Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 1999, Page 11, Image 11

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ÿlprtlani» (Pbaeruer
Married Without Children?
a d v e r t is in g
Oregon State Hospital • CNA
T h e re a re im m e d ia te o p e n in g s
available in Salem and Portland for
full-tim e, part-time and tem porary
positions, all shifts. Work in a
psychiatric se ttin g . Experience
p re fe rre d , b u t n o t re q u ire d .
Excellent m edical/dental benefits,
paid retirem ent, holidays, sh ift
differential and on-site training.
Call (503) 9 4 5 -2 8 1 5 (TTY (503)
945-2996 forthe hearing impaired)
for our com petitive wages. Apply
Monday through Friday at Oregon
State Hospital, 2 6 0 0 Center St.
NE, Salem, OR 9 7 3 1 0 . AA/EOE.
Finance Department
Sportswear Company«
General Ledger Accountant
C o lu m b ia S p o rts w e a r C o m p a n y a
global leader in the design and
m anufacture o f outerw ear and
sportsw ear, has an im m ediate
opening for a G.L accountant. In
this position you will be responsible
for all accounting related activities
for the preparation o f financial
o p era ting s ta te m e n ts and the
reconciliation o f accounts. This
in c lu d e s m a in ta in in g g e n e ra l
ledger, account/financial analysis,
p re p a r a tio n
v a rio u s
m an ag em en t re p o rts, ba la nce
sheet reconciliation, fixed asset
schedules and assisting in monthly
closing processes.
Q ua lifie d ca n d id a te w ill p o s s e s s a
Bachelors degree in Accounting or
Finance and two years accounting
e x p e rie n c e in a b u s in e s s
environm ent. CPA preferred.
Please send resume and salary history
to: Columbia SportswearCompany,
Hum an R esources, D ept: G /L
ACCT. PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 , Portland,
OR 9 7 2 8 3 or Fax to (50 3) 735-
Leading sp e cia lty m e ta ls com pany
s e e k s e x p e rie n c e d g e n e ra l
a c c o u n ta n t to jo in th e te a m .
R esponsibilities include monthly
financial reporting, G /L account
analysis & m aintenance, variance
analysis, internal audit functions
& being a key player on special
a c c o u n tin g -r e la te d p r o je c ts .
Requires 4-yr Accounting degree.
GAAP fam iliarity, and at least 3
years financial reporting, financial
a n a lysis or p u b lic a cco u n tin g
experience. Proficiency with PC-
based spreadsheets and solid
organization and com m unication
s k ills required. Position o ffe rs
c o m p e titiv e
c o m p e n s a tio n
package including defined pension
plan, 40 1 k, tu itio n assistance, and
health benefits. Subm it resume
and salary requirem ents to Human
Resources, PO Box 5 8 0 , Albany
OR 9 7 3 2 1 . We are an AA/EEO
4 5 9 7 .______________________ __
Account Executive
E x p a n d in g N a tio n a l W h o le s a le
M ortgage Lender seeks Account
Executive for Portland surrounding
areas. W holesale mortgage and
s a le s e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d .
E x c e lle n t c o m p e n s a tio n and
benefit plans.
Please send resum e w ith salary
requirem ents to:
HR Dept.,
Washtenaw Mortgage Company
3 1 5 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12
Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 8
or fax to: 7 3 4-6 62-9 51 7
Have you been married
at le ast 10 years?
Would you describe
yourself as happily
m arried?
Do you have no children
from your c u rre n t/
previous relationships?
Have you chosen not to have children?
