Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 1999, Page 10, Image 10

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(The Fortiani» (ßbamwr
June 16,1999
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A s s o c ia iib P M "
SIEDLCE, Poland - Pope John
Paul II stressed loyalty to the church
today and cautioned young people
against falling victim to “’traves­
ties o f religion, or to manipulations
o f the truth.”
At a Mass attended by thou­
sands o f Roman Catholics and East­
ern rite Catholics from Belarus,
Ukraine and Russia, the pontiff
urged people to follow the example
o f 13 martyrs slam in Pratulin in
1874 for resisting conversion to
Orthodox Christianity.
"These simple people, fathers of
families, chose at the critical mo­
ment to suffer death rather than yield
to pressure in a way untrue to their
conscience," John Paul said. "How
sweet it is to die for the faith.' These
were their last words.”
Such devotion was needed today,
he said, citing "problems and violent
changes" facing humanity.
"In such a world, many people,
especially the young, feel lost and
wounded,” the pontiff said. “’Some
fall victim to sects and travesties of
religion, or to manipulations o f the
truth. Others succumb to different
forms o f slavery. Attitudes o f self­
ishness, injustice and insensitivity
to the needs o f others become more
w idespread.”
After a day o f rest Wednesday,
the pope’s voice sounded strong and
clear today, the sixth day o f his trip.
Visibly frail with a tremor in his left
hand, the 79-year-old John Paul has
handled this long trip home with no
noticeable problems.
As 400,000 faithful looked on in
a meadow in this eastern city, 55
miles from Belarus’ border, the gos­
pel was read and sung in both the
Roman Catholic and Eastern rite tra­
Eastern rite Catholics follow an
Orthodox-style liturgy but are loyal
to the pope instead ofOrthodox Chris­
tian patriarchs. Banners and flags in
the crowd were from Belarus, the
Ukraine and Siberia and the Urals
region in eastern Russia.
Christian unity and religious plu­
ralism are major themes o f John
Paul’s 13-day pilgrimage, which be­
gan Saturday. The pope heads Fri­
day to W arsaw’s Umschlagplatz
monument to pray for Jews killed
during the Holocaust.
For the first time during his pil­
grimage, John Paul mentioned the
Jewish victims of the Nazis at the end
o f today’s Mass.
"I cannot fail to mention the mar­
tyrdom o f the Jewish nation ... in
Siedlce,” he said of the extermina­
tion o f the city’s 12,000 Jews during
World War II.
The pope also greeted faithful
from Belarus. Russia and Ukraine in
their native tongues, drawing loud
cheers each time.
Orthodox Christian Churches
and the Roman Catholic Church
have been separated since the Great
Schism in 1054 in a dispute over
papal authority and interpretation
o f their creed.
John Paul is head o f the Roman
Catholic Church, w hile Ecum eni­
cal Patriarch Bartholom ew 1, the
archbishop o f C onstantinople, is
the spiritual leader o f 300 million
O rthodox Christians.
In recent years, efforts at rec­
onciliation have been hindered by
Russian com plaints that the Ro­
man Catholic Church was trying
to proselytize what the Russians
considered to be O rthodox lands
o f the former Soviet Union.
Full Gospel
Pentecostal Church
Convention ’99
P ortland , O regon
June 20 - 27
Mortgage Burning Celebration
"W M'aranatha Church of God has
| \ / I a strong history and roots
▼ A th .it stretch deep into the heart
of Portland. Its legacy is a rich tapestry
o f events both happy and sad; fruitful
and challenging
Dozens o f families have raised
their children at Maranatha and these
children have grown up and in turn
now do the same.
It is a church that’s always been
known to have one of the largest Black
congregations in Oregon, yet still
opens its arms to welcome people o f
every race. Today, members travel
from as far as Estacada, Hillsboro and
Camas, Wash., to attend the church.
Drs. Otis F. & Johnnie Mae Brown,
Founding Pastors of Maranatha
COGIC(Aug. 1 9 4 4 )
Maranatha, which according to
the Word means “the Lord cometh."
grew out o f a succession o f churches
Dr. Otis F. Brown and his wife Dr.
Johnnie Mae Brown pastored. The
couple now shares the status of pas­
tor emeritus at Maranatha.
Broth. Wallace became the pas­
tor in 1957, the church was renamed
Metropolitan Church o f God to re­
flect its diversity and the congrega­
tion moved to M aranatha's current
site at 4222 NE I2,h in 1964.
The new building was called Irv­
ing Park Church o f God. But Bro.
Wallace said the Lord told him to
rename the church from M etropoli­
tan to Maranatha, and so Maranatha
was bom.
