■» Mia -V f '*•» . .lu h 21, 1999 Committed to Cultural Diversità Volume X X IX , Number 29 ...Guess Three Times Is NOT The Charm for Don King Portland's Preparedness is on Purpose By * De'Fault See B3 See Focus Page 3 _ B u lk R a te U .S. P o s ta g e Look for Popeye's Coupons Inside! PAID P o rtla n d , O R P e rm it N o. 161 0 ®tje }.lortknii> ©bseruer Ä Knight Library Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 Man Held in Serial Killings JFK Jr Presumed Dead in Plane Crash, Officials Say THEW I E N E K S ección en E spañol REVIEW Ballooning Trade Deficit T he C om m erce D epartm ent reported today that the trade deficit had ballooned to $ 2 1.3 billion a 14.8 percent increase since A pnl. O ther national trends in­ clude a surge in oil prices, A m ericans buying m ore import autos and less o f a dem and for U.S. exports. Fighting Racism President Clinton appealed to law ­ yers to help m inorities and the poor benefit m ore from A m erican dem ocracy and prosperity. This sam e m essage w as voiced by his political hero, John F. Kennedy. Clinton also announced a se­ ries o f com m itm ents aim ed at prom oting opportunities to m inorities in the legal profession. His intention is to increase faith by m inorities in the legal system . President Botha Implicated F o rm er P resid en t P.W . B otha w as rec en tly im p lica te d in th e 1985 k ill­ ings o f eight a n ti-a p a rth e id a c tiv ists. P o lice o ffic ia ls gave th e ir testim o n y ab o u t the activ ists w ho w ere k illed in an o p era tio n ap p ro v ed by the C a b in e t m in iste rs and the fo rm er p resid e n t. B otha had refused in the p ast to a p ­ p ear b efo re the T ru th and R e c o n c ilia ­ tio n C o m m issio n last y ea r b ec au se the co u rt ruled that his su b p o e n a w as te c h n ic a lly invalid. A quinnah, M assachusetts, (Bloom berg) — U.S. Coast G uard officials said it’s un­ likely that John F. K ennedy Jr., his w ife, and sister-in-law surv ived an apparent plane crash in w aters o ff M artha’s Vineyard. R ear A dm iral R ichard L arrabee said the search for the w reckage resum ed this m orn­ ing b ut said the chances o f finding su rv i­ vors is all but hopeless. He said no one cou ld survive m ore than 18 h ours in the cold w aters w ith o u t a life raft or life ja c k e t, neith er o f w hich w as available to K ennedy, the 38-year- o ld p u b lish er o f the m agazine G e o r g e , h is w if e , C a ro ly n B e s s e tte K ennedy, or h er sister L auren B essette, an inv estm en t b an k er yvith M organ S tanley D ean W itter & Co. Larrabee said to d ay 's search for the m iss­ ing plane would be m ore focused because the Coast G uard had “a relatively good idea o f w here the m ost likely spot” o f the crash was. “W e’re bringing in some very sophisti­ cated equipment that will methodically search that area," Larrabee said on N B C ’s Today program. " I ’m confident that ifthere is som e­ thing to be found out there, they w ill find it.” C oast Guard, U.S. Navy and M assachu­ setts state authorities spent the w eekend searching o ff M arth a’s V ineyard, w here K ennedy' s single-engine Piper Saratoga plane B> M axine B ernstein of T hf O regonian staff probe w ill stu d y w reck ag e, a ir traffic c o n ­ trol tapes an d w eath er p attern s an d should take six to n in e m onths to co m p lete, NTSB C h airm an Jim H all said in a te lev ised p ress co n fe re n ce yesterd ay . “We are at the very beginning stages o f w hat will be a painstaking, detailed investi­ gation,” H all said. CONTINUED ON PAGE A4 ortland police announced the ar rest o f a 32-year-old N orth Port land man M onday in the stran­ gulation deaths o f three women found in Forest Park and partly credited a detective who had arrested the suspect in a sexual assault case seven years ago Police took Todd Alan Reed into cus­ tody about 11:30 p.m. Sunday at Rinella Produce in Southeast Portland, where he worked a night shi ft loading trucks. Hewill be arraigned today on three counts o f aggravated murder. Portland Detective Sgt. Dave Schlegel, an