SSBBWgCT Page A2 July 14, 1999 — îh v Çortfani» (Observer P O L IC E C N R E W S IM E S T O P P E R S VA N D A L I S Homicide On Saturday, July 10, 1999, at approxim ately 2:15 a m., officers responded to a report o f a shoot­ ing at D o c’s Tavern, located at 3000 SE Powell Boulevard. On arrival. O fficers determ ined that tw o individuals had been shot in the tavern parking lot. A m ale se­ curity o fficer was transported to OHSU M edical Center, where he died o f an apparent gunshot wound to the torso. The second victim , a fem ale em ployee o f the business, was seated in her car when struck, and is being treated for a gunshot w ould to her leg. The incident oc­ curred as two security officers were escorting the fem ale to her car. Two suspects, described as male A sians, approached the victim s on foot and fired num erous rounds from a handgun. The shooting may be related to an earlier disturbance call at the location. The nam e o f the deceased vic­ tim is being w ithheld pending no­ tification o f next o f kin. Court Affirms Local Land-Use Planning Overturns Hearings Board on North County Lot Sizes In an opinion issued, Superior C ourt Judge John F. N ichols af­ firm ed C lark C ounty’s authority to set m inim um lot sizes. His opin­ ion also reaffirm ed that the state G row th m anagem ent Act gives w ide latitude to local governm ent in land-use planning. “ C learly, we are pleased w ith his finding,” said Judie Stanton, chair o f the Board o f Clark County C om m issioners. “ It reinforces the com m u n ity ’s ability to develop com prehensive plans tailored to local circum stances.” Ju d g e N ic h o ls d ire c te d the W estern W ashington Growth M an­ agem ent Hearings Board to reverse its 1995 finding that the GMA w ould not allow Clark County to set minimum rural lot sizes o f 5 acres north o f the East Fork o f the Lewis River. The hearings board had held that larger lots were nec­ essary under the GMA. “ This Court does not have con­ fidence that the Board will give the County the deference required and any further remand for that purpose would cause unnecessary d e la y ,” he w ro te. “ T h u s, the W W W GMHB is directed to enter an O rder finding that Clark County is in com pliance with the G M A " In ov ertu rn in g the h earings board, the judge also stated: “The case law is consistent that 5-acre parcels are rural in nature. The County further produced evidence that their regulations on buffer­ ing; reconfiguration o f non-con­ form ing lots; and setbacks were a reasonable alternative to the vague requirem ents o f the G M A .” The ju d g e ’s opinion w ill have no effect on county perm it prac­ tices until a formal judgm ent is entered. The process should be com pleted and additional infor­ mation should be available in about three w eeks, according to Rich Lowry, the county’s ch ief civil deputy prosecuting attorney. Oak Grove Crisis Residential Center Opens C risis residential center/alco- hol and drug treatm ent center for youth, open in Oak Grove to pro­ vide local residential services to county youth and their fam ilies. C lark C ounty celeb rates the com p letio n o f Oak G rove, a se­ cure crisis residential cen ter for runaw ay youth and a youth re si­ d e n tia l c h e m ic a l d e p e n d e n c y treatm en t facility. Oak G ro v e’s o fficial opening w ill take place on T hursday, July 15, 10 a.m. follow ed by tours o f the facility from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Oak G rove is located at 2924 Falk Road, V ancouver. Both o f the program s housed at Oak G rove w ill provide the com ­ munity w ith m uch-needed local re s id e n tia l se rv ic e s fo r C lark C ounty youth and their families. The program s have been created through a unique com m unity part­ nership effort between Janus Youth Programs, the W ashington D epart­ ment o f Social and H ealth Ser­ vices, the regional D ivision o f Children and Family Services, and the Clark County D epartm ent o f Com m unity Services. The Janus Y outh Crisis R esi­ dential Center is a six-bed (w ith capacity for nine beds) profession­ ally staffed facility for runaw ay boys and girls ages 12 to 17 who need im m ediate assistance. It w ill provide assessm ent and referrals to other com m unity partners to assist them in returning home or to another safe living environm ent. The Y outh R esidential T reat­ m ent C enter is a 12-bed Level 1 secure alcohol and drug treatm ent center that w ill serve boys ages 14 to 17 for a period o f 45 to 60 days. It w ill be operated through the s ta te ’s D ivision o f A lcohol and Substance A buse. Level 1 residential program s in the state o f W ashington are designed for youth who are basically am end­ able to treatm ent w ho do not have secondary mental health or b e ­ havioral issues. Children’s Day At The Market