Page B2 June 16,1999 Phil Jackson Afire«» to Become Lakers Coach T he saga o f Phil Ja ck so n ’s return to the N B A is apparently com ing to a close. The N ew Y ork Post is report­ ing that Lakers ow ner Jerry Buss has tentatively agreed w ith Jack- son on a four-year deal worth just over $6 m illion per season. The Post said the deal w ill not be formally signed until Jackson returns from his vacation in Alaska. Jackson has a scheduled appear­ an c e w ith fo rm e r N ew Y ork K nicks team m ate Bill Bradley in Los A ngeles on W ednesday. “W e’re not going to deny the fact that w e’ve talked to Phil Jackson about coaching the Lakers next sea­ son,” Los Angeles general manager Jerry West said in a prepared state­ ment this afternoon. “W ith the suc­ cess he’s had in the NBA, h e’s defi­ nitely an attractive candidate. How­ ever, w e’re exploring several possi­ bilities with different individuals and no decision has been made yet.” Peter V ecsey, w ho w rote the article in the Post, told ESPN Ra­ dio 1000 in C hicago this m orning that Lakers stars Shaquille O ’Neal and Kobe Bryant w ent to bat for the form er coach o f the six-tim e N BA cham pion C hicago Bulls. Vecsey said thatO ’Neal indicated he might decide to exercise an opt- out clause in his contract and become a free agent, while Bryant added he might seek to join a different team when he becomes a free agent shou Id Jackson not be the choice. A source close to the Lakers told ESPN to expect a major announce­ ment on Wednesday or Thursday. W ith the Lakers, Jackson would be only the coach. Surin Runs Season’s Fastest 1 0 0 C anadian Bruny S u n n ran the fastest 100 m eters o f the year Sun­ day at the N urem berg Track Festi­ val after D onovan B ailey failed to qualify for the final. Surin won in 9.92 after break­ ing out o f the blocks first and leading all the way. “1 thought 1 could run a fast time, but that fast? 1 m surprised," saidSurin. Bailey, the w orld record holder at 9.84 and 1996 O lym pic gold medalist, was tim ed in 10.51 sec­ onds and elim inated in a prelim i­ nary heat after finishing third. Golf-Duval Bums Hand but Says Will Play in Open David Duval, the w orld’s num ­ ber one ranked golfer, burned his right hand on a hot teapot and may miss a few practice rounds but aims to be ready to to tee offThurs- day in the U.S. O pen, The N ew Y ork Tim es reported. The newspaper in a Saturday report said Duval sustained second- degree bum s on his right thumb and forefinger Friday when, he picked up a hot teapot at his Florida home “I certainly can’tplayforacouple o f days,” he said in a telephone interview, “but I’ve got to aim to be ready to play on Thursday.” D uval’s agent Charley Moore said the golfer suffered a blister ‘ ‘the size o f a dim e” on his thumb and another blister on his forefinger. “W e got it treated right away, and the doctor said there would be no permanent damage," Moore added. T he four-day O pen w ill be played at P inehurst Resort and C ountry C lub in Pinehurst, North Knicks Take Long, Strange Trip to NBA Finals “1 talked with Larry this morn­ ing, and he was coherent and very p o sitiv e an d e n c o u ra g e d ,” Hunsicker said. “He was kind o f joking around, but he said the last couple o f days he had severe head­ aches and that was unusual for him. ’ D ierk er to ld H u n sic k er he didn’ t remember anything after the second inning o f Sunday s game. D ierker d idn’t even recall Derek B ell’s sixth-inning grand slam, w hich put the A stros ahead 4-1. "Larry said he was sorry he messed the grand slam,” Hunsicker said. H unsicker described S unday’s collapse as a grand mal seizure, a condition that can be associated B \ C hris B ernvcca S ports T kkkr New Jersey- The buzzersounded and Jeff Van Gundy ran onto the court. He found Allan Houston and the twoshared a long hug, accomplishment and relief spreading wide smiles across their faces. T h e N ew Y o rk K n ick s w ere headed to the N BA Finals, ending a year-long trek that so m any tim es had seem ed impossible. “A lot o f things that w e ’ve been through this year have m ade us stron­ ger,” H ouston said. “ M y m other alw ays said w hat d o esn ’t kill you m akes you stronger.” “ I haven’t seem him quite that happy before,” center C hris D udley w ith epilepsy. It’s uncertain how long Dierker will be away from the team. Matt Galante, Houston’sbenchcoach, was appointed interim manager Sunday. said o f his coach. The jo urney had been a tough one, m arked by questionable trades, debilitating injuries, public dem o­ tions and private m eetings. M istrust ran ram p an t am ong p la y ers and coaches, coaches and m anagem ent, m anagem ent and ow nership. O n more than one occasion, the Knicks were no more than a shot or two from the end o f their season. Now they have a shot at an NBA championship. “ It’s all about results in this busi­ ness,” V an G undy said. “W hen you get great results, I think everybody Late Eagle Lifts Tryba to Rain-Delayed St. Jude Title Ted Tryba eagled the 16th hole and shot a 5-under-par 66 today to w in the