Author o f book on m arried couples
who have no children by choice
s e e k in g to in te rv ie w A fric a n
American couples who answer yes
to the se q u estio ns. Interested
couples call 5 0 3 6 2 2 -6 4 3 2 , or e-
mail laurac@ inetarena.com_____
N eil Kelly Com pany se e ks a highly
m o tiv a te d in d iv id u a l f o r a
program m er po sitio n. Qualified
candidates will have experience
with windows 9 5 / 9 8 in an NT
e n v iro n m e n t. E xperience w ith
database developm ent, MS Office
97 Products and HTML desired.
Neil Kelly Company, a Portland
based rem odeling contractor, is
O re g o n
B u s in e s s
M agazine’s 1 0 0 Best Companies
to Work For. Please send your
cover letter and resume with salary
expectations to Julia Spence at
8 0 4 N. Alberta, Portland, Oregon
9 7 2 1 7 , Fax 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .7 4 6 4 o r e-
mail jbspence@ neilkelly.com
Maintenance Mechanic
Sportswear Company«
P e rfo rm r o u tin e a n d p r e v e n tiv e
m aintenance for all warehouse and
o ffice eq uipm en t, including an
extensive conveyor system . Two
to four years m inim um industrial
m aintenance experience and one
year experience m aintaining and
re p a irin g con veyo rs w ith s o ft
system s preferred. Experience
w o rk in g
w ith
P L C 's
co m p u te rize d syste m s h e lp fu l
M ust be able to work any shift.
Send resum e to : Human Resources,
Dept. RVGMM, PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 ,
Portland OR 9 7 2 8 3 , or Fax to:
(50 3) 7 3 5 -4 5 9 7 . Equal Opportunity
Em ployer.
Purchasing Agent
Purchasing Agent needed w ith prior
governm ent contract experience
in p ro c u re m e n t o f s u p p lie s ,
services and vendor contracts for
v o c a tio n a l t r a in in g f a c ilit y .
B achelor's degree in business
adm inistration or associated field
and three years related experience
p r e fe r r e d .
D ir e c tly
re la te d
experience may be considered in
lie u
o f fo r m a l
e d u c a tio n
requirem ents. S ubm it le tte r o f
interest and resum e no later than
JUNE 2 3 , 1 9 9 9 to:
Human Resources
3122 4 E Historic Columbia River Hwy.
Troutdale, OR 9 7 0 6 0
As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking
qualified minority, fem ale, veteran and disabled
applicants, however, all qualified applicants will
be considered.
2 To 5 B R /L0W DOWN
Q uality new & renovated hom es w /
appliances. Great finance package.
Prices from $ 1 0 9 ,0 0 0 qualify to
$ 7 9 ,0 0 0 for purchase. John 626-
6 7 0 0 , 5 2 0 -3 0 3 4 24hrs.
The Preferred
Better Homes and Gardens
Pharmaceutical Sales
Horizon P h a rm a c e u tic a l C o rp ., a
rapidly expanding com pany is
seeking an enthusiastic and self-
m otivated Sales Representative
to launch the Portland, ORTerritory.
Salary, co car, com m . & bonus.
Please forward resume with cover
le tte r to : Dept. ORA, P .0. Box
3 5 8 2 7 , Tulsa, OK 7 4 1 5 3 .
$20 Cash
for children & parents in a
health-related project
One child and one adult from your
fam ily will receive $ 2 0 each for a 90-
m inute confidential interview survey
at your home. Questions cover health
top ics, including alcohol and drug
use. African American and White
children ( 9 .1 1 , or 13 years o f age)
and one o f th e ir parents can take
part in th is study.
For details, call (50 3) 73 1 -3 2 7 3
Oregon Research Institute
M uitwomah C ounty
HtALm D ipartmcnt
Victim Advocate
The District Attorney's Office of Multnomah County is currently
seeking a Victim Advocate to contact, aid, assist, and support
victims of crime. Duties will include assisting victims through the
criminal justice system; working with Deputy District Attorneys to
locate and transport victims and witnesses; working with Deputy
District Attorneys to obtain records to prosecute cases involving the
victim; providing immediate crisis intervention and / or short-term
counseling and education to the victim; and serving as a liaison for
the victim in dealings with various people.
The successful candidate will have training and experience equivalent
to an associate's degree or greater with major course work in social
work, psychology, sociology, or a related field, and two years of
responsible community service experience. Direct experience dealing
with victims of crime or other persons in stressful or crisis situations
is highly desirable. Multnomah County welcomes applicants of
various ethnic and cultural backgrounds, who are able to enhance
service to our diverse community.
Salary is $15.01 - $20.48 per hour. Multnomah County offers a
comprehensive benefit program, including fully paid-fam ily medical,
vision, and dental coverage, and fully paid participation in PERS.
