Page A 2 J u lv 7 , 1 9 9 9 (Jije ÿortk w b (Ifrhgeruev Insurance Proof required for DMV Drive Test Beginning July 1, 1999, people scheduled tor behind-the-wheel drive testing with the Oregon DMV will be required to show evidence o f insurance before they will be taken on a dnve test. "It's a move to encourage people to comply with existing insurance laws, to protect the economic interests ot other motorists, and to provide our testers with a safer environment,” said Jim Hunter, head o f DMV Field Services. There are several types o f docu­ m entation that will m eet D M V ’s Requirements. "The best docu­ ments they can show us would be a valid insurance card or an insurance policy or binder,” Hunter said. “At the very least we need the insurance infor­ mation for the vehicle being used on the test. That would include the insur­ ance company name, the policy num­ ber and the policy’s expiration date." Another option would be a $60,000 security deposit or surety bond with the state in lieu o f insurance. Drivers use this option would still need to show the receipt for the deposit or bond before going on a dnve test. “I f a person doesn’t have the nec­ essary insurance, the drive test will be rescheduled,” H unter said. Since 1979, Oregon State law has required dnvers to carry automobile liability insurance. The minimum in- surance a driv er must have for bodily injury and property damage liability is $25.000 per person, with $50,000 per crash for bodily injury to others, and $ 10,000 per crashes for property dam­ age to the property o f others. In addi­ tion, personal injury protection o f at least $10,000 per person is required, with uninsured motorist coverage o f at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per crash for bodily injury. The actual num ber o f uninsured drivers is difficult to accurately d e­ termine. Past studies indicate that approxim ately 12 percent ofO reg o n drivers are uninsured, a rate com pa­ rable with that o f other states. Albina Branch Library Celebrates July 10 M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty ’s A lb in a Branch Library will celebrate its newly remodeled and updated facility with an open house on Saturday, July 10. A lbina patrons and their friends Harpist Kara TSE will strum a selec­ tion o f classical music from 10 a.m. to noon. At 2 p.m ., the Oregon Pup­ pet Theatre will present "The Elves and the Shoem aker." Throughout the day, volunteers will offer help with Albina Branch Library is located at 3605 N.E. 14th Ave. next to the new Natures store. The branch library is open every Sunday from 1-5 p . m .¡Tues­ day-Thursday from 10 a . m .-9 p . m .; Fri­ day and Saturday from 10 a . m .-6 p . m . they explore the ir renovated horary. Bbs c r u in g 1 i Vancouver City Councilmember To Serve V ancouverC ityC ouncilm em ber Jim M oeller w as recently elected to serve on the A ssociation o f W ash­ ington Cities B oard o f D irectors w here he w ill represent cities in Southw est W ashington. T he state­ w ide association provides prim ary representation W ashington ashington representation for for 274 274 W cities in m atters before the State L egislature and Congress. Moeller says, "M y primary con­ cern will be to help cities around the region face the challenges ot the day, which include unfunded regulations from the state and federal government. 1 will use my leadership position iw uiusem yieaucisiuP ^ . u v . . v on . . the u.v board to try to turn back this tide." M o eller’s p o sitio n on the 24- m em ber board provides an opportu­ nity to advance the interests o f the C ity o f V ancou ver and cities around the region. M oeller w as elected to his first term on the V ancouver City Council ...... - in 1996 Groundbreaking Set For Neighborhood Park V ancouver-C lark Parks and Rec­ reation Services invites local resi­ dents to attend the groundbreaking cerem ony Thursday, July 8, at 4 p.m. for Fir G arden N eighborhood Park, o n 4 3 rd Street NE o ff 155lh Avenue. It will be the third o f 19 parks to be designed and built as part o f the Parks Legacy Project. The five-acre park will feature play structures, swings, balance beam, spring riders, bench, drinking fountain, ball field backstop and new lawn. In addi­ tion, a total o f 1400 linear feet o f trail will be paved during the second phase o f park construction. C ompletion o f the park is anticipated for November. The Parks Legacy Program will develop 19 neighborhood parks by the end o f the year 2000, and three _____U