Focus <£lje ^ a rtla n h ffihseruer R O SE June 9, 1999 Page 7 F E S T IV A L Volunteers Needed For Biggest And Best Grand Floral Parade Of The Decade More volunteers than ever are needed to be a part of Portland’s largest spectator event, the Southwest Airlines Grand Floral Parade, to be held June 12. The parade will feature 28 all-floral floats, more than in any other year this decade. From float decorating to vend­ ing and clean-up along the parade route, volunteers can get involved and even raise money in the process Decorating the all-floral floats is an essential and fun-filled process. Individuals (ages 14 and older) and groups are invited to volunteer in fundraising opportunity (for groups only), providing income and prizes for each group. Contact Barbara at Cascade Concession Services, 503/286-8150 for details. The expected increase in spec­ tators means increase in trash along the route. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up for th e j une 12 clean-up. Help the Rose Festi­ val continue its reign as the “Cleanest Festival in America” in this festive four-hour effort. For details, contact Barbara Krieg at four-hour shifts through Thursday, (une 10 at the Float Barn. Contact Theresa Egan at Studio Concepts, the Rose Festival's official float builder at 503/227-3333. 1 he Rose Festival Association is pleased to an­ nounce that for every volunteer hour, Studio Concepts will donate $1 to Northwest Medical Teams. Volunteer groups are also needed for vending of merchandise and re­ freshments along the parade route on Saturday, June 12. The parade’s v en d in g p ro g ra m is a g rea t 503/823-1749. Visit the Portland Rose Festival A sso c ia tio n w eb site at ATTENTION DORIS' CAFÉ CUSTOMERS Doris' Cafó S O U T H W E S T A IR LIN ES L ï h e T Jo rfla ttò © b a e ru c r L H O S T rayX & Ramiti '99 Every W eek Throughout the Summ er M onths Starting June 9 & 10 1999 Doris’ will have comedy shows The signature event of the P ort­ land Rose Festival is the Southwest Airlines G rand Floral Parade. The streets of Portland will be filled with excitement on Ju n e 12 as colorful all-floral floats, entertaining m arch­ ing bands, and splendid equestrian units wind their way down the 4.2- mile route. The G rand Floral Parade is the single-largest spectator event in O r­ egon and the second largest all-flo­ ral parade in the United States. More than 550,000 spectators line the streets to witness this spectator event. And these are not your aver­ age spectators. Portland is likely the only city where parade-lovers stake out space along the route days in advance by placing their folding chairs on sidewalks. Even more un­ usual, these staked out spots go undisturbed by police or passers- S by. The parade is aired live on local television and is syndicated to more than 30 million house­ holds nationwide. Kids and adults alike enjoy ELF EN H A N C EM EN T, plined commitment, children give back to the community. Thereby a difference is made. Classes Offered: Bailet • Advanced Ballet • African DanceJaz: Dance • Modem Dance • Cape Breton Scottish Step • Acting • Advanced Acting • African Ballet • Hip Hop • Guitar Lessons • and much more to come Fees: $30 (includes a six-week course, certificate, recital and a YAAP Tee-shirt). The Center is located at 1829 NE Alberta St. Second Dance Room; Portland, Oregon 97211. For more information about YAAP (Youth And Arts Achievement Pro­ gram), call 503/284-2911. by Staring Comic View Comedians! Shows starting at 8:00pm Every Wednesday & Thursday evening through August 4"\1999 Take-out order» will be available after 8:00pm on Wed & Thurs nights. Call Doris' for comedy show line-up and Ticket Info • 287-9249 IN C . C7 r Youth ?~And zJlrts zAcbiftement Program Angela White, Executive Director for the Youth and Arts Achievement Program has a vision. She wants to see more opportunities for the children in North-Northeast Portland. The Youth and Arts Achievement Program is a non-profit youth orga­ nization dedicated to helping young p eo p le w ith th e P o rtla n d an d Vancouver metro area through artis­ tic expression. This opportunity is open to youth of all races and finan­ cial circumstances. G ur program will offer a variety of dance classes taught by professional instructors. Partici­ pants who successfully complete (he YAAP course will perform in a re­ cital and receive a Certificate of Achievement. By making a disci- fantastic photo opportunities with their favorite floats at the Target Showcase of Floats. Following the G rand Floral Parade, all 25-30 floats return to the Rose Q uarter Commons for two days. Live en­ tertainm ent, food and fun await! & A R T IS T S R EP ER TO R Y TH EA TR E P R ESEN T: iC \ L it Emily Mann JU N E 3-13 - Back by popular demand!! Only 10 performances.