Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 1999, Page 8, Image 8

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July 14,1999
W ^Iprrtaui» © bsew r
Fellowship Missionary
Baptist Church
Neighborhood Workshops
And Food Drive
Church in northeast Portland. Simi­
his year “C hristm as in Ju ly ,”
lar w orkshops will be offered
the annual cam paign to raise
the Portland area and
food, funds and awareness for Ecu­
communities. As
m enical M inistries o f O reg o n ’s
part o f its efforts to encourage the
Northeast Emergency Food Program,
faith com m unity to take action in
will launch a series o f workshops to
creating healthy local food sys­
help neighborhoods ensure that lo­
tems, INEC is also offering a re­
cally produced food is available to
source guide entitled. Toward a
everyone in the community.
Food Secure Portland.
The second o f the workshops,
During “ Christm as in July,”
offered by NEFP and EM O ’s Inter­
congregations will wor­
faith Network for Earth Concerns,
food in a spirit o f
is entitled "N ourishm ent for Neigh­
only during
borhoods.” It will be held July 31,
culm i­
at the Brentwood Darlington Com ­
m unity Center at 7211 SE 62nd Av­
1, from 4 to 7 p.m., in Alberta
enue in Portland, from 8:30 a.m. to
Park, NE 19,h and Killingsworth.
3 p.m. The first workshop was held
NEFP provides food to people
June 26 at R edeem er Lutheran
in crisis and advocates for an end
to hunger in the com m unity. INEC
connects, inform s and em pow ers
individuals and congregations to
w ork for ju stice and the care and
renew al o f the earth. Both are pro­
gram s o f EMO, a statew ide asso­
ciation o f 15 C hristian denom ina­
tions including Protestant, O rtho­
dox and Rom an C atholic religious
bodies that respond as people o f
faith to the needs o f O regonians.
F or m ore inform ation about
“ C hristm as in July,” call Drew
H udson at (503) 284-5470. For
inform ation about “N ourishm ent
for N eighborhoods,” call Jenny
Holm es at (503) 244-8318.
Please join us to celebrate the
12,h Pastoral Anniversary o f our
Pastor Dr. Johnny Pack IV.
The celebration starts Friday, July
16d' at 7:00 P.M. Guest speaker: Pas­
tor A. Wayne Johnson, Morning Star
Baptist Church. A Banquet Celebra­
tion will be held in his honor on
Saturday, July 17*at6:00P.M. at the
Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel, lo­
cated at 8235 Northeast Airport Way.
Guest speaker: Reverend Helen
Haynes, Allen Temple CME Church.
W e need volunteers to help tu-
tor/m entor in the areas o f reading
and math July 19,h A ugust 27"1
from 9 a.m. to 11 a m., M onday
through Friday. The ratio would
be one adult with 1 -2 middle school
students. Prior teaching skills are
not necessary; hearts w illing to
serve the Lord are wanted! W e are
also looking for any additional vol­
unteers who would like to help
supervise/play with the youth daily
from 11:00 a m. to 12:00 noon
doing recreation activities.
We recognize that it is not al-
ways possible for each person to
dedicate the amount o f tim e and
hours described above. As a result
we are asking for a m inim um o f a
tw o-day com m itm ent per w eek for
the program s duration.
If you would be willing to be a
m entor/tutor for the Summer A cad­
emy and would like more inform a­
tion, please contact Cindy Crowell
at The Salvation Army Moore Street
Center. Her number is 239-1263.
In Loving Memory o f
Cleveland Elliott
S unrise
August 6. 1913
B eaverton C hristian C hurch,
13600 SW A llen B oulevard in
Beaverton is pleased to announce a
Sizzling Summer Saturday Night
Series, Saturday Nights on the Green
too, began Saturday, July 10 and
running through Saturday, August
28 in the outdoor amphitheater of
Beaverton Christian.
Featured in the August 14 series
is Flip Side, a local Barbershop Quar­
tet who has taken national honors in
several categories. The group will be
singing sacred and secular tunes as
guests in the amphitheater enjoy ice
cream. During a portion o f the pro­
gram Flip Side will stroll through the
amphitheater and take requests from
the audience as well.
