Page A6 July 14,1999 (Fije ^JortUiuò (Phseruev Annual '.*% iv versity is the key to the array o f headline talent at ari the 18lh annual M t.H ood Jazz Festival, presented by Tesoro Petroleum C o rp o ratio n , Friday through Sunday, A ugust 6-8,1999, at Mt. Hood Com m unity College (G resham , OR). H eadliners on the Tesoro Stage w ill include Bruce H om sby, D avid Sanborn, Royal C ro w n R evue, C la re n c e Gatem outh Brown Bag Band, The N eville Brothers and Little Feat. On Sunday, BRUCE H O R N SB Y w ill close the F e sti­ v al w ith h is s e lf - p r o c la im e d "highbrow Southern m u sic.” The m u lti- p la tin u m a n d G ra m m y aw ard-w inning p ianist is one o f th e m o st im p o r ta n t m u s ic a l bridges betw een rock and jazz. Rooted in ja z z and inspired by the im provisational lyricism o f K eith Jarrett, John C oltrane and O rn e tte C o le m a n , H o rn sb y is equally com fortable jam m ing with B ranford M arsalis, Pat M etheny, B ela Fleck & The Flecktones or The G rateful Dead. Since his 1986 d e b u t a lb u m T h e W ay It Is, H o rn sb y ’s m usic has been in trin ­ sic a lly A m e ric a n a , c o n sta n tly reaching out to incorporate con­ tem porary m usical im pressions from rock, blues, jazz, gospel and folk. His m ost recent double-C D release, Spirit T rail, is a series o f rich tales o f A m erican life con­ cerning race, religion, p rejudice, tolerance and sardonic character studies. This recent m usic also d isp la y s H o r n s b y ’s e n h a n c e d level o f piano p laying, a new ly- developed "ind ep en d en ce o f the hands”-a tw o-handed piano tech ­ nique that he has achieved through a recom m itm ent to piano im pro­ visation. P re c e d in g H o rn sb y w ill be R O Y A L C R O W N R E V U E , ac­ k now ledged as the “ G odfathers o f the N ou v eau Sw ing M ove­ m en t.” O ver the p ast few years, Royal C row n Revue has turned a bro ad cro ss-sectio n o f the con­ tem porary m usic w orld on its ear w ith th eir u niquely, individual brand o f "g an g ster/p u n k /sw in g .” T hey have headlined prestigious jazz festivals, including last y ear’s Playboy Jazz Festival. They have also opened on a national arena show to u r for K ISS, and they p er­ form ed on the W arped T our (the annual skater, punk, altern ativ e- lifesty le touring m usic festival). The hip, sty lish , zo o t-su ited sep ­ tet is the b and that started the resu rg en ce in sw ing m usic - not your g ra n d p a re n ts’ sw ing band, but an in-y o u r-face m usic/dance ex p erien ce th at leaves audiences sw eaty, o u t-o f-b reath , and jitte r­ bugging in the aisles. On S a tu r d a y , D A V ID SA N B O R N , one o f the most popu- m u sic a l ic o n s L o w ell George and Bill Payne be­ gan an earnest journey into m usical history that w ould becom e the sage o f Little Feat. That en ­ counter yielded nine clas­ sic album s over ten years from the self-titled Little Feat to S ailing Shoes, D ixie Chicken and W ait­ ing For Colum bus. A fter seventeen years, there is the shock and d isb elief over L ow ell’s death, but Payne and his ever-chang­ ing crew continue on to the 1987 reunion at New O rleans Jazz & H eritage Festival a n d , ultim ately, the classic concert album. Live From N eon Park, re c o rd e d liv e at Portland’s Roseland T he­ ater. In 1998, a new stu ­ dio release, U nder The the clarence R a d a r, w h ic h h as sp a w n e d a re n e w e d G A T E M O U T H B R O W N B IG grassroots cult follow ing BAND takes the stage. R e tu rn ­ for one o f A m erica’s true ing to his late 1940’s b ig band prem ier m usical legends. blues p erform ances, legendary All tickets, including g u ita rist C larence "G a te m o u th ” 3-day reserved seat sub­ B row n is celeb ratin g 50 years o f scriptions and single-day m aking great m usic by leading reserved tickets, as well his landm ark 20-piece L ousiana as general adm ission and sw ing band. W ith hom age to Billy the special 3-day general S tray horn, C ount B asie, B enny a d m is s io n d is c o u n te d G oodm an and L ionel H am pton, pass, are available at all there are touches o f b lu es, c o u n ­ T icketM aster O regon lo­ try, w estern sw ing, C ajun m usic c a tio n s , in c lu d in g GI and hybrid concoctions from all Jo e ’s and M eier & Frank o f the above, but by retu rn in g to o u tlets, on the w eb at his early roots, “ G atem outh” re ­ w w w .tick e tm a ste r.c o m . turns to his favorite m usical style, or charge by phone at 503/ big band jazz. 