rain-delayed St. Jude C las­ sic by two shots over Tim Herron and Tom Lehman. Tryba pulled away from a clus­ ter o f contenders with his eagle on the 528-yard, par-5 hole. His sec­ ond shot was a 4-iron from 234 yards that stopped about 8 feet from the hole. He then sank the putt to get to 19-under, where he finished for a four-round total o f 265. “This w as a nice one to w in,” T ryba said. “T o not back in, to shoot a 66 and go out and grab it. It feels great.” Herron, w ho started the day one stroke o ff the lead, birdied the 16th, then saw Tryba eagle the hole and knew his w ork w as cut out. “I knew I had to get m aybe a little m o re a g g r e s s iv e ,” sa id H erron, w ho shot a 68. It w as T ry b a ’s second career PGA T our victory. H is first w as the 1995 A nheuser-B usch G o lf Classic. H e tied for second at this year’s N issan O pen on the strength o f a third-round 61 that included a bogey on the final hole. Tryba injured his ribs in March while repairing an irrigation system at his home and missed three o f the nextfourcuts. He finished 74th at last week’s Memorial Tournament, but said the hot, humid weather in Mem­ phis loosened the ribs, making it easier to swing freely. shares in it equally.” Although Van Gundy will not dis­ cuss it, his share is abit more equal than others. By reaching the NBA Finals, he triggered an option in his contract New York Knicks, Latrell Sprewell NBA Finals May Give San Antonio New Arena, New Identity B y KELLEY SHANNON © T he A ssociated P ress San Antonio Spur, Tim Duncan SAN A N TO N IO (A P) - W inning the N BA Finals w ould be m ore than a basketball trium ph for the San A n­ tonio Spurs. It would mean long-sought national recognition for the city. It might even m ean a new arena for the franchise. Players and coaches say th ey ’ve got an opportunity to do som ething special for fans in a city often o ver­ looked in the sports world. “It’sjust a thrill to be able to give this to them. Icouldn’tbehappierforthem ,” said Spurs coach Gregg Popovich. H o m e fo r th e S p u rs is th e A lam o d o m e, a fo o tb all stad iu m w here seats are plentiful and tickets are cheap by league standards. Spurs executives w ould like to m ove into a sm aller, m ore profitable facility as soon as possible. D efeatin g the N ew Y o rk K n ick s in the ch am p io n sh ip series u lti­ m ately co uld help the S purs - the o n ly m a jo r league sp o rts team in to w n - gain sup p o rt for a new ta x ­ p ay e r-fu n d ed arena. PEOPLE EXPOSED TO SECONDHAND SMOKE AT WORK ARE 34% MORE LIKELY TO GET LUNG CANCER — ---------------------------- f ft . J C arolina. Astros' Dierker Will Have Brain Surfiery H ouston A stros m anager Larry D ierker w ill have brain surgery to rem ove a b lood vessel m ass that caused his seizure during a gam e at the A strodom e. D ierker, 52, w ill have the sur ~ery T uesday at M ethodist Hospi- jl A stros general m anager G erry lunsicker said M onday. D ierker w as taken there after ,e collapsed and shook violentl lu rin g th e e ig h th in n in g ol Sunday’s gam e against the San Jiego P adres. T ests concluded here w as no tum or, ju st the blood iessel m ass, H unsicker said for $3.5 million for next season. Not bad for a guy whose team was mud­ dling along at .500 two months ago while his boss was secretly meeting with a prospective replacement. Perhaps his share should be more equal. It was Van Gundy who had to incorporate two new players that forced him to change his team ’s style. It was Van Gundy who had to find a way to compensate when key players went down with injuries. Itw as Van Gundy who had to face the media every day and explain the team ’s shortcomings. And as it always is in the NBA, it was Van Gundy whose jo b was on the line. “They rallied around him,” Madison SquareGardenpresidentDaveChecketts said “It’s one o f the great stories ever in sports. That’s how I feel about i t “T his is a team that cam e together in spite o f adversity, injuries, diffi­ culties, uncertainties and they clearly decided they w anted to w in this se­ ries and played together like no team I’ve ever been around, and I’v e been in the league 15 years.” O n Wednesday, the Knicks meet the San Antonio Spurs, who are h o t healthy and heavily favored to win the NBA title. Most observers feel that this is where the improbable run finally will end. In feet there will be nearly 30,000 in the Alamodome and the only ones who think the visitors have a chance will be the 12 guys wearing orange and blue. “ Y ou guys buried us, covered us, started shoveling dirt on us,” Ew ing said. “W e still believe in ourselves.” ANOYOU THOUGHT THELUNG HOURS WERE WILING YOU. Everyone deserves smokefree air! Our efforts are not about blaming smokers, but are designed to protect the public and employees from secondhand smoke which causes cancer, heart disease, asthma and other preventable health problems. If you are ready to quit smoking contact the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line at 1-877-270-STOP. Multnomah County Tobacco Prevention Coalition i