Page B4 w , Edgefield Children's Center serves -------------- re s id e n tia l and day tre a tm e n t p ro g ra m s to e m o tio n a lly and beha viora lly d istu rb e d ch ild re n ages 6-12. Valuing diversity in our workforce. The follow ing positions 1 fi \ t A D V E R T IS IN G - r - .......- - are available: The City of Portland i s recruiting for a Finance Department ♦ ftarUanì» ©hevroer M a in te n a n c e D ir e c to r . The M a in te n a n c e D ir e c to r is re s p o n s ib le fo r p la n n in g , organizing, directing and controlling the operations o f th e Bureau o f M aintenance and is a mem ber of th e O ffic e o f T r a n s p o rta tio n m anagem ent team . All applicants m ust have substantial knowledge and skill in the managem ent o f large public works construction and Columbia Sportswear Company« Inventory Control Specialist Inve ntory C o ntrol S p e c ia lis t needed to m anege, m onitor, and develop inventory control program s tha t will ensure Colum bia Sportswear's re la te d g lo b a l in fo rm a tio n is reliable, accurate and com plete. C oordinate related projects and p e rs o n n e l to p ro v id e s ta b le s y s te m s an d in v e n to ry in fr a s tr u c t u r e s t h a t s u p p o rt op era tions on a global scale. Q ualified candidate will possess a B ach elor's Degree or equivalent s p e c ia liz in g In b u s in e s s ad m in istra tion and a m inim um o f 3-5 years experience perform ing inventory m anagem ent du ties in a m id sized com pany OR equivalent w ork experience. Experience in inventory m anagem ent w ithin a d is tr ib u tio n o r m a n u fa c tu rin g environm ent preferred. Experience w ith JD Edwards software a plus. Please send resum e to : Treatment Coordinator Q u a lific a tio n s in clu d e a b a c h e lo r’ s degree in behavioral science, child m anagem ent s k ills , cou nse lin g skills, tre a tm e n t planning skills: e x p e r ie n c e w o r k in g w ith e m o tio n a lly & b e h a v io r a lly disturbed youth. Position is FT with agency benefits, swing shift. Child-Care Worker m aintenance organizations.. Current monthly salary range - $ 5 ,9 4 9 to $ 7 ,6 0 2 A p p lica tio n s can be ob tain ed at the P o rtla n d B u ild in g A p p lic a tio n Center, 1 1 2 0 SW 5 * Avenue, in th e NE c o rn e r o f th e lobby. A p p lic a tio n s m ay a ls o be co m p le te d via th e in te rn e t at w w w x i4 » rtla n d .o r.u s /b h r/jo b s . All applications m ust be received no la tte r than 4 :3 0 PM on July 16, 1 9 9 9 or postm arked by th a t date. Please co n ta ct me at 8 2 3 -3 5 1 5 or am esser@ if you have any questions regarding th is advertisem ent. Donor te stin g laboratory is accepting resum es for future openings. Lab A s s is ta n ts receive & prepare sam ples fo rte s tin g , handle record m aintenance & custom er service. Position requires attention to detail and ability to work in fa s t pace environm ent. Training is provided. $ 9 .3 5 an hr Plus benefits and s h ift differential if applicable. Various sh ifts (both part-tim e & full-tim e; d a ys & n ig h ts ) m ay b e co m e available. Send resum e with cover Equal Opportunity Employer _______ Portland State University School of Extended Studies Applications are invited for the position o f A dm inistrative Coordinator. Primary Responsibilities: P ro vid e s e x e c u tiv e s u p p o rt and is responsible fo r th e coordination o f activities o f the Dean, Associate Dean, a n d A s s is t a n t D e a n , a n d th e a d m in is tra tio n o f th e S chool o f le tte r to: American Red Cross, National Testing Laboratory, Dept E, Human Resources, 12124 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, 97220 Fax » 261-7489 Extended Studies. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required. Experience in higher education desirable. For a detailed jo b description and how Equal Opportunity Employer to apply, see w w w Assistant Teacher - o r call (5 0 3 ) 7 2 5 -4 8 7 5 Portland S tate University ALT. ED. FTE Math Teacher - Year Bound School Ability to work with strong-willed behavior-challenged stud ents in m u ltic u ltu ra l envir. M in oritie s encouraged to apply. T eam p la y e r /d e ta il o r ie n te d / know ledge o f m ulti-disciplina ry classroom . S tudents ages 11-17. H e a lth /D e n ta l/P a id Vac. M ail re su m e : 3 7 1 0 N. M is s is s ip p i Portland 9 7 2 2 7 Is an EO/AA institution Wanted D ire c t C are W o rk e rs w h o w a n t to learn and move up in our company. Work with M R/DD clients and make a difference, pay starting $ 7 .25- $ 8 .1 0 . No experience necessary, paid tra in in g . In s u ra n c e /s ic k / vacation after 9 0 days. Call (503) 6 6 9 -6 6 2 2 . RN needed for 5 bed home for people with developmental disabilities and m edical needs. Subm it resume and salary requirem ents by fax (5 0 3 ) 6 7 4 -0 5 9 5 Attn Julie or call (5 0 3 ) 6 6 9 6 6 2 2 . Vending Business: M &M M ars 5 0 L o c a tio n s , $ 8 0 0 - $ 1 2 0 0 s o lid m onthly income. Cost $ 2 9 9 5 . www.vendingroutes.CQ 1-8 00 -963 -61 23 . S H IP P IN G LEAD PER SO N / ^ ^ ^ ¡ r tu r e r o fq u a ir ty c o r n p a c U o o is is s e e k i^ a Shipping Leadperson E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le s a le Mortgage Lender seeks Account Executive for Portland surrounding areas. W holesale m ortgage and s a le s e x p e rie n c e p r e fe r r e d . E x c e lle n t c o m p e n s a tio n and benefit plans. HR Dept, Washtenaw Mortgage Co. 315 E. Elsenhower, Ste. 12 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 8 or fax: 7 3 4-6 62-9 51 7 www.washtenawm Project Coordinator (3-0 R E ) Needed to jo in a dynam ic te a m o f re s e a rc h and e v a lu a tio n professionals. Individual will fill a key role in a 3-year, federally funded rese arch p ro je c t e v a lu a tin g a Criminal Justice Diversion Program for persons with co-occurring mental h e a lth and s u b s ta n c e a b u se disorders. W ill coordinate data collection, including supervising interviewers, overseeing intake and follow-up data collection. M aster’s d e g re e in p sy c h o lo g y , s o c ia l sciences, sociology, social work, public policy, or related field preferred (or bachelor's degree with 3 years relevant experience); background in evaluation and research methods; s tro n g o rg a n iz a tio n a l and communication skills; interviewing experience, especially with persons with co-occurring mental health and s u b s ta n c e a b u s e d is o rd e rs ; supervision experience, especially with research projects; willingness to work with community providers and in community settings Gails, mental health clinics, etc..); flexible schedule and willingness to work occasional nights/weekends. Salary $ 3 2 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 8 ,0 0 0 . Send or fax resume and cover letter, including schedule you are available to work, by Friday, July 9, to Dr. Maureen Rumptz, Northwest Professional Consortium, 0 4 3 4 SW Iowa Street, Portland, OR 97201; Fax: 244-2183. to provide direction to the shipping team on swing shift. The Shipping Leadperson a s s is ts in tra in in g and evaluating employees; coordinates work a ssign m ents; assures the on-tim e sm ooth flow o f m aterials, products, and do cum e nts; and. ensures th a t quality standards and shipm ent delivery Washington County Community Health Nurse II sche du les are m et. Requires tw o years shipping exp including: lead or supervisory role; exp with documentation arid packagi ng processes; exp with domestic transportation. International experience preferred. Qualified candidates will have excellent com m unication skills, problem solving ability, and proactive approach.. M ust be well organized, detail oriented, with ability to work independently. Work is fa s t paced with the challenge o f meeting daily deadlines while m aintaining quality and on-time delivery standards. We offer excellent benefits, com petitive wEges, and a friendly, professional work environment. Pr^em ploym ent drug and alcohol screening is required. Equal opportunity employer. Please send 2 POSITIONS 1 Bilingual S panish/E nglish and 1 Non-bilingual $ 3 ,1 3 1 - $ 3 ,8 O 5 /m o Closes July 9 .1 9 9 9 Nurse Practitioner 2 POSITIONS 1 Full-time and 1 Part-tim e (Job Share) $ 2 2 .4 4 - $ 2 7 .2 3 /h r a resum e and cover letter to Fax #2 53 -783 0 or LEATHERMAN Call (5 0 3 ) 6 4 8 -8 6 0 6 /TTY (5 0 3 ) 693- 4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C ounty a p p lic a tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l appl ication form s required. W omen, m in o r itie s , a n d p e o p le w ith disabil ¡ties are encouraged to apply. Apply to: Washington County Human Resources Division 1 5 5 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 971 2 4 Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. P.O.Box 20595 • Portland, OR 97294-0595 Construction - Remodeling Carpenter Qovemnwnt Money The g o vern m ent, to g e th e r w ith th e private sector is currently engaged in giving out low in te rest home loans to I " tim e buyers. For Free Recorded M essage 1-888-252-7845-ext. 9 2 2 1 http://w w w or e-mail us a t W h e n it com es to keeping O r e g o n healthy, w e couldn't care more. Since 1941. Regence