investigator assigned to the Forest Park Task Force, remembered Reed from a 1992 arrest in a sexual assault and kidnap­ ping case and was helpful in recalling information that helped crack the serial killing case, police said. Reed served three years in prison and was kicked out ofasex- oftender treatment program two weeks ago because he failed to attend. “One officer remembered him from a previous investigation and brought him to our attention,” said Detective Sgt. Kris Ferrell, one o f the primary invesngators in the serial killings. A July 7 undercover police sting target­ ing men patronizing prostitutes along upper West Burnside Street, round-the-clock sur­ veillance o f the suspect for the past week and physical evidence helped police link Reed to the killings, Ferrell said. Police declined to discuss details o f the case. Reed apparently made contact with the v ictim s — L ilia F. M oler, 28; Stephanie L. Russell. 26; and A lexan­ dria N. Ison, 17— along W est Burnside, a spot the w om en frequented. All three victim s w ere heroin addicts, and two w ere involved in prostitution. “They were connected by a lifestyle he preyed upon," Ferrell said. Their bodies were discovered between M ay 7 and June 2 in a heavily wooded section o f Forest Park o ff Northwest Saltzm an Road. On June 4, police set up a 16-m em ber task force dedicated to the P was headed Friday night en route to a family w edding in H yannisport, M assachusetts. NTSB Probe T he undersea search is focusing on what Larrabee called “potential targets" in a 24- square-m ile area. A 250-foot N avy salvage ship w ith 22 divers is leading the effort. West Bank P rim e M inister E hud B arak assured P alestinian leader Y asser A rafat that he intends to w ithdraw prom ptly from a portion o f the W est B ank even w hile p u rsuing an overall M iddle E ast se ttle ­ m ent. B arak w ill follow a 15-m onth tim e fram e to determ in e if there could be final settlem ents w ith the P ale stin ­ ians, Syria and L ebanon. A rafat re ­ cently called B a ra k 's tim etable u n a c ­ cep tab le and dem anded he follow the W ye R iver accord he struck w ith Israel last O ctober. F oam in su la tio n , the kind that w ould h av e lin ed K e n n e d y ’s plane, w as found sp read o v e r a m ile o f beach w here o th er d e b r is w a s h e d a s h o re y e s te r d a y on M a rth a ’s V in ey a rd . S tate an d fed eral au th o rities reo rg a­ n iz ed th e ir o p e ra tio n s, w ith the N atio n al T ra n sp o rta tio n S afety B o ard exam ining the ca u se o f th e ap p a ren t accident. The Todd Alan Reed, 32, will be arraigned in connection with the strangulations of women found in Forest Park A r Left: John-John, with his mother J a c q u e lin e K e n n e d y O n assis, and o th e r fa m ily members a t his father’s funeral in 1 9 6 3 . On the right, JFK Jr and his lovely wife, C a r o ly n B I s s e 11 e Kennedy K9 park killings. “W e’re very lucky to have this man off the street We feel good about that. Police C hief Charles Moose said Monday in an­ nouncing the arrest in Chapman Square across from the Justice Center. I m cer­ tainly proud o f the task force for getting this important piece o f work done ” The Triumphs - The Tragedies OF Apollo’s 3 0 th Anniversary H u n d re d s o f g a th e re rs in C a p e C anaveral. Florida celebrated the 30lh anniversary o f the first m ission to land m en on the moon. A m onum ent was dedicated to the hundreds o f thousands o f m en and w omen who toiled on the im m ense project. New Area Code O regon will be getting a new area code. O fficials have decided to overlay the area code, instead o f carving out a separate area for it. Jim H aynes w ith US W est says new phone lines in the cu r­ rent 503 area will get the new area code, w hich is 971. The new area code will go into effect this com ing January, and w ill m ean dialing ten-digits even to m ake local calls. Portland Officer Shot T hirty-five year old O fficer Sze Lai, a 6-year veteran o f the Portland Police B ureau, was struck tw ice in the arm. T w o o f the covering officers