4 A...... Page B2 (The ^Jorthinò CtfHwruer o® i Choosing the Journey Of Fatherhood I am 63-years old, a m inister and head o f a national orgam zation. I have years o f commu- lity , political and professional ex­ perience too lengthy to describe. Vet I am still grow ing into the most rew arding and challenging role 1 have ever chosen to und er­ take— that o f fatherhood. This role is especially challenging because my son has had a drug problem for 18 years. Every day I think about my son. I no longer have a sense o f guilt, but I have asked if I could have done anything differently. My own response to the question is no. I did my best, 1 did all 1 could do. I grew up in a patriarchal, south­ ern family.M y father was a good provider and 1 was that. My chil­ dren had everything they wanted, but they didn’t have me. At one point I had three jobs and the weight o f a mistake many men today make - giving things and not giving of themselves. Many times I have said if I had it to do over, I’d make sure they had what they needed and what p ro v id in g our ch ild ren w ith a healthy image o f a man that is bey o n d co m p anionship. "R eal M en” d on’t wait for an organiza­ tion to convince them that they need to be connected to the lives o f their babies. “ Real M en” do much more than sire children to b o lste r th e ir self-esteem . Ih e project o f the Black Church Initia­ tive are sensitive to the needs ot young men and male participation in sexuality education. At the N a­ tional Black Religious Summit III on Sexuality in W ashington, D.C. July 7-9, we invited and encour­ aged men and boys to be fully aw are o f the great responsibility they have in all their relationships. We will continue to bring young men in the classroom s at religious institutions who are opened and desirous o f conversations about these issues, conversations that are in the presence o f peers, clergy, and young women. We are helping to create opportunities for w hole­ som e re la tio n sh ip s w hen both young men and women, youth and elder, have the opportunity to dia­ logue openly about sexuality in a lence, substance abuse and sexu­ ality education. I m ust w ork so that there are settings to talk about being strong, being m ale, being partners, being bro th ers, being uncles, husbands, friends. These are tim es to talk about men who m ake re sp o n sib le re p ro d u c tiv e choices. Places o f w orship are appropri­ ate for faith based dialogue about sexuality. Faith com m unities m ust continue to open its doors to the youth on their way to m anhood, and the substance abuser trying to turn the com er to accept his rig h t­ ful place as contributing, respon­ sible com m unity mem bers. It m ust Fabnc Depot the connection betw een spiritual­ ity and sexuality, a valuable gift from God. The Sum m it is another place w here those w ho have been lost and crying in the w ilderness, can be found. It is a place to come “to love th y s e lf’. It w asn’t there for my son, it is, in its third year, how ever, there for yours. As for me, this w ork is an ex­ tension ot the constantly m aturing love I have for my children, and now my grandchildren and the chil­ dren o f the village. Every day I feel blessed that 1 am a father to all my children, that I’m still on this journey, and that I am faithfully, prayerfully, pro-choice. fa m ilie s w h ic h m a k e s b e tte r homes, com m unities and churches. S p e c ia l g u e s t s p e a k e r s o f B ishop A.R. H opkins are: T ues­ day evening, E vangelist Ron Hill pastor o f Love and United COGIC, Los A ngeles, C alif.; W ednesday evening. Civic Program speaker. C aptain D errick Forxw orth o f the Portland Police D epartm ent and F rid a y e v e n in g , B ish o p T .L . W estbrook, prelate o f W ashing­ In Loving Memory Of Lewis J. Ball • Sunrise • October 7, 1908 • Sunset • & F R IE N D S A Celebration for Yasmin was held Saturday, July 3"1 at 2:00 p . m . at the Peggy Brooks Building on N . Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon. Words are what we used most to express ourselves and \ asmin s command o f the spoken and writ­ ten word was a pleasure to wit­ ness. Her style and flair was uni­ versal in its appeal. The personi­ fication o f Diva in it’s purest form. Yasmin Shamsud-Din, a w ild­ flower o f the most precious and beautiful kind in the garden o f our lives. We love y o u ‘Min Bean and we will miss you for infinity. Yasmin lives on in her mother Lurlene Nafizah Shamsud-Din; her father Isaac Shamsud-Din; her brothers: W illiam . A.B. Eric, Dawud, Ishaq, Jalil and Jam a' her sisters: C hristina, A yasha and Jenisa;hernieces: Britney, Ashley, D om inique, Shantina, A m ber, C haquetta, A kila, Lailani and Jsymyne; her nephews: Dontay, Saleem and David; The Clark Fam­ ily; The Allen Family; The Beasley Family; The Johnson Family and The Edmondson Family. To all o f Y asm ins extended family and friends, she lives on in you. ____ 2 attention DIABETICS^! Under a new law you may qualify for FREE DIABETIC SUPPLIES! Call now ton State. A freewill offering will be taken and all events are open to the public. 