July 21,1999 (Jliv ^tattiani* (fiheeruer Traditional Zimbabwean Music by the Chigamba Family Tute Chigamba, an internation­ ally-known, masterful mbira player and m aker and his two daughters, Irene and Julia Chigam ba presents and evening o f lively, beautiful traditional Shona music and dance from Zimbabwe, Friday, July 30, 8-11 PM, Portland Campus M in­ istry, corner o f SW Broadw ay and Montgomery. The Chigam ba fam ­ ily is on a tour raising m oney for the Kumusha C ultural C enter in Zimbabwe. This C enter is being created to keep the ancient Shona culture strong. Tickets at the door are from S10 and up. H ow ever, no the spirits. A necessity for a song to be played at ceremonies. Mbira is played at ceremonies, parties, and has been incorporated into Zim ba­ bwean pop music in-groups such as Thomas Mapfumo and The Blacks unlimited. Mr. Tute C higam ba has gained national and international renow n for his cerem onial m bira m usic, storytelling, teaching and instru­ ment building. T ogether w ith his daughter Irene, he leads the family ensemble M hem bero (celebration) created in 1982. one will be turned aw ay due to lack o f funds. R efreshm ents will be available. The mbira dzavadzimu (mbira of the ancestor spirits) is an instrument with at least 25 metal keys attached to a sounding board and played in­ side a large calabash for resonance. With a tradition o f at least 1,000 years, there is a rich repertoire o f songs passed down through the gen­ erations, with a great number o f versions for each song. Songs con­ tinue to be composed, as well, and Mr. Chigamba has created many songs, which have been accepted by The Annual Alaska-Pacific Conference The A llen Tem ple C hristian M e th o d ist E p isc o p a l (C M E ) Church will host the Thirty-Sec­ ond Session O f the Alaska-Pacific Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon July 20-24, 1999. This Ninth Episcopal D istrict Conference’s theme for this event is e n title d “ F ro m F o rm a tio n Through Reformation To Trans­ formation: Making True Disciples” Our “Welcome W agon” consists o f local sponsors (M ade In Oregon, POVA, Reflections, Lloyd Center, Am erican Red C ross, Salvation Army, ETC.) are among those who have contributed their time and re­ sources to ensure that our delegates enjoy their visit in Portland. The A laska-Pacific C hristian M e th o d is t E p is c o p a l (C M E ) Churches extend a cordial invita­ tion for you to participate in our “W elcome W agon” activities by attending our “Community D ay” session on W ednesday, July 21, 1999 2:00 - 3 00 p . m . Leroy Haynes, Jr. will be facilitat­ ing objectives o f the CME Churches to continue the support o f their re­ spective com m unities. The Right Reverend E. Lynne Brown, Bishop O f The N inth D is­ trict along with the Allen Temple CM E C hurch H ost Pastor, Dr. Grand Ol’ Gospel Concert Featured In Outdoor Series Gospel music at its best will be featured at the Grand OF Gospel concert On the Green Saturday, Au­ gust 21,6:00 p.m. at Beaverton Chris­ tian Church, 13600 SW Allen Bou­ levard in Beaverton. In the tradition o f the Bill Gaither video series, quartets, trios, solos and even a “stump the band” segment will be featured in this outdoor Sizzling Summer Saturday Night Series, Sat­ urday Nights on the Green Too. Guests are encouraged to bring a picnic supper. Guests also have the option o f purchasing a pizza picnic pak for a nominal fee. Admission to the event is free, and a freewill offering will be re­ ceived. Nursery through three years o f age is provided. /Wotk&r Uac&eoK Ce'bèra.t&g 8Cf B/r-tfda.tf Mother Jackson was very hon­ ored to see many o f her family and friends at Em m anuel T em ple Church on Sunday July 11, 1999. Her party was hosted by her two children Dr. Rosemary Daniels and Michaeil Jackson. Bishop and Evangelist A.A. W ells opened with a birthday prayer, Birthday song by minister Keith Lewis. Mistress ofceremony was Evangelist Vemette Ollison, Reflections O f The Past 50 Years Mrs. Harriebell Paris. M o th er Jackson w ith her The room was beautifully deco­ granddaughter, Mariah Jackson. rated with her favorite color yel­ Mother Jackson “Gives God all low with fountains o f yellow water The Glory", he is first in her life and a huge sign designed by her V erocia Jackson w elcom ed the son in law Deacon Alfred Daniels. guest. H er d a u g h te r-in -la w S iste r o f whom used the fam ily’s wealth for the natio n ’s health and for reaching out. In their success, they did not use their w ealth for just private gratification. They did not use their w ealth for ju st private vacation. They have used their w ealth to fight for public policy and the common people. We are a better nation, because they used their celebrity and their strength to take light into dark