Page A3 June 16,1999 (Fije ÿlorUanô © b « n w Conviction Overturned Yugoslav troops begin withdrawal from Kosovo in Cosby Case Bi LARRY NEll MEISTER____________ O T he A ssociated P ress NEW YORK (AP) - Autumn Jack- son, imprisoned for allegedly trying to extort $40 million from Bill Cosby by threatening to tell the tabloids she was his illegitimate daughter, could soon be free on bail after a federal appeals court overturned her conviction. Ms. Jackson, 24, w as sentenced in 1997 to two years and two m onths in prison after she was convicted o f extortion, conspiracy and crossing state lines to com m it a crim e. She has served ju st over half o f the sentence. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court o f Ap­ peals on W ednesday ruled the trial judge improperly instructed the jury on the law o f extortion. The court also overturned the convictions o f two ac­ com plices for the same reason, order­ ing the case returned to the lower court for retrial. Still, the appeals court said “evi­ dence at trial was plainly sufficient to support verdicts o f guilty had the ju ry been properly instructed.” The appeals court said the judge should have told jurors that in order to convict Ms. Jackson, they needed to find that she had wrongful intent. That would have al lowed the jury to consider whether Ms. Jackson truly believed she was Cosby ’ s daughter and therefore did not have any wrongful intent. O ne ofher lawyers, Robert Baum, said he w ould ask for Ms. Jackson to be freed on bail as soon as today. Prosecutors indicated they w ould not oppose the request. M arvin Sm ilon, a spokesm an for U.S. A ttorney M ary Jo W hite, said prosecutors h adn’t decided w hether to appeal the ruling. A law yer for C osby said the entertainer w ould support whatever decision they make. Prosecutors said Ms. Jackson de­ m anded the m oney from C osby on Jan. 16, 1997 - the day C o sb y ’s 27- year-old son, Ennis, was shot to death in a robbery w hile changing a flat tire on a Los A ngeles highw ay. I f Cosby failed to com ply, she said, she would tell her story to the superm arket tab­ loids. T he slaying o f C o sb y ’s son was unrelated to the alleged plot. Tw o days later, Ms. Jackson and Jose M edina w ere arrested in New Y ork in an FBI sting after signing a $24 m illion p ay o ff agreem ent with C o sb y ’s lawyers. The case tami shed C osby’sw hole- some TV unage as husband and father when he was forced to disclose that he had an affair with M s. Jack so n ’s mother, Shawn Upshaw, in the 1970s. He had provided her w ith m ore than $ 100,000 in support over the years. But he repeatedly denied he is Ms. Jackson’s father, telling jurors that he told Ms. Jackson: “ I will be for you a father figure, but 1 am not your father.” The issue o f paternity was ruled irrelevant to the charges. Cosby took a paternity test after the trial to try to settle the dispute, but Ms. Jackson and her mother dec lined to take blood tests. The appeals court also overturned the case against M edina, w ho was sentenced to five years and three m onths in prison, and Boris Sabas, who got three m onths behind bars. Court Strikes Down ‘Street Gang’ Law Chicago Law Targeted Gangs Hanging Out in Public C T he A ssociated P ress W A SH IN G TO N - The Suprem e Court today struck dow n a Chicago law aim ed at preventing street gang members and their friends from hang­ ing out in public. The 6-3 decision ended a constitutional dispute that captured the attention o f states and com m unities across the nation. The court said the 1992 anti-loiter- mg ordinance, w hich resulted in 45,000 arrests in the three years it was enforced, violated the rights o f the people police arrested under it be­ cause it did not give them adequate notice about w hat was forbidden. The ruling lim its com m unities’ options in battling problem s caused by street gangs. The ordinance required police to order any group o f people standing around * 'w ith no apparent purpose’ ’ to m ove along if an officer believed at least one o f them belonged to a street gang. T hose w ho disregarded the order w ould be arrested. The Illinois Suprem e C ourt had struck dow n the law, calling its lan­ guage too vague and ruling that it gave police officers too m uch discre­ tion in deciding w hether there had been a violation. T o day’s decision said the state court w as right. ‘’S ince the city can n o t c o n c eiv ­ ably have m eant to crim inalize each in stance a citiz en stands in public w ith a gang m em ber, the vagueness that doom s this o rd in an ce is not the product o f u n certain ty about the norm al m ean in g o f ‘lo ite rin g ’ but rath e r about w hat lo iterin g is co v ­ ered by the o rd in an ce and w hat is n o t,” Ju stice Jo h n P aul S tevens w rote for the court. Stevens, the highest co u rt’s only Chicago native, said the law required police to tell people to m ove on w ith­ out inquiring about their purpose in standing around. " I t m atters not w hether the rea­ son that a gang m em ber and his fa­ ther, for exam ple, m ight loiter near W rigley Field to rob an unsuspect­ ing fan or ju st to get a glim pse o f Sam m y Sosa leaving the ballpark,” hesaid. ‘T n e ith e r,ifth e irp u rp o se is not apparent to a nearby police of­ ficer, she (the officer) indeed, she " s h a ll” - order them to disperse.” In finding fault with C hicago’s anti-loitering law, Stevens was joined by Justices Sandra D ay O ’Connor, A nthony M. K ennedy, D avid H. S outer, D avid H. G in sb u rg and Stephen G. Breyer. O ’Connor, Kennedy and Breyer w rote separate opinions explaining their views. Justice A ntonin Scalia, w ho dis­ sented along w ith C h ief Justice W ¡1- liam H. R e h n q u ist an d Ju stic e C larence Thom as, took six m inutes to read aloud from the bench part o f his strongly w orded opinion. "The citizens o f Chicago have de­ cided that depriving them selves o f the freedom