1-800-985-9904 Homefront Diabetic Services I’m controlling mv diabetes - with a little help from my family. Controlling diabetes makes a huge difference. 1 have diabetes so I need to keep my blood sugar under control. My family is a big help. too. When we get together, they always remember to serve a variety of healthy foods. And the grandkids keep me moving - they like to walk with me whenever they visit. My wife reminds me to take my medicine and to test my blood sugar. SALE EXTENDED! 0 $ it u a k t ny February 2, 1979 - June 27, 1999 F A M I t y May 25 through June 8,1999 Memorial Day, May 31st, 10-6pm able abortion. Fathers need to m ake sure they a Yasmin Shamsud-Din Convention To Honor Bishop A. R. Hopkins T he First Jurisdiction o f the they needed was me. Church o f God In C hrist Holy C on­ W hile I bear the burden o f my faith context. vocation w ill convene at 7 p.m ., ch ild ’s addiction, that burden has As a father, m inister and politi­ from now thru July 11, at H igh­ made me a better servant. He has cally active citizen listening to land U nited form erly M cK inney helped me to realize those things young people, I stand at the van­ T e m p le C O G IC , 1737 N .E . that are out o f our control as par­ guard. I m ust continue to make A lberta St., Bishop A.R. H opkins, ents I can preach and counsel to sure the assum ptions o f our youth, Jurisdictional B ishop presiding. people who have sim ilar problem s esp ecially our young m en, are The purposes o f the C onven­ with a greater understanding. I now based in reality. I must continue to tion is to h o n o r B ishop A .R . say we have to allow our children ensure they have events like the H opkins, prelate o f the First Ju ris­ to find their own w ay; but, not S um m it at H ow ard U niversity diction o f the C hurch o f God In alone, and not w ithout our love School o f D ivinity, where they can C hrist in O regon. He has lead the and support. M y son was blessed gather to discuss the im pact on churches to 54 years o f service in to have tw o parents and a wise their lives o f unplanned teen preg­ the state o f O regon. Prayers w ith mother. She taught me that we were nancy, H IV /A ID S, dom estic vio- m ission w ork are offered to help both responsible for a loving and supportive home for all our chil­ dren. C onsequently, my years o f experience as a father, husband, and Pastor, confirm ed this. My journ ey w ith my children has touched every aspect o f my life, including my w ork as p resi­ dent and CEO o f the R eligious C o a litio n fo r R e p r o d u c tiv e Choice. For m ost o f us fatherhood really is a choice. W hen one makes that choice, he m ust choose to be responsible for the choices h e ’s made. Fatherhood is being more than one w ho participates in pro­ THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST creation. It is a deep appreciation for life, a giving o f oneself, and helping another individual to grow, to m ature, to take on values you feel are im portant. Fatherhood is from conception to birth to adult­ hood. And fatherhood is also about a responsibility to m ake sure that the women in our lives have ac­ cess to a d e q u a te re p ro d u c tiv e health care that includes, but is not lim ited, to access to a safe, afford­ u t % 30 OFF With my diabetes under control, 1 feel a lot better and have more energy. Best of all, 1 m going to be around for my family... for my friends... for life. Everything in the store* Gall 1-800-438-5383 to learn more. Or visit us at our website; http://ndep.nih.gov O utd oor W areh ouse Sale Starts Sat., May 29 $200 . $200 . $^< June 30, 1999 Lewis J. Ball was bom in Grand Island, Neb. In 1908. Lewis’s occupation was that o f a Manufactures Representative. per yd. OUTDOOR SALE OPEN DAILY 10-6pm New Fabrics Added W eekly Minimum Cut 1 yard. All merchandise as is. All sales final. BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS" Lewis leaves to cherish is memory: . ¿ ___ l . 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