Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 30, 1999, Page 10, Image 10

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June 30,1999
Page B2
Found Body
Vancouver 1
P ublic Safetv Fact Sheet
celebration is again expected to draw
thousands o f people to festivities at the
Vancouver National Historic Reserve.
Official holiday fun begins with arts
and crafts vendors at 10 ajn. Sunday,
July4. The fireworks display isat 10p.m.
Participants are strongly encouraged to
use mass transit to get to the site. Several
roads will be closed and parking will be
restricted around the event site.
Public safety for the Fourth o f July
celebration is coordinated by the
Vancouver Police Services. F ¿reworks
sales, music, concessions and the fire­
w orks display are coordinated by the
non-profit Fourth o f July committee.
W ay will be closed at 7 a . m .
• The offram ps on SR 14 at Columbia
Shores Drive will be closed at 6 p . m .
• A fter the firew orks some streets
w ill change to one-w ay only.
Additional Closure Information
Bus Service
Festival officials suggest visitors
leave their cars at hom e or park-and-
ride sites and take advantage o f a very
good deal - free C-TRA N bus service.
Express service to the festival site
starts Sunday at 2 p.m. and runs every
30 m inutes from the park-and-ride lot
at Salm on C reek on 134'" Street, the
E vergreenT ransitC enteronN .E . 18*
Street, and V ancouver M all (upper
north parking lot near M ervyn’s). Most
regular routes will run on an extended
Sunday/H oliday schedule. Express
bus service will also run before and
after the fireworks display. P ortland’s
T ri-M et buses will offer service to
and from the fireworks at regular fares.
After the fireworks show,C-TRAN
and Tri-M et buses will be parked
along Fort V ancouver W ay betw een
Evergreen Boulevard and M ill Plain.
For m ore information, call (360) 695-
0123 or (360) 695-2760 (TD D hear­
ing impaired), or visit C-TRAN ’ s web
site at w w w.c-tran.com .
Parking w ill be prohibited on
nan y streets near the event site, in­
cluding SR 14. Free parking w ill be
ivailable in the dow ntow n area, at all
netered street spaces and in C ity o f
Vancouver lots. These lots are at:
• Evergreen and Broadw ay
«Fifth and Broadway
•C ity Hall, 210 E. 13*
•11* and Broadw ay
•Citizens Service Center, 1313M ainSt
Street And Road Closures
Several streets around the Fort site
will be closed to traffic. Passes w ill be
required for vehicles entering the area.
Residents living inside the barricaded
intersections m ust secure entrance
passes from the City o f V ancouver
O ffice o f N eighborhoods, 696-8222.
This controlled access is for the ben­
efit and convenience o f local resi­
dents, and to provide quick and easy
em ergency vehicle passage.
These streets will be closed begin­
ning at 6 a . m . on the Fourth o f July:
• Mill Plain and Fort Vancouver Way
•Evergreen Boulevard at 1-5 West Reserve
• Evergreen Boulevard at U Street
• Evergreen BI vd at F t Vancouver Way
• Ft. V ancouver W ay and E. 5* St.
• E. 5* St. and E ast Reserve
• E. 9* St. and E ast Reserve
• E. 8* St. and * T ’ St.
• E. 6* St. and “ U” St.
• 5* St. and “U” St.
• M ill Plain and East Reserve
• C olum bia W ay at W ho Song and
L arry’s east to C olum bia Shores
• C olum bia shores D rive at the
B urlington N orthern railroad tracks.
Closures at other times include:
• Mill Plain Boulevard between
East Reserve Street and Ft. V ancouver
The W aterfront Trail will be closed
from W ho Song and Larry’s Restau­
rant eastbound throughout the day.
Access will be restricted to the area
ofColum bia Business Park, Columbia
Shores condominiums.Quantum Resi­
dential. C.E. John Co. and Beaches
and McMenamins restaurants. Access
to these areas on July 4 will be by
permit only. For permit information
for Columbia Shores resident and busi­
nesses, call M ark at 699-1592. Check­
points will be posted on the access road
to Columbia Shores Drive o ff SR 14
and Columbia W ay at Who Song &
Larry’s Restaurant.
Beginning the evening o f July 3,
various areas around the site w ill be
will be closed. Luepke SeniorC enter
w ill be closed.
Marshall And Grant Houses
Marshall House on Officers Row
will be open from 1 to 7 p.m. with tours
to view the former home o f General
George C . Marshall, Secretary o f State
and Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
T he G rant H ouse will be open
from noon to 7 p.m. the unique gift
shop w ill sell special 4* o f July gifts.
Both houses will have a “Flying O ur
H eritage” exhibit.
m arked “no parking.”
Fort Vancouver National
Historic Site
General OO Howard House
The Howard House will be open
from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. The house features
die exhibit "One Place Across Time,” an
engaging story o f local history.
Blood Drive
The American Red Cross and die
Southwest Washington Medical Center
chapter o f die Washington State Nurses
Association will sponsor a blood dnve
firm noon to 5 p.m., Sunday, July 4, in
the parking lot at theO.O. HowardHouse.