Application materials and job announcement are available at:
www c n multnomah.or.us/. Application materials can also be
obtained in person or by mailing a self-addressed, stamped envelope,
requesting application materials for Exam Number 624702, to:
Multnomah County Employee Services, 1120 SW 5,h Avenue, First
Floor Lobby, P.0. Box 14700, Portland, OR 972930700. Applications
must be postmarked by June 1 1 ,1 9 9 9 , to be considered. Assisted
access to Multnomah County job information and website is available
at Multnomah County Libraries
Multnomah County
Oregon State Hospital • RN
Now hiring in Salem and Portland full­
tim e, part-time, jo b share, and
tem po rary p o s itio n s ava ila ble.
W ork in a psychiatric se ttin g ;
previous experience preferred but
not required. Excellent m ed ica l/
dental benefits, paid retirem ent,
h o lid a y s , s h if t d iff e r e n t ia l,
e d u c a tio n a l d iff e r e n t ia ls fo r
advanced degree, on-site training.
Part-time/Job share positions are
negotiable. Temporary positions
available for various sh ifts and
LPN: $ 2 ,1 7 2 to $ 3 ,0 2 8 /m o n th ly
Staff RN: $ 2 ,6 0 8 to $ 3 ,6 0 8 /m o n th ly
Charge RN: $ 2 ,8 6 0 to$ 3,957/m onthly
Temporary RN positions available
(non-benefited) $ 2 2 .8 2 /h o u rly
S taff RN, children’s unit, Salem, FT,
swing, S at/S un off, work every 6 ,h
S taff RN, gero unit, Salem, FT, swing
S at/S u n off.
S taff RN, gero unit, Salem, Ft, swing,
F ri/S a t off.
S taff RN, gero unit, Salem, FT, nights
10 hour shifts, W ed/T hurs/F ri off.
S ta ff RN, fo re n sic u n it, Salem , tw o
jobshare po sitio ns available on
days or swing with option o f working
every S a t/S u n or working every
S a t/S u n plus one extra shift every
o th e r w e ek o r w o rkin g Thurs
through Mon every other week.
Charge RN, gero unit, Salem, FT days,
S a t/S u n off.
S u p e rv is in g RN (P rogram N u rs in g
Supv.), forensic unit, Salem, FT,
swing, F ri/S at off.
For inform ation or to apply contact:
Oregon State Hospital,
Employee Relations
2 6 0 0 Center St. NE,
Salem, OR 9 7 3 1 0
( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -2 8 1 5 .
OR TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -2 9 9 6
Target Area Resource Coordinator,
Livability Program
Northeast Coalition of
Neighborhoods, Inc.
Previous e xp erience in co m m u n ity
organizing, preferably in Inner
N o r th /N o r th e a s t
P o rtla n d .
Demonstrated knowledge o f Inner
N o r th /N o r th e a s t c o m m u n ity .
Experience in working with diverse
groups. Bilingual skills welcomed.
20-30 hours per week. Salary range
$13 - $ 1 5 /h r. Apply in person to
NE Coalition o f Neighborhoods,
4815 N.E. 7” , room C-25, Portland,
before 5:00pm , Friday June 18,
1 9 9 9 , D e a d lin e E x te n d e d .
Resumes are not accepted in lieu
o f a c o m p le te d NE C o a litio n
application. Equal Opportunity Employer
The D istrict A tto rn ey 's O ffice of
Multnomah County is currently
seeking a V ictim Advocate to
contact, aid, assist, and support
victims o f crime. Duties will include
a s s is tin g v ic tim s th ro u g h the
crim inals ju stice system ; working
with Deputy D istrict Attorneys to
locate and transport victim s and
witnesses; working with Deputy
District Attorneys to obtain records
to prosecute cases involving the
victim; providing im m ediate crisis
intervention and / or short-term
counseling and education to the
victim; and serving as a liaison for
the victim in dealings with various
for our new salon /d ay spa opening
June, 1 9 9 9 at NE F re m o n t/1 5 ,h.
Excellent custom er service skills
necessary. Knowledge o f natural
beauty products helpful. M ust be
lice n se d in Oregon. We o ffe r
com petitive wages & benefits.
Apply by fax, m ail, or in person to:
Nature’* - Attn: HR/aelon
3 0 0 8 SE Division
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 2
Fax: 5 0 3 .2 3 3 .4 3 4 9
(No phone calls, please)
Career Hotline: »03.233.433«
Equal Opportunity Employer
Lab Techs
N ational do no r te s tin g la bo ratory is
accepting resum es for future Lab
Tech openings (night sh ift) to
perform a u to m a te d & m anual
te sts. BS in science required; MT
(ASCP) preferred. 2 or more yrs of
laboratory experience preferred.
