June 9, 1999 PageB3 (Tlje or t lattò (Obsmwr BRIEFS ______________________________ USA Women Beat Canada in Soccer 4-2 Instead o f the dominant per­ formance it has come to expect, the United States women’s soccer team got a wake-up call heading into the World Cup. Mia Hamm had one goal and two assists Sunday as the United States fought o ff a tenacious Ca­ nadian national team 4-2 in the Americans’ final exhibition be­ fore the third women’s Cup be­ gins play in less than two weeks. “They did a good job o f dis­ rupting us from the beginning,” said Hamm, whose 109th interna­ tional goal extended her own record. “They played a very dis­ tinct style and won a lot o f first and second balls, which we didn’t do.” The U.S. team struggled with its timing and organization for much o f the game. Canada led 1- 0 and was tied 2-2 late in the first half, but Kristine Lilly’s goal in the 45th minute gave the United States the lead for good. “ This crow d is getting us geared up and ready for the crowds that w e’re going to encounter in the W orld Cup, and the kind o f game w e’re going to encounter." Milbrett said. Portland is one o f seven host cities for the third women’s World Cup. A total of425,000 tickets have been sold for the tournament. WHAT B y LA N DON H ALL © T he A s so c ia t e d P ress PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — When the Port­ land Trail Blazers re­ cover from the pain and embarrassment o f getting swept in the Western Conference finals, they’ll realize what a tremen­ dous season they had. For now, however, going higher in the play­ offs only meant a harder fall for the Blazers. “ I t’s hard. I cried,” Portland guard Damon Stoudam ire said after the San A ntonio Spurs elim inated his team from the best-of-7 series 94-80. “ I think a couple o f other guys teared up, too. This team has been through so m uch this year, I don’t think people realize all o f what w e’ve been through. “W e’ve had people on our backs all year, talking that we would melt down. But the guys really do care about winning. We did pull together. The Blazers entered the season having lost in the first round o f the p lay o ff six straight years, but by the end o f the lockout-shortened season, they were evoking m em o­ ries o f Clyde D rexler and Terry Porter. The Blazers beat Phoenix in the first round and then toppled the two-time defending conference Summer's Coming Soon... Watch Out For Kids Playing Greg Anthony in action on the court. They're O ur Most Valuable Resource You look out for mine, I'll look out for yours. Tiger Woods Uses Shor Game to Win Memorial Boxing-Jones Dominant in Unifying Light-Heavy Title« Roy Jones Jr becam e the only current undisputed world box­ ing cham pion after dom inating International Boxing Federation lig h t h eav y w eig h t cham pion Reggie Johnson Saturday to win a unanim ous decision. Jones added the IBF title to his World Boxing Association and World Boxing Council crowns as he improved to 40-1 Jo h n so n , w ho lo st ev ery ro u n d on all th re e ju d g e s scorecards and was dropped ta the canvas in the first and third rounds, fell to 39-6-1. Jones became the first boxer in nine years to hold the WB A, WBC and IBF titles in the same weight class, and the first light heavy­ weight to do it since Michael Spinks in 1985. The 30-year-old cham pion, whose only loss came in dispuMd fashion to Montell Griffin in Mamh 1997, further underlined his claim as best fighter in the world, for 2OOO The WNBA is growing up fast. Set to enter its third season this week, the w om en's basketball league on Monday added four teams that will begin play in 2000 — Miami, Seattle, Indianapolis and P ortland, O re. The expansion, yet another step up for a league backed by the NBA ’ s money and marketing savvy, comes six months after the rival American Basketball League folded, leaving the WNBA the only pro women’s league in the country. “We had not anticipated expand­ ing this quickly,” WNBA president Val Ackerman