©baeruer---------- Focus (Tijf June 16,1999 Page 5 FATHER'S DAY (Tawaioa aw/ /l/afoo/w Jamaica and Malcolm are very sweet, loveable children with endear- ing personalities. Jamaica’s eyes light up when she smiles, and may surprise a new friend with a soft kiss on the cheek, Malcolm is a delightful little boy, and has a charm ing, easygoing tern- peram ent. He loves being played with one-on-one, and giggles and interacts easily. Because of his de- velopmental delays, Malcolm ben- efits from m anual play and con- stant stim ulation and instruction, Families will need to commit to a high level of care and commit- ment to these children, at least up front, to ease and control some of their issues. It may also be helpful for Jam aica and Malcolm to be the youngest or only children in a fam- ily. For m ore inform ation on how to adopt these or any other children, please call 1-800-331-0503 or Judy O rellana at 503/731-3075 ext. 405. ARIES March 21 Afrit 20 Opt for a low key approach towards just about everything this week. Those surrounding you will tend to be both un cooperative and unpredictable, so it may be difficult to stay calm and in control. Your good spirits and self assurance are quite contagious TAURUS Afrit 21 May 21 'iaci and someone close to you may be very much at odds during the week - be patient and work things out. Whether on the job or in your social life, the pace quickens and you’re apt to be incredibly busy. Your home life in also picking up momentum so plan your time GEMINI J/ay 22 Jana 21 Counterproductive influences are at work so you will need to get down to business concerning your immediate career plans and ultimate goals. It’s time to lie low and recharge your energies. A delightful romantic interlude will influ­ ence your outlook. CANCER Junt 22 July 23 An insecure person in your inner circle can benefit from your support this week. And while you are giving good ad­ vice, you may realize the advice is very much applicable to one of your own problems. With conflict at home, work out a solution to please everyone. LEO July 24 August 23 Whether or not you are enjoying a change of scene this week, a romantic / Jamaica (above) and Malcolm (right) are maternal Mi siblings In need of an adoptive home. They came Into care due to their mother's Inability to care for them due to substance abuse. encounter will set your spirits soaring Pleasant times will be spent at home and with the family, and there is a definite possibility of overdoing and overindulg­ ing in the evenings VIRGO August 24 ■ Srfteutfrr 23 Don't be surprised if you have sec­ ond thoughts about some matter you had thought was definitely settled. Af ter reviewing it, you may find room for improvement. Be flexible concerning so­ cial plans for scheduled events might have to be postponed. Alternate plans will be more enjoyable LIBRA Stflmbtr 24 Oetobtr 23 This will be a creative week for you, even though your energies will be sub­ dued. Your personality will blossom un­ der any pressures and you get the feel­ ing that any problems you have will be over soon and gone. Recklessness may mean overspending your budget. SCORPIO Octabtr 24 Nmtmbtr 22 Your week’s plans may need alter­ ations because of a financial develop­ ment, or perhaps a misunderstanding somewhere along the line. Your work­ day routine may be aggravated and could be a continuance from a former problem which still exists. Put every thing in perspective. SAGITTARIUS Nanmbtr 23 - Dtcrmbrr 21 Don’t rely on too much cooperation this week from those around you, who are probably just as stressed out as you are. Stimulating Ideas just might arise Teala is artistic and very creative. Anxious to please, Teala needs adults who can help her under­ stand perfection is impossible and love is forth­ coming even when mistakes are made. She is outgoing and social with adults and older children but impatient with younger children. Teala is a very good student and proud of her accomplishments. She is most successful when she has a set time and routine for completing her homework. Single adults as well as couples are encouraged to call to consider adoption. Oregon agencies waive or reduce fees for the adoption of children like Teala who are in state custody. To learn more about Oregon’s adoption program and the chil­ dren awaiting homes, call the Special Needs Adop­ tion Coalition at The Boys and Girls Aid Society, 1-800-342-6688 or 503/222-9661. : K BS' V-, I «•- . V M l - t t . . l - •* * Ve”. from quiet and seemingly boring times. Your finances are definitely on an up­ swing, but don’t overspend. CAPRICORN Dtcasubat 22 January 20 This is not the week for taking risks or speculating, and if a long term debt is inevitable, check out all the facts first, before signing anything A friendship or romance may be a bit rocky right now, try not to force issues, and avoid being outspoken to others. AQUARIUS January 21 February 19 Optimism abounds during the week, but d on ’t allow this high feeling to prompt extravagance or carelessness where your given responsibilities are concerned. You may be caught in the middle of a job dispute, find out which priority dominates your actions. PISCES February 20 ■ Marek 20 Verbalizing your feelings to someone close could be the best way to clear the air, provided tact is used. Creativity flourishes this week, but make sure to be superpractical in all financial deal­ ings. Take a good and honest look at a love relationship - is it real? IF THIS WEEK IS YOUR BIRTHDAY You and a lover may share a meet­ ing of the minds, and all those deep dis­ cussions will bring you closer together Now you can connect with a soul mate whose values will reflect yours on all levels. New influences will create a lib­ erating effect on you.