We offer com petitive wages and
exceptional benefits. Send resume
with cover le tte r to: American Red
Cross. National Testing Laboratory,
Human Resources, 1 2 1 2 4 NE
Ainsworth Circle, Portland, 9 7 2 2 0 .
Fax # 2 6 1 -7 4 8 9
Community Health Nurse II
Sportswear Company«
An Associates Degree, or equivalent
work experience, and a minimum
o f one year e xp e rie n ce in a
business environm ent, preferably
in custom er servtoe or related field.
Please forward resum e to Colum bia
S p o rtsw e a r C om pany, Hum an
Resources, Dept. AcctRep, PO Box
8 3 2 3 9 , Portland OR 9 7 2 8 3 , or
Fax to: (50 3) 73 5-4 597 .
The successful can didate w ill have
training and experience equivalent
to an associate'sdegree or greater
with m ajor course work in social
work, psychology, sociology, or a
related field, and tw o years of
responsible com m unity service
experience. D ire ct exp erience
dealing with victim s o f crime or
other persons in stressful or crisis
s itu a tio n s is highly de sira b le .
M u ltn o m a h C ounty w e lco m e s
applicants of various ethnic and
cultural backgrounds, who are able
to enhance service to our diverse
Salary is $ 1 5 .0 1 - $ 2 0 .4 8 per hour.
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty o ffe r s a
comprehensive benefit program,
including fully paid -fa m ily medical,
vision, and dental coverage, and
fully paid participation in PERS.
A p p lic a t io n m a t e r ia ls a n d jo b
announcem ent are available at:
w w w . c o - . m u lt n o jr ia h . o r . u s /,
Application m aterials can also be
obtained in person or by m ailing a
s e lf- a d d r e s s e d ,
s ta m p e d
envelope, requesting application
m a te r ia ls fo r Exam N u m b e r
6 2 4 7 0 2 , to: M ultnom ah County
Employee Services, 1 1 2 0 SW 5,n
Avenue, First Floor Lobby, P .0 .Box
1 4 7 0 0 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 9 3 0 7 0 0 .
Applications m ust be postmarked
by June 1 1 , 1 9 9 9 , to be
considered. Assisted access to
M ultnom ah County jo b inform ation
and w e b s ite is a v a ila b le a t
M ultnom ah County Libraries
Washington County
Account Representative
Work For One Tough Mother!
C o lu m b ia S p o rtsw e a r C om pany, a
le a d in g
m a n u fa c tu r e r
sportsw ear and outer wear, is
seeking Account Reps to service a
group o f acco un ts defined by
geographical location. Qualified
candidates will provide a high level
o f custom er service by responding
to requests and inquiries with
a c c u ra te in fo r m a tio n in a
courteous, e ffic ie n t and tim ely
Victim Advocate
Principal Executive Manager D
Special Projects Manager
T h e O reg o n Y o u th A u th o rity is
recruiting for a Special Projects
Manager at the North Coast Youth
Correctional Facility located in
Warrenton, on the north coast of
Oregon. This new institution houses
approximately 100 youth offenders,
ages 12 to 25. The position is a
Principal Executive Manager D, with
a salary range from $ 3 ,4 6 9 to
$ 5 ,132 a month. Generous health
insurance, sick leave, vacation and
state retirement benefits. The job
in vo lve s cre a tin g , de veloping ,
o rg a n izin g , im p le m e n tin g and
evaluating new programs, policies,
rules and procedures. The incombent
is expected to design projects using
graphs, diagram s, flow charts,
impact points and to conduct cost
benefit analysis. The position also
in v o lv e s In v e s tig a tin g yo u th
grievances and conducting hearings
on appeals. This employee will
perform Officer o f the Day duties. To
qualify, you m ust have six years'
experience in supervision, staff-
technical or professional-level work
re la te d to ju v e n ile ju s tic e or
treatment programs Selectees must
pass a criminal background check.
For further information, visit our web
site at www.hr.das.state.or.us/jobs
or call (800) 375-2864. Closing
date is July 1, 1999.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Customer Service
Equal Opportunity Employar.________
$ 3 ,1 3 1 - $ 3 ,8 0 5 /m o .