BlueCross Blue Shield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts o f our exceptional w orkforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care Solutions like wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to unmsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can keep costs to a minimum. If bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthw hile available A pplicants m u s t have valid pursuit to you. consider our possibilities: drivers license, subm it to drug te st and background check. Apply in person between 1 2 :0 0 and 1:00 PM daily atCityCenter Parking at 2 15 SW 6 '\ (|ob #3202) As the entry level member within the Medicare Reimbursement and Audit D epartm ent you will be A ssistant A u d ito r responsible for performing desk reviews, field audits, and finalizations in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), federal regulations, and approved Health Care financing Administration (HCFA) procedures. Duties will indude performing assigned audit procedures; preparing necessary w ork papers to document audit findings; and obtaining knowledge o f the providers’ accounting systems; and perform audits at providers' facilities Requires a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Previous w ork experience in accounting o r health care services is a definite EAP Counselor familiar w ith generally accepted accounting pnnciples reimbursement regulations manuals and other CAPE Employee A ssistance Program, an A ffiliate o f M egellan Behavioral Health, is accepting applications for an EAP Counselor position. This is a full-tim e position requiring a M a ste r's level degree and clinical license. D uties include provision of short-term therapy to individual s , couples, and fa m ilie s, alcohol and drug asse ssm e n ts, and providing telephone co n su lta tio n to clients a n d s u p e r v is o r s . EAP an d supervisory experience is desired, but we are w illin g to tra in th e right directives issued is necessary person. Magellan offers com petitive salaries, a benefits package including401K , plus a great working environm ent. Qualified ap plican ts are invited to M S P S ub ro g ation A n a ly s t (Job #3192) You will be responsible fo r the investigation and development o f cases involving other group health insurance coverage, as well as making determinations o f pnmary/secondary payer responsibilities under Medicare MSP Guidelines Duties will include providing technical expertise and outreach to attorneys, insurance companies, employers and beneficianes; documenting all activities and contacts and processing claims and ad)ustments Requires a High School diploma or GED. and a minimum o f 2 years' expenence in a business office setting preferably in a hospital or clinic, o r insurance agency. The successful candidate will have poor exposure to public speaking and telephone expenence working with assertive and often difficult professionals. Must have strong organizational, communication, and decision making skills, with the ability to meet stringent deadlines, working overtime when needed. W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment To apply, please indicate ¡ob num ber and/or tide at the top of your resume or cover letter and submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence H M O Oregon, Hum an Resources, P. O. Box 12 7 1, Portland, OR »7207-1270,T T Y (503) 2254780. W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases o f employment send resum es to: Regence Magellan Behavioral Health Attn: Human Resource« 921 SW Washington St., Suite 550 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon HMO Oregon Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 1 9 6 8 9 2 E-mail: jharvey@ For m o re information about career opportunities, call o i r )ob Information Line: (800) 231 - 16 17 or visit our website a t Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division Principal Executive Manager A Publishing and Distribution Production Manager , / n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available s*a ,«wide' competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Program Representative 2 Special Programs Field Coordinators Experienced civil rights/affirm ative action program coordinators wanted to loin ODOT's Office of Civil Rights in the Roseburg and Portland areas. Provide technical assistance and advice to construction project manECement teams performing contract administration and compliance reviews. Assist in the designing, monitoring, training, evaluating and reporting of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and Emerging Small Businesses (ESB) programs, and On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compliance requirements, in accordance with federal and state laws. Requires: 4 years' experience analyzing, advising and/or Instructing the public concerning programs or processes, monitoring programs or performing participant review«. Related ^°6ram ® preferred. See announcement for details. Salary $2.763 - $3.865/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 10 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement «OCDT9275. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986- 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or visit for application materials. ODOT 's a n ^ EE0 employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 1 4 .1 9 9 9 . Associate Transportation Engineer Surveyor Experience with computerized survey software and electronic surveying equipment and techniques is needed for this current vacancy in Salem. Position will perform statewide field survey work required to obtain photogrammetric control surveys for photogrammetric mapping. Position will establish horizontal and vertical control necessary to produce topographic and digital terrain maps; and establish geodetic control monuments using conventional and Global Positioning Satellite surveying methods. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Transportationrelated Engineering; OR a PE/PLS; OR a EIT/FE; OR a LSIT/FLS. Salary $2,622 . $ 3,752/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement HOCDT9300. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -3 8 54 for the hearing Impaired) or visit for application materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 14. 1999 Executive Support Specialist 1 Research Key Contact 'etail Merchandiser Part-Time Portland & Surrounding Areas A n opportunity exists with the Procter & Gamble Cosmetics Division. The primary job responsibilities include the initial & ongoing tesets for the Cover G irl & Max Factor outlets. This is a great opportunity for people re-entering the work force. Prior retail merchandising exp is ptef d. • Independence & FlexibleWork Schedule • Candidates Must Be Available A t Least J Full Days Per Week • Good H ourly Pay, $ 9 .0 0 Per H our • D rive Your Ow n Car (we reimburse) • Valid Driver's License • Proof of Insurance Please wnte/send resume to: Procter&Gamble Cosmetics D ivision A ttn : R ecruiting Specialist R EF # 5 0 1 A , M a il Stop 2B 1 1 0 5 0 Y o rk Road H u n t V alley, M D 2 1 0 3 0 -2 0 9 8 'to ; O S.'', ___ 4688. Closing date is July 13, 1999. Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division Production Supervisor The Department of Administrative Services, Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division, is seeking an experienced print and production mall supervisor This position is located at the State's central Publishing and Distribution facility in Salem. It directly supervises swing and graveyard shifts, as well as satellite sites, in all production operations such as digital print, traditional print and production mail. Requires two years supervisory experience or two years' lead-work expenence In a publishing or distribution environment. Preference may be given to those candidates who have experience in digital and traditional print and production mail environments. Salary is $2,127 to $3,001 a month. Announcement #LE990574. For a detailed Job announcement, contact your local employment office or c a ll (5 03 ) 3 7 8 4 8 8 8 . Closing date is July 12. 1999. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Income Tax Auditors . . . The Oregon Department of Revenue currently has openings for income tax auditors at the Entry and Auditor 1 levels in its Salem office. If you have an accounting background, this is your opportunity to use those skills in administering the tax laws of the State of Oregon Duties o f the positions include examining tax returns, communicating with taxpayers, gathenng and analyzing records and researching federal and state taxJaw. Salary is $1,898 to $2.638 a month for Tax Auditor Entry and $2,3 99 to $3.346 a month tor Tax Auditor 1. To request Job Announcement «O C 970649 (Tax AudHor Entry) or 40C 9 7 06 5 0 (Tax Auditor 1) and an application, call (503) 9 4 5 8 5 5 5 . TTY (503) 9 4 5 8 6 1 7 or (800) 8 8 6 7 2 0 4 for the hearing Impaired or visit our web site at For additional Information about the positions, call Salem at (5 03 ) 9 4 5 8 8 1 2 . Deadline Excellent organizational, communication and computer skills are highly desired for this current vacancy in Salem. Position will