Roadw ay access to the city ’s M a­
rine Park boat launch w ill close at 4
p.m. on Sunday, July 4. A “no-w ake”
lies and free to youth age 16 and under
Ongoing activities during the day in­
clude talks on the fort’s history, plus
cooking andblacksmi thing demonstra­
tions. The visitor center will be open
from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. with no charge.
zone is in effect for the areas around
the M anne Park boat launch and
Term inal One. B oaters m ay leave
the park, but cannot en ter after 4 p.m.
A safety zone w ill be established
around the firew orks barge, which
will be anchored east o f the 1-5
Bridge. B oaters are cautioned to stay
aw ay from the barge. Boats are not
allow ed on the W ashington beach
from 1-5 to M arine Park.
Enforcem ent agencies w ill check
boats for overloading, flotation de­
vices and alcohol m isuse.
Pearson Field will close flight op­
erations at 6 p.m. on July 4. Flight
operations will resume after the fire­
works and after the runways have been
inspected to insure safe operation. Es­
timated time o f reopening is midnight.
Pearson Air Museum, 1115 E. 5*
Street, will be open from 10 a m . to 9
p.m. Special July 4 admission will be
one-half pnce. Members enter free.
Organizers plan to have antique and
classic airplanes on display south o f the
new restoration hangar. WWI1 fighters
and other warbirds will visit the field.
Open cockpitbiplanerides will be avail­
able. Would-be pilots can fly a flight
simulator, a computer-aided program
that features a 17-inch computer moni­
tor and realistic flight sequences.
Clark College
Campus buildings will be closed.
Parking is allowed and security person­
nel will be on duty. Fireworks, alcohol,
skateboards, open fires, barbecues or
overnight parking are not allowed.
Marshall And Luepke Centers
M arshall C om m unity C enter and
swim pool, 1009 E. M cLoughlin,
The Portland Police B ureau is
notifying the com m unity o f a R egis­
tered Sex O ffender living in the Port­
land area. ORS. 181.588 allow s law
enforcem ent agencies to release such
inform ation to the public regarding
convictedoffenders, who are required
to register, w hen such inform ation
will increase public aw areness and
prom ote com m unity safety.
The Sex Offender has been con­
victed o f a sex offense that requires he
register with a law enforcement agency
in Oregon. His criminal history places
him in a category which indicates he
may reoffend. This subject is not wanted
by the police at this time.
The Offender has served his sen­
tence and is no longer being supervised
by the Oregon Department o f Correc-
Fourth o f July fireworks will go on
qtUin Vancouver and may be txirchased
rom approved stands and used from
» o n on June 28 through noon on July 6.
B efore stands can open, the City
x f V a n c o u v e r f ir e m arshal's office
:onducts thorough inspections and
issues perm its to authorize the retail
fireworks stands and storage facili­
ties. D isplay sites, including the barge
used to launch V ancouver’s Fourth
of July aerial firew orks, are also care­
fully inspected for safe com pliance
with the U niform Fire Code.
V ancouver Fire M arshal Dave
Sauerbrey rem inds parents to ensure
• read and follow all w arnings.
• rem ain a safe distance from the
• never try to re-light firew orks
the Sexual Assault Detail at 823-4636.
Subject’s name is Lucas Amansec,
M W , 20 year old, 5 ’, 123 lbs, black
hair, brow n eyes.
Lucas Am ansec has been con­
victed o f C hild M olestation in the
First D egree and is no longer under
supervision. H e has targeted young
girl victim s in the past. It is believed
there is a substantial risk A m ansec
could reoffend.
tions. The purpose o f this community
notification is to reduce the chances o f
further victimization by this offender
nessandchild safety. Intimidating, ha­
rassing, or threatening o f this regis­
tered offender will not be tolerated and
may be a crime.
If you have any information about
this offender committing additional
crimes, please contact the Detectives o f
Portland Police Want More Pay
51 -thousand dollars. The new plan calls
for raises after ten, 15,20 and 25 years.
Currently, the salary top occurs after
five years. A spokesman for the Port­
land Police Association says the present
plan hurts recruiting and causes offic­
ers to leave for more money elsewhere.
Portland’s police union wants to
m ake city officers the highest paid in
the state. A new pay proposal has been
sent to the city... asking for pay hikes
over an eleven step plan instead o f the
current seven steps presently used. The
top pay for an officer today is just over
Garbage Customers Get a
Rate Reduction
Other Visitor Information
As in past years, personal fireworks
arestncdy prohibitedat theFt V ancouver
National Historic Site and in adjacent
public areas. Alcohol, pets, tents, cano­
pies or similar shelters and use of char­
coal are also prohibited at die festival site.
These rules will be vigorously enforced
in the interest o f public safety.
The lost-and-found site will be at
the picnic shelter ju st east o f the Ft.
V ancouver V isitor Center. First Aid,
provided by the Southw est W ash­
ington M edical C enter, w ill be avail­
able at the sam e location.