said. “But the com­ bination o f the success of the league in the first two seasons and the strong interest expressed by NBA owners has convinced us that the time is right.” The additions will bring the league to 16 teams, double the number from the first season. Ackerman would not disclose the cost of the new franchises. Charismatic OK After Leg Surgery Sometimes fairy tales just don’t work out. The connections o f Charis­ matic, a record crowd o f 85,818 at Belmont Park and millions o f TV viewers found out the hard way when the Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner took a bad step near the finish line and pulled up yards short o f a Triple Crown. The charts will show Charis­ matic finishing third Saturday be­ hind long-shots Lemon Drop Kid and runner-up Vision and Verse. DUBLIN, O hio (Reuters) - Ti­ ger W oods show ed there is more than one path to victory when he used a magnificent short game Sun­ day to win the $2.55 million M e­ morial Tournament. T he 2 3 -y e a r-o ld A m e ric a n , know n for his prodigious length o ff the tee, made a series o f out­ standing recovery shots to lead throughout the final round on his w ay to a tw o-stroke trium ph over V ijay Singh o f Fiji. Five times in the first seven holes he made spectacular up-and-downs, twice for birdies on par-5 holes and the rest to save par. Woods did not make a bogey until the final hole, but by then it hardly mattered as he posted a three-under­ par 69 in steam y conditions at Muirfield Village. He finished at 15-under-par 273, w hile Singh also carded 69 for second place at 275, with world num ber one D avid Duval (70) an­ other four shots back in a tie for third w ith fellow -A m erican Olin B ro w n e (6 5 ) an d P a r a g u a y ’s C arlos Franco (68). Woods collected $459,000 for his 12th professional victory, his second in a row after winning the TPC of Europe in Germany two weeks ago. “ I told everybody last year I was m aking (sw ing) changes in my game that w ere going to ben­ eficial for the long haul, said W oods. “ The press was all over me, especially w ith D avid (D uval) playing well. “ The last couple o f w eeks it’s Tennis at it's Best B y ST E V E W IL S T E IN © T he A ssociated P ress PA RIS (A P) — T ennis roared back to life ju st when it w as look­ ing so sickly, thanks to A ndre A gassi, Steffi G ra f and a pair o f finals that w ill go dow n among the g reatest finishes in G rand Slam history. The French Open, often the least exciting o f the majors, gave tennis ju st what it needed: compelling m atches, historic m om ents and champions who thrilled the crowds. There were so m any tears from A g assi and G ra f and M artina H ingis last w eekend that Center C ourt looked like the kiss-and-cry area in figure skating. But these weren’t crocodile tears. They flowed from years o f emo­ tional comebacks by Agassi and Graf, and a performance by Hingis in which she blew near-certain vic­ tory and was booed mercilessly. but somewhere before the finish line the former claimer turned champion fractured two bones in his left front ankle. On Sunday, he underwent suc­ cessful surgery, in which four screws were inserted to align the broken bones in the ankle. His career as a racehorse is over, but the great- grandson of Secretariat can look forward to a career as a stallion. Magic Name Rivers New Coach Doc Rivers was hired as coach o f the Orlando Magic Monday, succeeding Chuck Daly and tak­ ing over a team that was upset in the first round o f the playoffs. Hesignedafour-year guaranteed contract worth about $8 million. Although Rivers has no previ­ ous coaching experience, he played for some o f the league’s best — Pat Riley, Larry Brown and Mike Fratello. “He has demonstrated over the course o f his career to be a true leader and has been preparing for this day for some time,” Orlando general manager John Gabriel said. “He has a very magnetic personality and a sharp basketball mind. He is an outstanding fit for cham pion Utah Jazz. “N obody