i ; T H A I C n n c t r n r - community parks by 2002. Construc­ tion is made possible by funding from the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET), implemented in 1996 with support from the greater V ancouver Chamber o f Com merce, Clark County Board o f Realtors and Clark County H ome Builders Association. All funds from this tax are designated for the devel­ opment o f parks. Mediation Program Receives Anonymous Donation V ancouver’s Com m unity M edia­ tion Services received a $ 1,000 con­ tribution from an anonym ous donor who requested that the funds be used to support a pilot peer m ediation program at Discovery Middle School. The shootings at Columbine High School in Colorado drew attention to the escalating violence among America’s youth. Teenagers are twice as likely to become victims ot violence as adults with hal fofall violence against teenagers occuring in or near schools. Students who are trained in conflict resolution are better able to handle their own conflicts both in and out o f school. Nationally, scnools have reported a dramatic drop in student violence, school suspensions and other hurtful behaviors after implement­ ing conflict medication training. Com m unity M ediation Services (CM S), a program o f the City o f V ancouver and C lark County, devel­ oped a conflict resolution program Junior Symphony of Vancouver A nnouncing the debut o f the new Junior Sym phony o f Vancouver! T his is a group designed for m u­ sic students to supplem ent their regu­ lar school m usic program s and pri­ vate lessons. Participation is by application and audition only, and will require a writ­ ten re c o m m e n d a tio n from the applicant's school music instructor or private teacher This ensemble will be led by Aristic Director, TimoteusRacz, with private coaching from the fine professional musicians o f the OCP. This ensem ble will be selective and sm all, striving tow ards quality. Rehearsals and concerts will be lo­ cated at St. A ndrew Lutheran Church in Vancouver. A uditions will be held S e p te m b e r 2 an d S ep te m b er 9 with our first concert being pre­ sented D ecem ber 4. For applications and further in­ formation, please call the JS V at (360) 696-4084, ext. 5. for discovery M iddle School through a collaboration with the discovery M iddle School faculty and students, V a n c o u v er S ch o o l D istric t and SW IFT. The pilot program will con­ tinue in the 1999-2000 school year. The $ 1,000 donation will be used to send CMS peer mediation trainer to the National Resource Center for Youth Mediation in Albuquerque, N.M. to study advanced school mediation strat­ egies, including Suspension Mediation. P O L IC E N E W S C R IM E S T O P P E R S H O M IC ID E m e ro u s g u n sh o ts in to th e room . W eb b er died w hen one o f the sh o ts stru c k him in th e h ead . A n o th e r o c c u p a n t w as w o u n d e d b y th e T he P o rtlan d P o lice B u reau , in co o p e ratio n w ith C rim e S to p p ers, is asking fo r y o u r help in id e n tify ­ ing and ap p re h en d in g the su sp ect in a h om icide. A t ap p ro x im a te ly 4 :3 0 in the m o rn in g o f Ju n e 17, 1998, se v ­ eral p e o p le , in c lu d in g 19-year- old Jaso n W e b b er, w ere sta y in g in a room at th e R o d e w ay Inn lo cated at 3 8 0 0 N o rth e a st S an d y B o u lev ard . A n u n k n o w n su sp e c t b roke o u t a w in d o w and fire d n u ­ g u n fire. C rim e S to p p ers is o ffe rin g a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1 ,0 0 0 for in fo rm a tio n , re p o rte d to C rim e S to p p ers, w hich lead s to an a rre st in th is case o r any u n so lv e d felo n y crim e and you can rem ain a n o n y ­ m ous. C all C rim e S toppers at (503) 823-H E L P . J as o n W e b b e r Police Reassure Park Area Residents Cmdr. Bob Kauffman tells patrols are planned them they are not likely targets for a serial killer, and W ednesday’s meeting, organized by the Linnton Neighborhood Association as a way to share information, expand orest Park residents are not con Neighborhood Watch activities and al­ sidered to be the target o f a sus­ pected serial killer and should feel low residents to vent their fears. The association’s boundaries take com fortable using the popular rec­ in roughly h alf o f 5,000-acre Forest reation area, a high-ranking P ort­ Park, w hich is the largest urban park land police official reassured resi­ in the United States and popular with dents W ednesday. hikers and joggers. “During