i ; \ o lu ille \ \ l \ . 5(b .lt.lv 7, 1999 ,t ( o iiim ilte d t<» < u liu iu l l)i\c r s it\ N u m b e r 27 • ». SECTION ®br ^iortlanîi ffibseruer (E Sellwood Riverfront Concerts Celebrate the last summer of the 20* century with friends and neighbors in local parks around the city. The Sellwood Riverfront Concert on the W illamette River (just north of the Sellwood Bridge) will be on July 12. Concerts begin on Monday from 6:30 PM until 8:30 PM. Call 823-2223. World Walk for Breastfeeding La Leche League international’s World Walk for Breastfeeding will be held on Saturday, August 7 from noon to 4 PM in 1 air Hill park in downtown Portland. The one-mile symbolic walk will begin at 1:30 PM on the running track adjacent to Lair Hill Park. La Leche League International (LLLI) is a nonprofit organization that provides information and support to 200,000breastfeeding mothers in 66 coun­ tries every month. Call 503/524-9616. Woman, Thou Art Loosed! Women throughout the country and around the world anticipate their largest Christian gathering to date, as they prepare to converge in Atlanta for Bishop T.D. Jakes’ fourth annual Woman. Thou Art Loosed! Conference at the Georgia Dome July 29-31.“WailingWomen Win” is theme for the 1999 conference - billed by the Atlanta Business Chronicle as one of the top five meetings (ranked in attendance) Atlantahosts. On-site registration will open at 10 AM on Thursday. The event is free and open to the public, however, preferred seat­ ing has been reserved for pre-registrants. Call Pamela Gadsen at 214/333-6447. Explore Africa This Summer The Homowa African Arts and Cul­ tures is presenting a four-week series of African arts day camps for children ages 6-12. The day camps begin July 19 and run through August 13. Each week-long camp occurs Monday through Friday from 9 AM until 3 PM. The series begins July 19-23 at the East Portland Commu­ nity Center, 740 SE 106* Ave. The sec­ ond camp follows July 26-30 at Whitaker Middle School, 5700 NE 39*. For addi­ tional information, call 503/288-3025. Hip Chicks and Activists Hip Chicks and Activists is looking for women of color and men ot color, espe­ cially African-Americans living inNE Port­ land to join our social activist theater group. Open house and informational fun gather­ ing on Saturday, July 10*. Call 306-9000. Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki An event coordinated by Physicians for Social Responsibility and W omen’s Inter­ national League for Peace and Freedom will be holding an annual event memorial­ izing the victims o f the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and will call for the elimination o f nuclear weapons. The event will be on August 6 from 6-7 PM at the Japanese American Historical Plaza (NW Naito Parkway and Couch St.). Call Jenni­ fer Aldrich at 503/274-2720. Help Needy Children The L.I.F.E. (Low-Income Families Emergency) Center is having its 16* annual back-to-school drive forneedy children(K- 12). The drive will start July 1 through August 10,1999. TheCenterneeds new and good usable clothing to ensure needy chil­ dren are properly prepared for the upcom­ ing school year. If you need more informa­ tion or would like to volunteer for the giveaway, call Leslie Garth at 503/284- 6878. All donations maybe dropped off at the L.I.F.E. Center at 2746 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Or, call the Center for a pick-up. Free Meditation Workshop There will be a free workshop for National Meditation Month. The work­ shop is based on a book entitled "The Wings o f Joy” by Sri Chinmoy. It is being held at the downtown library (801 SW 10*) from 1.30 - 3 PM on Sunday, July 18*. Call 503/471-1588 to register li, lm i lilt t ' t Hl il.ih OMSI Celebrates 3 0 * Anniversary Of Man’s First Walk On The Moon People Across the Country Can Add Their Memories to New OMSI D isp la y O o f fun activities. V isitors can learn w hat other people th ro ughout the U .S. w ere doing 30 years ago at the tim e o f m an ’s first w alk on the m oon on July 2 0 ,1 9 6 9 at O M S I’s “ W here W ere Y ou W hen A pollo 11 L anded? d isplay, w hich is m aking its debut at the event. A nyone can share th eir m em ories now through July 18, either by filling out an entry form at the m useum or through O M SI’s w eb site at w w w .om si.edu. OM SI is hoping to collect entries from people across the country, to add to the display. To date, entries have been received from all over