July 14, 1999 (£iiv ÿknUmiô (©bseruer Page B7 LL JJÌ"1 r ! L_*.j r P i D A V E s R s T I i S F I N I F G ] V -J A City Of W M t Unn Employment Opportunity Information Systems Manager New m a n a g e m e n t p o s itio n w ith compensation package of $7 0 ,0 0 0 + annually. Opportunity to develop the C ity's inform ation system s program using Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) and HTE public sector applications and AS400 computer and operating system. Provides leadership and d ire c tio n in th e d e s ig n and development of interconnectivity of all City d e p a rtm e n ts fo r d a ily operational needs, hardware and software, user an d /o r application support and administration. City is prepared to hire im m e d ia te ly. Contact the City of West Linn at (503) 722-3426 voice mail or TDD (503) 656-4518, for an application packet. Resumes accepted. Position will remain open until sufficient, qualified applications have been re c e iv e d . S u b m it c o m p le te d information to West Linn City Hall ee825 Willamette Drive, West Linn, OR 97 0 6 8 . EEO visit the City’ s web site at h ttp ://w w w .te le p o rt.co m / -w estlinn___________ __________ ! * i U-J II 'I iirv —- ---- , - and Family Services Department c u rre n tly ha s th e fo llo w in g opportunities available: 1 _ J Cost Accountant Leading specialty m etals company has p ro fe s s io n a l a cco u n tin g opportunity fo r detail-oriented, proactive individual lookingfor growth and challenge in team environment. Responsibilities include performing month-end closing and preliminary a u d its , c o m p u tin g w e ig h ted averages & summaries, preparing re p o rts & s p re a d s h e e ts , & reconciling assorted data. Requires 4-yr degree in Account)ngor Business (w ith s ig n ific a n t a cco u n tin g coursework), proficiency with PC- based spreadsheets, prior cost a c c o u n tin g exp, and s o lid organization & communication skills. P o s itio n o ffe rs c o m p e titiv e compensation package including defined pension plan, 401k, tuition assistance, and health benefits. S u b m it resum e and salary requirements to Human Resources, PO Box 580, Albany OR 97321. We are an AA/EEO employer. Washington County Library Computer Specialist I $2 ,5 7 6 - $ 3 ,1 3 2 /m o Closes August 6 ,1 9 9 9 Youth Services Librarian (Librarian II) $3,064 - $ 3 ,7 2 3 /m o August 6, 1 999 Probation & Parole Officer I Bilingual Spanlsh/Engllsh $2 ,7 9 9 - $3,403 July 23, 1999 Call (503) 6 4 8 -8 6 0 6 /TTY (503) 693-4898 for information. County a p p lic a tio n and su p p le m e n ta l application forms required. Women, m in o ritie s , and p e o p le w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. Apply To: Washington County Human Resources Division 1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 Computer Metro Providing regional services Creating livable communities Technical S p e c ia lis t - $ 1 6 .3 5 - ' $21.9 2 /h o u r, PT. Deadline July 16, 1 9 9 9 . Provides technical support to PC users throughout the organization assisting with h a rd w a re , s o ftw a re and communication problems including installing software programs and answering questions on the use of such programs. R e q u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls a v a ila b le a t: M e tro Human Resources, 6 0 0 NEGrand Avenue, Portland, OR 97 2 3 2 . Resumes are not accepted. Please call (503) 7 9 7 -1 5 7 0 if you w ould lik e application materials mailed to you. W eb a d d re s s : w w w .m e tro - region.org AA/EEO Employer Mental Health Case M g r / Therapist Multi-cultural CMHC seeks clinician to provide assessment, Rx plans, 1-1, case mgmt for adult CM0 w / dual diagnosis, & groups. MSW or MA/MS in related field. PT $ 1 6 / hr. A frican/A m erican/M inorities encouraged to apply. S ubm it resume & cover letter to CCMH. M. Blum, 3 7 1 6 NE MLK Jr., Portland, OR 97 2 1 2 or Fax (503) 288-8168. Radio Advertising Sales for Entercom Radio Station KGON. M ust have 2+ years broadcast sales exp. Good organizational, written/verbal c o m m u n ica tio n s s k ills . Send re s u m e /re fe re n c e s to S ales Manager, KGON Radio - 0 7 0 0 SW Bancroft St., Portland, OR 97201. Equal Opportunity Employer The Community Energy Project is lookingfor an Outreach Coordinator. Responsibilities include: scheduling, organizing, and m o n ito rin g weatherization workshops for lower income residents o f Portland; recruiting and training workshop leaders; recruiting, training, and supervisingvolunteerteamsto install energy saving materials in the homes of senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Outreach Coordinator is also responsible for outreach activities to inform low income residents o f the program and motivate them to sign up for our programs. Position includes some weekend and evening work; vehicle required. Please send resume to the Community Energy Project, P.0. Box 12272, Portland, OR 97212, or call 284-9403. The Community Energy Project is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Position closes July 30. V o lu n te e rs o f A m e n c e o f O re g o n , a n o t - R e tire m e n t Living f o r - p r o f it social services o rg a n is a tio n w it h a 1 0 2 -y e a r h isto ry servin g th is c o m m u n ity , has th e f o llo w in g p o s itio n : P R O G R A