Page 6 Focus June 23,1999 IN P R I N T Know Thy Self D o n 't Give I t Away! M in d Productions & Associates, inc.; J9 9 # Sim on & Schuster; 1 9 9 9 by I yanla by V anzant sixteen-year-old m o th er and high school d ro p o u t on w elfare. Iyanla knows th at a young w om en’s jo u r­ ney can be lonely an d hard. She ---------------- rem em b ers how diffi­ cult it is to p u t into w ords the way you feel, how it feels to w ant to oday, Iyanla V anzant is a bestsell ing author with her own business an d a loving fam ily. But it w asn’t so long ago th a t she was a teen ag er - a T » ïin ' 'JJarUattit ffibeerm «rz • 2 * » ts • ?* %<•// , 1/7 » »WiibMrt» /«r Ç )o n i G iv e Js^ay JT I t JI a ,» » y v L UK ... « ».. A. be loved. I n ffo n 7 Give / t Away!. Iyanla presents a w orkbook in which you can w rite your feel­ ings and express your th o u g h ts a b o u t th e things th at m atter to y o u - y o u r family, your friends, your body, and your love life. Problem s at hom e and at school are a n atu ral p art of every young w om en’s life, bu t u n d erstan d in g w hat to do with how y o u feel a b o u t y o u r problem s is the key to g ro w in g u p . Iy a n la V anzant shows you that th e love you seek is the love th at you are. The Life You W ere Born To Live / / J Kramer; 1 9 9 3 B y D an M illman THE LIFE Y o u W ere B orn T Ü L IY H est-selling au th o r J I Dan M illman pre­ sents th e Life P u rp o se S y s te m , a m o d e r n m ethod b ased on a n ­ cient w isdom th at has h elp ed h u n d re d s o f th o u san d s to find new m e a n in g , p u r p o s e , and directio n . T h e Life You W ere Born to Live describes: B A GUIDE TO [F inding Y our \lF E PURPOSE. D an T O lman \uthnr of Roy of the Peaceful Warrior including areas of health, money, and sexuality; • G uidelines for finding a livelihood consistent with your innate drives and abilities; • The hidden purpose o f your relationships; • How to live in harm ony with the cycles of your life; • Key spiritual laws to help you understand your past, clarify your present, and co n stru ct these m ighty structures. T h e failure of co n tem p o ­ rary efforts to d u p licate these b u ild in g feats suggests that these w ere exam ples of a higher form of science th an c u rren t science and not ju s t the clum sy efforts of a “prim itive and n excerpt: Consciousness (literally translates to m ean with knowledge or knowing with others) A is the internal m anifestation of knowledge. Aware­ ness is the distinguishing quality that differentiates between hum an life that is functional and life that is dysfunctional. As a people’s shared knowledge is the pagan p eo p le,” as som e have claim ed. criteria for assessing their level of civilization, per­ sonal awareness is the way by w hich we determ ine individual functioning. T h ere is no w onder that the A ncient African people taught the w orld (and later transm itted by the G reek and R om an students of Africa) that the ultim ate instruction for hum an grow th and transform ation was: “M an know thy­ self.” T o be conscious was to be alive and to be hum an. T h e g reater the consciousness the higher was the expression of one’s hum anity. H um an be­ ings in their highest points of developm ent (e.g., Egypt o r Remit; M ayyans, etc.) were m ost notew or­ thy for their devotion to the developm ent of con­ sciousness. T hese societies were distinguished by th eir com m itm ent to developing images and struc­ tures that cultivated the hum an consciousness. Such societies were also fam ous for the devotion of large groups of people to the process of consciousness developm ent for the benefit of the entire society. W é are told that in the peak of Kemetic civilization there were actually m ore than 80,000 students who were studying the system of consciousness developm ent at Ipet /sut (called by the later interpreters, T he T em ple of Karnak.) T here is reason to believe that these ancient tem ples and all of their em bellishm ent were developed for the express purpose of cultivat­ ing hum an consciousness. Even the pyram ids and the mighty Sphinx were obviously m ore than pagan idols and Tem