O regon, parts o f W ashington and even as far aw ay as L ouisiana, F lorida and H aw aii. The top ten m ost m em orable entries w ill be recognized on OM SI s w eb site, and their authors w ill receive a free space T -shirt from O M S I’s Science Store and two free general adm ission passes to the m useum . W inners w ill be selected Sun­ day, July 18 as part o f O M S I’s annual Space C elebration event. A t the 30* anniversary event, kids and adults can eat a free piece o f festive m oon cake (l-2 p .m .) and view footage from the A pollo 11 m oon landing through­ out the day. A t a special show ing, people can relive this histo ric m om ent by w atch ­ ing the actual telev isio n coverage o f the m oon landing led by veteran reporter W alter C ro n k ite, w hich w ill be show n in O M S I’s planetarium theater at 2:17 P.M ., the sam e tim e as the actual landing on the m oon by astronauts N eil A rm strong and B uzz A ldrin on this day 30 years ago. T he 30,h A nniversary o f M an’s first W alk on the M oon event is free w ith O M SI general adm ission, w hich includes entrance to O M SI’s sum m er exhibit Im ag­ ine Space! F eaturing the broadest c o lle c ­ tion o f space artifacts and exhibits ever assem bled in the Pacific N orthw est. »he «econd man to walk on the moon on July 2 0 , 1 9 6 9 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin - the second jn g Gemin| space explains to students from King Elementary 0M SI-s summer exhibit Imagine through September 6. Hope for Conference to Bring Non-Profit Organizations and Neighbors Together: continued Continued from Front Page “Few er people have been displaced than w ould have been otherw ise. PCRI faces a different problem. The guardian o f the ill-started Dominian C api­ tal housing portfolio, it inherited more than 200 dilapidated houses. It turned its atten­ tion first to those currently occupied. O th­ ers were left as is for long periods, to the chagrin o f neighbors who considered them eyesores or even dangerous buildings. NECDC, too, at tim es received com plaints about the upkeep o f properties before sale. “ For the m ost part, our relations w ith our neighbors have been really good,” F itzpatrick says. “O ur biggest problem is new residents who a re n ’t very tolerant. Brow n says CD Cs “need to be aw are of being good neighbors to the people around their properties, to allow for oversight. If a CDC is w ell run, you shouldn’t be able to tell its property from its neighbors. Franciscan, despite its m ission, recently built a m ixed ow ner-occupied and rental project on N ortheast Fargo Street, and is planning another on N ortheast R odney A venue, because it had com m itted to do COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UPDATE so to m eet neighborhood concerns. “We try to approach neighborhoods in the b e­ ginning, and work w ith them in partner­ ship,” V oiss says. B oise president J.C. K izak says this was the root o f a conflict betw een Sabin CDC and neighbors o f their new project at N ortheast 27th Avenue and K illingw orth Street - a failure to com m unicate w ell and early. The issues facing the CDCs a re n 't lim ited to conflicts w ith neighborhoods. An increasing scarcity o f land, the rising cost o f what is available and the loss ot subsidies such as the N ehem iah program have m ade it harder to provide affordable housing. M ultnom ah C o u n ty 's affordable housing program , w hich gives tax fore­ closed properties to CD Cs, and which once provided as many as 50 lots in a year, this year has only 12 to give aw ay. H.C. T upper, the program ’s director, is encour­ aging the agencies to decide am ong them ­ selves which program should get w hich lot, rather than w aste resources in com ­ peting for them. Likew ise, som e agencies are considering jo in t projects and shared use o f resources. V-' iT<*' Wv ?