Stiff IJorUaui» tfUieeruer DON’T MISS IT! Juneteenth 4 Celebration in A m erica, Invisible M an, was p ublished to w orldw ide acclaim . S ince then, readers have eagerly aw aited the release o f his second novel, w hich the w riter rew orked thro u g h o ut his life. N ow , thanks to the efforts o f Lew is & C lark p ro fe s s o r John C a lla h a n , the m an u scripts w hich E llison left at his death in 1994 have been assem bled into this long prom ­ ised work. T itle d Ju n e te e n th , the new novel provides am ple evidence o f E llison’s creative genius. As his longtim e friend and literary ex­ ecutor, John C allahan has under­ taken the painstaking task o f as­ se m b lin g the n o v el from the au th o r’s notes, and the result is one o f this year’s most significant events in the w orld o f books. “ Ralph Ellison was alw ays try­ ing to plum b the depth and breadth o f A m e ric a n s o c ie ty ,” n o te s C allahan. “ He was fascinated by the changes and the perm utations, the fluidity and flux o f A m erican B> R alph E llison Portland Arts & Lectures and O rego n C ouncil for th e Humanities Highlight the late Ellison’s Newest Book On Tuesday, June 22 at 7:30pm, ie O regon Council for the Hu- lan ities and Portland Arts & Lec- ares jo in forces to com m em orate he release o f Ralph Ellison snew - st book, Juneteenth. The event, o be held at the First Congrega- ional Church (1126 SW Park Av­ enue), will feature readings from he b o o k ’s editor, John Callahan, is w ell as music by renow ned jazz lianist D arrell Grant. The event is free and open to he public, but seating is lim ited, rick ets can be obtained from the Oregon Council for the H um ani­ ties (812 SW W ashington, Suite 225, Portland, OR 503-241-0543 or 1-800-735-0543), or from the Arts & Lectures (720 SW W ash­ ington, Suite 700, Portland. OR 503-227-2583). Tickets are also availab le through p articip atin g area bookstores: Annie B loom ’s, Broadw ay Books, Looking Glass, P o w ell’s Books on H aw thorne, R eflections Coffee & B ooks and T w enty-Third Avenue Books. R alph E lliso n ’s po sitio n in the literary landscape w as p e rm a ­ n ently secured in 1952 w hen his m asterw o rk on race and identity An a ffiliate o f the N ational E ndow m ent for the H u m an ities, the O regon C ouncil for the H u­ m anities prom otes the h u m a n i­ ties in O regon through c o m p e ti­ tiv e g r a n ts , th e O re g o n C h a u ta u q u a s p e a k e r’s b u re a u , s p e c ia l p ro je c ts a n d e v e n ts , scholarly research and p u b lic a ­ tions. The C ouncil w orks s ta te ­ w ide to provide all O reg o n ian s w ith com m unity-based o p p o rtu ­ nities for learning about h isto ry , lite ra tu re , p h ilo so p h y and the arts. Literary A rts, Inc. is a state­ wide, non-profit organization, with five program s: Portland A rts & Lectures presents a seven-part an ­ nual lecture series and other spe­ cial events featuring authors and artists from the international com ­ munity; Oregon Books A w ards are presented annually in a public fo­ rum o f readers and w riters; O r­ egon Literary Fellow ships provide fiscal support to em erging w riters and sm all independent publishers, W riters in the Schools em ploys O regon authors to teach in a com ­ prehensive writing program w ithin the P o rtla n d /V a n c o u v e r p u b lic schools; Poetry In M otion is an annual project that places the work o f local and national poets on Tri- Met buses and MAX trains. T heir m ission is to sustain and keep vital the im portance o f ideas and know l­ edge through the w ritten word. life.” The book’s title refers to the date in 1865 w hen A frican A m eri­ cans in Texas first learned from U nion soldiers that they had been freed by the Em ancipation P roc­ lam ation. As an annual holiday, Juneteenth was an anniversary that generations o f southern Blacks used to m easure their progress to­ w ards true equality. ... . t , • :'5i The Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and A ccep ted M asons (F&AM) o f Oregon and its Juris­ diction along with The Price Hall Grand Chapter, Orderofthe East- i Star ’s (OES) o f Oregon and o f Portland Police Bureau Saturday, June 26,1999 9:00 p . m . - 12:00 a . m . Where Howard Johnson Aiport Hotel • 7101 NE 82“i.Avenue »Portland, OR For reservations and further information contact: Andrew & JoAnn C hilds’ 1-360-256-5231 Annual Banquet Monday, June 20,1999 6:00 p . m . Social Hour 7:00 p . m . Dinner Keynote sp e a x c r Charles Moose, PH.D., Chief ONE DAY Biblical Faith Miracle And Deliverance Seminar W ith Evangelist W. Pritchett