Page A3 (Tfye ^Iprtlanò (libsm w r X WORLD NEWS Serial Killer Suspect Added to FBI’s Most Wanted Over 19 Million Pool Toys Recalled Resendez-Ramirez Suspected in Eight Slayings ‘Dive Sticks’ Could Impale Children Who Land on Them © T he A ssociated P ress More than 19 m illion pool toys are being recalled because they can im­ pale children who land on them, ac­ cording to a report published. The C onsum er P roduct Safety Com mission is expected to ban so- called‘‘dive sticks” within two weeks, U SA Today reported. The pool toys are hard, plastic cylinder-shaped ob­ jects that stand upright on the bottom o f pools so children can retrieve them CPSC said that at least six children have been rectally or vaginally im­ paled by the toys, which have been sold for about 20 years at various retail stores. The commission recommends that parents throw the toys away. O ther CPSC recalls being an- nounced today: Snugh Front & Back Packs with vertical “T” straps. At least 13 chil­ dren have slipped through the leg openings o f the carrier, including one who suffered a fractured skull. Star W ars Lightsabers. CPSC re­ ceived 38 reports about such toys with batteries that overheated. Three users w ere burned. Victims’ Relatives Defend Williams Bs D A V ID PACE © T he A ssociated P ress A TLA N TA (AP) - Em anuel Jones rem em bers his grandm other sending him and his brother C lifford to the grocery store that A ugust day 20 years ago, the day C lifford was strangled and his body dum ped be­ hind a Laundromat. “She told us d o n ’t split up, w alk together, hold hands,” Jones said, recalling the fear that gripped A t­ lanta during 1979-81 w hen police “I blam ed it all on m y self for years because I let him go,” said Jones, now 33. “ I let him do that." Partly to assuage his guilt, Jones recently returned to A tlanta from Chattanooga, T enn., to launch his ow n investigation. F or w eeks, he pored tlirough police files and inter­ view ed w itnesses. “ I found out for one that W ayne W illiam s didn’t kill m y brother,” he said. “There w ere others involved in Since then, som e o f the victims fam ilies have becom e defenders o f the m an blam ed for killing their chil­ dren, unsuccessfully asking the Jus­ tice D epartm ent and the city to re­ open the case. “They d id n ’t w ant nothing else to do w ith it after he w as convicted,” said W illie M ae M athis, m other o f 11-year-old Jefferey M athis, one o f the slayings not officially blam ed on W illiam s. “They ju st pushed it all the m u rd e r. But the investigation o f Clifford’s slaying officially was closed in 1982, after W illiams was convicted o f mur­ der in two o f the 29 deaths. Authorities blamed W illiams for 22 o f the other slayings, including Clifford s, on the basis o f fiber evidence taken from the victims’ bodies and matched to sources under the rug.” Now, some victims’ mothers are working with W illiams' lawyers, trying toenlisttheaidofA tlanta’sblackclergy to persuade the new F ulton County new district attorney, Paul Howard, to launch in W illiams’ home and cars. gia Suprem e Court. investigated the slayings o f 29 young blacks, including C lifford. At the grocery store, Jones let Clifford stay out front to hustle money carrying groceries for custom ers, w hile he w ent inside to buy the break­ fast food their grandm other wanted. He his I I V never l l C V t l saw w m e r brother u i v u i v i alive » * “ again. P - ------ a new investigation. In addition, an appeal filed by W illiam s is pending before the G eor­ KKK Leader Convicted in Virginia Bv D A V ID R E E D ___________________ © T he A ssociated P ress H ILLSV ILLE, Va. - An all-w hite jurv convicted a Ku Klux Kian leader o f cross-bum ing W ednesday, reject­ ing claim s by his black A CLU law ­ yer that he w as legally exercising his right to free speech. The ju ry took 25 m inutes to con­ vict Barry Black o f Johnstow n, Pa., o f violating a V irginia law against burning a cross to intim idate others. Black, 51, could get up to five years in prison. Prosecutors said Black, an im pe­ rial w izard w ith the International K eystone K nights o f the K ian, led a rally in w hich 18 robed and hooded K lansm en held torches as they stood around a burning cross. The A ugust gathering was on private property w ith the ow ner’s consent. The Kian leader’s lawyer, David Baugh o f the American C ivil Liberties Union, argued. " T h e cross was burned asapartoftheircerem ony.notbecause they want to intimidate anyone. Mr. Black has the right to express, by sign or gesture, any feelings he has.” B augh told the ju ry he know s the K ian hates blacks, but " i n Am erica w e have the right to h ate.” Prosecutor G reg G oad said Black has every right to freedom o f speech. © T he A ssociated P ress MURPHYSBORO, 111. - A uthori­ ties today charged a railroad-riding drifter with the slayings ofa father and daughter last week in G orham , bring­ ing to eight the num ber o f slayings linked to the suspected serial killer. Authorities found fingerprint evi­ dence directly tying Rafael Resendez- Ramirez to the Illinois killings, Jackson County States Attorney Mike Wepseic said. Resendez-Ramirez is wanted for questioning in five killings in Texas and one in Kentucky since August 1997. An FBI task force o f local, state and federal officers has been hunting for Resendez-Ramirez since authori­ ties began connecting the killings earlier this month. All eight slayings took place on or near railroad tracks ers,” G