Closes June 18, 1 9 9 9
Community Health Worker II
(Bilingual Spanish/English)
$ 2 ,1 1 6 -$ 2 ,5 7 1 /m o
Closes June 18, 1 9 9 9
# 3 ,3 8 2 - $ 4 ,1 0 9 /m o .
Closes June 18, 1 9 9 9
Training Coordinator
$ 2 ,9 8 9 - $ 3 ,6 3 2 /m o .
Closes June 18,, 1 9 9 9
Call (50 3) 6 48-8606/T T Y (5 0 3 ) 693-
4 8 9 8 fo r in fo rm a tio n . C ounty
a p p lic a tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l
application forms required. W omen,
m in o r itie s , and p e o p le w ith
disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Apply To:
W ashington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4
W h e n it c o m e s to k e e p in g O r e g o n
h ealth y, w e c o u ld n 't ca re m ore.
Since 1941. Regence BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon has relied on the efforts of our
exceptional workforce to discover innovative routes to supenor health care. Solutions like
wellness programs, physician-directed care and assistance to uninsuratrfe Oregonians O ur
people understand that while quality often has a price, efficiency and intelligent strategies can
keep costs to a minimum. If bettering the quality o f life in Oregon sounds like a worthwhile
pursuit to you. consider our possibilities:
C laim s Analysts
(Job #999)
W e are currently seeking dependable and enthusiastic individuals who will be responsible for
the consistent accurate, and timely application o f contract benefits in claims processing. This will
include analyzing and entering claims information in a timely manner while maintaining
confidentiality in all aspects o f claims processing. You will also be responsible fo r maintaining
vanous reports, analysis, obtaining preauthonzation. and researching claims. You must have a
High School diploma or equivalent Working knowledge o f ICD 9 and CRT 4 coding plus typing
and I O-key proficiency are essential. Attention to detail is crucial in this position, as is the ability
to perform under pressure while meeting company standards in a team environment Strong
verbal and w ntten communication skills and a willingness to w ork overtime when needed are
also required.
IC R Verify O p e ra to r
flob #2942)
You will be responsible for verifying correcting o r rejecting claim data received from ICR-scanned
claim forms for input Duties will include correcting missing information: entering correct data on
ICR venfy screen logging venfied batches, running production reports at the end of each workday:
and maintaining daily log o f claims. Requires demonstrated work expenence with Windows
software and 2 years' data entry expenence. Knowledge of EMC. claims processing systems, and
claim billing concepts and terminology necessary. Must have ability to w ork in a high-volume. daU
entry production environment type 60 wpm and operate 10 key calculator by touch, and work
overtime when necessary.
M edical M a n a g e m e n t C o o rd in a to r
D iab etes M ellitus
(Job #3161)
You will be responsible for evaluating clinical information received from healthcare providers for
the purpose of preauthonzation. case management and concurrent review activities for members
with diabetes. Compare clinical status against the medical policy crtena and make determination
to approve o r recommend denial o r requested services Qualified candidates must be graduates
o f an accredited school with a degree in the health care field, and have 3+ years' extensive and
vaned medical background. Must have a current Oregon RN o r LCSW. and a valid Oregon or
Washington dnver's license. Demonstrated high interest/advocacy for diabetes mellitus ,s
necessary Requires knowledge o f current medical and nursing standards o f practice m all areas of
health care: strong communication skills; and the ability to manage multi-task while working
independently and as a member o f a team.
We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package Pre-employment drug
screening is required and we support a smoke-free work environment To apply, please
indicate job number and/or title at the top of your resume or cover letter and
submit to: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon and Regence
Human Resources, P. O. Box 12 7 1. Portland. OR »7207-1270,T T Y (503) 225-4700.
Multnomah County
W e are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of employment
Fund Development Director. 501© (3),
Aerospace based youth Program.
Small organization/high expansion
p o t e n t ia l. 3 2 to 4 0 h o u r
perm anent. $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 - $ 3 3 ,0 0 0
(5 0 3 ) 29 2 -4 5 4 2
BlueCross BlueShield o f Oregon
HMO Oregon
For more information about career opportunities, cal o tr |ob Information Lue:
(000) I 3 I - I 4 I 7 o r visit our website atwww.bcbso.com
° F
consider Salem for right candidate To receive
application materials through the ma», call
(5 03 ) 731 -4 0 70 (Portland). The fob
announcement (Including teat questions)
and application tonns are also available by
www.hr.das.state.or.us/Job*. Deadline is
--z-v . '
A- °
: O
June 18. 1999.