M A S S IS T A N T S • Studio & 1-B ed ro o m A p artm e n ts w ith F u ll K itch ens Work with seniors w ith disabilities providing therapeu­ Senior Office Assistant Behavioral Health Division (reopened) $ 1 2 .9 8 per hour starting ($1 2 .9 8 - $ 15.03 full range) Apply by July 23. Exam # 6 0 0 2 0 4 • Easy access to shopping a n d bus lin e s tic health and social activities in a daytime, group set­ ting Volunteers of America of Oregon (VOA) A dult Day • D in in g R o o m , B eau ty a n d B a rb e r Shop Cate is currently seeking Program Assistants to work in a m ulti-cultural, team setting to support seniors m maintaining independence in the com m unity CHA pre­ • A ctivities, C lu b s, a n d G a rd e n areas ferred. One fu ll-tim e, tegular and several on-call posi­ • Safety, S ecurity, a n d C o m p a n io n s h ip tions, available $ 8 OOjhour and excellent benefits. Send resume and cover letter, or stop by to fill o u t an F e d e ra l R en t Subsidies fa r those th a t q u a lify application by July 23rd, 1999. at V olunteers o f A m erica o f Oregon. Inc., S3 ? SE Alder Street. Portland. OR 9 7 2 1 4 . A ttn : AOC Acute Care, Bed Management, And Protective Services Specialist Westmoreland's Union Manor Behavioral Health Division $39,890-$54,847 annually 8404 66 23rd Avenue Portland. Orefon 97202 VokmRen of Amena ($39,890-$47,868 standard hinng range) 233-S671 Equal O pportunity Employer V Apply by July 23. Exam #911507 Application materials and formal job announcements are available at : www.co.multnomah.or.us/jobs/, in person or by mailings self-addressed stam ped envelope requesting application forms to: Multnomah County Employee Services, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, First Boor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland, OR 97293- 0 7 0 0 . A s s is te d a cce ss to Multnomah County job information and w e b s ite is a va ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. A United Way Agency Kirkland Union Manors M arshall Union Manor 3830 SB 64th Avenue Portland. Oregon 97266 2020 NW Northrup Street Portland, Oregon 97209 777-8101 225-0677 o m e n ia m Equal Opportunity Employer. Inspector Specialty metals manufacturer seeks team-oriented NDT technician with Level II certifications in UT. RT, PT and VT. Will ensure adherence to required processing procedures, specifications and standards by inspecting and testing material s and final products. Requires keen communication and observations skills, commitment to quality and desire to be a responsible member of a dynamic organization. Two-year degree in Metallurgy, NDT or Material Science or equivalent experience plus Level II certifications per SNT- TC-1A required. Also requires strong computer skills (AutoCad and Oracle preferred), experience in immersion ultrasonic testing, and experience preparing w ritte n procedures. Experience training other personnel is preferred. We are an AA/EEO employer, offering com petitive compensation package including 401k, tuition assistance and health benefits. Submit resume and salary requirements to Human Resources Dept., PO Box 580, Albany, OR PROFESSIONAL BARBERS Oregon State Bar Affirmative Action Program Assistant Part-time - 2 0/hours per week The Bar is re cru itin g fo r a regular, p a rt-tim e (.5 FTE) Program Assistant for the Affirmative Action P ro g ra m . P o s itio n p ro v id e s secretarial and clerical support for program activities, composes and types non-routine correspondence, reports and pamphlet materials. Organizes program records, complies information and survey results, questionnaires, and statistical reports. Works with administrator and program staff to implement various programs and support for students which include Professional Partnership Program, the Bar Exam Program and is primarily responsible for production of Connections (AAP Newsletter/Magazine). Performs database maintenance and various statistical reporting. 97321.______________________ S k i l l * n e e d e d : S tr o n g o f f ic e Employment o rg a n iza tio n a l s k ills , good interpersonal and communications skills. Familiarity with standard office Providing regional services equipm ent. Requires one year Creating livable communities responsible experience in an office environment. Experience in Windows Scalehouse Technician - $ 1 1 .0 7 - 95 environment and Microsoft Office $ 1 4 .8 3 /h o u r, FT limited duration Suite with emphasis on Word and (3 mos). Deadline July 1 5 ,1 9 9 9 . Excel. Ability to support data base Operates computerized scaling information and interpret program system ; e s tim a te s loads and policies. Knowledge of multi-cultural p e rfo rm s c a s h ie r d u tie s fo r issues is helpful. commercial and public vehicles Salary starts at: $94O/month, benefits delivering solid waste to disposal prorated. site. Provides information to the Apply Immediately: Provide resume public and enforces Metro policy to Human Resources Manager, regarding solid waste disposal. Attn: AAP, Oregon State Bar, 5200 Calculates fees based on Metro SW Meadows Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97 0 3 5 . Fax to (503) 624-8326 policy; collects fees and issues or email to bplymire@osbar.org. receipts. R e q u ire d a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls Deadline for application is