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 . F o r g ro u p On A ugust 6, M t. H ood Jazz sales info rm atio n , call F e s tiv a l is a ll b lu e s ...F r id a y 226-0973. N ig h t B lu e s...w ith a head lin e Ticket buyers can pur­ tandem o f The N eville B rothers chase single-day, general and L ittle Feat. adm ission tickets for Sat- T H E N E V IL L E B R O T H E R S urd ay /S u n d ay for $34. (A rt, C harles, A aron and C yril) G eneral A dm ission tick­ are four pow erful and unique m u­ ets for Friday Night Blues sical personalities that thrive upon a re $ 25. T h e h ig h ly the explosive fusion o f diversity p o p u la r 3-day g e n e ra l and unity that is th eir native New ad m ission pass is av a il­ O rleans, w hich is the cradle o f able a t the d isco u n ted jazz, blues and all other form s o f p ric e of $60 e ach , r e p ­ in d ig e n o u s A m e ric a n m u sic . re se n tin g a savings of T heir new C olum bia R ecords re­ up to 35% . lease, V alence Street, is a com ­ F or the first tim e in posite portrait o f the four rem ark­ se v e ra l y e a rs, “ B each able brothers, and reaffirm s their F r o n t P r o p e r ty ,” th e p la c e o f h ig h p ro m in e n c e in 8X 8 ’ blanket space plots A m erican m usic. V alence Street that are adjacent to the is the actual street in U ptow n New reserved seat sections are O rleans w here the N evilles grew available on a very lim ­ up. It is their spiritual center where ite d , f ir s t- c o m e /f ir s t th eir m other and father, as well as serve basis. U nique to the their U ncle Jolly, the fabled Mardi Mt. Hood Jazz Festival, G ras w ild T choupitoulas Indian this special picnic and C hief, influenced both th eir lives party area can accom m o­ and the spicy funk and the heav­ date up to 8 patrons at enly ballads that form s the core o f any given time. th e ir righteous m usical roots. V isit the M t. H ood LITTLE FEAT are a classic Jazz F estiv al w ebsite at A m erican band. T hey are the w w w .m th o o d ia z z .c o m A m erican experience translated for fu rther inform ation into rock n ’ roll term inology via a about tickets, talent, vol­ blend o f blues, funk and jazz that unteer op portunities and has form ed a 30 year m usical m erchandise. legacy. In the Sum m er o f 1969, lar figures in the eclectic w orld o f jazz, will take the stage. Few art­ ists have had m usical careers as rich and lasting as Sanborn For over 30 years, the veteran sax man has traveled from traditional jazz roots through the peioneering fu­ sion experim ents to mix electric jazz w ith rock and R&B. Now, he stands at the fo refro n t o f the “ Smooth Jazz” m ovem ent In ev­ ery case, he has anticipated the changing tastes o f his audiences, and has artfully navigated the pop instrum ental landscape. Sanborn is constantly hailed as having one o f the richest saxophone sounds on the planet, and is equally at home soloing with a sym phony orchestra, blow ing in a New O r­ leans jam session, or perform ing with his own band alternately play­ ing intim ate love songs w ith pul­ sating R& B/jazz chops. G ate S w in g s! W ill be the them e e a rlie r on S aturday w hen Jubilee 2000 And No Less: Continued from Page A4 I don’t pretend to be an economist. But, for me, the richest nations’ pro­ posal to forgive some o f the debt just isn’t enough. We must cancel all o f the debt. The rich cannot with good conscience or in faith, take money from the poor. Especially when the poor have already given so much. There are not many slates which can be washed clean, but this is one o f them which can be. Let’s start the new millennium with a truly clean slate for the w orld’s poor. What greater act o f faith could there be? T he P o r tla n d O bserver W A N T S Y O U TO K N O W W H A T IS H A P P E N IN G IN Y O U R N E IG H B O R H O O D ... MT. H OO D FESTIVAL presented by T e so ro P etro leu m C o rp o ra tio n featuring Fred Meyer Friday N ight Blues, August 6th V Little Feat Neville Brothers Friday, Aug 6th Friday, Aug 6th Ronnie Earl & The Broadcasters Friday, Aug 6th Saturday, August 7th — & e Clarence Gatemouth Brown Big Band David Sanborn Nneena Freelon Saturday, Aug 7th Saturday, Aug 7th Saturday, Aug 7th Sunday, August 8th “I I Royal Crown Review d Bruce H(Jrnsby Richard Elliot Sunday, Aug 8th Sunday. Aug 8th Sunday, Aug 8th M ose Allison • Sphere, “Honoring Thelonious Monk” Flora Purim & Airto • Spirituals To Swing, 100 Years of Jazz History Danilo Perez • The Jazz M essengers, The Legacy of Art Biakey" Darrell G rant, “The Spirit of Ellington” • M ark Isham , "The Silent Way Project" Kirk W halum , “Gospel According To Jazz" • Keiko MatSUi Jeff Golub With Avenue Blue • Jeru Blue, “Tribute to Gerry Mulligan plus Ellen Whyte & Reflex Blue, Paul Mazzio, Dan Faehnle, Jerry Hahn, Dr Jazz & The Interns, Mary Kadderly, Jed Wilson, People Music Project, Black Swan Classic Jazz Band, and Beacock’s All-Stars AUGUST 6 '8 , 1 9 9 9 Mt. Hood Community College/Gresham Oregon Tickets are on sale at all TicketMaster outlets, including GI Joe’s and Meier & Frank locations, on the web at, or by calling (503) 224-4400 For 3-Day Reserved Seats, call (503) 231-0161 For more info on the Mt. Hood Jazz Festival visit our website at ¿1 A Special Thanks To Our 1999 Mt. Hood Jazz Festival Sponsors: ...A n d a r o u n d th e w o r ld ! Kodak FredMeyer < IIIUM IK I'lt/IIM tutb KIQS Kl$3 tWtl also sponsored by ACT Advanced Communication Technologies, Inc., American Airlines, The Boeing I ompany. Equity Group, Inc. Realtors, Fujitsu, KMHD-FM, Mt. H • • • W M M M I '«¿»¿if **’ ; MMi