Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 1999, Page 12, Image 12

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June 16,1999
Work for One Tough Mother!
Multnomah County
Health Department
is currently recruiting for th e following
Health Educator
Tobacco Prevention Program
$17.16 per hour. Apply by June 25.
Information & Referral
Database Technician
$13.81 per hour. Apply by June 25.
Senior Data Analyst
4 Positions (full-and part-time).
$37,371 to $52.320 annually.
Apply by July 2.
Clinic Health Assistant
4 Positions (full- and part-time).
$10.55 per hour. Apply by June 25.
Field Merchandising Program
C olum bia S po rtsw ea r Com pany,
the w o rld's largest m anufacturer of
outerwear and sportsw ear is seeking
a Manager for its Reid M erchandising
Program. In th is position you will
contribute to the developm ent and
m anagem ent
v is u a l
m erchandising strategy which im pacts
c o n s u m e r a w a re n e ss and brand
recognition at retail point-of-sale.
R e s p o n s ib ilitie s a ls o in c lu d e
conceiving and im plem enting National
Field M erchandising program s and
m a n a g in g th e N a tio n a l F ie ld
M erchandising Team.
Qualified candidate will possess a
Bachelors degree or equivalent In
Visual M erchandising, M arketing, or
a related field or equivalent work
experience. A m inim um of 3-5 years
general merchandising experience and
3-5 ye a rs e x p e rie n c e in r e t a il/
m arketing sales/m an age m en t.
Please send resum e and salary
h is to ry to : C olum b ia S p o rtsw e a r
Company, Human Resources, Dept:
FMMGR, PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 , Portland, OR
9 7 2 8 3 or FAX to (50 3) 7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 .
Salmon Corps
Corpa Mem ber Position Openings
The aw ard w in n in g S alm on C o rps
Program is looking for young adults
(ages 18-25), to serve the Portland
community by restoring salmon and
watershed habitat. The program
provides a great opportunity to learn
about environmental and social
Issues facing the Pacific Northwest
and be a part o f the community
solution. Service begins October 11,
1 9 99 and runs 11 months. Salmon
Corps m em bers learn life, job,
conservation, team building and
leadership skills; receive up to 18
collegecredits, a GED or high school
diploma If needed, child care, health
c a re , a $ 4 ,7 2 5 e d u c a tio n
scholarship, and a living stipend.
P le a s e c a ll M ik a e l Kuhn a t
5 0 3 .2 4 9 .0 8 2 0
fo r
fu r th e r
information and an application or
stop by the office located at 2 0 3 0
NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97212.
Community Health
Nurse (RN)
Bilingual Preferred
Vanous Positions (full and part-time)
$16.75 to $23.85 per hour.
Open Continuous.
2 Positions. $49,435 - 57,574
annually. Open until filled.
Dental Clinic
$30,746 to $43,044 annually. Apply by
June 25.
Health Clinic
Operations Supervisor
Drive Hunger Out Of Oregon!
D r lv e r /W a r e h o u s e A s s is ta n t -
energetic, reliable person fo r pick­
up and delivery o f product in
Portland Metro area and statewide,
warehouse duties, and a ssist with
s p e c ia l e v e n ts . Job in c lu d e s
lo a d in g /u n lo a d in g
tr u c k s ,
m aintenance o f inventory records,
and routine truck m aintenance.
Supervision o f volunteer projects.
Requires excellent driving record
(CDL-B), m inim um of 6 m onths
experience driving 2 4 ' straight
truck, and proficiency in operating
fo r k lifts and o th e r w arehouse
equipm ent. Com plete application
by 6 / 2 5 / 9 9 at Oregon Food Bank,
2 5 4 0 NE Riverside Way, Portland,
OR 9 7 2 1 1 . Equal Opportunity Employer
Equal Opportunity Employer
Administrative Assistant
S eeking m o tiva te d , organized,
detail-oriented individual to provide
essential supporttodept. managers
In c lu d in g
m a ilin g s ,
correspondence, special projects
& m e e tin g /o ffic e co o rdinatio n.