the daytime in particular, Barron said she was there in re­ there is no reason to believe you are sponse to rumors that the killer might be going to be assaulted or otherw ise in the area. “I’m at home a lot, and I’m harmed in Forest Park,” said Cmdr. young,’ ’ she said, alluding to the fee t that Bob K auffm an o f Central Precinct. all o f the victims were in their teens or A lthough K auffm an could pro­ 20s. “We talk about it and wonder why vide no new inform ation about a spe­ they haven’t solved it yet.” cial task force’s investigation o f the The victims, whose bodies were killings, he announced the start o f found in the park within a month’s time, regular m ounted patrols in Forest were Lilia Faye Moler, 28; Stephanie and W ashington parks. LynnRussell, 26; and Alexandna Nicole Plans for the patrols were under way Ison, 17. All were strangled. before the first victim’s body was found Hikers discovered Ison’s body June May 7, he said. Officers will cover the 2 in a steep, w ooded ravine about one area on horses and all-terrain vehicles. m ile o ff N orthwest Saltzman Road, K auffm an made his remarks in about a quarter o f a mile northwest o f response to so m eresid en ts’ fears that the killer thought to be responsible for the deaths o f three w om en ap­ peared to be targeting w om en shar­ ing sim ilar physical characteristics. All o f the victim s, w ho were o f sim ilar stature and had dark hair, The first person charged under were know n heroin users and had ties G resham ’s so-called “road rage” or­ to street life in O ld Town. dinance has pleaded guilty in an agree­ “I f I w ere to guess,” K auffm an ment with prosecutors. Twenty-year- said, "I w ould say the biggest issue is old Ian Anderson o f Aloha had been the v ictim s’ life sty le .. . . They w ere charged with aggressive driving and very vulnerable to victim ization. reckless driving in M arch after a Daniette Barron, 23, was among G resham police officer observed ab o u t 4 0 p eo p le w h o atten d ed B> R obin F ranzen of T he O regonian staff F w here M oler’s and R ussell’s bodies w ere found M ay 7 and 8. At the tim e o f discovery, M oler had been dead in the park one to two m onths; Russell, an acquaintance o f M oler, about a week. Police think Ison might have been killed at least a w eek before her body was found. T hey also think that none o f the w om en w as using the park as a hiker or jo g g er at the tim e o f death. F o re st Park resid e n t B arb ara M adsen accused the police o f failing to interview a transient living in the park w ho M adsen said fit the de­ scription o f a m an leaving the crim e scene. K auffm an, w ho is not a m em ­ ber o f the Forest Park task force, said he d id n ’t know anything about the m an, but that investigators w ould check it out along with hundreds o f other leads if it seem ed warranted. “Then you are saying we can rest in peace and not to worry,” Madsen said. “Y es, th at’s w hat I’d tell you,” K auffm an said. Man Pleads Guilty In Rage Incident Anderson harassing, tailgating and m aking obscene gestures at another motorist. In exchange for the guilty plea, reckless driving charges were dropped. Anderson now faces 18- m onths probation and a 200-dollar fine, w hich will be dropped ifhe com ­ pletes anger-management counseling. Oregon Prosecutors Wait For Sentencing N ow that a ju ry in C lark C ounty, W ashington has convicted 3 7-year- o ld M ichael G allatin on five counts o f rape, p rosecutors in C lackam as C o u n ty , O regon w ill begin p rep ar­ ing a m urder case against him. C los­ ing arg u m en ts in the V ancouver trial w ere m ade y esterd ay after­ n o o n , w ith p ro se c u to rs d riv in g hom e the D -N -A m atch betw een G allatin and ev idence found at the crim e scenes. T he d efense called the genetic ev id en ce “ shaky sci­ en c e” . It’s b eliev ed sim ilar scien- tific ev id en ce w ill be used in the O reg o n case ag ain st G allatin in the 1997 m urder o f L inda K arlovich. G allatin w ill be sentenced A ugust 12th on the rape co n v ictio n s, then ex trad ited to O regon to face a p o s­ sib le death sentence. SAFEW AY FOOD & DRUG Look For Your Safeway W eekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...and save more by shopping Boneless Beef Chuck Steak at Safeway. FREE OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Gallon Lucerne M ilk 1%, 2%, Fat Free, Skim Supreme or Whole Milk. Lim it 2, includes 1 FREE one. 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