Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 07, 1999, Page 5, Image 5

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    July 7,1999
Page A5
( F i j e l l o r t i a n b ( © b s e r u e r --------------------------------------------------
As The '9 8 - '9 9 Season Ends
Free Lead Testing
On Saturday July 10, from 10 am to
2 pm there is free lead testing and a toy
for children between the ages o f 6
months and 6 years old at the common
bond at 4919 NE 9th Ave. behind St.
Andrews Church offN E 9"’and Alberta.
Lead p oisoning is a serious and
preventable problem that can cause
life-long harm , such as brain, nerve,
kidney, hearing, and heart dam age.
W e often do not see the effects o f
lead p oisoning until it is too late to
reverse the dam age. A lead test is
the only w ay to find out if your
child had lead poisoning. Y our
child should be tested for lead b e ­
tw een 6 and 12 m onths old, at 24
m onths old, and defin itely before 6
years old, especially if your child
lives in or regularly stays in a house,
apartm ent o r child care cen ter built
before 1978. A blood test can in­
form parents early on and prevent
long term problem s.
T he lead testing is co-sponsored
by the O rego n ch ap ter o f P h y si­
cian s for S ocial R esp o n sib ilty , the
C o a litio n o f B lack m en. V o lu n ­
teers o f A m erica, C om m on Bond
C L E A R C orp, Toy & Joy, and the
U rb an L eague o f P ortland. F u n d ­
ing com es from the O regon H ealth
D iv isio n and M u ltnom ah C ounty
H ealth D epartm ent.
Bike Helmets for Sale at
Legacy Emmanuel Hospital
Senerous Doctors make Life Saving Program Possible
The Traum a N urses Talk Tough
(TNTT) program o f Legacy Emanuel
H ospital is making low -cost bicycle
helm ets available to the public again
this sum m er, thanks to a generous
grant from the staff physicians o f
Legacy Em anuel and G ood Sam ari­
tan H ospitals. TTNT is able to offer
safety approved bike helm ets for just
five dollars, below cost. Flashing
lights for cyclists w ill also be avail­
able for five dollars. W e have a
selection o f helm ets to fit tiny tod­
dlers up to jum bo adults.
A lthough an increasing num ber
o f riders now w ear helm ets; m any
do not fit properly or are w orn
incorrectly. For exam ple, many
bicyclists w ear their helm ets back
on their heads, leaving their fore­
heads exposed. A t the TNT T h el­
m et sales, trained volunteers w ill
fit and adjust helm ets, including
those brought in by people who
already ow n one.
The H elm et sales will be held in
the A trium o f Legacy Emanuel H os­
p ita l,2801 North G antenbein in Port­
land on July 21, A ugust 4 and August
18. Sales hours are 3 to 5 p.m.
Legacy Research
Seeks Best Drugs for
Hidh Blood Pressure
Kenneth W ard M D o f the Legacy
Clinical Research and Technology
Center is conducting an exciting trial
to determine which o f two drugs have
the most benefit for people with hy­
pertension (high bloodpressure). The
multinational, multi-center clinical
trial involves FDA approved m edica­
tions widely prescribed by physicians,
valsarían and am lodipine. Each drug
acts differently to control hyperten­
sion. Valsarían is an angiotensin II
receptor blocker while am lodipine is
a calcium channel blocker. The study
UHO to determine which
c? isbetter
at preventing heart attacks, conges­
tive heart failure, and strokes.
Hypertension increases the risk o f
a heart attack or stroke, and affects 50
million American men and women.
Although the causes o f hypertension
remain largely unknown, genetic, di­
etary increased body weight and other
factors all play a role in its develop­
ment. W hen blood pressure is high,
the heart works harder to deliver the
blood and oxygen to the body. This
stresses the heart circulatory system
and can lead to a heart attack. Arteries
becom e hardened less elastic and
My Dream
Wolves Give Thanks
The Wolves' Team
and Coaches. Back
row, left to right: Top
Assistance Coach
Virgil Allen, Assist.
Coach Lonnie Lemar;
players, Lathan
Wallace, Gram
McDonald. Paul
Vance. Travis Pinn,
Cory Allen, Seth
Tarver, Josh, Tarver,
Head Coach John
Tarver, Assist.
Coach Lionel Pinn.
Players in the front
row, left to right, :
Lonnie Lemar,
Robert Ciu, Dustin
Cori, and not shown
is Bret Byrd.
T he W o lv e s’ co ach es an d p a r­
ents sin cerely thank the b u sin esses
for th e ir su p p o rt in the 1998/1999
season. W e w o u ld like to ac k n o w l­
ed g e th e fo llo w in g co m p an ies:
A lbino Fuel Inc. and P o p e y e ’s
W orld F am o u s C h ick e n for p ro ­
v id in g c o n trib u tio n s to p u rch a se
new uniform s.
B eall T ran sp o rt E q u ip m en t Inc.
for funding our p rac tice site fee at
T r in ity L u th e ra n C h u r c h a n d
W e w ould also like to thank the
follow ing b u sin e ss’ co n trib u tio n s
w hich funded o u r to u rn am en t fees
B y L ealonni B lake
Starting out from elementary
then on to junior high
Flew right past high school
like the birds in a cloudy sky.