Requires excellent oral & written
com m unication skills, knowledge
o f office system s, 5 0 + WPM &
com puter experience (WordPerfect,
Access and QuattroPro). Able to
m aintain con fide ntia lity & work
independently and as part o f a
team . Send cover letter with salary
requirements and resume to Oregon
fFod Bank, 2 5 4 0 NE Riverside Way,
Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 by 6 / 2 3 / 9 9 .
A /D Counselor
$30,746 to $43,044 annually. Open
until filled.
Application m aterials and form al jo b
announcem ents are available at:
w w w .co .m u ltn o m a h .o r.u s/iQ b s/,
in person o r by m ailing a self-
a d d re s s e d s ta m p e d e n velope
requesting application form s to:
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty E m ployee
Services, 1 1 2 0 SW 5th Avenue,
First Poor Lobby, PO Box 1 4 7 0 0 ,
P o r tla n d , OR 9 7 2 9 3 - 0 7 0 0 .
Assisted access to M ultnom ah
County jo b Inform ation and website
is available a t M ultnom ah County
Libraries. Equal Opportunity Employer
Sportswear Company*
M u s t be CADC c e r tifie d . A fr ic a n /
American Cultural specific setting.
D u tie s in c lu d e A s s e s s m e n t,
Groups, 1-1 counseling & record
mgm t. Send resum es to: PCR,
3 7 1 6 NE MLK JR Blvd., or 9 7 2 1 2
o r FAX: (5 0 3 -2 8 8 -8 1 6 8 ) ATT:
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Kindergarten Assistant Teacher full
tim e 10-month position. BA or BS
degree with prior experience with
young children. See ww.catlln.edu
or send resume, cover letter, & 3
letters o f recommendation by June
2 5 , 1 9 9 9 to: EJ. Waltenbaugh, HR
Manager, Catlin Gabel School, 8 8 25
SW Barnes Rd. Portland, OR 97 22 5.
Sandra Cheeks
Vending route for sale: Snickers
Bars. 5 0 Locations. $ 8 0 0 -$ 1 2 0 0
solid m onthly income.
Cost $ 2 9 9 5 . www.vendingroutes.com
1-800 -963 -61 23 .
W h e n it c o m e s t o k e e p in g O r e g o n
h ealth y, w e c o u ld n 't care m o re.
Lab Assistant
Since 19 4 1 Regence BlueCross BlueShteld o f Oregon has relied on the efforts of our exceptional
(Entry Level Position)
Donor te stin g laboratory is accepting
resum es for future openings. Lab
A s s is ta n ts re ce ive & prepare
sa m p le s fo rte s tin g , handle record
m aintenance & custom er service.
Position requires attention to detail
and ability to work in fa s t pace
environm ent. Training is provided.
$ 9 .3 5 an hr PLUS benefits and
s h ift d iffe re n tia l if a p plicab le .
Various sh ifts (both part-tim e &
full-tim e: days & evenings) may
becom e available. Send resume
with cover le tte r to:
workforce to discover mnovabve routes to supenor health care. Solubons like wellness programs,
physician-directed care and assistance to uninsurable Oregonians. O u r people understand that
while quality often has a pnee. efficiency and intelligent stratèges can keep costs to a minimum. If
bettenng the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthwhile pursuit to you. consider our
Assistant Auditor
(job #3202)
As the entry level member within the Medicare Reimbursement and Audit D epartm ent you will
be responsible for performing desk reviews, field audits, and finalizations in accordance wfth
generally accepted acc cutting pnncples (GAAP), federal re fla tio n s and apprewed
Financing Administration (HCFA) procedures. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Previous
w o k expenence in accounting or health care serwees is a definrte plus- Ability to develop working
knowledge o f the Medicare cost reporting forms as well as become familiar w ith generally
accepted accounting pnncples. reimbursement regulations, manuals and other directives issued is
American Red Cross
Claims Analysts
National Testing Laboratory, Dept F,
Human Resources
1 2 1 2 4 NE Ainsworth Circle
Portland, 9 7 2 2 0 • Fax# 2 6 1 -7 4 8 9
(job #999)
W e are currently seeking dependable and enthusiastic individuals who will be responsible for the
consistent accurate, and timely application o f contract benefits in daims processing. Ths will
indude analyzing and entenng claims information m a timely manner while maintaining
confidentiality in all aspects o f claims processing. You must have a High School diploma or
equvalent W orking knowledge o f ICD 9 and CPT 4 coding plus typing and I O-key proficiency are
Equal Opportunity Employer_________
essential. Attention to detail is crucial m this position, as is the ability to perform under pressure
Edgefield Children’s Center serves
while meeting company standards m a team environment Strong verbal and wntten
communication skills and a willingness to w ork overtime when needed are also required.