places and heat into cold places. That is why we are saddened and in a quandary today, because we all feel we have som e kinship. And in some ways, we are members o f this extended family. So we pray with them and for them. to your faith. O nly their faith can merica is so blessed. We pull them through this and the cope with sunshine so well. prayers o f those w ho really care. But every now and then as in the case o f the biblical subject Job, When the storms o f life come suddenly, we must not panic. We we are tested. And we have to reach must not question the goodness o f into our religious resource. God. We must not turn on each other; We are tested by the news o f we must turn to our faith. Only our John F. K ennedy, Jr., his w ife, and faith sustains us through such storms. his sister-in-law , w hose plane is And though some storms are violent, believed to have crashed o ff the storms will pass over. coast o f M artha’s V ineyard. The Several weeks ago, 1 m et with suddenness o f this story takes our John Jr. and about 100 o f his young breath away. And all we can do is staffers in New York for an editorial pray. And we do pray for those meeting at his publication, George who were on board the m issing Magazine. He was exciting, full-of- plane and their fam ilies. life and focused on the future. In reading the B iblical passage In som e w ays, he is follow ing about Job, w e learn that good in the footsteps o f his fam ily, many people are not exem pt from suf­ A fering. The innocent often do suf­ fer, because suffering breeds char­ acter. C haracter breeds faith, and in the end, faith w ill prevail. All you can really do in a tim e like this is learn not to your ow n under­ standing, but lean on G od and turn It ’s Gonna* Be a Holy Ghost Party and Your Invited! Affordable JJ LOCKSMITH 8. KEYS W E M A K E KEYS FROM SCRATCH 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE P astor: Rev. Jo h n n y Pack IV July 31, 1999 Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church 4009 N Missouri Fast Service- House Calls!!! 6 p . m . 'til the Holy Ghost lets you go G uest S peaker : Rev. Victor D Reynolds There’s gonna be food, praise dancing, good preaching, and also fun with the Lord. ------------------------------- 4724 NE Killingsworth Portland OR 97218 (503) 284-9582 JOHNNY J. MOORE REKEY AND INSTALL LOCKS July 20 through August 3,1999 o, 30 OFF o Reward yourself for joining the fight against bland chicken! Take home a FREE 2 Liter Coke when you buy 12 pieces or more o f Popeyes’ favorful, delicious New Orleans Spicy™ or Louisiana Mild™ chicken at regular menu price. H urry in to 'Popeyes...because a deal this cool can’t last forever, especially in this heat! ALL FABRIC In L oving M em ory o f M innie E. M ikes Check Out These Cool Deals! PWIS -'AHI...,„>1., N e w A d d it io n s W e e k ly * 1 • *2 • ‘ 3 • ‘ 4 p e r y d . qq Simplicity Patterns • z z ' S 4 DAYS ONLY • IJmit 6 per coupon • Valid July 22-29, 1999. I I I I I I .J BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" •Dtscounb do not jpph io pmiotish (boNinird or martini down (tons "* 20 99 thm A 3 99 IS 4 Ä I n Rl I Ml HO I R n Ni \f)M H m o . ui "pm f U H O IIN M I HOI RN / / STARK STHEEil Mi I g) ’ m . M,p„, N\H N I '»IMI », A.-,,,, RETAIL - WHOLESALE 700 SE. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 252-9530 Visit our website at www fabric depot com One Large Side Order & Four Biscuits •apexes 11 If P N A RI £ P f f R ■ ucken & biscottò i G o o d A t:3 1 2 0 N E M L K Jr. B lv d . Coupon Expires 8-25-99 SSWM t a "* Co 5 9 4 9 NE M L K Jr. B lvd . l-HOO-392-55’ 6 I <■■' <«» (Legs & Thighs) M in im u m cut I vani All m crthandisc as-is All sales final 1A BRK D E P O T C O U P O N *4 t.-"« 8 Piece Box O utdoor W arehouse Sale C ontinues 10-6 Daily S unrise January 24, 1918 S unset 9, 1999 b — : - „ ■ ■ - b *» • » » The Search For John F. Kennedy Jr. And Family THE LARGEST. M O S T COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST L im ite d to s to c k on h a n d Minnie E. Mikes was bom in Monroe, Louisiana on January 24, 1918. Minnie lived in the Portland area since 1957 and was a member of Lifeline Christian Church. M innie leaves to cherish her memory: Charlie V. Spires, daugh­ ter, Portland, OR; Cecil Y. Hudson, daughter, Portland, OR; Bernice D. Bums, daughter. Anchorage, Alaska; Billie Ruth Spires, daughter. Anchor­ age, Alaska; Noble Jean Crittenden, daughter, Tacoma, Washington; Mae C. Warren, daughter, Portland, OR; Liza Annette Mikes, daughter Port­ land, OR; Elmer R. Grundy, son, San D iego, C alifo rn ia; T herm an L. Mikes, son, Portland, OR; Dino J. Mikes, son, Portland, OR; Hazel Arps, sister, Portland, OR; Ray Tho­ mas, brother, Lecume, California. Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.’s Statement On