Guests are encouraged to bring a
picnic supper. Guest also have the
after c ity . A nd the num ber o f A fri­
can-A m ericans im prisoned has
roughly doubled in the past de­
cade. All o f these trends indicate
the expansion o f institutional rac­
ism. W henever institutional rac­
ism increases, its cutting edge -
w hite vigilante violence - usually
leads the way. T error and violence
are absolutely central to the pres­
ervation and m aintenance o f white
The civil rights community and
even the federal governm ent have
responded to this assault against
religious freedom. In June, 1996,
President C linton established the
National Church Arson Task Force
to coordinate local, state and fed­
eral agencies to investigate the
burnings and to prosecute these of­
fenders. At the grassroots level,
several thousands o f volunteers
have gone to the South to help re­
build A frican-A m erican churches.
Yet it continues. On June 18,
1999, in the Sacram ento, C alifor­
nia metro area, three synagogues
were hit by arsonists w ithin a span
o f 45 minutes. In the w orst case,
the fires gutted the tem ple library
at Congregation B ’nai Israel, de­
stroying collections on Jewish cul­
ture and the H olocaust, and caus­
ing $800,000 in dam ages. Litera­
ture was found at one synagogue
that blamed the “International Jews
m edia" for the w ar in Kosovo.
Intolerance never stops with one
set o f victim s, Jew s, L atinos,
A sia n s, u n d o c u m e n te d im m i­
grants, lesbians and gays - as well
as African A m ericans - all be­
come targets in the political cli­
mate o f hatred.
• Freddie Elliott, Son
Portland, OR
• Mae Rene Kelly, Daughter
Portland, OR
S unset
In Loving Memory o f
Theresa Patten
July 5, 1999
Cleveland Elliott was bom on
August 6,1913 in Camden, Arkan­
sas. Cleveland's occupation was
Mechanic for Grant’s Gull Station,
he was a charter member. Deacon,
and Trustee ofMt. Gillard Mission­
ary Baptist Church for 40 years.
Cleveland leaves to cherish in
his memory:
Why The Churches Ice Cream And
M usic
Are S till Burning Barbershop
Featured In Picnic Series
1998, about 670 churches were
D r . M anning M arable
burned, desecrated or firebombed.
Many o f these churches were in the
t was only three weeks after Mar
South, and a large num ber o f these
tin Luther King, Jr., delivered his
magnificent “I Have a Dream” speech were African-A m erican. These ex­
amples, which have been docu­
on the steps o f the Lincoln Memo­
mented by the N ational Coalition
rial, before one quarter million people
for Burned Churches, and the Com ­
at the historic March on Washington,
munity Relations Service o f the
D .C . a bom b ex p lo d e d at
U.S. Department o f Justice, illus­
B irmingham ’ s Sixteenth Street Bap­
trate the scope o f the problem:
tist Church on a Sunday morning,
O n February 22, 1997, in Elko,
killing four little black girls: Addie
G eorgia, the Oak G rove C.M .E.
Mae Collins, Carol McNair, Carole
Church, built originally over one
Robertson and Cynthia Wesley.
hundred years ago, was totally de­
This murderous assault deeply
stroyed by fire. T hree young white
affected African-American people
men were later prosecuted and con­
at the time, and its bitter memory is
victed o f this crime.
still quite vivid for millions o f us. It
O nM ay 1 7 ,1 9 9 8 ,in W askcom ,
was not that the w hite racists would
Texas, three white men and a white
strike out against us. Being black in
juvenile broke into the G ainesville
A merica had long since taught us
Church o f God in C hrist, pouring
that violence against black folk was
gasoline throughout the chapel and
“ as normal as cherry pie,” to para­
su bsequently burning it to the
phrase H. rap Brown. It was not
eround. Thev were later arrested
. sim plv that our little children had
and convicted.
been targeted for assassination. We
On July 2, 1998, in G ould, A r­
rem em bered the children’s march
a 100 year old A frican-
in Birmingham earlier that same
A m erican c h u rc h , the R ankin
year, in 1963, when police chief
C h a p e l M is s io n a r y B a p tis t
Bull Connor unleashed vicious dogs
Church, was com pletely destroyed
and used clubs against black chil­
by fire arson.
dren engaged in peaceful, civil dis­
On A ugust25,1998, in the White
obedience. W hat was most strik­
Haven com m unity o f Memphis,
ing, perhaps, was the sym bolic
Tennessee, the six thousand mem­
m e a n in g o fth eracists’ actions. The
ber M ount Sinai M issionary Bap­
African-American church has been,
tist Church was totally destroyed
since slavery, the central social in­
by arson fire.