re s id e n tia l and day tre a tm e n t
p ro g ra m s to e m o tio n a lly and
beha viora lly distu rb e d children
ages 6-12. Valuing diversity in our
w orkforce. The follow ing positions
are available:
Medical Management Coordinator
(job #2575)
W ere currently expenencing high growth due to a recent business acquisition and have several
exciting opportunities available! As a Medical Management Coordinator you will perform
medical A s s e s s m e n t ^n a g e m e n t arxj interventiort as well as concurrent medical re.ew.You
Assistant Manager
will oversee medical care provided to subsenbers to comply with company quality assurance.
Ï X X e w
and case management polices and fxocedures.You must have a current Oregon
Q ualifications include a master degree
in behavioral science, m inim um o f
one-year experience in child/yo uth
se rvice s p re fe ra b ly re s id e n tia l
tr e a tm e n t. A d m in is tra tiv e o r
m anagem ent experience desired.
Please call Charles Majuri @ 491-
1 6 7 3 f o r m o re in fo r m a tio n .
Position is FT with agency benefits.
RN’s tcense and at least three years o f active practice in a hospital setting o r recent p r e ,
certification expenence You must have knowledge o f current medical and nursing standardsH>f
practice and a valid Oregon o r Washington drivers license with a goodI drfvrng
to exercise independent ,udgment and mibabve ,s necessary, as is ^ . a b ility to fondle mulbp e
tasks simultaneously and pnontize workload. Expenence with the following would be helpful,
utilization review, quality assurance, discharge planning home health care, o r HIT.
MSP Subrogation Analyst
(Job #3192)
Traatmant Coordinator
You will be responsible for the investigation and development o f cases involving other group
Q u a lific a tio n s in clu d e a b a c h e lo r's
degree In behavioral science, child
m anagem ent s k ills , counseling
skills, tre a tm e n t planning skills:
e x p e r ie n c e
w o r k in g
w ith
e m o tio n a lly & b e h a v io r a lly
disturbed you th. Position is FT with
a g e n c y b e n e fits . For m o re
inform ation contact Charles & 491-
1 6 7 3 o r Shelly @ 4 9 1 -0 9 3 2 .
health insurance coverage, as well as making determinations of pnmary/secondary payer
Relief Child Cara Worker
A b ilit y t o w o rk w ith e m o tio n a lly
disturbed children. Various shifts
and days. Please contact Shelly @
4 9 1 -0 9 3 2 fo r m ore Inform ation.
responsibilft.es under Medicare MSP Guidelines. Dubes will include providing technical expertise
and outreach to attorneys, insurance companies, employers and b é n é fic ia is docurmsirbngall
acbvrties and contacts: and processing claims and adjustments. Requires a High Schoodiplo
GED, and a minimum o f 2 yean' expenence ,n a business office setting preferably in a hospital or
dime o r insurance agency The successful candidate will have pnor exposure to public speaking and
telephone expenence working with assertive and often difficult professionals. Must have strong
organizational communication, and decision making skills, with the ability to meet stnngent
deadlines, working overtime when needed.
Provider Enrollment Coordinator
(job #3092)
You will coordinate update, and maintain the contracbng admmistrabon and enrollment processes
f t t s X
a M institutional prow ler panels to ensure el,g,Nifty. credenbalmg and
contracts to ensure eligibility requirements are met pnor to panel approval: resolve provider
discrepancies; and maintain provider call shanng arrangements Requires » ^ S c h o c L d ip o m a .