. 7 n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available
competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the
following agencies:
Facilities Services
Construction Manager
The Oregon State University campus, located in Corvallis. Oregon,
encompasses 420 acres and 5.6 million square feet of buildings. O S lIs
Principal Executlve/Manager D
Department of Facilities Services is a customer service onentated
organization with a vision and record of continuous improvem ent Our
Business Operations Manager
innovative leader with superior organizational and interpersonal skiHs
department is a leader nationally in the facilities management 8 ™ ° ^ ^
needed to manage business affa irs and oversee b u ^ ” « 8 is an opportunity to join forces with a forwarcHooking department. We
administrative functions in out Region 1 Headquarters ,n Portland. You have an opening for a Construction Manager with a verifiable record of
will lead strategic financial and staffing e ffo rts; direct the Region s excellent custom er service and outstanding perform ance. The
Construction Manager is responsible for the execution of the construction
communication programs, support staff
management, procurement, facilities, automation and 1»“
contracts in accordance with the plans and specifications. This positron
measures, and coordinate activities of locally-assigned central s ta ff
closely coordinates with local building officials regarding latest code
Salary $41 6 2 8 - $ 61.584 annually + excellent benefits, life and health
requirements and provides personal building inspection as required. This
d u r a n c e : pafovacatkxi; sick and persona, leav^
pafo «
s ^ 0
position reviews and recommends disposition of all progress payment
full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement #0C D T92Sa
requests. This position is responsible tor and administers the construction
budget. The Construction Manager supervises 3 construction inspectors
If you are Interested In exercising your
progressive government agency, contact ODOT Recruitment at (503)
and 2-6 student inspectors. Qualifications for this position include
986 -4 0 30 (TTY (503 ) 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) or Halt
Certified Building Inspector, registered professional engineer State ot
Oregon or registered Architect desirable, and a valid drivers license.
www.hr.daa.atata.or.ua/ioba for application
Experience in use of personal computer preferred but not required. Level
AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline s
A Structural Inspector certification also requirefl. This position is a
28, 1999.
professional faculty appointment. Salary is . negotiable based_ upon
experience anO qualifications For an application packet. c o n f t N
StagneePtillilpt at Focllltio« Servlco* by phone (5 41 ) 737-7670 or by
Principal Contributor 3
FAX (541) 737-3724. OSU is an AA/EO employer and has a policy of being
Food Service Administrator
responsive to OuaKareei needs. For full consideration .c o m p le te d
This position is located in Salem and
application packets should be received at Facilities Services by 5 :0 0 p.nv
advisor for food service operations throughout the
on the closing date of June 28. 1999. Applications will be accepted untH
Corrections. Requires five years management expenence m com ec«™ ,
which includes wort, related to management of adult food facilities _ a ary the position has been filled.
is $4.024 to $5.662 a month, plus excellent benefits,
W g g
and Job Announcement «LE99O490 may be obtained from. any Oregrxi
employment <kp.rtm .nt or via« our web I t . at www.doc.state.or.us or Support Services Specialist
call (5 03 ) 3 7 8 4 0 1 3 . Closing date is June 11. 1999
Administrative Specialist 1
The Oregon Board of Medical Examiners, a licensing and disciplinary board,
seeks a h tfily organized person who likes numbers and a varied routine to
serve as the support services specialist in its Administrative Services
Program Rap 2
Department. Salary is $1.808 to $2,516 a month, plus excellent benefits^
Technical Aaalstanco Coordinator
Announcement «IE990S10. R you enjoy procooolng payroll. account»
Help Oregon employers comply with complex labor laws Coordinators
provide telephone consultation and offer educational sem inarson today s
labor laws Requires four years' experience ,n analyzing. * v i * " 8
projects, and It you moot tl
instructing a variety of audiences. Some In-sUtte tta v e ll8requlre^
' ^
___________ K (» 03 )
SoociaHst 1 l I m MS t otton and
,s located in Portland. Salary is $ 2 7 6 3 to $ 1 8 6 5 ,.m o n th Torocrkw.
__ packet For information about the
229-5873 e x t 222 tor an
application materials through the mrif. cafl ( B03) 73 1 4 0 7 0 (Portend).
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