stitution o f the black community. It
On Septem ber 5, 1998, around
has been spiritual heart o f the black
m idnight in Lisman, Alabama, the
experience, through our long so­
G ilfied Baptist Church was com ­
journ through this nation. To de­
pletely gutted by fire. This his­
stroy the black church, is to cut out
toric A frican-A m erican church
the heart o f the black community.
was 124 years old when it was
This act o f brutality did not oc­
cur in a political vacuum. The Bir­
O n S eptem ber 10, 1998, in
mingham church bombing occurred
Texas, the historic
when white segregationists in Con­
issionary B aptist
gress were attem pting to block the
Church was burned to the ground.
passage o f the Civil Rights Act,
This church had been established
which would desegregate public ac-
e x - s la v e s
d u rin g
c o m m o d a tio n s th ro u g h o u t the
country. W hite Citizens Councils
w ere trying to stop voter registra­
for m any years.
tion drivers among Southern blacks.
Why are black churches all over
A la b a m a G o v e rn o r G e o rg e
the U.S. being destroyed? In the
W allace was calling for "segrega­
1990s, we have w itnessed a politi­
tion forever,” and blocked the doors
assault by conservatives against
at the U niversity o f A labama in an
affirm ative action. M inority eco­
unsuccessful attem pt to maintain
nom ic set-aside program s and m i­
w hite suprem acy in higher educa­
nority college scholarships are be­
tion. The bom bing o f Sixteenth
ing elim inated. The majority leader
Street B aptist Church was only one
o f the U.S. Senate, Trent Lott o f
aspect o f a long racist assau lt
M ississippi, affiliates him self with
against black people as a whole.
a w hite suprem acist organization,
A generation has passed since
the C ouncil o f Conservative C iti­
the bom bing in Birmingham. Yet
zens, and alm ost nobody in power
across this nation, the bombings
or the m edia condem ns him! Po­
and burnings o f churches continue.
lice brutality is on the rise in city
From January, 1995 to the end o f
t o
8 7
1 9
9 9
b i t u a r i e s
Volunteer Mentors/Tutors
Needed For Summer Academy
Through the efforts o f a p art­
nership m inistry w ith The Salva­
tion Army M oore Street Center,
local churches like you, W estern
Sem inary and Servants, Incorpo­
rated comes an opportunity for
C hristians to com e together to
serve the com m unity in w hich we
1 9
Pastor Johnny Pack IV
The Grand Finale will be on
Sunday, July 18,h at 3:30 P.M. at
the Fellowship Missionary Bap­
tist Church, located at 4009 North
Missouri Avenue, guest speaker:
Dr. LeRoy Haynes, Allen Temple
CME Church.
For more information or tick­
ets please contact the Church Sec­
retary, Maretha Hart at (503) 249-
0377 or Chairperson Sue Briggs-
Mouton at (503) 284-0513. Ticket
Donation: $23.00.
S unrise
March 29, 1928
S unset
June 28, 1999
Theresa Patten was bom on
March 29, 1928 in Rayne, Louisi­
ana. Theresa was a housewife and
Under a new law you may qualify for
S U P P L IE S !
option o f purchasing a pizza picnic
pak for a nominal fee.
Admission to the event is free,
and a freewill offering will be re­
ceived. Nursery through three years
o f age is provided.
Goes to a
An evening under the stars, laugh­
ing and enjoying a picnic supper is in
the schedule Saturday August 7 at
Beaverton Christian Church, 13600
SW Allen Boulevard in Beaverton.
Saturday Nights on the G reen
too, which began Saturday, July
10 and runs through Saturday,
A ugust 28 in the outdoor am phi­
theater o f B eaverton C hristian,
featuring some com ic re lie f in the
Sizzling Sum m er Saturday N ight
Picnic Series on A ugust 7.
Guests are encouraged to pack a
picnic supper, or purchase a Pizza
Picnic Pak for a nominal fee.
Admission to the event is free,
and a freewill offering will be re­
ceived. Nursery through three years
o f age is provided.
belonged to Soild Rock C.O.G .I.C.
Theresa leaves to cherish in
her memory:
• Leron James T rah am, Son
San Diego, CA
• Larry Jones Traham, Son
San Diego, CA
• Marvin Joseph Patten ,Son
Portland, OR
• Jennifer Jane Patten, Daughter
Seattle, WA
• Jerone James Patten Sr., Son
Vancouver, WA
• Darrell William Patten Sr., Son
Portland, OR
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