provide confidential administrative support for the Manager of the Research Group. Requires three years of clerical/secretarial experience which included: one year at a full performanceJevel performing typing, word processing or other generation of documents; and lead work responsibility or coordination of office procedures Courses or training in Office Occupations or Office Technology may be 1 substituted for up to one year of the clerical/secretarial experience. No substitution will be made for the one year at the full performance-level Salary $ 1 8 0 8 $2.516/m onth + excellent benefits; health insurance, paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution. Announcement 4OC0T93O4. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) or www.oracon| tor application material». ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline Is Ally 9 ,1 9 9 9 . is July 7, 1999. OREGON BUREAU OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Apprenticeship and Training Division Administrative Specialist 2 This position provides administrative support to the Oregon State Apprenticeship and Training Council, a terwnember panel appointed by the Governor. Position is located in Portland in the Lloyd District. Duties include providing apprenticeship information to agencies, community programs and the public. Requires excellent organizational and computer skills. Salary is $ 1 9 8 3 to $2,7 63 a month with outstanding benefits. To receive appllcxtlon material» through the mall, call (5 03 ) 731-4070 (Portland). The |ob announcement (Including teat question») and application form ara also available online at www.oregoriloba.ot6 Closing date is July 9 ,1 9 9 9 . OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS If you possess topootch clerical, communication and computer skills, we invite you to consider this opportunity in Salem You will perform receptionist, secretanal and other support for the Right of Way Section. Requires completion of courses or training in Office Technology. OR one year of general clerical experience which Included typing, word processing or other generation of documents: OR an equivalent combination of training and experience. Salary $1,465 - $1.983/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays, and full employer-paid retirem ent contribution. Announcement 4O C0T9302. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) er vW t tor applfoatlo" material*. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce Deadline Is July 1 3 ,1 9 9 9 . OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES % The Department of Administrative Services, Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division, is seeking an expenenced Pubfishing — and Distribution Production Manager at the State’s cenVal Publishing and Distribution facility located in Salem. This position will manage the day-shift production staff In digital and traditional print, and production mail units. Requires four years' expenence in lead work, supervision, staff-technical, or professional-level work In the field of printing AND mailing industries. This experience m ust have included participation In the management of a program, section, or unit including one or more of the following areas: a) development of program rules and policies, b) development of long- and short-range goals and plans, c) program evaluation, or d) budget preparation. A Bachelor's degree or courses in a field related to Management such as Business or Public Adm inistration, may be substituted for up to three years' required experience. Salary is $2.464 to $3,641 a month. Announcem ent 4LE 990590. For a detailed |ob announcement, co nta ct your local employment office or call (5 03 ) 3 7 6 Office Specialist 1 Receptlonlst/Offlce Support The Nell Kelly Company is the leading d e sig n /b u ild firm in the Portland area. We need a finish carpenter fo r our Home Repair Team who: ta k e s p rid e in h is / h e r carftsm anship, likes getting things done r ig h t, has good com m unication skills, has strong liste n in g skills, and does beautiful fin ish work. If you qualify, you can earn union wage with all benefits. We offer you the opportunity to have your personal growth match your effort, to receive recognition fo r your accom plishm ents, and to work with people who support your e ffo rts. One o f Oregon Business M agazine's 1 0 0 Best Com panies to W ork For. Send resum e, vehicle type, and tool lis t to Julia Spence, Hum an Resources Manager, Nell Kelly Company, 8 0 4 North Alberta S t., Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 or e-mail to : jbspence@ Visit