■ ? \ - 3 ■ •. *.i ^ » 2 . ••• «'-» ■>’. ♦ ¿ . - X T . '« - i '*■- * (The ^IprUnnù ffibaeruer Focus June 2 3 ,1 9 9 9 m an a g er Paris D ’J o n , a co-m anager of ‘W hat am I doing here?” For the harm ony-driven O h io four­ som e 98°, it’s not h a rd to get noticed. A fter all, b ro th e rs N ick a n d D rew Lachey, f u s tin je f f r e a n d je f f l im m ons w ere busy w ow ing crowds w orldw ide d u e to the success of th e ir self-titled d ebut album . T h e ir new album , w hich fin d s the g ro u p c o lla b o ra tin g w ith m usic’s biggest producers, has them soundtrack, “T ru e T o Y our H eart” has T h e ir debut album ’s fiirst single, “In­ m u lti-p la tin u m R&B artist M ontell visible M an,” packed a punch all over Jo rd a n . A fter a local radio station asked the w orld, reaching # 12 on the Billboard th e enthusiastic g roup to p e rfo rm on H ot 100 Pop Singles C h a rt and took the th e air, P aris sta rte d talk in g to them album gold in C an ad a and the Philip­ a n d realized how serious th ey w ere pines, w here they have a seriously de­ ab o u t b e co m in g professional vocal­ voted following thanks to their m assive ists. Before long, they w ere o n the road touring. T hey’ve visited C anada, G er­ w ith M ontell a n d receiving raves for m any, H olland, a n d E ngland, as well as th e ir dynam ic live shows. H o n g K o n g , In d o n e s ia , M alay sia, W ith 98° A N D R IS IN G , 98° have Singapore and T hailand. A nd these e n te re d the n e x t stage o f th eir flourish­ sports fanatics were also excited to be in g career. F o r these y oung artists, chosen to sing the national anthem at estab lish in g th e ir niche in a crow ded the C hicago B ulls/U tahjazz G am e Five field is a challenge th ey ’re w illing to o f th e N B A F inals as well as at a u n d e rta k e . “W e ’re g ro w in g , w e’re evolving as artists and m usicians," says Superbow l half-time event. Leno. “T h a t’s the biggest adrenaline heating u p th e ch arts again. W ith th eir a distinctively old-school Motown fla­ rush I’ve had since I’ve been doing this,” T h e ir big b reak cam e b ackstage at pop appeal a n d soulful h a rm o n ies, lln iv ersal’s 98 degrees are o n the steady vor. For these lifelong fans of Stevie, adm its Jeff. “I couldn’t help but think. a Boyz II M en show w hen they m et track to sta rd o m w ith th eir platinum - m usic legend was a dream com e true. certified sophom ore release, 98° A N D “W hen they sent the tape to us at hom e, R ISIN G . A lready the first single from I was alm ost in tears listening to it,” th e a lb u m , “ B ecause o f Y o u ,” has recalls Nick. “ It was an awesome feeling reached p latin u m status a n d the sec­ to h e ar y our voice with Stevie W onder o n d single, “T h e H ardest T h in g ’ is exchanging riffs and singing harm ony quickly clim bing the charts. p arts together. It was completely un­ R ISIN G was “T ru e T o Y our H eart,” an upbeat duet with Stevie W onder. Also 98° perform ance with Stevie W onder of a p p e a r in g o n the song on T h e T onight Show w ith Ja y The N eighborhood Outreach Association and ||l||| W ashington M u tu a l ■O^n t ^ X r present: The 1999 Multicultural Music and Food Festival momea V ■ .1 JUNE 2 5 -2 6 - 27 of her m any h it singles, “D o n ’t T ak e It Personal (just one o f dem days)” hit #1 H o ly R e e d e m e r A re a C a m p u s ,127 N. P o rtla n d Blvd. 503 283-5175 • Adm: Families $5 • Adults $3 • Children $1 on the Billboard H ot R&B SinglesC hart (ju n e 1995) and was certified RIAA Please note: Time and entertainers are subject to change. platinum . H er second single, “ Before Y ou W alk O u t of M y Life,” w ent to the ing h e r the youngest artist ever to have Special Open House/ Kickoff Party two consecutive #1 hits on the Bill­ Thursday, June 24 bo ard R&B chart. M onica to u red in the McMenamins at Kennedy School 5736 NE 33rd Ave. #1 R&B spot and went platinum , m ak­ sum m er of 1995 in support o fh e r plati­ Proceeds from the Courtyard Pub go to the Neighborhood Outreach Association num -plus album , “M ISS T H A N G ,” 6:3 0 pm - Doors Open 7:00-7:20pm - Shoehorn (Tap Dancing Saxophonist) 7:20-10:00pm - Mary Kadderly Quartet w hich included