GED o r equivalent w ork expenence, and medical insurance background Ability to type 40- 5
Leading Trenchless Pipeline
r e h a b ilita tio n C om pany see ks
skilled individuals for full tim e long
term em pm t. Positions available
throughout the w est. Travel, CDL,
u n d e rg ro u n d
c o n s tr u c tio n
e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d b u t not
required. Apply at;
1 7 0 5 Salem Ind. DR. NE
Salem OR 9 7 3 0 3
Fax 5 0 3 -3 6 4 -3 8 5 6
or F ax/m ail resum e
No phone calls, eoe m / f
wpm accurately, and multi-task with little supervision necessary. Must have demonstrated verbal
and w ntten communication, problem-solving and organization skills
W e offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-em ploymertdrug
screening is required and we support a smoke-free w ork environment To apply, pi«*»«
indicate job number and/or title at the top of your resume or cover letter and
submit to- Reccnce BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence H M O Oregon,
itO . B o , 1271, Portland, OR »7207-1170.TTY ($01) 2254780.
W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in aH phases of employment
4 V Regence
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
F a more information about career opportirnties < 4 our job Information Une
(100) 211-1*17 or visit our wobsito ae www.bcbso.com
Account Executive
Nanny Opportunities!
E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le s a le
Mortgage Lender seeks Account
Executive for Portland surrounding
areas. W holesale m ortgage and
s a le s e x p e rie n c e p r e fe r r e d .
E x c e lle n t c o m p e n s a tio n and
benefit plans.
Please send resum e w ith salary
requirem ents to:
HR Dept..
Washtenaw Mortgage Company
315 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12
Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 8
or fax to: 7 3 4-6 62-9 51 7
Earn money while experiencing another
area o f the country. Im m ediate
placem ent opportunities available
for one year com m itm ent. Earn
$ 2 5 0 -$ 4 0 0 per week, plus room,
board and airfare. Call Childcrest
a t 1 -8 0 0 -9 3 7 -N A N I, fo r m ore
inform ation.
Internet Secrets and Help
Amazing Tips and Tricks
1-9 0 0 -2 2 6 -5 8 8 9 ext. 8 8 9 4
$ 2 .9 9 /m in m ust 18 yrs.
Serv-U (6 1 9 ) 6 4 5 - 8 4 3 4
Im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r fu ll and
part-tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith
P o rtla n d 's le a d in g parking
Com pany. We are seeking
dep e n d a b le in d ivid u a ls w ith
a n e a t appearance and a
p ositive a ttitu d e .
• $ 7 .2 5 s ta rtin g wage
• A dvancem ent p o te n tia l
• M edical, D ental and 4 0 1 K
A p p lic a n ts m u s t have va lid
Volunteer Action Center
E n e rg e tic , o u tg o in g in d iv id u a l to
recruit, schedule & train volunteers
fo r VAC and provide support for
other volunteer projects. Excellent
com m unications skills, com puter
p r o fic ie n c y
e x p e rie n c e
coordinating volunteers required.
Work schedule Includes regular
evening and weekend hours. Send
le t t e r
w ith
s a la ry
re q u ire m e n ts and re s u m e to
O regon Food B ank, 2 5 4 0 NE
Riverside Way, Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1
by 7 / 2 / 9 9 . Equal Opportunity Employer
New Jobs
u p d a te d ev ery F rid a y o n
W W W .K P N W .O R G
Explore our website You can review jobs, complete an application &
request referrals on-line. Or visit our employment office.
500 NE Multnomah St., Portland, OR 97252
Hours: Monday - Friday 8am-3:30pm
Phone: (503)813-4701
• Dental • Nursing • Radiology • Pharmacy
• Laboratory • Office • Healthcare Management
• Information Management • Computer
• Medical Receptionist • Medical Assistants
lice n se , s u b m it to drug te s t
and background check.
Apply in person b e tw een 1 2 :0 0
and 1:00 PM daily at City Center
Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6 <h.