to ‘hang o u t’ w ith a gang member is necessary to elim inate per­ vasive gang crim e and intim idation - and that the elim ination o f the one is worth the deprivation o f the other,” he said. ‘ ’This court has no business second-guessing either the degree o f necessity or the fairness o f the trade." He called the invalidated ordinance " a perfectly reasonable m easure.” P R IS T IN A , S e rb ia , Ju n e 10 (Reuters) - Y ugoslav arm y troops began pulling o ut o f K osovo on Thursday and the top regional com ­ mander said the w ithdraw al should be com pleted as prom ised in 11 days. A few hundred trucks carrying several thousand troops, anti-aircraft weapons, how itzers and light arm a­ ment pulled out o f K osovo’s provin­ cial capital Pristina and headed north towards the Serbian border with the southern province. Later in the afternoon the first convoy o f p o lice left K osovska Mitrovica, the independent Beta news agency reported. It said police trucks, jeeps and buses filled with troops travelled in a line headed north. The soldiers — som e o f whom were tearful — flashed their lights, honked horns and gave the three­ fingered Serbian salute as they pulled aw ay to fu lfil p ro m ise s by the Yugoslav governm ent in a deal with NATO agreed on W ednesday night. “A ccording to the declaration o f the Supreme C om m and, the w ith­ drawal o f part o f the troops is begin­ ning today from K osovo,” said M a­ jo r General Vladimir Lazarevic, com­ mander o f the arm y ’s Pristina Corps. the Tell Them You Read It In STANDARD DAIRY BUILDING L O O K IN G F O R A FEW G O O D BUSINESSES! Are You: Serving an urban lifestyle? Creating a sense o f community? Developing close allegiances? ■Jtartlanb © b a e ru e r Be part of an "Urban Village" Help create this exciting cooperative center for urban living Northwest Attendants Agree to 5-Year Contract ST. PAUL, Minn. (June 10) — Northwest Airlines Corp., the fourth- largest U.S. carrier, and the Teamsters unionagreedtentativelyonanew five- year contract covering 11,000 flight attendants, averting a possible strike. The agreement follows 2 1/2 years o f negotiations that focused on wages, pension benefits and jo b protection in the final days. D etails o f the new contract w eren ’t disclosed. S t. P a u l, M in n e s o ta -b a s e d N o rth w e st’s ag reem en t w ith the union allow s the airline to avoid re­ peating the sum m er strike scenario it encountered w ith its pilots last year. Flight attendants voted last w eekend to give their union leaders the option to call a strike if necessary. ‘ ‘This is the agreement that our mem­ bers sent us to negotiate," said Billie Davenport, president ofTeam sters Lo- Under its terms, Belgrade has until late on Thursday to start moving its troops out o f Kosovo and must have withdrawn all its forces within 11 days. C o rre sp o n d e n ts d riv in g from Belgrade to Pristina said traffic jam s along the m ain road betw een the two cities slow ed the w ithdraw al w hich took place at tim es under the w atch­ ful eyes o f pilots in NATO aircraft flying overhead. The correspondents described the hasty exodus as “orderly chaos” and counted m ore than 300 m ilitary ve­ hicles on the road in the last 40-m ile (60-km ) stretch into Pristina. At least 40 civilian cars loaded down with personal poessessions were interspersed among the military ve­ hicles. It seemed some Serb families, possibly fearing revenge attacks by Kosovo Liberation Arm y guerrillas or returning Kosovo Albanian refu­ gees, were leaving the province. Som e international organisations have voiced concern for minority Serbs in the face o f possible retalia­ tion by returning ethnic Albanian refugees. Serbs num bered ju st under 10 percent o f the population before the air strikes and mass exodus from K osovo began in March. “In the next 11 days the whole corps should be their new posts on the border between K osovo and Serbia," he said. Lazarevic said that N A TO peace­ keeping troops, due to m ove into the shattered province as soon as there is a verifiable sign ofw ithdraw al, faced a tough challenge. “Ahead o f us is a time o f peace but also o f great challenge because the for­ eign troops...will have to take on the responsibility o f securing the citizens o f Kosovo., .and other political questions.” Beta quoted him later as saying he hoped “there w ill be a little more w isdom in peacetim e.” Earlier, Foreign M inistry spokes­ man N ebojsa V ujovic told reporters in Belgrade that arm y and police troops had started to pull out in line with the peace plan. “Y ugoslav arm y and police units started their withdrawal from Kosovo in absolute order, im plem enting a very accurate and precise m echa­ nism for a w ithdraw al,” he said. V ujovic attended m arathon talks in M acedonia betw een seniorN A T O and Y ugoslav army generals who signed a plan detailing the withdrawal o f Serb forces from K osovo. ZoHAKA V tC IC IV IC S U P P O R T IN G D IV E R S IT Y & C O O P E R A T IO N cal 2000. The flight attendants were seeking more benefits to compensate for pay cuts they took in 1993 as the carrier neared bankruptcy. Salaries for Northwest flight attendants range from about $15,000 to $59,000 a year. Talks betw een the two sides have been overseen by the National M e­ diation B oard since October. Davenport said earlier this week before the talks resumed in Washington on Tuesday that the final discussions would focus on pension benefits and provisions forallowing flight attendants to retire at an earlier age. In addition, the union was still pushing the company to agree to using more U.S. flight atten­ dants for flying in Japan, she said. N orthw est pilots struck the air­ line in late A ugust last year, shutting down the carrier for tw o w eeks and causing it to post a loss for the year. NOW L E A S IN G NE M LK JR. 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