Page 4 ^ortlanb ©baeruer Focus June 23, 1999 S u m m er M o v ie G u id e O P E N S kT K ?lta Escobar (SALMA HAYEK) with Special government agent James West (WILL SMITH). B y K \ m W illiams C ontributing R eviewer Star Wars: The Phantom pair of sexually-obsessed shrinks. Tom and Nicole cavort naked in the trailer. C orrection, she’s wearing ' ovie star Will Sm ith and ac . claim ed direc­ tor Barry Sonnenfeld thrilled audi­ ences with the summer hit ‘Men in Black’. Now they’re together again for Warner Bros. ‘WILD WILD W EST’, a fast-paced adventure sparkling with comedy, action and fantasy. Academy Award-honorees Kevin Kline and Ken­ neth Branagh, as well as the gifted and glamorous Salma Hayek, join Smith in starring roles in a retro epic that mixes witty science fiction with hip- hop savoir faire - all set against a Western backgroud. Special government agent Jam es West (Smith), long on charm and wit, and special government agent Artemus G ordon (Kline), a master of disguises and a brilliant inventor of gadgets large and small, are each sent to track down the diabolical genius Dr. Arliss Loveless (Branagh). Loveless is plotting to assassinate the President of the United States with the aid of his monstrously huge walking w eapon-transport vehicle I ’m still re c o v e rin g from T h e M uppets taking M anhattan. alized perspective of a pair of inad­ vertent teen accomplices. Pass. s tru g g lin g p la y w rig h t (John T urturro). Shakespeare in Love-lite. Runaway Bride July 30 • Julia Roberts and R ichard Gere directed again by G arry M arshall. Not ex­ actly a sequel to Pretty Woman. O ne of those ‘W edding I n te r r u p ts ’ affairs as Roberts dum ps her fiance^ for investigative reporter, Gere. Mr. A ccident August 13 • Fright­ en ed p o rc u p in e Y ahoo S erious wrote, directed and stars in a com­ edy about m arketing nicotine-laced eggs to the unsuspecting public. I Dudley Do-Right August 2 0 • B re n d a n F ra s e r plays a n o th e r Doofus, with Sarah Jessica Parker as the im periled Nell. glasses. T he Blair W itch Project July 16 Can you live up to the enorm ous • Low-budget Shockum entary by hype? You can’t get away from the three young film m akers who disap­ unprecedented hoopla. Every maga­ peared from their campsite five days zine cover. Nightly news stories. Los­ into an investigation of witchcraft ers with no lives cam ping out at in the hills of M aryland. No slash­ Sum m er of Sam July 3 0 • Spike theaters for a m onth before the open­ ing, shrieking or splattered guts, yet Lee’s spin on 1977 serial killer, ing. Stroke of m idnight feeding fren­ a very creepy air. David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam. zies for Phantom Menace m erchan W ith J o h n L e g u iz a m o , M ira B ow finger Ju ly 2 3 * E ddie dise. May the sales force be with S ervino, J e n n ife r E sposito and M urphy and Steve M artin yuck you. T he first movie to have too Michael Badalucco, all ending in things up. Funny trailer, buy un­ much prom otion. Enough already. ‘o’. T hreatened with NC-17 rat­ funny prem ise (ala Ed TV/Trum an You might not know it, but there ing, rum or has steam y Plato’s Show). Sounds like another bomb are other films being released this Retreat orgy being edited down for these dem olition experts. summer, over 130 of them. Let s to steam y hot dog buns at T he H aunting July 2 3 • Liam take a look at the rest of the field. Neeson and C atherine Zeta Jones. N athans. Big Daddy June 2 5 • French Deep Blue Sea July 30 • O ne of those movies where the set is farce where snobs com pete to invite Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas the star. W ith walls that grab, slip­ the dum best guest to a dinner party. Jane and LL Cool J. M utant pery spiraled staricases, come-to-life A premise with promise. sharks, bio-engineered with big m arble gargoyles, and blood-cur­ Wild Wild West July 2 • $100 dling shrieks. Psychologist uses re­ b ra in s fo r A lz h e im e r’s re ­ million rem ake of the ‘60’s TV se­ mote, haunted house on hill to con­ search, escape. T he sharks start ries. Will Smith as a federal agent in duct an experim ent on unsuspect­ hunting for hum ans, making 1867? D on’t laugh, his blockbusters this a horror flick. ing subjects. (Men In Black and Independence T h e Iron G iant August 6 • Inspector G adget July 2 3 • Ac­ Day) were also 4'h of July weekend 9 year old discovers 50 ft. tall tio n -c o m e d y w ith M atth ew releases. D irector Barry Sonenfeld Broderick as a crime-fighting sleuth robot in his yard. T he robot is promises, “cool gadgets, cool stunts with gizmos for appendages. Looks friendly, making this a whole­ and girls with lots of cleavage.” The some family comedy. very funny. cool cash com bination. W hite Boys August 6 ' Iowa O utside Providence July 3 0 • A m erican Pie July 5 • Comedy farm boy try in g to be black The F a rre lly b r o th e r s ’ about four seniors who m ake a pact makes transition from Whegro Rushm oresque follow up to T here s with each other to sleep with girls to hardcore gangsta rapper. Just Som ething A bout Mary. Comedy before the prom . G irls as objects, funnin*. about a troubled teen creating ma­ boys as latents. O riginally too ex­ Mystery Men August 6 • jo r m ayhem at a New England plicit, but edited down to a very Parody of comic book superhe­ boarding school. hot R-rating. roes with stellar cast including Fight C lub July 3 0 • Brad Pitt Eyes W ide Shut July 16 • Direc­ Ben Stiller, Jean n e Carofalo, and Ed N orton start a club to pick tor Stanley K ubrick’s swan-song G e o ffre y R u sh an d G reg fights. H elena Bonham C arter op­ s ta r r in g T o m C ru is e , N ico le Kinnear. posite Pitt. Kidman and Leelee Sobieski. Sec­ D ick August 6 • Nixon and M uppets From Space July 30 • ond most anticipated film this year. W atergate, fromm the fiction­ Kermit and Miss Piggy take a planet. The hush hush plotline involves a Menace called T he Tarantula. West and Gordon begin as com­ petitors but soon pool their talents to become a wily team of operatives who trust each other...most of the time. T he beautiful and mysterious en­ tertainer Rita Escobar (Hayek) com­ plicates m atters for the duo as she insinuates herself into their plans to capture Loveless. Romance, hum or, fantastic weap­ ons and devices and hair-raising con­ frontations and escapes enliven their adventures as West and Gordon dar­ ingly outwit their enemies. don’t Yahoo. T he W ood August 13 ’ Taye Diggs, O m ar Epps and Richard Jones. West Coast rap underscores the reflections of three hip-hoppers. Illum inata August 13 • Period piece set in late 19,h C., where ac­ tress (Susan S arandon) seduces Blue Streak August 2 0 • M artin Lawrence, in Nothing to Lose theme plays unlucky jewel thief. T h a t’s T he Way I Like It August 2 7 • ‘70s disco redux. Adrian Pang as a loser going nowhere in a dead­ end job. He wins a disco dance con­ test, buys a motorcycle and goes everywhere in a dead-end. Sale! Sale! Sale! ^Braiding 'Hair 99« Tommy Qear 'W a v e C a P s $299 "Wigs Cosmetics 99« 'Relaxers $2^0 $1095 CMrs. C’s ‘W ig & ‘Hair Qare Center 707 ITE Tremont • Tortland, O'R 97212 (503) 281*6525 ✓ J