Us On The Web! @ plus Ability to develop working knowledge o f the Medicare cost reporting forms as well as become Account Executive P le a s e s e n d re s u m e w ith s a la r y requirem ents to: (Entry level position) Im m ediate opening fo r fu ll and part-time lot attendant with Portland's leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individuals with a neat appearance and a positive attitude. • $ 7.25 starting wage • Advancement potential • Medical, Dental and 4 0 1 K positions._____________________ _____ Lab Assistant Columbia Sportswear Company Human Resources, Dept. ICS, PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 «Portland OR 97283 or Fax to: (5 0 3 ) 735-4597 Prefer an associate degree in m ental health o r one year experience working with children. Position if FT with agency b e n e fits, graveyard. C o n ta c t S u s a n @ 6 6 9 - 9 5 2 2 f o r in fo rm atio n on e ith e r o f th e se Parking Facility Operator ___ Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division Principal Executive Manager B Mall Distribution Manager The Department of Administrative Services. Transportation. Pixchasing and Print Services Division, is seeking an experienced Mail Distribution Manager This position is located at the State s central PtXXishing and Distribution facility in Salem The person m this position wiH manage the mail processing and distribution section at the central facility as well as all satellite sites. To qualify far this position, you must h » e five years’ experience in lead vcrK supervision, staff-technical, or protosslonaHevei work In the ^ d c fja rg e s c a le ma-i processing and distribution. This experience must have included participation in the management of a prog’am, section, or unit n d u d n g one or more o the toltowirxi aeas: a) development of progam rules and policies, b) development of lo r * a id short-range goals and plans, c) progam evaluation, or d) budget preparation A Bachelor's degee or courses in a field related to management such as Business or Public AOmnistiation may be substituted tor up to three years of the required experience Salary is $2.717 to $4.024 a month. jUvMMncqrrwmt M E990591. Rw • (M tfM Job ■wounoonwnt, contact your local .nqdoymant efltoa or c a l (503) 3 764688. Closing dete is July 14.1999 Principal Contributor 1 Leadership Training Manager This position Is located In the Department's Training Section in Salem and develops, delivers and evaluates the Leadership and Professional Development training program In order to enhance the Department s ability to m eet the human resources growth needs. Requires two years expenence relating to management of an agencywide training program and a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration. Education, Human Resource M a n ie m e n t Administration or a Public Safety related field or three more years' pertinent experience. An advanced degree in any of the fields mentioned may substitute for the expenence. Salary is $3.306 to $4.654 a month, plus excellent benefits. Oregon application and Job Announcement « L E 990572 may bo obtained from any Oregon employment deportment or vtalt our web alto at wwwdoc.atate.oiu» or caH (503) 3 7 6 8 0 1 3 . Closing date Is July 9, 1999 Personnel Officer 3 This position is located in ODOC Human Resources In Salem and provides comprehensive programs, tools and services to achieve an effective and efficient workforce. Requires three years' professionaHevel Human Resources experience which included employee relations, classification, compensation, recruitm ent and selection, performance m anagem ent and labor contract adm inistration Also requires a Bachelor’s degree In Personnel Management or closely related field or three more years of expenence Salary is $ 3 .1 5 2 to $4,4 35 a month. plus excellent benefits Oregon application and Job Announcement «LE990S16 may be obtained from any Oregon employment department or vtalt our web a lt* at ww wdoe.atata.oiua er caH (5 0 3 ) 3 7 6 6 0 1 3 . Closing date Is June 30. 1999. _ 2 h e te era tost tome of the current opening» available with the State of Oregon. For additional Information a copy of the State of Oregon Anollcitton Form and a mere complete announcement listing». caH the Jobline (Oregonian Intod. U n .) (503) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 ext. 7777, TTY (503) 3 7 6 4 8 7 2 . visit your local emptoynwnt department ervtaM eur web s ite et The S t e f r t Oragon and a H ItaA te to n a - S,T proud to be equal opportunity emptoyera. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F N O PHONE CALLS PLEASE! . . ■»