Drug Free Workplace • AA/EOE
Office Specialist 2
District Office Specialist
3/e ./ta
, / n Oregon, opportunity
competitive salaries and
tollowtng agenda»:
. a variety of career» available statewide,
benefit». Currently, opening» exist In the
Principal Executlve/Manager E
Fleet Manager
Strategic leader with fleet operations expertise wanted in Salem. Oversee
ODOT’s statewide, 5,OOOunit fleet of vehicles and equipment. Through five
m anners, direct fleet repair shops and field mechanics in Salem. Bend and
La Grande, and the acquisition of all equipment and contracted services.
Develop strategic program plans, budgets, and policies. Address
communities and professional organizations regarding services and
programs. Requires: 3 yrs. fleet operations management expenence with
responsibility for developing and evaluating program rules/policies,
goals/plans. and budgets. Salary $45,912 - $67.944 annually + excellent
benefits: health insurance; paid vacabon; sick and personal leaves. 9 paid
holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contnbution Announcement
•0CD T9276. Contact OOOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY (503)
9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) or vtott www.hr.daajtate.or.ua/Xiba
for required application Information and materials. ODOT is an AA/EEO
employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 6, 1999.
Transportation Engineer 2
Assistant Project Manager
Contract administration and communication skills needed tor this
leadership position in our Project Manager s office in Southeast Portland.
You will assist in directing the activities of a construction engineenng office
crew responsible for ensuring contractor compliance with the terms of
transportation construction contracts and perform ing prelim inary
engineering on future projects programmed for construction. You will also
assist with the execution and documentation of complex construcbon
projects. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Transportation
Engineering and two years' transportabor. engineenng expenence, or five
years' engineering experience with either a PE, FE/EIT, PLS or FLS/LSIT.
Salary $3.349 $4,795/m onth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid
vacabon; sick and personal leaves; 10 paid holidays; and full employer-paid
rebrement contribubon. Announcement 40CDT9360. Contact OOOT
Recruitment at (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing
Impaired) or vtott www.hr.daa.atate.or.ua/loba tor announcement and
application. ODOT Is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse
workforce. Deadline is July 2 ,1 9 9 9 .
Transportation Engineer 2
Senior Designer
. e
Advanced knowledge of field construction, location practices and principles
and computenzed design expenence is needed for this leadership position
with our Region 1 Technical Center Design Unit in Portland. You will design
write special provisions and prepare estimates for the roadway portion of
major transportation projects and will provide guidance and training to other
designers and CADD technicians. Requires registration as a Professional
Engineer (PE) plus either a Bachelor's degree In Civil or Transportation
Engineenng and two years' related experience, or five years' engineenng
expenence Will consider Bachelor's degree and one year' related
experience, or four years' engineering expenence and ability to obtain PE
registration within two years. Salary $3.349 $4.795/m onth + excellent
benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 10 paid
and full employer-paid retirem ent contribution. Announcement
4OCDT9253. Contact OOOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 03 )
3 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing Impaired) or vtott www.hr.da»jtatajr.ua/Joba
tor announcement and application. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer
committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is July 6 ,1 9 9 9 .
° F
Topnotch clerical, computer, public relabons
and team skills are needed in our District 2B
Maintenance Office in Portland. You will
provide office organization, clerical and
support services to the District Manager,
la s t »
District Office Manager, and field crews.
Includes accounting, personnel, customer
service, reception and administrative duties. Requires two years of general
office or clerical experience which included word processing, typing or other
generation of documents, or an equivalent combination of education and
expenence. Typing over 40 wpm. Windows and public contact expenence
preferred. Salary $ 1 ,6 6 3
$ 2,2 9 2 /m o n th + excellent benefits.
Announcement KOCDT9363 Contort ODOT Recruitment at (5 03 ) 9 8 6
4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or vtolt
w w w .hr.d».itote.a.u»/)obe tor announcement and application. ODOT is
an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is June
28, 1999.
