m t ï «A - J4’e* **r - - «* • v r» i ■* June 9, 1999 Page A3 (Tlje ÿlortUnô (íMwruer Making the American Dream a Reality From June 5,h through 12*, the nation will celebrate the third annual National Homeownerehip Week. This weeklong celebration com memorates the an n iv ersary o f the N ational Homeownership Strategy developed by President Clinton to increase the number o f homeowners across the country. H omeownership has long been recognized as a key com ponent j f the “A merican D ream” . Last year, more Americans than ever before were a b le to tu rn th e ir d re a m o f homeownership into a reality. By the end o f 1998, over 5.5 million house­ holds owned their homes. In c e le b ra tio n o f N a tio n a l Homeownership W eek, local organi­ zations across the country will spon­ sor more than 1,000 events to pro­ mote homeownership. These events will include hom ebuyer fairs, sem i­ nars and workshops, official procla­ mations and open houses. N ew na­ tional initiatives and the efforts o f local partnership hard at work through- o u t th e n a tio n to p ro m o te homeownership will be featured. But m o re im p o rta n tly , N a tio n a l H om eow nership W eek w ill give American families the information and the inspiration necessary to help them achieve their dream ofbuying a home. T h e N a tio n a l P a rtn e rs in Homeownership, a diverse mix o f 66 national organizations, sponsor na­ tio n a l h o m e o w n e rs h ip W eek . Founded by President Clinton and led by U.S. Department o f housing and urban Development (HUD) Secre­ tary Andrew Cuomo, the Partnership works towards a common goal - in­ creasing the nation’s homeownership rate to an all-time high o f 67.5% by the end o fth e year 2000. Their work is already producing results. The national homeownership rate reached its highest point ever - 66.8%, a 2.2% increase since the formation o f the Partnership in 1995. Some other im­ pressive gains have also been made. In the period from 1995-1999: •T h e A fr ic a n A m e ric a n ho m eo w n ersh ip rate in creases from 42.5 % to 45.9% • The H ispanic hom eownership rate increases from 41.2% to 45.7% • The rate for fem ale-headed house­ holds increased from49.5%to5 1.6% • T h e ra te fo r c e n tr a l c ity hom eow nership increases form 49.5% to 50.0% An important member o f this Part­ nership, HUD - and its Federal Hous­ ing A dm inistration (FHA) mortgage insurance program - are spearhead­ ing national initiatives as a catalyst to generate affordable housing initia­ tives. O ver the past few m onths, HUD and the FHA have been updat­ ing their program s and making them more accessible to hom ebuyers, es­ pecially first-time homebuyers. The FHA loam limits has been increased to keep pace with rising hom£ prices, up to $208,800 in high-cost > for loan limits where you are. • FHA has a newly simplified down paym ent calculation that requires homebuyers put down only 3% o fth e home purchase price, w hich is less than the 5% down paym ent required by many conventional loans. • FHA allow s hom ebuyers to use gifts for their entire dow n paym ent w hile conventional loans generally require that a portion o f the dow n paym ent com e from personal funds. • FHA credit requirem ents offer more flexibility than do those ofm any C T h i A ssociati » P risa B E L G R A D E , Y ugoslavia - Af- term o re than 2 1/2 m onths ofN A T O a irstrik es, S lo b o d an M ilo se v ic ’s governm ent today accepted an in­ ternational peace plan, capitulating on W estern dem ands to end the K osovo conflict. The decision came right after Serb lawmakers in Belgrade overwhelmingly approved a peace deal to resolve the crisis and allow the return o f more than 850,000 ethnic Albanians to Kosovo. ’’Y ugoslavia accepts the docu­ m ent for peace brought by the high­ est representatives o f the European U nion and R ussia,” the state Tanjug new s agency said follow ing talks betw een M ilosevic, form er Russian Prem ier V iktor C hernom yrdin and Finnish President M artti Ahtisaari. Serb state m edia reported tw o people w ere seriously w ounded in the attack on a N aftagas