DuringBro. Wallace’s tenure, the
church blossomed.
When Bro. Wallace resigned from
Maranatha in 1972, the Rev. John
Parker and Rev. Luther Banks co-
pastored for a short time to keep the
church operating smoothly.
Then in 1976 the Rev. John
Garlington became Maranatha’s new
pastor and moved to Portland from
Buffalo N.Y., with his wife Yvonne,
which had the theme “Divine Unity,”
While Maranatha searched for a
three sons and two daughters.
those in attendance read Maranatha s
During the decade he served in
congregational call which today em­
in and handled the pastoral duties for
this position, PastorG arlington was
bodies the spirit o f the church.
a short time.
heavily involved in the community
Part o f it reads: ",4.s a congrega­
It was at this time Bro. and Sis.
on boards, w ith social services
vi v are called to a spiritual min­
Otis Brown moved back to Portland
agencies, non-profit organizations
and witness in this community,
in late 1993 to retire and rejoined
and in ed u catio n al causes. He
city, and as God enables us to
Maranatha in February 1997.
helped establish more adm inistra­
all the world, lie are called by God to
tive staff positions at M aranatha.
serve Him with our whole heart, soul,
Daphne Bethel, and two children,
He brokered strong ties with politi­
mind, and strength H e are called to
cal leaders throughout Portland and
a cooperative ministry, united under
several buildings o f community sig­
the Lordship o f Jesus Christ and
nificance now bear his name. Pas­
bound together by His sacrificial
tor G arlington also was one o f the
love " - Hi Toun M ehefee -P m k u
At this installation ceremony.
founders o f the N orth Portland
Bible College
the Lord was
m oving and
m ore people
j o i n e d
Maranatha. It
was then that
P a s t o r
G a rlin g to n
made the deci­
sion with the
church Board
o f D irecto r’s
ap p roval to
build a bigger
sanctuary adja­
cent to current
site. The new
sanctuary took
about two years
to build and
co st
In January
1986, P asto r
S iste r
G a rlin g to n
were killed in a
car crash while
F lo rid a.
They were on
their way to an
evening speak­
ing e n g a g e ­
F or m any
back in Port­
land, the news
was shocking.'
P a s t o r
Garlington was
scheduled to be
installed as the
next president
o f Ecumenical
M inistries o f
O regon upon
Left to right: Elder Al Jones, Rev. Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Pastor, Rev. Luther Banks, Elder
his return to Samuel Bryant Orchestrate the "burning of the mortgage" at Maranatha Church.
Maranatha Church
4222 NE ir" Avenue
D m û @ !? = t? S )0 û G û
For mort information contact Full Gospel Pentecostal Church Headquarters
Sumner Street
F « ' (503) 287-7990
in . dumner
aireo • - Portland,
rmumw, Oregon
vivguu 97217 • (503) —
Rancho Rajneesh
Goes Christian
— The Rajneeshees pulled out o f
their ranch near Antelope 14 years
ago. This weekend Christian youth
m ove in. Rajneeshpurham has been
transformed into a Summer camp
run by the Christian m inistry “Young
Life.” They've added a pool and a
pond... and will have go-cart racing,
hiking and mountain biking. The
first camp-goers arrive Sunday. The
compound was the world headquar-
© □ ilo D o
ters of the Rajneeshee movement in
the early 1980’s... until their spiri-
mal leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
fled in 1985 in the wake o f voter
fraud, a mass poisoning and murder
D l^ r o ß K ©
© ra S
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With The Name of God. The Beneficent
Come join us for an evening of Fashion, Faith and! un.
Enjoy socializing in an atmosphere of Inter Faith Elegance
W eil have a Fashion workshop, music, poetry and we will
he presenting community service awards.
1999 Summer Session at
Norfh Portland Bible College
runs from August 3 through September 2
(5 weeks - 2 nights a week)
Tuesday and Thursday nights
from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Donation: S / 0.00
Study the life-enriching book of
with Rev. Victor Reynolds.
Proceeds will benefit the Masjid Al-Hij rah School, day eare
and apartment complex. This event is sponsored by the
Muslim Comm. Center and other Faith groups. Tickets may
be purchased at: Reflections Coffee &Books
446 N.E. Killingsworth
(503) 288-6942
For further information, Please call 281-7691 or 284-9783
Reserve Your Seats Now!!
This course fulfills one of the requirements
in the A C M. Program.
For registration and information,
call or visit:
North Portland Bible College
4905 N. Vancouver
Portland, Oregon
(503) 288-2919
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Photo by Ed Peterson
Pope Stresses
Devotion to