Page 2 Focus July 14,1999 Observer Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F Fortiani» (©baeriier N ehalem , O regon - Northwest Publisher C h u ck W ashington Oregon has never seen the likes of this V audeville perform ance. An Oregon-based mother/daugh- ter te a m , D o ro th y a n d K a re n M cC o rm ick , will p resen t “ Pops G oes V audeville” at three coastal perform ances: Ju ly 18 (2 PM and 7:30 PM) at the C hinook W inds C asin o in Lincoln City; a n d ju ly 19 (7:30 PM) at the convention center in Seaside. T h e M cCorm icks are certainly a rarity in the symphony orchestra world - both direct and conduct their own orchestras. Both are virtuoso strin ged instrum ent gling sensa­ tion S ergei Ignatov will be fre sh from a series news@ o f p e rfo r­ m a n c e s in the US, in­ cluding Las V egas; • F ro m P o r tla n d , T h e T an go D a n c e r s fro m th e F r e d A staire studio will perform a num ber of num bers; • F ro m D e p o e B a y , m usicians and teachers. G racie Strom , the m atron of K aren M cC orm ick, in addition the Sea H ag R estaurant and to her m usic career, is also an ac­ p op u lar bottle-player, will co m p lish ed co m ed ien n e, having play “ Bill Bailey, W on’t You perform ed worldwide for more than Please C om e H om e.” a decade as a V audeville clown, and T h e p e rfo r m a n c e s are acting in several movies including fu n d r a is e r s fo r the n o n ­ Pop-Eye and Purple R ose o f Cairo. p ro fit N o rth C o a st S y m ­ K aren will recreate som e of her fa­ phony O rch estra, a 60-mem- m ous ch aracters on stage, as she ber group m ade up of m u si­ pays tribute to one o f her heroes, cian s living along O regon ’ s C h a r lie C h a p lin . D o ro th y northw est coast. M cC orm ick will be guest conduct­ Tickets are available from ing K aren ’s orchestra. F astixx (1-800-992-8499) or Filling out the two hour show are many favorite groups and individu­ C h in o o k W in d s (1-888- MA1N-ACT). Tickets are tax als, including: rind net ibd P • I 'm « , R ncaia in te r n a tio n a l iUE- 1 )i a d lim ' b Top 10 Mlovles Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Director o f Advertising Tony W ashington Copy Editor J o y R am os Creative Director Heather Fairchild 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 e-mail: su b m itte d m a li From boyhood to manhood, you can always count on your best friends. T H I s W E E K Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by N oon THE WOOD Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. 1 m i d Wild West 2 Big Daddy 3 The General’s Daughter 4 South Park: Bigger. Louder & Uncut All created display ads become the sole property of the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without tiie written con­ sent of the general manager, 5 Star Wars: Episode 1- The Phantom Menace 6 Tarzan 7 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 8 Hotting H111 unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. 9 Instinct g ' S.-.ÍAS'-' , Z w w th iw o o d m o ^ o n r SOUNDTRACK ALBUM AU AltABU OH Jl Vt HI CORDS 25-5555+4606 T H X | REGAL CINEMAS 225-5555+4627 TIGARD REGAL CINEMAS .. - n X S 225-5555+4601 I 225-5555+4616 T E X IllO YD MALL CINEMASI 82N D AVENUE S tarts F riday , J une 16 /V IS IO N S T. 13 10 Entrapment TW rarteHl OMsrw PARAMOUNT PICTURES «sms u Mill FILMS mm ™ ihwwumwi BORA FIDE «urns "THE WOOD TATE OIOSS OMAR EPPS RICHARD T. JONES SEAN NELSON MALI FINN am EMILY SCHWEBER „„.STS PIIAR MCCURRY SSR DARRYLE JOHNSON JOHN CARTER, all M ROGER FORTUNE w MAXINE SHEPARO ASS STEVEN BERNSTEIN -.««i! OOUGIAS CURTIS « , VAN TO FFLER**» ALBERT IERGER RONYERXA DAVID GALE n,R RICK FAMUYIWA mm TOOD BOYD K “ "'"SRICIFAM IIYIH A’^ R IK F A M IIY IN A jOfc «xatms HUflawcocyif REGAL CINEMAS 225-5555+4625 T E X . 225-5555+4623 Il EVERGREEN PARKWAY REGAL CINEMAS J I movies ON TV] REGAL CINEMAS - N O PASSES - CALL THEATRE EOR SHO W TIM ES