Focus Michael and Allen, ages 6 and 5 Focus S U P P L E M E N T OP or tíani» (©baerüer Publisher Chuck W ashington Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Director o f Advertising Tony Washington Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Heather Fairchild ...Are just 2 of the over 250 children available for adoption in Oregon. hese b r o th e r s ’ fav o rite with Lego’s and pegboards. He things are playing with cars seems to learn by watching other and rice crisp y trea ts! children and copying their actions. Michael and Allen are just 2 Allen of the needs a family who can pro­ vide him with clear boundaries. He over 250 children available for adop­ can be overly stim ulated and re­ tion in Oregon. quires vigilant supervision. Michael is a tall youngster with M ichael and A llen have ju st re­ big dimples and an adorable smile. cently learn ed th at th a t they can He enjoys playing in his sandbox rely on their caregivers. These boys with trucks and cars. He likes trips have a desire to please, and are to the parks and sleepovers with friends. He hopes to learn to fish. m aking progress aro u n d love and Michael is in need of an adult he tru st issues. Both boys’ ability to test lim its can be overw helm ing at can trust. He enjoys being around other children and a country envi­ tim es and they will need a family ronment. In his present foster home, who can provide a stru ctu red envi­ Michael is accepted and given posi­ ronm ent. Single adults as well as couples tive, yet firm guidance. He has been are encouraged to call to consider able to learn to trust and obey his foster parents. He needs a family adoption. O regon agencies waive or reduce fees for the adoption of chil­ that will continue to encourage him dren in state custody. T o learn m ore to express his feelings. Allen is a vivacious young man call the Special Needs Adoption with a bright and cheery personal­ Coalition at T he Boys and Girls ity. Allen likes to draw and to look Aid Society, 1-800-342-6688 or 503/ at books. He also enjoys playing 222-9661. T Michael (left) and Allen (right) are 2 of over 2 5 0 children available for adoption In Oregon. 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 12?h pvCti v a f G 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2880015 e-mail: S1! 3,99* news@ Y o iir C e llu la r P h o n e o r I )i .uliini ' lm Pager sul min n 11 n u n i ■SI C R Articlei: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon EDIT CHECKS ___ Focus welcom es freelance sub­ DE POSITS TU RNDOWNS missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac­ com panied by a self-addressed PHONE RECONNECTIONS IN 2-3 DAYS stamped envelope. All created display ads becom e the sole property o f the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position of the ad. From your dad, grandpa & grandma, undos, aunts and cousins. Mfe wish you a happy ono. Simply Cellular S- Telephone 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd 2 80 -8000 ‘Airtime and service not included ím n . T. •■ a , • .(A“' -V. • . »