ples. It took great levels of skill to ARIES March 21 A frit 20 Swift th inkin g w ill help you m eet any op p osition you encounter in th e workplace d u rin g the week. A ny in d e ­ pendent research you begin w ill be re­ warding in th e lon g run You m a y be feeling a bit depressed due to m i n o t tensions at h o m e-w o r k things out now TAURUS Afrit 21 Mar 2 t D iscu ss any ideas for progress and greater satisfaction in your career with som eone w hose advise you trust. T here is an opp ortunity at a distan ce w hich may be worth considering. M ake an e f­ fort to stay in contact with a few old triends with w hom you ’ve shared m uch GEMINI • The thirty-seven paths of life; • A precise m ethod to determ ine your own life path and the life paths of others; • T he core issues, inborn talents, and special needs related to each path, em pow er your future. N a ’ im A kbar Ma r 22 Jw u 21 T here is a jo b opportunity which you had previously looked into w hich may m aterialize into an offer this week. It’s tim e to make the decision, and now you have a bit m ore leverage. A new romance will lift your spirits and get you to start thinking about forever. CANCER Jw u 2 2 Jaif 23 Use your knowledge for the benefit of friends and family members. If yon are well prepared, the results will be obvious. Don't let jealousy and possessiveness undermine vour primary love relationship. Situations this week will strengthen ties with a loser. LEO Jafy 2 4 3 ^ 1 2 3 A cycle o f self-improvement will be­ gin this week. Your m ind is incredibly active and your powers o f concentration are great M ake the extra effort to spend a little m ote tim e with a loved one. Luck seem s to be with you and a major ac- compUshment will be rewarded. VIRGO Auguil 24 - S^Umhrr 23 Tell vour lover exactly w hat’s on your mind, for th e d eep feelings vou have need to be shared Your pnxhrct ion level at work is high and vour skills will be highlight's! I riends will play an important role in your everyday life for the next several weeks LIBRA Scftemier24 October 23 Luck seem s to be with you all week. so take advantage o f it and play your hunches Plan vour next several days and try to stay o n schedule in order to be as efficient as possible Romance with your partner will b e m ore than delightful. Relax and recoup in th e evening. SCORPIO October 24 hrooember 22 It w ill b e e a sy to e x p r e s s you r thoughts and feelings this week. Since you get along w ith ju st about everyone, use this to your advantage Be careful about any spendin g you w ill b e doin g resist any im pulses to buy the first thing you see, d o som e com parison shopping. SAGITTARIUS Nmemimr 2 3 • December 21 You naturally have great insight and practical ideas and it’s tim e to put these plu ses to g ood use, esp ecially in th e w orkplace. Pay a tten tio n to d e ta ils, w a tch and le a r n from o th e r s. A ny know ledge you acquire w ill b enefit you greatly in the very near future. CAPRICORN December 2 2 .JanUM} 2 0 A talk w ith vour significant other will be verv productive t his w eek Fhere serm s to b e great rapport betw een the y o u n g a n d th e o ld , c o o p e r a t io n abounds It's tim e to assert yourself and air vour ow n ideas. Luck com es your wav if you are willing to take a chance. AQUARIUS /.¡•tearr 21 ■ Jebnwrj IS Play your hunche- it looks like you might be in the right plac e at the right time Talk aw r any career plans with someon, you considers mentor Any pressure in the w o rk p la c e w i ll be aBevrated with cbeerful perseverence. Save time for a gorxi friend PISCES frbreary 2 0 March 20 Family and travel are highlighted this week. It’s an especially good tim e to get in touch with friends, even those who live far away. You may n eed to spend e x tr a tim e at w ork w h ic h w as n ot planned in order to finish what you had started. Balance work and home. IF THIS WEEK IS YOUR BIRTHDAY You are at your beri when involved in an em otionally satisfying relationship, due to your sense o f romance and physi­ cal need for close contact. You have the intrinsic ability to identity with others and you shine when sharing your compassion.