Highway Maintenance Specialist
Drawbridge Maintenance Crew
Make the most of your maintenance, equipment operation and team skins
for this permanent position in Portland. As a member of the Drawbridge
Maintenance Crew, you will perform maintenance and repair of the
drawbndge and other structures and ensure safe and efficient traffic and
pedestnan control to facilitate drawbndge operation. Requires general
familiarity with common hand tools and laboring techniques; routine
maintenance of equipment; operation of motorized equipment; or an
equivalent combination of training and experience. Must have a valid
driver's license and a good driving record; must have or obtain Class A CDL
w ithin 6 m onths of hire. Shift work required. Salary $ 1 .4 6 5 -
$ 2,638/m onth, depending on experience or training, plus excellent
benefits. Final applicants must pass drug screen and physical abilities
test. Contort OOOT Recruitment et (5 03 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (5 03 ) 9 8 6
3 8 5 4 tor the heering Impaired) or visit your local employment
department office for a State Employment Application IP 0 1 0 0). Send
completed application to OOOT. Dtetrict 2B Maintenance Office. Attn:
interstate Bridge. 9 20 0 SE Lawnfleld Rd. Clackamas. OR 970 1 5 . OOOT
is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is
Friday, June 25, 1999, at 5 :00 p.m.
Construction Project Manager 2
Construction Engineer
The Department of Administrative Services, Facilities Division, is seeking
an experienced Construction Engineer. This is a permanent, fulltim e
position located in Salem. This position acts on behalf of State agencies
and th e Departm ent in managing major construction projects.
Requirements include three year's engineering or architectural expenence
which includes one year of experience as a Project Manager for projects
involving building construction and site development; and a Bachelors
degree in Architecture. Civil Engineenng. Construction Engineenng or a
closely related field; or three additional years' relevant engineenng and/or
architectural experience. Salary is $2,763 to $3,865 a mo nth. For a
(totalled Job Announcement » £ 9 9 0 5 1 7 . contort your local employment
office or call (5 03 ) 3 7 6 4 6 8 8 . Closing date is June 21. 1999.
Environmental Program Coordinator 2 *
Region 2 Environmentalist
Mental Health and Developmental
Disabilities Services Division
Oregon Developmental Disabilities Council
Grants/Contracts Coordinator
The Oregon Developmental Disabilities Council is seeking an experienced
person to provide administrative services. ODDC, based in Salem, is a
small, friendly, interesting agency which advocates for persons with
developmental disabilities. This fulFtime. permanent position pays $2.516
to $3 508 a month with excellent benefits. The position manages
contracts, prepares the budget, tracks expenditures and generally supports
the Executive Director. The position may also work on the web page, it is
desirable, but not required that applicants will have experience 'n a il these
areas F a detailed Information, obtain Job Announcement » £ 9 9 0 4 7 3
from the State web «Ito at www.hr.da».«tate.a.ii»/Job» a call ODDC at
(5 03 ) 9 4 6 9 9 4 1 . Closing date Is June 29, 1999.
Join ODOT’s team of environmental professionals in Saleml This is a
lim ited duration appointm ent with a scheduled end date of April, 2 00 0 .
You w ill direct, plan and coordinate th e Salmon Recovery and National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs throughout
Personnel Officer 3
This position, located in ODOC Human Resources in Salem, provides
the Region's project selection and development, construction and
comprehensive programs, tools, and services to achieve an effective and
m aintenance activities. «Although th is position is classified at the
e fficient workforce. Requires three years' professionaHevel Human
Environmental Program Coordinator 2 level, we encourage candidates
Resources expenence which included employee relations, classification,
who m eet the m inimum qualifications for a Environmental Program
compensation, recruitment and selection, performance management and
Coordinator 1 to apply as we may consider underfilling the position until
labor contract administration; a Bachelor's degree in Personnel
the selected candidate meets the m inim um qualifications for a
Manjgement or closely related field; or three more years'experience Salary
Environm ental Program C oordinator 2. Environm ental Program
is $3 152 to $4 435 a month plus excellent benefits. Oregon application
Coordinator 2: Two years of environmental analysis or resource project
art Job Announcement » £ 9 9 0 5 1 6 may be obtained from any Oregon
m anagement expenence and a related Bachelor s degree. Three
employment department a vtolt our web rtte at w w w 4oc.rtrte.au » a
add itio na l years o f environm ental analysis or resource project
c a l (503) 3 7 6 6 0 1 3 . Closing date is June 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 .
