Page 8 June 16,1999 Stye f b r t l a n h ffibaeruer Focus ro m O H W From th is dayforw ard, w e pledge to be strong a n d u n ite d Where before w e were w e a k a n d d ivid ed To be sensitive a n d fo rg ivin g Where before our hearts were troubled by jealousy a n d envy To be more loving a n d caring Where before our souls were f i l l e d w ith anger a n d despair A n d w e allo w ed violence to sp e w fro m our f i s t s To be disciplined a n d fo c u s e d on building more businesses Where before w e enabled others to benefit fr o m our w ealth To protect a n d respect our Queen Mothers, w ives a n d sisters Where before w e a llow ed ignorance to roll o f f our tongues To embrace th e tru th a n d w isdom o fo u r fa th e r s a n d brothers Where before m anipulation resulted in the deaths o f our sons To educate a n d nurture our precious, royal children Where before w e w atch ed them drow n in a sea o f neglect A n d so, fr o m th is da y fo rw a rd , w e pledge A father and son attend the Million Man March that was held on October 1 6 ,1 9 9 5 . Many To be honorable a n d responsible Men o f God men were present as a personal commitment to make themselves better family men, empower themselves, admit to their human limitations and become male nurture«. Inner-Faith Night Out One Million Strong! Rev. Louis Farrakhan and his devotees were sponso« of this massive demonstration. The Muslim Community Cen­ ter of Portland is sponsoring its first quarter fundraiser event. It is schedu led to be a d elig h tfu l evening of faith, fashion and fun. The evening will start properly at 7:00pm with greeting and intro­ ductions from Derek Rasheed and J.W. Friday masters of ceremony followed by opening prayer to start the evening off right seeking bless­ ings from God. The program will than go into the purpose of func­ tion and than the M.O.G.H.O. NABA intellectual society, fash­ ion workshop commentated by Lurleen Shamsiden, Martial Arts dem onstration by M aster Ali Muhammad and his students. At this point in the program all guest will Reassemble for refreshments by India Taste Restaurant, social­ izing and more. Poetry by Sis. Belinda and Bro. Savon followed by presentation question and an­ swers by Imam Mikal H. Shabazz. The evening will conclude with a community service awards presen­ tation by N abeeh M ustafa. Awardees are Ms. Lanita Duke, MR. Kevin Fuller, Police Chief C harles M oose, IMAM Mikil Shabazz, Pastor Johnny Pack IV, Ms. Clara Peoples, Mr. Sam Brown Jr , Mr Johnny A Gage, Mr. Johnny W. Gage and The Portland Ob- server. If God is willing this event will be one of the many opportuni­ ties for the Muslim Community and other faiths to work together for the common goal of service to all mighty. The event will be held at the S.E.I. Auditorium 3920 N. Kerby Saturday June 19, 1999 at 7:00pm till 10:00pm tickets are $10.00 at Reflections 446 N.E. Killingsworth (503) 288-6942 and O ne Stop R ecords 1615 NE Killingsworth (503) 284-2435 for further information on ticket and other fundraising events please call 503-281-7691 or 503-284-9783 or v isit our web at h ttp ://