Friday, a v a ila b le a t: M e tro Human July 16, 1999. Equal Opportunity Employer Resources, 600 NEGrand Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 . Resumes are not accepted. Please call (503) The C ity of Portland is a cce p tin g 7 9 7 -1 5 7 0 i f you w ould lik e a p p lic a tio n s fo r B u ild in g application materials mailed to you. M a in te n a n ce M echanic Hourly Wage: $1 8 .4 1 at entry - $20.01 W eb a d d re s s : w w w .metro- region.org after six months AA/EEO Em ploy« Deadline: July 2 3 , _ _ Metro Technical Mechanic P e rfo rm s a b ro a d s p e c tru m o f v e h ic u la r m e ch a n ica l ta s k s maintaining and repairing transit buses, a u to m o b ile s and associated equipment. Starting wage $ 14.12 per hour. Come in or call 503-588-2424 to obtain official application form to Salem Area M ass T ra n s it D is tric t, Human Resources Division, 3140 Del Webb Ave NE, Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 3 . Application m ust be received by District by 5 :00 p.m. August 6 ,1 9 9 9 . An Equal Opportunity E m p l o y e r ____ Escape Towards A New Life 1-900-226-0560 ext. 3212 $ 2 .9 9 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Serv-U (619) 645-8434 Parking Facility Operator Im m e d ia te opening for full and part-time lot attendant with Portland's leading parking Company. W e are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. • $ 7 .2 5 starting wage • Advancement potential • M edical, Dental and 4 0 1 K available A pplicants m u s t have valid drivers license, subm it to drug test and background check. Apply in person betw een 1 2 :0 0 and 1 :0 0 PM daily at CityCenter Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6"’. Honeywell Technical Opportunity Honeywell has an immediate opportunity for a Security S olutions Installation Specialist in the Portland area. Responsibilities include: • Delivery of technical integrated security solutions. This includes access control, CCVS and related software applications. • Responsible for project manage­ ment and customer delivery and acceptance. Requirements include: • Associate’s Degree in electncal or computer science, or equivalent experience. • Minimum 2-5 years related electrical, technical, Security con­ trols, and/or fire alarm systems experience. • Strong communications, customer relations, and computer skills, including Windows 95. Working knowledge of WindowsNT and LAN systems a plus. • Proven skills in problem solving and working in a self-managed team. Please fax/e-mail your scannable plain text resume, noting SC: EADPOB, to (612) 951-6185 or sourcln9Ocorp.honeywell.com (ASCII text format). Or, forward your resume to Honeywell Inc., Employment Response Center, SC: EADPOB, P.O. Box 524, MN12-3260, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0524 Honeywell is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse work force and a drug-free environment. Visit www.hbc.honeywell.com for more information. • Male or Female • Full or Part Time • Salary and Benefits Available A L S O W A N T E D SHOE SHINE M A N E xplrii n ( i L \ s i s A L ifetime . Find out how you can receive extra money to pursue further education, as you develop new skills and receive quality benefits through the Montgomery G1 Bill, in the Air Force Reserve. Along with a monthly salary, you can receive checks for educational expenses totaling more than $9,000. And the experience you'll gain will be priceless. Call the Air Force Reserve today. And let freedom ring. (503) 335-4738 1-800-232-3421 A IR F O R C E U 9 B o b b y ’s B a r b e r S h R eserve 2535 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 / j \j 5 0 3 ) T m . C ali T akls A Liw M ini it s . lin ABOVE & BEYOND www.afreserve.com » l-0 7 1 2 ^ /(j Employment Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, com petitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Transportation Engineer 2 Geotechnical Engineer and creation of professional documents, training and educational materials. Applicants should possess knowledge or an ability to learn desktop publishing, charting graphics and advanced word processing. Salary is $ 1 ,8 0 8 to $ 2.5 16 a month. For more inform ation, please co nta ct Personnel Services at (503) 731-3443 or visit the State web site at www.oregonlobs.org. Closing date is July 26, 1999. 4, - i" i - 'T .'/■ u if- 11*-'--4t/.-» V O OREGON ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Unique opportunity in our Salem office for a Professional Engineer possessing experience in geotechnical engineenng Position will develop and finalize geotechnical design recommendations for complex projects and provide technical guidance to s ta ff engineers. Registration as a Professional Engineer (PE) is required. Requires a Bachelor’s degree in C m Engineering or Engineering Geology and two years of professional-level experience In the practice of geotechnical engineering; OR five years of engineering experience. Two of the five years must have been Performing professional-level, geotechnical engineering duties. Salary $3,349 - $4 795/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves' 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contnbution. Announcement HOCDT9306. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -3 8 54 for th e hearing Impaired) or v isit www.oregonlobs.org for application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 . Oregon Economic and Community Development Department is currently inviting applicants for the following vacancies. All positions are located in Salem and offer competitive salaries and excellent benefits. Contact the Human Resource Office at (503) 9 8 6 0 0 9 5 tar the required application packet or access the full Job announcement Including application process at: www.econ.state.or. NOTE: You m ust reference the appropriate announcement number listed for each Job below when requesting application packets. All application materials must be submitted by the close date. Program Technician 1 On-the-Job (OTJ) Training Coordinator ODOT's Office of Civil Rights in Salem seeks a motivated, organized indMdual to provide coordination and technical assistance for our OTJ program. This federally funded program provides training opportunities in highway construction. Help develop and implement an OTJ support services program. Prepare funding requests and RFP’s. Manage a database, track program data and produce statistical reports. Review, approve and monitor contractor training programs and progress reports. Participate in EEO contract compliance reviews and analysis. Requires three years of experience administenng or coordinating parts or subsets of a project or a program. Familianty with Civil Rights/OTJ programs is preferred. If you have previously applied for this position under 0CDT9272. you need not re-apply. Names of qualified applicants will remain on the list for consideration. Salary $2.399 - $3 346/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement #OCDT9272A. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or visit www.oregonjobs.org for application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 2 0 ,1 9 9 9 . Executive Support Specialist 1 Policy Section Key Contact Excellent organizational, communication and computer skills are highly desired for this current vacancy in Salem. Position will provide confidential administrative support for the Manager of the Policy Section, provide clerical/adm inistrative support to Section staff, and ensure the smooth flow of work within the Section Requires three years of clerical/secretarial experience which included: one year at a full performance-level performing typing, word processing or other generation of documents; and lead work responsibility or coordination of office procedures. Courses or training m Office Occupations or Office Technology may be substituted for up to one year of the clertcal/secretarial experience. No substitution will be made tor the one year at the full performance-level. Salary $1.808 $2.516/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance: paid vacation; sick and personal leaves 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contnbution. Announcement «O C D T9309. C ontect ODOT Recruitm ent at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for th e hearing Im paired) or www.oregonjoba.org for application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is August 2, 1999 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Oregon Health Division Principle Executlve/M anager C H IV /S TD Prevention Manager Oregon Health Division s (OHD's) HIV-STD-TB Program is seeking applicants for a mansgement staff position located in Portland. This fulHime position directs statewide HIV prevention activities and provides technical assistance to County health departments in the administration of local HIV-STD prevention programs Salary is $3.001 to $4.435 a month. Duties include; plan and coordinate HIV-STD prevention education activities for providers and consumers including statewide conferences; coordinate Statewide HIV Prevention Planning activities; develop Oregon's ^ d e ra lH IV ^ Prevention Cooperative Agreement; admimster/monitor Oregon s CDC-funded hiv prevention grant and monitor HIV prevention grants awarded by OHD. This position requires a strong background in public health, behavioral science as applied to communityfevel HIV prevention, and a commitment to program excellence, assessment and accountability. The position supervises the work of a staff of five and reports directly to the HIV-STB-TB Program M a nn e r. Directly and through supervisees, this manager coordinates Oregon's HIV Counseling and Testing Program, programs for community mobilization for health promotion and statewide HIV prevention programs address™ gay men, persons of color, women, persons in corrections and those who use iryection drugs. The position coordinates propam s with the Oregon Department of Education and the Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs. works to establish new collaborations with CBO's. and researches universities and other state agencies Position announcement, Job description and application materials a rt available f r o m j * » * * * " Division Personnel Service* Section. Ptaaoo ca« (5 03 ) 731-4005 (TTY (503) 731-4031 for the hearing Impaired). A p p U c K t must wdmdt an official State el Oregon application (form PO 100) • » * * • * ’ hwn * • Poraomol Sorvfcos Section. Closing date is August 13. 