The V ancouver Farm ers M ar­ ket is hosting a C h ild ren ’s M arket on A ugust 14lh from 9AM - 3PM. C hildren can bring hom egrow n flow ers, p ro d u ce or handm ade crafts to sell at the market. This is an excellent opportunity for small groups to raise m oney and to learn the entrepreneurial skills. Regis­ tration form s are available at the C ity Hall front lobby and at the F arm ers M ark et In fo rm atio n al Booth. The fee for a sm all table is $1.00. C hild vendors m ust bring their ow n table (card size) and m ust plan to be there all day ac­ com panied by a parent. R egistra­ tion forms m ust be in by August 7*. Spaces are lim ited to 30 ven­ dors, so sign up early. For more inform ation, contact Pam Keaton @ (360) 256-8059 or the VFM office @ (360) 737-8298. The V ancouver Farm ers M ar­ ket is a non-profit organization. *• F ’ • r T ’ •iirn . ifrfM ' .'- I »J-» Z 11 JiTfLW . ilimia.l IITlil ' * '* The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in identi tying the individuals responsible for vandaliz­ ing numerous building with graffiti. Over the past several m onths, the buildings have been vandal­ ized by individuals spray painting them with the tags or nam es o f “ Loser” And “ Slobber.” These in- d iv id u a ls h a v e b e e n a c tiv e throughout the city, but have hit inner Southeast, the N orthw est Pearl D istrict, and the O ld Town area especially hard. Many o f the vandalized structures are historic buildings, and some have brick exteriors, which m akes clean up especially difficult. In addition to being an eyesore, clean up costs for building ow ners can be extensive. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $1,000 for inform ation, reported to Crim e Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e and you can remain anony­ mous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Fatal Traffic Accident On The Glen Jackson Bridge On Friday, July 9, 1999, at ap­ proxim ately 6:00 AM . a single car fatal traffic accident occurred on the Glen Jackson B ridge in the southbound lanes, approxim ately 1 m ile north o f NE A irportw ay. A ccording to w itness statem ents, a 1979 Toyota C elica was trav el­ ling at approxim ately 100 mph and m aking erratic lane changes w hen the vehicle struck the west guardrail and rolled over 5 tim es, ejecting the m ale driver, who ap­ parently did not have his seatbelt on. The m ale driver died at the scene and has not been identified at this time. Fatal Accident On 1-5 On W ednesday, July 7, 1999, at approximately 3:15 p.m.. a fatal accident occurred on 1-5 north, near the Delta Park exit. The investiga­ tion determined that traffic on 1-5 northbound was stop and go due to heavy volume. Several vehicles and a delivery van were stopped in the center lane o f northbound traffic when a tractor-trailer travelling at approximately 40 mph struck the stopped vehicles causing a chain reaction. The tractor-trailer first struck a 1985 O ldsm obile and the m ale occupant died at scene. The delivery van was struck and tipped onto its side. A Hyundai caught on fire due to the accident and two men who were also involved in the accident pulled a female from the burning vehicle. The female was taken to Emanuel Hospital. A total o f 5 cars, one delivery van and one sem i-truck were involved in the accident. The driver o f the tractor-trailer, Charles Bruce Sw anson, 37 years, was not injured in the accident. The name o f the deceased is being w ithheld pending notification o f family. A fter the investigation is com plete it will be forw arded to the M ultnom ah County D istrict A ttorney’s O ffice for G rand Jury consideration. The northbound lanes o f 1-5 were closed for approxim ately 4 hours and reopened at approxi­ m ately 7:30 p.m. Homicide In SE Portland On Thursday, July 1, 1999, at approxim ately 9:00 P.M ., an 18- year-old male called 911 from a phone booth to report that his mother had been involved in a stab­ bing at 3819 SE 59,h Ave. When officers arrived at that location they found a male deceased inside the residence from w hat appeared to be stab wounds. The victim , Luis A quino, 34 years, apparently got into a verbal altercation with his girlfriend, Jeanette C hristine Brown, 36 years, who then stabbed him. Jeanette Brown was charged w ith M urder and lodged in the M ultnom ah C ounty Jail. Both Jeanette Brown and Luis Aquino lived at 3819 SE 59th Ave. On Friday, July 2, 1999. an au­ to p sy w as p e rfo rm e d by the M ultnm ah County M edical Exam ­ iners O ffice who determ ined that Luis A quino died from a stab w ound to his torso. D e te c tiv e S e rg e a n t S h irle y M cLaughlin and D etective Ser­ geant Jon Rhodes are assigned the investigation and are asking any­ one w ith additional inform ation to call the Portland Police Bureau D etective D ivision at 823-0400.