oad said. He said B lack indicated his intent to intim idate to a deputy on the way to jail. ‘ ’ Mr. B lack said, ‘W hen is the w hite m an going to stand up to the blacks and M exicans in this neigh­ borhood?” ’ the prosecutor said. Less than 1 percent o f the 26,000 residents ofCarToll County in the moun­ tains o f southwestern Virginia are black. Before the case went to trial, Baugh said he found the KKK ’ s views offen­ sive but took the Kian leader on as a client because ‘ ’we cannot afford any erosion o f the First Amendment. ” found on it matched the suspect’s. Ja c k so n C o u n ty S h e r iff B ill K ilquist said au th o rities b eliev e Resendez-Ram irez has fled the area. In H ouston today, FBI spokes­ man Rolando M oss said Resendez- Ram irez also has been charged with federal unlaw ful flight to avoid pros­ ecution for a burglary in Texas. R esendez-Ram irez also has been added to the bureau’s m ost w anted list, and a $75,000 rew ard for infor­ m ation leading to an arrest and con­ viction was increased to $125,000. "The fact h e’s on the list means there’s a lot more resources out there,’ ’ FBI special agent Don Clark said. A sked to provide a m otive for the killing spree, C lark replied, " I w ish I could tell you.” Accused SLA Fugitive Denied Bail Bi JOHN N EM O © T he A s so c ia te d P ress M IN N E A P O L IS (A P ) - Bail w as d en ied for the w o m an c a p ­ tu red this w eek w ho au th o rities say is fu g itiv e S y m b io n ese L ib ­ era tio n A rm y m em b er K ath leen A nn S oliah. D istric t Ju d g e K ath leen G earin refu sed to set bail on F rid a y . p artly b ecau se o ne o f the ch arg es ag a in st M s. S o liah c a rrie s a p en alty o f life in p riso n . M s. S o liah is ac cu sed o f p la n tin g tw o p ip e bom bs u n d er p o lice cars in 1975; the b o m b s did n o t ex p lo d e. " W h a t is different here is that no­ body has the right to intim idate oth­ T he bodies o f G eorge M orber, 80, and his 52-year-old daughter, C arolyn Frederick, were foundTues- day in his hom e in the southern Illi­ nois tow n o f G orham The house is only 100 yards from railroad tracks. Resendez-Ram irez was charged in Illinois with first-degree m urder and hom e invasion, authorities said at a new s conference. Resendez-Ramirez is accused o f shooting M orber in the head with a shotgun and beating Frederick in the head with the shotgun. State and fed­ eral authorities declined to reveal any other details about the crim e scene. M orber’s truck w as recovered Wednesday from a school parking lot in Cairo, about 60 miles south ofGorham. Authorities said today that fingerprints Ms. S o liah , 52, assu m ed a new life in St. Paul u n d er the a lias Sara Jane O lso n , au th o rities said. T he su sp ect has refu sed to w aiv e e x ­ tra d itio n to face th e C a lifo rn ia b o m b ch arg es. H er next h earin g w as sc h ed u led for Ju ly 15. H er lawyer, H ow ard Bass, did not return phone calls seeking com ment. H e has not acknow ledged w hether M rs. O lson and Ms. Soliah are the sam e person, but the FBI says finger­ print analysis shows a m atch. The 52-year-old w om an captured W ednesday has been quietly living as a d o cto r’s w ife, som etim e actress and m other o f three children. M ean w h ile, G ov. Jesse V en tu ra said he w o u ld sig n e x tra d itio n p a ­ pers fo r M s. S o liah if th ey are p re se n te d to him . In 1974. the a n ti-g o v e rn m e n t SLA k id n a p p ed n e w sp a p e r h e ir­ ess P atty H earst. T he case to o k a b iz a rre tw ist w h en M s. H ea rst sen t w ord th at she h ad jo in e d th e group. W hen Ms. H ea rst w as a rre ste d in San F ra n cisc o in O c to b e r 1975, she w as liv in g w ith M s. S o liah an d h e r b ro th er. M s. H ea rst w as c o n ­ v ic te d o f an SLA b an k ro b b e ry and sen t to p riso n , se rv in g fo r tw o years b efore P resid en t C a rter c o m ­ m u te d h er sen ten ce. 1 Dead, Dozens Hurt in 2 Bus Crashes B\ CADONNA M. PEYTON___________ © T he A ssociated P ress Two unrelated tour bus crashes in Southern C alifornia - one in Buena Park and the other near the M ojave D esert - left one person dead and several other people injured. T he first crash S unday involved a sig h t-seein g bus tour to T ijuana, M exico. The C alifo rn ia H ighw ay P atro l said a C h e v ro let M alib u veered in front o f the bus, killing the c a r 's driver. T he 30 bus p assengers w ere not injured. T he c a r’s driver, w hose nam e w as not released, later died at W h ittie r C o m m u n ity H o s p ita l, M on tan ez said. The accident happened shortly before 9 a m. on Interstate 5. about 30 m iles southeast o f Los A ngeles, said O fficer Gary M ontanez, a po­ lice spokesm an. “ I w as scared ,” said 13-year-old L ali Q uezada, a bus passenger. “ I saw the car hit the d iv id er and the bus hit it and d ragged it all the w ay to the oth er sid e .” The second crash occurred more than an hour later, near Baker, about 150 m iles northeast o f Los A ngeles. A tour bus can y in g 37 passengers overturned on Interstate 15 about 10:20 a.m. as it returned from Jean, N ev., from a gam bling trip. O fficer W illie H ailey said. Bus driver Louis A uther Jackson, 59, o f Lynw ood, apparently lost co n ­ trol o f the vehicle as a tire blew out. The bus crashed into the center d i­ vider and then flipped several tim es. Rescue w orkers rushed 12 people to area hospitals. 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