¿ •*>. 7\.- ^Jodiani» ©bseruer Focus Focus S U P P L E M E N T The 48th ¿Aief OF ® I|C or tinnì» (©baerürr T heme Publisher C h u ck W ashington Editor L arry J . Ja ck so n , Sr. Director o f Advertising Tony W ashington Copy Editor Jo y R am os Creative Director Heather Fairchild 7 4747 N E M a rtin L u th er ? - K ing, Jr., Blvd. Debutantes of Les Femmes. Back 3 - Row: Ma. Sharlaha Hlcka, Ma. Caaandra Calvin, Ma. Shaklta Thorn« Ma. Ebony Holloway, Ma. Leah Wyatt, Ma. Spatkle Henderson. Second Row: Ms. Sheranl Frazier Ma Ms. Helalre Hamilton, Ma. Sapphire Hardy, Ma. Nicole Simmons. Front Row: Ma. Jennea Dent, Ma. Jolonda P ortland, O R 97211 503-288-0033 Les Femmes continue their 48 years of service to Portland’s Youth, pro­ viding educational, ca­ reer development, Self- Esteem m entoring, lead ersh ip develop­ ment, drug prevention workshops, community service volunteer projects and cultural awareness programs. This community base women’s group is com­ mitted to “Through the eyes of the past comes the promise of Tomor­ row” Our youth are that promise! Ms. Aisha Campbell, Ma. Samalyah Ashton. Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: news@ p ortlandobserver.net 5 Top Video Rentals i Toro Hanks. DreamWorks M ib in itle d ilia le iia l: YOU’ VE GOT MAIL Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus w elcom es freelance sub­ missions. M anuscripts an d p ho­ tographs can be re tu rn e d if ac­ co m panied by a self-addressed Meg Ryan. H am er 3 STEPMOM FASHJOTiAIHLETlCSHOES & CLOTHES G Susan Sarandon Columbia T r iS ta r THE WATERBOY Adaro S a n dle r. HOLY MAN MEET JOE BLACK All created display ads becom e the sole p ro p erty o f the news­ p ap er an d c a n n o t be used in o th e r publications or p ersonal usage w ithout the w ritten con Brad P i t t . U n iv e rs a l THE SIEGE Denzel Washington 20'" C entury Tor Animated. H a lt D isney 7 AT FIRST SIGHT unless th e client has purchased M ira S o rv ino. MGM I W Th» Por Hand Obwrvfr and work boots 8 A BUG’ S LIFE sent o f th e g en e ral m an ag er, the com position o f th e ad. T-Shirts 3/S1O Freaky Chains "Free" COME SEE US We Feature Fubu, Boss, Nike, South Pole, First Down, Fila, Adidas, Lugz Touchstone Eddie Murphy. Touchstone stam ped envelope. ? TOP r TO BOTTOM SAVING PRIVATE RYAN D e a d lin e -' lm 7 l \ l . ,,- S ,1 I » ' - 7 | „ • S u i i l ( ’- i | Hi I l„ ,H 4< ( ’- 4SI 7 |/ >( | \ | . Mriilin I ullicr Lin g Jr. I Li. 10 STAR TREK: INSURRECTION P a tr ic k Stew art Paramount ' A . '. ^ '. ^ 4 ??/•! id * r w>».’ A -.X .1* ‘ ¿V •ti’i • ' . ' • • : . 1 ' ; l »#■* A ». • • -, • ■ ? V 1