Reaching the goal I've dreamed
to reach
exploring my altitudes
crossing new pathsfill o f options
definitely matured my attitude.
No more thinking childish
along w ith co n tributions from the
coaches and parents o f our players:
P o rtla n d H o lly w o o d L io n ’s
C lub, O reg o n A ire, Inc., In d u s­
trial M achine Services, O regon A r­
m o red
S e r v i c e s , In c . a n d
V an co u v er B u sin essp erso n , Mr.
that, by the end o f the 2001 -02 school
year, all students must have two years
o f a foreign language to graduate.
The bill did not rem ove the require­
m ent that students m eet academic
content standards in a second lan­
guage, as established by the local
school district, to receive their CIM.
The Senate Education Com mittee
was concerned that repealing this re­
quirement would send the wrong m es­
sage about the importance o f learning
No more crazy ways.
It has come to that peak where I
Now 1 am a Senior.
My, how 12 years go by.
Jo h n M aring.
Second Language Bill Modified
The Senate Education Com mittee
this week am ended the bill that would
have repealed the two-year seat-time
requirement in a second language class
in order for students to graduate.
HB 3042, as approved by the
House, repealed the requirem ents
In the end I know I 'll succeed,
a second language. The Com mittee
am ended the bill to align the require­
ment with CIM content standards.
HB 3042, as am ended, requires
students, prior to the end o f the 2004-
05 school year, to complete two years
o f second language instruction. In­
dividual students are still allow ed a
w aiver from the second language re­
quirem ent based on criteria estab­
lished by the school district.
The bill now goes to the full Senate.
and know I ’ve always tried.
But before I close, there is
this shoulder
and on it I always leaned.
So i f anyone asks who inspires
me most,
1 must say i t 's “I Have a
Dream. ”
K aiser P erm anente ’ s
hospices program needs
two clerical volunteers for
about three hours a week to
help with calling other vol­
unteers and compiling and
m aintaining volunteer
records. If interested,
please call Volunteer Co­
ordinator Kilian Kuntz at
scarred, increasing the chance for a
blood clot to lodge in a narrowed
artery causing a stroke.
/accine Against Diarrhea-causing
/irus Being Studied
H O U STO N - T he m ost com m on
ause o f outbreaks o f nonbactenal
larrhea is the target o f a new type
f experim ental vaccine.
Scientists at Baylor College o f
dedicine is H ouston are testing a
accine they developed against the
Jorwalk virus, w hich had been asso­
r t e d w ith outbreaks o f diarrhea and
o m itin g in n u rsin g hom es and
chools and on cruise ships and m ili­
ary aircraft carriers. C ontam inated
ood and w ater transm it the virus.
The vaccine is particle that looks
ike the N orw alk virus on the outside
>ut lacks the genetic m aterials on the
nside needed to reproduce. Although
nost viruses are m ade from m any
jroteins, the vaccine particle is m ade
Tom a single protein, know n as the
:apsid protein. The im m une system
hinks the particle is the real virus
ind m akes antibodies to fight it off.
A B aylor research team headed
jy Dr. M ary Estes found the vaccine
to be safe during the first phase o f
testing. Results o f that study will be
published in the July issue o f the
loumal G astroenterology.
“Since the Norwalk vaccine is noto­
rious for the gastrointestinal problem it
causes, we needed to be sure the vaccine
itself doesn’t make people sick," said
Estes, professor o f molecular virology.
For the study, five volunteers were
given 100 micrograms o f the vaccine
in 100 milliliters o f water. Three o f
the five showed an immune response,
and none o f the volunteers experi­
enced diarrhea or other side effects.
The vaccine dosage was then increased
to 250 micrograms and given to 15
volunteers. All showed an immune
response, and none became sick.
The immune response to the vaccine
was not as strong as that developed by
exposure to the actual virus, so research­
ers don’t know yet how effective the
vaccine will be. That will be deter­
mined in the next phase o f the study, in
which vaccinated volunteers will be
exposed to the Norwalk virus to see if
they are protected from becoming ill.
“The Norwalk virus cannot be grown
in the laboratory, so we don’t know how
.. .
many strains o f the v irus there are or
whether a particle vaccine will protect
against multiple strains," Estes said.
The N orw alk virus is nam ed for
an outbreak o f diarrhea that occurred
in N orw alk, O hio, in 1968. Intesti­
nal problem s caused by the Virus
usually develop w ithin 24 to48 hours
within one to three days and rarely
require hospitalization.
Estes’ research is funded by the
National InstitutesofHealth.the Texas
Applied Technology Program, the
Environmental Protection Agency, and
the Food and Drug Administration.
fam ily behind you.
Wow! Today changes a
lot of things. T becomes
"we. " "Ours replaces "mine." And happily ever after
becomes a goal, not a given. Nervous? No way.
You have a strong fam ily be hind you.
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