One Great Seminar on how to trust God’s promises In this seminar, you will leant from God’s word How to exercise faith in God so that he will fulfill his promises. Everyone is invited S atu rd ay , Ju n e 12,1999 2 P.M. - 5 P.M. Red Lion Inn Coliseum 1225 North Interstate Portland, Oregon 97227 Ä Gospel Music Workshop ” W ■ ...... H ighland U nited C h urch o f C hrist congregation and m usic de­ partm ent presents a G ospel M usic workshop featuring Sam uel Larry Tow nsend o f Seattle, W ashington. The w orkshop w ill be held on Thursday, June lO ^ a th ^ O p m ,F ri­ day, June 1 l ,h at 6:30pm and Sat­ urday, June 12,h at 10:00am. A lso on June 12,h there w ill be a M usical at 7pm. O n Sunday, June 13"’ the finale w ill be held at 6pm , the H ig h lan d ’s m ass choir in concert w ill perform . W orkshops w ill be held at the O iw tfv r __ u H ighland Tem ple (U nited Church o f C hrist) at 1737 NE A lberta Street, Portland, OR. f For n r m orp fo rm a ation tio n olea ore in inform please contact the H ighland C hurch at _____ _ 503-287-9567. N ew C hurch O pening C elebration Evangel Temple Community Church Come and be with us as we cel­ ebrate our opening on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. Special Revival Services will be held nightly at 7:00 p.m. for the month o f June, with special Guest Speakers. Host Pastor Cary Pratt will start May 30-June 4 at 7:00 p.m. Evangelist Betty King & Lou Stevens from Little Rock, Arkansas June 7-11. N a tio n a l E v a n g e list R onnie Nicholson from Colorado Springs, Colo June 14-18. National Evangelist Dorthy I ate from Phoenix, Arizona June 21-25. Host Pastor Elder Cary Pratt Come and be Blessed Banquet Chairpersons Appreciation Celebration ■or Rev. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr. and spouse, Rev. Helen Haynes Drug Abuse Ministry: A national model founded by Dr. Haynes to re­ store addictive persons, codependents and families. This ministry has im­ pacted the Portland metropol i tan area. • Spiritual Training; Enhance the officers and members o f the Church skills, knowledge and gifts through regular and consistent training. Established the Intercessory Prayer Warriors: Prayer Warriors pray as teams unceasingly for persons, families, churches, youth, cities and nations. • Established the expository ex- egetical method o f verse-by-verse study o f the Bible in the All Church Bible Study. Bible study every Tues­ day Evening - 7:00 P.M. • Cooperative Ministry: Joined Allen Temple in cooperative minis­ try with the “We ’ re Here — We Care ministry o f churches in north and northeast Portland to programmati­ The Allen Temple Christian Meth- dist Episcopal Church will be spon- oring appreciation services for Pas- jr and his spouse, Rev. Dr. Leroy laynes Jr. & Rev. Helen Haynes here it our church located at 4236 NE 81“ < venue, Portland, Oregon. There will >e two days o f celebration, on F riday, une 11, 1999 - 7:30 and Sunday, tune 13,1999 - 4:00 - culmination. There have been a great outpour- ng o f the spirit o f God since Dr. LeRoy Haynes became Pastor at the Mien Temple CME Church. He was ippointed to Allen Temple in 1997. Dr. Haynes has brought with him many gifts and talents as well as being a seasoned pastor. He and his spouse. Rev. Helen Haynes has made a great impact on our church and the Portland community. Some accom­ plishments are as follows: • Established the Resurrection DON’T MISS IT! cally address the Gang problem and youth violence in our community. • The Young adult Homeless Min­ istry: A ministry in which the Young adults serve the homeless with clean used and new clothes and other acces­ sories, also help feed the homeless. There are many other services that Dr. Haynes and spouse under­ take as Pastor and ministers in our church and community, but we can­ not name them all. We take this spe­ cial time to thank them and show our appreciation for their untiring ser­ vice to our church and community. We invite you to come and cel­ ebrate with us on Friday, June 11,1999 - 7:30 P.M. or at the closing service on Sunday, June 13,1999 at 4:00 P.M. We look forwarding to seeing you there. In Jesus’ Love, Allen Temple Church Family waggagç Home Run DEALS When you're looking lor chicken slammin' with flavor, only Popeyes will do! Only Popeyes offers New Orleans Spicy or Louisiana Mild™ chicken. Take Popeyes out to the o ld b a llg o m e or savor the tastiest fried thickea at your own home plate to d a y . The Board of Directors, Students and Staff of N orth Portland Bible College FLAVOR SEEKERS! Hit Homers With These Coupons! invite you to their SJ