fuel depot near Som bor, close to the border w ith H ungary. The plan w ould also require the return o f all the ethnic A lbanian refu­ gees expelled - m ostly to A lbania and M acedonia - since March. F innish Prim e M inister Paavo Lipponen told reporters at the EU sum m it in C ologne, G erm any, that the agreem ent ’’w ill be subject to confirm ation from all those involved, including the E uropean Union. It’s too serious to start partying y et.” A text o f the statem ent on the peace plan that was distributed in the Serb parliam ent show ed M ilosevic w as forced to accept N A TO term s on a broad range o f issues. A m ong those: quick and verifi­ able withdrawal o f Y ugoslav army and Serb forces from Kosovo; de­ ploym ent to K osovo o f an ’’effi­ cient” - shorthand but w ell-arm ed - force * ’with essential N A TO partici­ pation” under ‘ ’unified control” ; and * ’substantial autonom y’ ’ for the m a­ jority ethnic A lbanians o f Kosovo. N A TO m ilitary spokesm an Col. Konrad Freytag said Serb forces will also be responsible for clearing land m ines they planted in Kosovo during their cam paign to drive out ethnic A lbanians and push back the Kosovo Liberation Army. Some 16,000 N A TO troops, to be part o f a peacekeeping force for K osovo, are already in M acedonia; N A TO raise this figure W ednesday nearly twice as high, to 47,900 - including 7,000 U.S. troops. The Serb Radical Party, w hich had backed the governm ent until today’s em ergency session, broke aw ay to vote against the peace plan that passed 136-74. " W e voted against this deal because we believe that the w ithdraw al o f our troops from K osovo am id N A TO crim inal bom bardm ent is unacceptable,’' said S erbian deputy prem ier V ojislav Seselj, leader o f the Serb Radical Party. "W e shall not sit in the gov­ ernm ent and aw ait the arrival o f N A TO troops into Kosovo." S erbia’s Civic A lliance hailed the Y ugoslav governm ent acceptance o f the peace deal but noted terms o f the agreem ent are nearly the sam e as in the Ram bouillet, France, peace talks that broke dow n right before NATO typically does. Still, there is much to be done to ensure that more people can realize their very ow n A m erican dream National H omeownership W eek of­ fers a prime chance to reflect on the possibilities, and the realities, o f homeownership by providing a focus and establishing a forum for educa­ tion, discussions and new initiatives LookforNationalHomeownership W eek events in your area. You can also call your local HUD office or a c c e ss H U D ’s w eb s ite at www.hud.gov to find out w hich ac­ tivities are taking place near you. bom bings began. ” If the bom bing is going to end, all citizens o f Y ugoslavia have rea­ son to celebrate,” party spokesm an G oran Svilanovic said, adding hun­ dreds o f people died in bom bings that could have been avoided. The approval com es one day after a m ajo r d ip lo m atic p u sh in the Y ugoslav capital, w hich represented the W est’s first official contact with the Belgrade leadership since the N A TO cam paign began. It was also the first time Russia, Yugoslavia ’ s main ally, has been largely in step with the Western powers. Authorities have consistently de­ manded that any deal respect Yugoslav borders - shorthand for their rejection o f independence for Kosovo - and that the United Nations be given a role in over­ seeing a Kosovo peace. Parliament’s endorsement o f the plan showed Milosevic was willing to accept what the West says is a take-it- or-leave-it deal in which he must pull all Serb forces out o f Kosovo and allowaNATO-ledpeacekeeping force into the embattled Serbian province. Chernom yrdin was quoted as say­ ing the agreement calls for Yugosla­ via and NATO to work out a formula for the withdrawal o f Serb troops from Kosovo. The allies have insisted their troops be ” at the core” o f a peace­ keeping force, som ething Milosevic previously rejected. Ninety percent o f K osovo’s pre­ w ar population o f 2 m illion was eth­ nic Albanian. N A TO intervened 13 months after Serb forces cracked down on ethnic Albanians, killing at