returned fire into the apaitm ent and O fficer Lai w as transported to Em anuel H ospital for his injuries. O fficer Lai is reported to be in fair condition follow ing surgery to his right arm The Kennedys W ith its m ix of p o litic a l triu m p h and hum an tra g e d y , th e ir sag a e n th ra lle d th e n a tio n and m ade th e m A m e ric a ’s m o st p ow erfu l fam ily touted for higher office. M em bers o f such a B eltw ay fam ily w ould have as good a ch an ce as not to pass E thel K ennedy, B o b b y ’s w idow and BY HUGH SIDEY still the ex u b eran t duchess o f H ickory he K en n ed y clan, th e p re-em in en t H ill, w h ile driving to w ork along the A m erican p o litical fam ily o f o u r P otom ac R iver parkw ays. A nd if in the tim e, seem s to be ca st in the stars, m edia or a lobbying b u sin ess (a reaso n ­ the distant stu ff o f legend. B ut look dow n. lik elih o o d in that n eig h b o rh o o d ), he able or she w ould sooner or later sit dow n w ith They m arch ever more num erous am ong us. T h ere’s a spot on W ash in g to n 's infa­ M assach u setts S enator T ed K ennedy or mous Beltw ay w here an unsuspecting fam ­ h is so n , R h o d e Islan d C o n g re s sm a n ily m ight find their children in school w ith P atrick K ennedy, now in the H ouse lead ­ a couple o f Joseph and Rose K en n ed y ’s 54 ership, to m ake a little p olitical rain. N atu ­ g reat-grandchildren. T hat sam e fam ily rally, w hile attending one o f those rites o f could be the neighbors o f E unice K ennedy p reten tio u s pow er, like the A lfalfa C lub Shriver, one o f the K ennedy c la n 's five dinner, our not-so-m ythical B eltw ay d en i­ surviving originals (there w ere nine). It zens w o u ld look across a cro w d ed b a ll­ could be served in the M aryland assem bly room or tw o and m arvel at the intense stir by delegate M ark Shriver, nephew o f the created by the arrival o f C arol ine K ennedy m artyred John K ennedy (and one o f 29 S ch lo ssb erg or the young A donis, John grandchildren o f Joe and Rose). And it K ennedy, the children o f C am elo t w hose m ythical allure sw ells w ith every surge o f could fall under the grow ing political hand o f K athleen K ennedy T ow nsend, oldest tab lo id headlines. T I JM M M child o f the m urdered R obert K ennedy, now M ary lan d ’s lieutenant governor and T he K en n ed y clan is em b ed d ed in A m erican p o litica l cu ltu re o f the p ast h alf-ce n tu ry like no o th e r fam ily. T hey arriv ed at th at p o w er b ase th ro u g h cold ca lc u la tio n an d the b lu n t in stru m e n t o f th eir im m ense w ealth but also b ecau se ol h o n o rab le se rv ic e to the n atio n , th eir rec k less ex u b e ran ce and g la m o u r— and fam ily trag e d y b ey o n d m easu re. T he fo u n d in g fa th e r o f th e c la n , Jo se p h K en n ed y , cam e from im m ig ran t stock w ith all the eccen tric g en iu s and an g e r o f his b lig h te d kin, b u t he w as to u ch ed by the m ag ic o f A m erica. H e w ent to the e l itis t B o s to n L a tin S c h o o l; o n to H arv ard ; and then in the R o arin g T w en ­ ties. w ith little reg ard fo r e th ic s o r even the law , p lu n g e d into the w o rld s o f b a n k ­ ing and m o v iem ak in g . H e cash ed in b e ­ fore the m ark et crash o f 1929. W hen F ran k lin R o o sev elt ca lled Jo e to W ash ­ in g to n to clean up the S ecu rities and E xchange C o m m issio n , som eb o d y asked F D R w hy he had tap p ed su ch a crook “ T a k e s o n e to c a tc h o n e ," re p lie d R o o sev elt K en n ed y d id a su p e rb jo b . 24-hour surveillance For the past three to four days, task Continued on page A2 Chronology of I The Kennedys 1941 Rosem ary Kennedy, the third child o f Joseph Patrick K ennedy and his wife Rose, is institutionalized because o f retardation and failed full frontal lobotomy. 1944 Joseph P. K ennedy Jr., the eldest son o f Joseph and Rose Kennedy, is killed at age 29 w hen his plane exploded over the English Channel w hile on a secret W orld W ar II bom bing mission. Continued on page A 4