic violence advocacy exp., computer literacy, public speakmg/traim ng skills, exp in volunteer mgt., 0 0 1 and reliable vehicle Cover letter MUST address how you meet the following requirements (one 1-800-232-3421 or more must be true) you are from a com m unity o f Human Resources Assistant color, you have experience with diverse populations, N e ll K elly C o ., a P o rtla n d -b a se d design-build general remodeling c o n tra c to r and c a b in e t manufacturer, seeks a fulltim e HR administrative assistant. General HR experience and great PC skills required. HR education a plus. Experience with benefits, workers' co m p ., s c h e d u lin g /tra in in g program coordination a plus. Neil Kelly is one of Oregon Business Magazine's 100 Best companies to work, and is a national winnerof the Better Business BureausTorch Award for Marketplace Ethics. Send cover le tte r in c lu d in g sa la ry requirements and resume to: Julia S p e n ce , H um an R e so u rce s Manager, Neil Kelly Company, 804 North Alberta St., Portland, OR 97217 or e -m a il to : jbspence@neilkelly.com full benefits. Join a growing program in an exciting M cM enam ins now hiring FT Pubstaff, Fine D in in g S e rve rs, Housekeeping, Front Desk, and PT Bartender for our Edgefield location. Also hiring FT Servers and Hosts at our Kennedy school location and Cooks for downtown. Must be at least 21 yrs. to apply for Pubstaff, Server, and Bartender p o sitio n s. We o ffe r e xcellent benefits and wages! Apply at any McMenamins location oron line at www.mcmenamin.com No phone calls please. E.O.E you are bilingual, or you are bicultural Salary S22-25K, A ir f o r c e social change position! July 3 0 . 1 9 9 9 to Kris B illh ard t. V VOA F am ily C e n te r O u treach , 6 8 1 9 SE 8 2 n d Ave., P o rtlan d , OR 9 7 2 6 6 . Employment ABOVE BEYOND w w w .afreserve.co m gf Amend Equal Opportunity Employer A United Way Agency APN 1Ö 908 0030 T Packagers/Assemblers Leading multi-purpose tool company needs help for year-end packaging and assembly project. Located near the airport at Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. Shifts are M-F; day and swingwith possible Saturday work; NOT on b u s lin e . M u s t have p ro d u c tio n e x p e rie n c e . C all Express (5 0 3 /2 5 4 -1 2 0 0 ) or apply at a special Leatherman Job Fair On Thursday, July 2 9 ,h at the Urban League (3034 NE MLK Blvd). Walk ins welcome! Equal Opportunity Employer. Express Personnel Services Instruction And Research Services at Portland State University is always looking for ways to better serve the Faculty, Students, and Staff. Join our technical team in an enjoyable environment. Review of applications will begin July23,1999. The position will remain open until filled. Instructional Designer $40 - 52K T h e C ity o f P o rtla n d is a cce p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r B u ild in g M a in te n a n ce M echanic Hourly Wage: $18.41 at entry - $20.01 after six months Deadline: July 23, 1999 R e se r v e R esum e/cover le tte r by For information on this position, please visit rams.pdx.edu/jobs or call Jackie Morgan at 503-725-3588. PSU is rn affirmative action/equal opportunity institution and encourages applications from women and minorities. . 7 n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, com petitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the Parking Facility Operator Im m ediate opening for fu ll and part-time lot attendant with P ortland’s leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. • $ 7 .2 5 starting wage • Advancement potential • Medical, Dental and 4 0 1 K available A p p lic a n ts m u s t have valid drivers license, subm it to drug test and background check. Apply in person between 1 2 :0 0 and 1:00 PM daily at City Center Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6,n. N ig h t Club Bar M a n a g e r, m ust be experienced & self motivated for high volume nightclub. Must have cost control experience & proficient in MS Office. Imperative to have strong people skills. Fax resum e/ salary requirements to Panorama @ 503-226-7031 9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired) or v isit your local employment departm ent office for a State Employment Application (PD100). Send co m ple te d a p p lic a tio n to ODOT, D istrict 2A M aintenance Office, A ttn: Bridge Crew, 5 440 SW W estgate Drive. Suite 350. Portland. OR 972 2 1 . ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is August 2 .1 9 9 9 , at 5 :0 0 p.m. _________ following agencies: DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Oregon Health Division Center for Child and Family Health Administrative Specialist 1 WIC Administrative Support Specialist Systems Analyst Information Systems Specialist 6 Systems Analyst with application development focus wanted in Salem! Construct, debug, document and incorporate changes into program code for computer software applications systems. Develop program specifications. Conduct various tests. Consult with customers. Develop automation projects in support o f customer business goals and needs. Communicate project results to customers, managers and team members. Requires 4 years of mainframe system development experience. ODOT offers salaries of $36,984 - $ 5 1 .18 0 annually, plus excellent benefits: sick, vacation and holiday pay, m edical/dental Insurance, PERS retirement, etc. E-mail your resume to experlence.ITeodot.state.or.us. In the e m ail subject line inclu d e 0 C D T 9 0 7 1A or fax It to ODOT, A ttn : OCDT9O71A, (5 0 3 ) 3 78 -2 0 16 . Applicants possessing Vocational Rehabilitation certificates and or Veteran's points refer to announcement for more Information. Information is available on the State of Oregon Technology web site at w w w .h c d a s.sta te .o r.u s/is/. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is August 9. 1999. Associate Transportation Engineer Deslgner/Drafter Designer/Drafter with excellent communication skills and an interest in transportation is needed for our Region 1 Design Unit In Portland. Using CADD and conventional methods, you will perform project development and technical design work on small to medium-sized projects, assist in designing more complex projects and draft complex projects. You will also participate on project teams: write reports and may conduct meetings to explain project details during project development. Ability to represent ODOT In contact with the public and other government agencies is essential. Requires a Bachelor's degree in rfivil or Transportation-related Engineering: or a PE (Civil or Transportation), PLS, FE/EIT or FLS/LSIT. Salary $2.622 - $3.7 52 /m o n th + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation and sick leaves; 10 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement 4OCDT9357. C ontact ODOT Recruitm ent a t (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 03 ) 986-3854 for the hearing Im paired) or v is it w w w .oregeonjobs.org for announcem ent and application. ODOT Is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is August 9, 1999. Program Technician 1 Community Affairs Coordinator Capitalize on your public relations and communication skills for this position with our Region 1 Community Affairs Unit in Portland. Working closely with xoject teams, you will assist in designing and implementing effective ¡trategies and outreach communications plans to help avert adverse iffects on residents, businesses and traffic during ODOT construction and naintenance projects in the Portland Metro Area. Ability to write nformatlonal literature, speeches and multimedia presentations and naintain positive relationships with the community is critical for success In tils position. Requires three years of experience administering or toordinatlng parts of a project or program related to public relations or iom m unications. A Bachelor's degree In Business. Management. Communications. Public Affairs or a related field may substitute for two rears of the experience. Salary $2,3 99 $3.346/m onth + excellent benefits health insurance; paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 10 paid TOlidays; and full employerpaid retirement contribution Announcement POCOT9372. C ontact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or visit www.oregonjobs.org for announcement and application. I >DOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce Deadline is August 9. 1999. (hway Maintenance Specialist Iwaukle Bridge Crew ke the m ost of your maintenance, equipment operation and team skills this permanent position based in Milwaukie. As a member of the Bridge intenance crew, you will perform manual labor or equipment operation :essary to repair, m aintain and preserve wood, steel and concrete Iges in the Portland M etro Area. Requires two years experience form ing ro ad w a y/landscape/brldge/draw bridge m aintenance or ‘rating heavy and light motorized equipment, using hand and power is and performing traffic control/safety. Trade skills such as structural ding, carpentry and concrete preferred Must have a valid driver's mse and a good driving record; Class A CDL preferred. Salary $1.898 ,638/m onth. depending on experience or training, plus excellent leflts. Anal applicants m ust pass drug screen and physical abilities It. C o n ta c t 0 0 0 T R e c ru itm e n t e t (5 0 3 1 8 8 6 4 0 3 0 (T T Y ( 5 0 3 ) This two-year, limited duration, full-time position, located in Portland. provides specialized support including advanced word processing, data Input and creation of professional documents, training and educational materials. Applicants should possess knowledge or an ability to learn desktop publishing, charting graphics and advanced word processing. Salary is $1,808 to $2,5 16 a month. For more Information, please contact Personnel Services a t (5 03 ) 731-3443 or v is it the State web site at www.oregonjobs.org. Closing date is July 26. 