least 2,000 people. Antitrust Settlements Totaling $50 Million A ttorney G eneral Hardy M yers announced multi-state, antitrust settle­ ments totaling $40 million with na­ tional retailer Toys ‘R ’ Us and toy manufacturers Mattel and The Little Tikes Company. The Oregon Depart­ ment o f Justice helped negotiate the settlements, which will result in the distribution o f toys worth more than $389,000 to needy children in Oregon for the next three holiday seasons and approximately $150,000 in cash for children's programs. “Oregon non-profit organizations and ehanties, which struggle every De­ cember to provide enough toys tbrneedy children, can look forward to a bounti­ ful distribution for the next three holi­ day seasons thanks to these settlements.' ’ Myers said. “N ot only will there be more toys for our children but also money in the form o f grants to educa­ tional programs that benefit children." The settlements resolve the final portion o f a lawsuit filed in 1997 by the Attorneys General of44 states, the District ofColum bia, and Puerto Rico alleging that the defendants conspired for more than ten years to withhold popular toys from low’ margin ware­ house clubs that undercut Toys ‘ R ' Us prices. According to the lawsuit, the defendants, including Hasbro, Inc., reached illegal agreements to limit the sale o f certain toys to warehouse clubs and to sell other popular toys to ware­ house clubs only in combination packs As a resu lt warehouse clubs could not com pete in price with Toys ‘R ’ Us, and consumers paid more for the toys. Hasbro settled with the multi­ state group in December 1998 for $5.95 million in toys and cash. Or­ egon received $42,000 in toys from the Hasbro settlement. Under the terms o f the settlements, Oregon will receive $321300 in toys from Toys ‘R ’ Us, $58,700 in toys from * • o ♦r’M1* í. W»' -■>- • *-***•' higher loan limits, you can buy your conventional lenders. • FHA lets borrow ers carry m ore debt than a private m ortgage insurer Yugoslavia Accepts Kosovo Peace Plan Bv CANDICE HUGHES With FHA's new areas and $ 115.200 in low-cost areas. Check with a participating local lender Mattel, the nation’s largest toy manu­ facturer, and $9,400 in toys from The Little Tikes Company. Oregon also will recover its attorney fees and investiga­ tive costs. In addition, it is a condition of the Toys ‘R ’ Us settlement that the toys distributed to states not inc lude toy guns or depict violent activities. Attorney General Myers will an­ nounce details ofOrcgon ’ s toy distribu- tionby theU.S M anneCorps’ Toys for Tots” program next fell. Information concerning applications for grants to youth programs will be available soon. For more information concerning these settlements and other consumer protection issues, consumers may con­ tact the Attorney G eneral’s hotline by calling (503) 378-4320 or (503) 229- 5576(Portlandonly)between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. to noon, M onday through Friday or by writing Financial Fraud/ C onsum er Protection, 1162 Court Street, N.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 dream home V H o w 's th a t fo r a h o u s e w a r m in g g ift? Since 1934 w e've helped over 26 million Americans get into new homes. And starting this year, HUD can help you get a home loan for up to $208,8 00. Be sure to check with your lender to find out what the FHA-insured loan limits are in your area. We can also help you i with any questions you might have. Just call 1 -800-HUDS-FHA and ask » for our free 100 Questions and Answers brochure. It'll tell you how "toget an FHA loan for as little as 3% down. How to choose the righty lender. How to prepare yourself for the homebuying process. And much more. In fact, if you're looking for a home, it's all the information you need. H U D and FH A arc on your side. 1 - 8 0 0 - H U D S - F H A Yes! It's your time! You couldn't have dreamed it better if youd tried. You've learned that hard w ork and long hours definitely pay o ff and that getting ahead is easier w h e n there's family behind you. 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