1999 Oregon Health Division Center for Child and Family Health Administrative Specialist 1 WIC Administrative Support Specialist This two-year, limited duration, full-time position, located m Portland, provides specialized support Including advanced word processing, data input Regional Coordinator - Infrastructure Specialist Program Technician 2 Announcement Num ber LE990637 There are currently three vacant positions. These positions are responsible for facilitating, planning, assessing needs and delivering Department and other resources to regions of the state. The Regional Coordinators also act as a liaison between the Department and regional partners, provide project and planning development advice and assistance to public and private entities, and help communities and businesses develop and process applications for financial assistance. These positions also provide technical expertise related to infrastructure projects. You m ust have two years experience with responsibility for program or project oversight, monitoring and coordination of public works infrastructure projects. The experience must have included program evaluation responsibility. Salary is $2.8 99 to $4,059 a month. This recruitment is open until further notice, however, if you are interested in the current vacancies, your application must be received by July 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 . Public Relations & Special Events Coordinator Oregon Tourism Commission Project Coordinator Announcement Number: L E 990638 This position is with the Oregon Tourism Commission of the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. This position is responsible tor aiding in and implementing the sales and marketing of Oregon as a tourism destination. This position works with national and international media to secure placement of stones featuring Oregon’s lifestyle, key industries, and economic development; coordinates special promotional events and activities, as well as the production of tounsm publications To qualify, you must have four years' experience as an executive assistant, administrative analyst, researcher or administrative officer which included administrative duties, provision o f technical assistance, or operations review Two of the required years must nave included administration or oversight of an ongoing tounsm project or program. Salary is $2,7 65 to $3,866 a month. Close date is July 2 3 .1 9 9 9 . Tourism Development Manager - Oregon Tourism Commission Project Coordinator Announcement Number: LE990639 This position is with the Oregon Tourism Commission of the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. This position is responsible for aiding in and implementing the marketing and regional tourism development programs of the Oregon Tourism Commission. This position acts as a resource for regional tourism groups in their implementation of special projects and promotional campaigns, and assists with industry development, with particular emphasis on rural Oregon. To qualify, you must nave four years' experience as an executive assistant, administrative analyst, researcher or administrative officer which included administrative duties, provision of technical assistance, or operations review. Two of the required years m ust have included administration or oversight of an ongoing tourism project or program. Salary is $2,765 to $3.866 a month. Close date is July 23, 1999. Executive Support Specialist 2 Management Assistant Announcement Number. E S 123019 This position is with the Director’s Office of the Department. This position manages daily and longterm itineraries, reviews and processes correspondences, tracks staff assignments and coordinates the flow of information for the Director's Office. The position also provides executive secretarial support for the Economic and Community Development Commission. Requires one year’ experience performing administrative support duties for senior management staff In an organization or agency. Qualifying experience would involve information and data collection, analysis and interpretation, project evaluation and analysis, interpretation and application of laws, rules, guidelines and regulations, or similar experience Salary is $2.023 to $2.849 a month. Close date is Ally 2 3 .1 9 9 9 . OREGON DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Regional Representative for WIHamette Valley This permanent position, located in Salem, represents the Department and provides planning assistance to cities and counties in the Willamette valley and a limited number of jurisdictions outside the valley Position may also, depending upon qualifications, serve as a departm ent specialist in one or more issue areas related to local comprehensive plans Salary Is $ 3 178 to $4.457 a month. Contact any State employment office or DLCD SMom office at (5 03 ) 3 7 6 0 0 5 0 tar Announcement M .E 9 9 0 60 5 and application. Unless extended to receive sufficient applications, closing date is July 29. 1999. J /ho ao are Juat some of the current opening* avaSpMo with tlw State of Oregon For eddWonei Information. a copy of the State of Oragon Application Form and a more complete announcement fitting*, cafi the S bto Jo b lino (Oregonian Imrida Una) (5 03 ) 225-5555 axt. 7777, TTY (5 03 ) 3 7 6 4 6 7 2 , vis« your local omploymant department or vtalt our wab Mto at www.orogonjota.org. The State of Oregon and a« t o «vtatana are proud to be equal opportunity employer*.