♦* * B y L ee P erlem an Here are some of the principal Community Development Corporations working In Inner Northeast Portland, and the projects they are engaged In. FRANCISCAN ENTERPRISE This corporation specializes in be- low -m arket rental housing. It recently com pleted a four-unit developm ent on N ortheast Fargo Street east o f M artin Luther King B oulevard, and is set to begin another at N ortheast Rodney A v­ enue at San Rafael Street, that will have a m ixture o f ow ner-occupied and rental housing based on agreem ents w ith the neighborhood. It is also getting ready to develop vacant lots at N ortheast A lberta Street and 20th A venue, and at N orth W illiam s A venue and Roselaw n Street. Y et another project is redevel­ oping the form er Texas A nnex b u ild­ ing on N ortheast A lberta Street at 17th Avenue for rentals above ground floor com m ercial space on the lower level. MSI celebrates the 30th anniversary o f m an’s first walk on the moon on W ednesday, July 20 w ith the de­ but o f O M S I’s new “W here W ere You W hen A pollo 11 L anded?” display, a show ing o f actual footage from the Apollo 11 m oon landing, free cake and a variety î.:f. •r 7“ « B M I u m n tn u i tu a l c n b a r 5£j y? a HOUSING OUR FAMILIES This agency was founded by a group o f professional w om en to provide af­ fordable rental housing for fam ilies and single parents. It abandoned a 10- unit tow nhouse project on N orth Fargo Street at C om m ercial Avenue when the B oise N eighborhood A ssociation ob­ jected to m ore below -m arket rental h o u sin g in the n e ig h b o rh o o d ; the project is being pursued by partner Thom as D. W alsh as a m arket-rate for- sale venture. H OF is ju st com pleting the A lberta Sim m ons Plaza, a four- story, 74-unit structure w ith ground floor com m ercial space for low -incom e seniors on N ortheast M artin L uther King Jr. B oulevard at Dekum Street. NORTHEAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The largest CDC operating in north­ east Portland, NECDC specialized in the building o f single family homes for low-income hom ebuyers, w ith prices reduced by the federal Nehem iah pro­ gram. It also built the 55-unit McCoy V illage com plex at 4430 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in cooperation with the ONE Company o f Los A nge­ les. C urrently it has a home for sale at North Com m ercial Avenue and M ason Street, is w orking on renovating a house at 1024 N. Skidmore Street, and plans to build on vacant lots at N ortheast 59th Avenue and Sacram ento Street, N orth­ east Grand Avenue and Skidmore Street, and N ortheast 27th Avenue and A lberta Street, the last a three-story rental. K PnT N IC ECD C, tkid» the laroe^t largest and m ost produc­ tive o f the northeast program s, may face budget cuts and even sta ff layoffs this year due to overall loss o f income, ac­ cording to board president Jess M cKinley. It is continuing its original m ission - the rehab and building o f single fam ily homes for sale to low -incom e people - but it is experim enting w ith projects outside the target area, and high-end for-profit hous­ ing developm ents as an incom e producer. Some o f these activities have earned it some criticism , such as an investm ent o f non-targeted funds in an U gandan saw ­ mill and the sale o f hom es to some o f its own highest-paid staffers. A gency offi­ cials say there was nothing unethical in­ volved, but both operations were curtailed. M cKinley says the U gandan operation had becom e “too m uch o f a distraction,” and adds, “If we go so far beyond our m ission, it must be clear it is doable for us.” A cting co-directors Sondra Price and Denise Roy say that one o f the houses considered for sale to their personnel was not technically reserved for low -incom e ow nership, but decided to nix the sale anyw ay. PORTLAND COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT INITIATIVES This corporation was created to m an­ age the single-fam ily house em pire as­ sembled by the scandal plagued Dom in­ ion Capital Corporation. Its original m is­ sion was to help existing occupants ac­ quire the structures and rent the rest at below -m arket rates. H ow ever, director M axine Fitzpatrick says that “ five or six” houses are too deteriorated to save; they will be dem olished and new houses will be built to replace them. PCRI is seeking no new property. SABIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION This group was created by members o f the Sabin Community Association spe­ cifically to combat gentrification and displacement. M ost o f the housing it has produced has been below-market rent­ als, including a six-plex on Northeast Killingsworth Street and 27th Avenue that will open later this month. H ow ever, it also has rent-to-own and land trust programs; the former allow tenants to acquire their homes gradually, the latter gives the CDC right of first refusal to re­ purchase the house, at an agreed rate, if it is sold. The CDC has nine new land trust houses in development. (W '