m anagement experience may substitute for the Bachelor s degree
Underfill Option (Environmental Program Coordinator 1): Requires a
Registered Nurses
related Bachelor's degree OR three years o f technical office, lab or field
ODOC has vacancies in Salem. RNs provide nursing care to inmates in the
work experience developing environmental programs. Salary $ 2 ,4 9 6 - correctional institutions. Requires a valid Oregon Registered Professional
Nurse License. Additionally, these specific vacancies require clinical
$ 3 ,5 7 8 /m o n th ($ 2 ,2 6 5 - $ 3 ,2 4 8 )/m o n th for Environmental Program
expenenoe in a mental health setting. Salary is $2,921 to $3,850 a month.
Coordinator 1) + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and
Employment with ODOC affords you a variety of generous benefits, including
sick leaves- 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirem ent
vacation, sick leave, holidays, personal leave, complete health insurance,
contribubon . Announcement » 0 C 0 T 9 2 95 . Contort OOOT Recruitment
life insurance and participation in the Public Employees Rebrement System.
at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 8 -4 0 30 (TTY (8 0 3 ) 9 8 6 3 8 8 4 tor tiro hearing Impaired) or
Job Announcement » £ 9 7 0 9 5 1 and S trte of Oregon employment
vtolt www.hr.droJtoto.or.ro/Job« tor application material». ODOT is
an AA/EEO employer com m itted to a diverse workforce. Deadline is
a vtolt our web »It« at w w w .d o c .r trt.a u » . For more «pacific
June 2 8, 1999.
Intormotton. you may c a l Arthur Total at (8 03 ) 3 7 6 2 4 3 8 .
Environmental Program Coordinator 2
Cultural Resource Specialist - Historian
If you possess an appreciation for histone preservation, the ability to
conduct solid historic research and excellent communication skills, this
part-time position located ,n Salem may be the job for youl Tbu will analyze
and document the impacts of projects and other department activities on
historic sites and structures in accordance with historic preservation laws
and regulations Requires two years of environmental analysis or resource
project management experience and a Bachelor's degree with 30 quarter
a 20 semester hours in Histone Preservation. Archaeology. Cultural
Resources or a closely-related field. Three additional years of environmental
analysis or resource project management experience may substitute for the
Bachelor's degree. Salary $2.496 $3,578/m onth + excellent benefits,
health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 9 paid holidays, a n d ^ i
employer-paid retirem ent contribution. Announcement «OCOT9296.
Contort OOOT Recmftmenf r t (8 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (8031 98 6 3 8 8 4 tor
the heering knprtred) or vtrtt www.hr.drortato.ocue/jobe tor appMcrtlon
nwterirte. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce.
Deadline is July 2 ,1 9 9 9
Administrative Specialist 1
Program Assistant
This position, located at Mill Creek Correctional Facility in Salem, develops
and delivers programs to assist inmates back into the community Requires
three years' clencal expenence that included two years performing typing,
word processing, a other generation of documents, and lead work
responsibility or coordination of office procedures Salary is $2.223 to
$2 921 a month, plus excellent benefits. Oregon application and Job
Announcement 4LE990513 may bo obtained from any Oregon
•mptoyment department a vtolt our web rtto r t www.doc.itoto.auo a
CON (803) 3 7 8 6 0 1 3 . Closing date is June 21, 1999.
- /h e r o we )urt ro m . of the current ripening. avrttoblewtUi the S ta te d
Oregon F a eddWonel rttomt t o n « ropy <# t h e Stoto of Oregon
AppNcrtlon F a m and a more complete announcement *tk ig » . cafi toe
State Job lino (Oregonian Inekto Una) (5 03 ) 2 2 6 5 5 0 5 e«t. 7777. TTY
(5 03 ) 3 7 6 4 6 7 2 , vtolt your focal employment department a vtolt our web
•Ms r t WWW.h r.d e ..rtrte .a u ./fo b .. The »tote of Oregon and all Ito
(fivtatono am proud to bo equal opportunity employer»