Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 1999, Image 7

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.lune 16, 1999
Committed to Cultural Diversity
\ oliiiiiv \ \ l \ . ¡Number 25
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Father’s Day
Celebrate Father’s Day on June 20,h
at the first annual “Kids Day” . Activities
include a talent show contest, singing,
dancing, jum p roping, sack hops, hula
hoop contest, pin the tail on the donkey,
pie eating contest, chance to win money
by hitting the Piñata and much, much
more! This is a free event at Femhill
Park (42nd & Ainsworth) which starts at
1:30 PM til 7:30 PM. Call 503/250-
5298 or 503/402-4582. V olunteers
needed to help.
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“Quarterback Shoot-out”
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To Benefit Young Life/ Fellowship of Christian Athletics (FCA).
Not only big name quarterbacks, but
celebrities o f theatre, music, television
and other sports teamed up Sat June 12,
1999 at Heron Lake G olf in Neil Lomax’s
ninth annual Quarterback Shoot-out to
benefit Young Life and Fellowship o f
Christian Athletics with the theme “Kids
Make C ents” golf lovers and star seekers
had plenty to take in as names such as
Marcus Allen, Hall o f Famer running
back, Brian Griese o f championship
Denver Broncos, Charles Barkley, Jim
Plunkett, Roy Green o f the Phoenix Car­
dinals just to name a few. The entire
event is a win/win for participants as
well as spectators & Autograph Seekers.
Neil Lomax & Jeffrey Cramer team up with Clyde Drexler, Unlv. of Houston Basketball’s Head Coach & former Trailblazer for
the 9th Annual Quarterback shoot-out at Heron Lake.
Come to
See and
be in
Chinese Herbs
Discover the healthful benefits o f tra­
ditional Chinese medicine at free Satur­
day seminars on June 19 and 26 at the
Oregon College o f Oriental Medicine
(located at 10525 SE Cherry Blossom
D rive).O nJune 19, the focus is on herbs
with samples to smell and taste. The
final seminar on June 26 is on meditative
exercises with time to leam some basic
movements. Seminars begin at 10 AM.
Call 503/253-3443.
Explore Africa This Summer
The Homowa African Arts and Cul­
tures is presenting a four-week series o f
African arts day camps for children ages
6-12. The day camps begin July 19 and
run through August 13. Each week-long
camp occurs Monday through Friday from
9 AM until 3 PM. The series begins July
19-23 at the East Portland Community
Center, 740 SE 106th Ave. The second
camp follows July 26-30 at Whitaker
Middle School, 5700 NE 39th. For addi­
tional information, call 503/288-3025.
La Salle High School dancers were 1 of
1 19 entrants to participate in the
HomeGrocers.com Rose Festival Junior
Parade, which wound It's way through
the Hollywood District In Northeast
Portland on June 9 ,1 9 9 9 . Over 10,000
children participated in the event that
featured floats, bands and dance troops
from schools throughout Oregon.
Oregon Tradeswomen
The next m eeting o f the Oregon
Tradeswomen Network is scheduled for
Thursday, June 17 at 6 PM at the State
Office Building, 800 NE. Oregon St.,
room 120. This month will feature a
Tradeswomen Video Night with FREE
popcorn! The Oregon Tradeswomen
Network is a non-profit group dedicated
to promoting success for women in the
trades through education, leadership and
mentorship. Childcare is provided. Call
PSU Announces New Provost
Portland States U niversity President
D aniel O .B em stine has announced the
appointm ent o f Mary Kathryn Tetreault
(TH E-TRO W ), currently Interim Dean
o f Education at C alifornia State U ni­
versity N orthridge, as Provost o f PSU.
The Provost is the U niversity’s chief
academ ic officer.
T etreault is expected to begin her
d u tie s th is sum m er. She re p la c e s
M ichael Reardon w ho will resign from
the position June 30 to return to teach­
ing. From 1980 to 1987 T etreault was
assoc lated with M aster o f Arts in T cach­
ing program and the G raduate School
Kids N’ Tennis
For the last twelve years kids N ’ Ten­
nis, Inc. (K N ’T) has sponsored summer
tennis camps for over 1,200 children.
The camps are scheduled to start on J une
21" and run until July 30th. For $30, kids
can participate four days a week for six
weeks at Irving Park or Roosevelt High
School. Two sessions are offered Mon­
d ay-T hursday, 9:30 A M - 10:30 AM or
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
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Learn to Meditate
Learn how to meditate - it’s simple,
effective and powerful. Develop peace
ofmind, confidence, and happiness. Cre­
ate a life o f inspiration and infinite pos­
sibilities. A free workshop will be of­
fered on Sunday, June 20 from 1 :3 0 -3
PM at the Central Library (801 SW 10th).
No registration required. For questions,
call 206/324-3294.
Youth Volunteer Corps
On June 25 the Youth Volunteer
Corps, a program o f Campfire Boys and
G irls, w ill host V olunteam Day at
Sellwood Park from 9:30 AM to 3 PM.
Volunteam Day is a nationwide, yearly
event that celebrates and prom otes
youth’s contribution to the community.
This year the theme is Community Col­
laboration Across the Nation. From 9:30
- 1 PM will be registration and service
projects which include non-native spe­
cies removal. From 1 - 3 PM, there will
be lunch, games and the reggae band
Earth Force will perform. There will
also be an inspirational speaker. Youth
ages 11-17 are invited to attend.
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Mary Kathryn Tetreault
o f Professional studies at Lewis and
C lark College. Since 1987 she has held
adm inistrative and teaching positions
at C alifornia State U niversity, F uller­
ton, w here she served as Dean o f the
school o f H um an D evelopm ent and
C om m unity Service and V ice P resi­
dent for A cadem ic A ffairs p rio r to
m oving to CSU N orthridge.
A graduate o f Benedictine C ollege
in A tchison, K ansas, and the U niver­
sity o f C hicago, T etreault earned her
doctorate in education at B oston U ni­
versity. She has published extensively
on th e is s u e s o f d iv e r s ity an d
m ulticultural education
Portland State University is dedicated
to enhancing the quality o f life in the
region by providing an array o f under­
graduate, graduate, professional, and con­
tinuing education programs especially
relevant to the m etropolitan area PSU, a
nationally acclaimed leader in “commu­
nity-based learning," serves more stu­
dents and confers more graduate degrees
annually than any other institution in
Oregon University System.
For more inform ation, please contact
Jeanie-M arie Price, O ffice o f M arket­
ing & Communications (503)-725-3773.