expected us to get above seventh place (in the W est) this year,” Blazers guard Isaiah Rider told reporters. “The joke is on you guys and the others that doubted us.” As good as the Blazers were in the regular season and the first two rounds o f the playoffs, the Spurs showed them ju st how far they have to go to be a cham pion­ ship-caliber team. There was unw arranted cruelty in the French fans’ treatm ent o f Hingis in the w om en’s final. Yes, Hingis com plained about calls a little too much. And she played the part o f the spoiled child when she d id n ’t get her way, bang­ ing her racket on the court. But in January she made a cut­ ting rem ark about Frenchw om an A m elie M auresm o’s hom osexual­ ity, and on Saturday she was beat­ ing the popular G ra f for m ost o f the first tw o sets. But Hingis is, after all, ju st 18 years old, and nothing she did de­ served nonstop jeers. She w asn ’t John M cEnroe cursing an um pire or throw ing his racket across the court. She w asn’t Je ff Tarango stom ping aw ay in m idm atch or spitting at an um pire. Yet, the boos toward H ingis, jux­ taposed with the roars and chants for Graf, made for grand theater. It meant the fans really cared. our organization.” Rivers, who played 13 sea­ sons in the NBA, has spent the last three years as a television analyst for Turner Sports. all come together, w inning in G er­ many, then w inning h ere.” W oods b e c a m e th e seco n d youngest player to w in nine times on the U.S. PGA Tour, behind Horton Sm ith, w ho had 10 victo­ ries by age 22. “I’m starting to understand how to play the gam e a little better than before,” said W oods, who even though he rem ains second in the w orld rankings, issued an em ­ phatic rem inder that he w ill be a huge threat at the U .S. O pen at P inehurst No. 2 in N orth C arolina in two w eeks. Quality Service & Repairs on Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks A u to m a tic s •\l T ra n s a x le s v O v e rd riv e s * 'I F in a n c in g >/ 3 -4 -5 S p e e d s 4 x 4 R VS “We Honor Extended Warranties’^— — . ® © © « ® ® ® © ©3 1-800-871-2423 604 12450 SE 80th Ave PORTLAND .f f im m l S Local Towing Free Estimates www. trBnman. com SUAAAAER SPECIAL! C a ll Y our N earest • W e ig h t T r a in in g • G r o u p F it n e s s • B asketball C l u b F or d e t a • C h il d C a r e •A nd M o r e . M e m b e r s h ip s il s . Aloha 642- 5946 A s Law A n th o n y N e w m a n & JJ B ird e n In s tru c tio n a l F ootball C a m p FREE Boys & G irls Entering 5th through l 2th G ra d e B m T NEW LOCATIO Tualatin High Sch< JULY 9, 10 & ’ Registration Forms Available At: GOLD^S G Y M or A m erican Fam ily In s u ran ce O ver 40 NFL P layers a | C amp 1 Beaverton 643- 1020 Cedar Mill 672-9669 Cornell Oaks 629-5073 6th A n n u a l William« Slater« Take Venus and Serena Williams took home the French Open women’s doubles title on Sunday, but it didn ' t relieve the pain of going out in the singles tournament. “No, 1 don’t feel better," Venus said. Her younger sister said she was still “pretty bitter and resentful.” The W illiams sisters, both knocked out o f the singles in the first week, beat Martina Hingis and Anna Koumikova 6-3, 6-7 (2-7), 8-6 in the doubles final. The first set came easy to the A m e ric a n s, w ho b roke Koumikova’s service once on the way to a 6-3 win. “They were killing us in the beginning. We had no rhythm, didn’t know what to do out there,’ ’ Hingis said. In the second set, the W ill­ iams gained a 4 - 1 lead when play was suspended for rain. After a 20-m inute delay, H ingis and Koumikova came out fighting. ACROSS FROM CLACKAMAS TOWN CENTER & TOYS R US Downtown / Yamh i 11 Market Place 222-3030 East Portland/ Plaza 205 256-0300 Fairview/Gresham 674 5050 H illsboro/ Tanasbourne 629-0606 Lake Oswego/ Tigard 598 7664 Milwaukie 654 1999 Raleigh H ills/ Sports Center 297-3723 Tualatin 692-5050 W ilsonville 570-2727 NAUTILUS P1U5 LOCATION Beaverton Women only! Website: freenflcamp.com.citysearch 646 8687