All activities will carry on ram or
shine. Umbrellas may be used until
early evening. An announcement from
the stage will advise participants to close
umbrellas priorto the fireworks display.
A 20-foot length lim it on vehicles
using the handicapped parking area
at the event site w ill be enforced.
Com m issioners are appointed by
the m ayor, confirm ed by city council
and serve for a period o f three years.
Interested applicants should con­
ta c t P e g g y F u rn o in th e C ity
M anager’s O ffice at 360-696-8484,
for an application. C om pleted appli­
c a tio n s m u s t b e s u b m itte d to
V ancouverC ityH all, P.O. Box 1995,
V ancouver, W A 98668-1995, or by
Fax at 360-696-8049 by Monday,
The City o f V ancouver and Clark
County recently negotiated a garbage
rate reduction as part o f the approval
o f the sale o f the C olum bia Resource
Com pany transfer station and disposal
contract to W aste Connections, Inc.
"A lthough the savings are small, it is
that have not fully functioned
•keepahose and bucketofwater nearby
By state law. firew orks sales are
lim ited to people age 16 and over.
Sellers m ust require p ro o f o f age
w ith a driver’s license or photo iden­
tification card issued by a school or
governm ent. V ery young children
should not be allow ed to use fire­
works. Even sparklers, w hich bum at
over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, can
be dangerous if used improperly.
Vancouver’s Fire Prevention Bu­
reau is dedicated to promoting and en­
hancing safety through education, code
enforcement and fire investigation
important w e pass them on to the
customer," says Tam i Kihs, the city's
Solid W aste Manager.
A typical residential custom er will
save about a dim e each month. C om ­
m ercial custom ers w ith a tw o-yard
container picked up once a w eek will
save about $1.10 per month. Self­
haul custom ers will see a decrease o f
$ 1.75 per ton at the tranfer station.
Rates have remained stable or have
been reduced over the last three years.
The new rates go into effect July 1.
Keeping you safe
Recent accidents involving MAX light rail resulted in the deaths of two
pedestrians. We are deeply saddened by the loss of these two individu­
als, and we want to prevent similar tragedies.
Tri-Met wants to keep pedestrians safe in areas where MAX runs. We
are doing a comprehensive review of all pedestrians light rail areas
along the 33-mile MAX line. Additional safety measures are being con­
sidered, including more signs and crossing arms.
You can help prevent accidents from occurring. Here are some safety tips to follow:
1 Be alert. Look both ways if you're near a MAX intersection
2 Watch for trains in both directions. Don’t assume that the way is
July 26.
Fire Marshal’s Office To
Inspect All Fireworks Stands
the safety o f children by closely su­
pervising firew orks use, and by us­
ing only legal firew orks purchased
from approved stands
“It’s important for parents to be
present when fireworks are i gnited, and
to ensure that the materials are lit in an
open area away from homes, vehicles
and any combustibles," says Sauerbrey.
H e adds that parents should teach
children to be prepared, safe and
been a new bom.
Crime Stoppers in offering a cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for information,
reported toCrime Stoppers, which leads
to a resolution in this case or any un­
solved felony crime and you do not have
to give your name. Call the Tigard
Police Department (503) 684-4997.
1100 Block of SW 10th Ave.
City Seeks People
With Cultural
The C ity o f V ancouver is seeking
applicants to fill four vacancies on
the C ultural Com m ission.
T h is 11-m e m b e r co m m issio n
serves in an advisory capacity to City
C ouncil on m atters relating to arts
and culture as w ell as international
events and activities. The Com m is­
sion acts as a central clearinghouse
for inform ation on arts, cultural and
international activities and provides
guardianship o f public art assets.
area behind a building materials busi­
ness in the 8100 block o f S W Hunziker
Street. Highway 217 borders the other
side o f the location.
The body, which was in a pillow­
case, was that o f a male o f an unknown
race, and may have been at the location
for as long as two or three months. An
autopsy indicates the infant may have
Community Notification Of A
Sex Offender
Information For Boaters
Fort V ancouver National Historic
Site will be open from 11 a m . to 8 p.m.
adm ission is $2 for adults, $4 for fami­
Jack Murdock Aviation Center
- Pearson Field
The Tigard Police Department, in
cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is
asking for your help in determining the
identity and cause o f death o f an infant.
On Saturday, April 18,1998,atabout
12:30 in the afternoon, three young
children found the body o f an infant
white playing in a wetland area ofTigard.
The body was discovered in a swampy
clear after one train passes by. Another train may be coming
from the other direction.
Cross the tracks only at designated pedestrian crossing, especially
if the crossing arms are down. That signals a train is coming.
Never walk on the tracks. MAX trains are quiet and sometimes
hard to hear over regular traffic noise.
Remember that MAX trains run almost 24 hours a day. Even
after MAX service stops running, the trains use the tracks to
return to maintenance facilities.
Don’t let children play on or near the tracks. Please stay behind
the white bumpy strip on the platform.
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns about MAX safety please call
us at 503-238-RIDE.
th e re
m a tte rs
TTY 238-5811 • www.tri-met.org