the third sm ash “W hy I love You So M uch/A in't N obody.” (Contemporary Jazz) T h e release of M onica’s eagerly antici­ For the Kids: pated second album , “T H E BOY IS Saturday, June 2 6 '1 1 :00am The Good In The Hood Parade Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Northwest Natural Main Stage: 12:00-1:00pm - The Lions of Batucada (Brazilian Styled Marching Samba Ensemble) 1:30-2:30pm - Shamir (Reggae Hip Hop) 3 00-4:00pm - Don Latarski & Rue de Blues with Marilyn Keller (Jazz, Gospel, Blues) 4 30-5:30pm - Mel Brown Quintet (Jazz) 6:00-7:00pm - Nueva Era (Salsa) 7 30-8 30pm - The Keely Bradshaw and (R&B and blues) 9:00-10:00pm - The Kirk Green Band (Funk. Hip Hop 7:00-8:00pm - Ms Petal the Clown and R & B ) M IN E,” is a rem inder of how m uch she Holy Redeemer Area Campus 127 N. Portland Blvd. has accomplished over the last three years. Containing the brand-new, title-tune #1 6:30-6:45pm - Opening Ceremony Boy Is M ine,” plus “For You I W’ill” U.S. West Multicultural Stage. 1 00-1:30pm NW Chinese Fistology Association (Dragon) 2:30-3:00pm - Leonid Nosov & Fnends (Ukrainian Dance) 4 00-4:30pm Judy Marsh Dancers 5:30-6:00pm The Molly Malone Dancers (Irish Dance) 7:00-7:30pm - Filipino, American Dance Group Friday, June 25 single sung by M onica and Brandy, “T h e Northwest Natural Main Stage (Monica’s platinum single contribution to the 5-million sellingSpaceJam soundtrack), this is the album that sent the seventeen- over it. Foster also produced M onica’s U.S. West Multicultural Stage: year old star’s career into o rb it T h e so n g s o n “T H E BOV cover o f“R ightH ereW aiting"(w ith R&B 8:00-8:30pm - Tibetan Cultural Association Dancers group 112), which was the biggest hit of R ichard M arx’s career back in 1989. young w om an’s hard-w on m aturity and If there’s a conceptual flip-side to the savvy. T h is m atu rity surfaces on the album “T H E BOY IS M IN E ,” is m ust sung by M onica and Brandy, “T h e Boy Is be the person whocom es into the singer’s Mine,” which (as Billboard noted) is rem i­ life w hen she needs a friend the m ost, niscent of the sultry-smooth co m eo n of “A ngel of M ine.” Davis b rought in Barry W hite and the lo v e Unlimited R odney Je rk in s for this cut and also O rchestra. Produced and co-written by enlisted A tlan ta h itm a k er Je rm a in e Rodney Jerkins and Dallas A ustin, “T he D upri, who cam p up with a track whose Boy Is M ine" kicks off an album of wall- title addresses the perennial dating is­ to-wall gems. For M onica’s new album . sue, “T h e First N ight.” Daryl Sim m ons, Executive Producer Clive Davis used the th e p ro d u c tio n m aste rm in d b e h in d sam e hit com bination responsible for “W hy I Love You So M uch,” offers “For You I W ill” and the result is “In­ another valuable tutorial straight from side,” a perform ance, production and the h eart - “I Keep It T o Myself.” Sunday, June 27 7:00-8:00pm - Milagro Bailedores (Hispanic Dance) A m o rir a n Railot 8:30-9:30pm • Northwest Afrikan Afnkan A American Ballet copyright that has “classic” written all IS m ak in g m usic o u r careers.” The friend of the family* M onica was fourteen w hen the first M IN E " a lb u m are built a ro u n d this Jeff. N ick agrees, “W e’re c o m m itte d to getting the chance to do a duet with the real." T h e collaboration culm inated in a D is n e y ’s “ M u la n ” Page 7 Northwest Natural Main Stage: 12:00-1 OOpm - Danny Lembalemba (Afro Pop) 1 30-2 30pm Michael Harrison (Contemporary Jazz) 3 00-4 OOpm - The Norman Sytvester Band (NW Original R & B ) 4:30-5:30pm- Boka Marimba 6 00-7:00pm- LindaHom buckleBand (OriginalFunkyR & B ) Kids’ Space Saturday. June 26 Sunday. June 27 12:00-6:00pm U.S. West Muticultural Stage 1 00-1:30pm - Sister Caravan (Turkish Tribal Belly Dance) 2:30-3:00pm - Sam Kama & Friends (Hawaiian Music & Hula Dance) 4 00-4:30pm - Youth Olympian W restling Exhibition 5:30-6:00pm - Ballet Folklórica de W oodburn Crafts. Animals, Clowns. Face Painter, Jammin' Children's Band, and lots more 3 on 3 Basketball Tournam ent 6th, 7th & 8th Graders B ä Q £hc (hregotuan (Mexican Folk Dance) adiáis Nunhwsi imVEST NaturalGas A KvalthL cuti1» Ä ra NECDC CArusoProduce © MAIERS ♦ ------- PARAGON CABLE TT SAFECO ?•