Focus (£he Jjjnrtlanì» ©beeruer B C r i d g e i t y P June 9, 1999 nos aim r e s e n t s Tom Laswell iN T O irH A N C r rights workers achieve their goals by showing the one tru e em otion that overrules all evil: LOVE. E xclusion M ale “Such love goes to th e extreme; i t re­ W ar D eath We use the above w ords to describe the current bloodshed in the Balkans. However...these w ords are synony­ m ous with out own war ..over race. In 1960, a group hoped for a revolution.. .a revolution w ithout war and death. M embers of the Student Non-Violent Coordination C om m ittee were indeed rebels. T heir mission: to help civil m ains loving a n d fo rg iv in g even in the m tdst o f hostility. I t m atehes the capacity o j e v il to in flic t suffering w ith a n even more enduring capacity to absorb evil, a l l the w hile persisting in love. " E xcerpt from P urpose S tatement Sniu-XTNo/cV/ouoa Covtuvsam/, Cneurme. U nfortunately, love could not over­ come the evil that would come to the young rebels on the night of Ju n e 21“, 1964. T h e night when three young civil rights’ w orkers were m urdered in cold blood by the Ku Klux Kian. Bridge City Productions is proud to tell this powerful story in Nightly Comes the H urting T im e, concluding its second full season. Nightly Come the H urting T im e is an original work by local playwright and theatre profes­ sional T om Lasswell. T he production of Nightly Com e the H urting T im e begins Friday .Ju n e 4,h with an opening gala. Tickets are $25 and include a reception following the production. T h e full ru n cont inues Ju n e 5,h through Ju n e 26lh T hursday through Sunday. Show times T h u rs­ day through Saturday are at 8 PM. Sunday m atinees begin at 2 PM. Prices for the shows are as follows: Thursday - Saturday $12-general admission $10 for seniors and students Sunday $10 for general admission $8 for seniors and students A special free preview will be held T h u rsd ay , J u n e 3H in conjunction with First T h u rsd ay . O th e r specials include F a th e r’s Day w here tickets will - e sold two for one. C h i n o o k W i n d s C a s i n P o r e s e n W / W O Q D t s Œ W Actors W ho S in g N eeded For N e w Script T he IF C C , in p artn ersh ip with C IT E , C reative Info rm atio n is a u d i­ tioning actors for two paid roles in a new play w ith m usic w ritten by D eborah R odney Pex and directed by Ju d ith Yeckel. IN T H E SW EET BUY AND BUY uses an eclectic com b in atio n of b ro ad com edy, pathos, vocal m usic and m ovem ent to exam ­ ine contem porary attitu d es tow ard consum ption and explore a range of individual connections to our com ­ m unity and our environm ent. Each actor plays a central, realistic c h a r­ acter plus a variety of anim al, alien and larger than life h um an roles in the com ic fantasy sequences. T he play is scheduled for a late July run at the IFC C (July 20-25) and a Fall tour is planned. Rehearsals be­ gin mid-June. NEEDED 2 m ales, m id 20’s to m id 40’s. C an be any ethnicity. M ust be able to sing solo an d w ith a group. C ir­ cus skills a plus. In o rd e r to u n d e rs ta n d Œ where n r are, it is im p o rta n t to u n d e rs ta n d w here ire h a w been: C hinook W inds is p ro u d to an n o u n ce th e u p co m in g p e r­ form ance of th e m ost fam ous m e n ta lis t o f all tim e , T h e A m azing K reskin is p a rt o f th e 4'*' an n iv ersary c e le b ratio n o f the C asino. O n stag e an d te le v isio n , K reskin seeks to rev eal th e thoughts of au dience m em bers, p lan t suggestions in fully aw are subjects an d d azzle w ith feats of ex tra o rd in a ry m en tal p ro ­ jections. As o n e o f the h ig h ­ lights of his stage show, he reg u ­ larly asks to have his check h id d en anyw here In th e p re ­ mises. If h e fails to find it, he will forfeit his fee. See T he A m azing Kreskin live, Saturday, Ju n e 26 at 7 & 10 PM in the newly rem odeled C hi­ nook W inds Showroom. Call 1- 888-MAIN-ACT (624-6228). Page 3 ROLES G RA NT a businessman whose love of nature is overshadowed by his con­ viction that jobs must be preserved at any cost. M A TTH EW a progressive priest torn between his desire to serve and his profound disillusionm ent in his own ability to make a difference. THE AUDITION W H EN Saturday, Ju n e 12 2 PM - 6 PM by appointm ent W H ER E IFCC 5340 N Interstate Ave (be­ tween A lberta & Killingsworth) WHAT Reading from the script and a vocal session with the Musical Director. PLEASE BRING Resume & H ead Shot. A song with taped accom panim ent (optional) T O SCHED ULE Call Judity Yeckel at 503/823-2071 (Tuesday - Saturday) J u n e 5 lb - 2 6 lh S12Th. - Sat. 8pm S10 Sun. matinee 2pm Student & S e n io r D iscounts A v a ila b le Interstate Fireliouse Center 5340 X. Interstate Av o u t h is to r y as a n a tio n b o th f o o d a n d t if h 50 3 »788«8357 A dvanced /ic s c n allons R ecom m ended iCiafrfly (femes t(\A Vmrtina Time J a p la y b y 'F o in L assw ell cwkilg< >i c T« a ra 1 8H