1999. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Principal Executive/Manager B Physical Plant Manager This position is located in Salem and is responsible for managing the Physical Plant Operations at Santiam Correctional Institution and Mill Creek Correctional Facility. Requires five years' experience in lead work, supervision, staff-technical or professional-level work related to Physical or Industrial Plant maintenance. Salary is $2,717 to $4,024 a month, plus excellent benefits. Job Announcement * L E 9 9 0 6 2 9 and S ta te of Oregon application may be obtained through any Oregon employment departm ent or call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 6 0 1 3 or visit our w eb site at w w w .doc.state.or.us. Closing date Is July 27, 1999. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Government Services Section Attorney There is a vacancy for an Attorney in the Government Services Section of the General Council Division in Salem. Duties include providing general counsel services primarily to the Oregon State Lottery. May represent agencies Including Oregon State Police. Department of Corrections. Oregon Youth Authority. Department of Transportation and Secretary of State. Must be an OSB member. Salary is $3,240 to $ 4,3 48 a month, DOE. For full job announcement, call (5 03 ) 3 7 8 5 5 5 5 ext. 3 2 1 (TTY (503) 3 7 8 5 9 3 8 for the hearing impaired) or visit our web site at w ww.doj.state.or.us. AA/EOE. Deadline is July 29, 1999. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Facilities Services Design Services Manager OSU, Department of Facilities Services, is a custom er service oriented maintenance organization with a vision and record of continuous improvement. Our D epartm ent is a leader nationally In the facilities management arena. Here is an opportunity to join forces with a forw ard looking departm ent. We have an opening for a Manager of Design Services with a verifiable record o f excellent custom er service and outstanding performance. This managerial position is responsible for supervising the in-house team of project coordinators/designers and students. The position oversees the use o f consultants to assist in-house design capability. This position m ust also be knowledgeable about mechanical, electrical, structural and architectural system s in the cam pus fa c ilitie s , and th e ir im pa cts on renovations and minor Improvement projects. A Bachelor's degree in Engineering. Architecture or a related field Is required A minimum o f one year experience in supervision, project management or management responsibilities within a construction related design firm Is preferred. Proficiency In the use of a personal computer and a working knowledge of scheduling software and AutoCAD is preferred. You m ust have dem onstrated significant leadership experience and ability, good custom er service skill, and skill in communicating effectively In writing and oral expression. Position is a 12- month, fixed term , unclassified appointment, renewable Subm it letter, application and referencee to Nina Stagner-PMIIIpe. 1 00 Adams Hall. C orva llis, OR 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 , or c a ll (5 4 1 ) 7 3 7 - 7 6 7 0 fo r more Inform ation. OSU Is an AA/EEO employer and has a policy o f being responsive to dual-career needs Application materials will be received until 5 :00 p.m.. August 6. 1999; however, applications will be accepted until the position has been filled. J / h e s e are |ust soma of the currant openings available w ith the S ta ts of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the S ta te of Oregon Application Form and a more com plete announcement listings, call the State Job line (Oregonian Inside U n s) ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 ext. 7 7 7 7 , TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -4 6 7 2 . vtslt your local employment departm ent or visit our web alts at w ww .oragonjoba.or8 The S tate of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to ba equal opportunity employers.