• » • i Page B3 V -e -9 *■ e v / d ; A •«*• » . » *-* June 2, 1999 ----------------------------------ïh ? IJortbrob C^h semer ’ 11 y tiri n c c r s P e r f o r i» generation are hooked on synthesiz­ ers and auto-beat, Sharita prefers “the delicacy of those beautiful, w ander­ ing, ancient phrases in which the instrum ents seem to be doing an in- kind of dance and one kind of music harita Productions, a com your whole life, you’d find a way to pany of avant-garde belly com bine them .” dancers based in Portland, “Belly dance was introduced to will present a new work choreo­ me with M iddle Eastern m usic,. graphed to Igor Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring.” Primal and power­ ful, earthy and elegant, this unprec­ edented interpretation will be per­ formed at T he Scottish Rite C enter in Portland, 709 SW 15lh & M orrison, Thursday, June 10 & Friday, Ju n e 11 at 8 PM. Directed and conceived by dancer/ choreographer Sharita (a.k.a. Elinor Friedberg), with historical turn-of-the- century scenery provided by the Scot­ tish Rite Tem ple, the program fea­ tures international belly dance artist Aazura, Dawn Stearns of Gypsy C ara­ van, guest artist Jan e A rcher and the live music of instrum entalist David Rolin of DHOMBA! An optional au­ dience-participation dance party com­ pletes each evening. The com bination of belly dance, traditionally regarded as a Middle Eastern art form, with the music of Stravinsky, one of the century’s most revolutionary classical com posers, seems to Sharita as natural as music which reveals a continuity of tone and dance themselves. “People ask derived from instrum ents much older me how you can com bine belly dance than the traditional classical ones,” and classical music," she says, “and I Sharita recalls. While many in her answer: if you’ve only known one S “Pcoplc ash roc bow you cap combine belly dance and classical music... And I answer, if you’ve only hnown one hind of dance and one hind of music your whole life, you’d find a way to combine tbem.” trícate dance of their own.” She finds that Stravinsky’s work, still consid­ ered by many to be groundbreaking in m odern times, suits her choreog- 1 9 9 9 SU M M ER I vV MeMenamins TH EA TER M ovies N ightly W ITH WEEKEND MATINEES For sch ed u le & in form ation call: 2 8 8 -2 1 8 0 *7- a * M eM enam ins K ennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, O regon (5 0 3 )2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 www.mcmenam ins.com TOUR T O M C O L L IN S presents® num bers fo rth e 1999 Sum m er T our. Kawahara ha choreographed num er­ ous skating specials and individual num bers for m any O lym pic Skating stars. T his is the first year K aw ahara brings hr unique and special talent to C ham pions on Ice. Tickets for Jo h n H ancock C ham ­ pions on Ice 1999 Sum m er T our are available at local ticket outlets and arena box office. More inform ation can be fo u n d o n lin e at w ww.championsonice.com. The Jo h n Hancock Champions on Ice 1999 Summer Tour is a produc­ tion of Tom Collins Enterprises, Inc., continuing a 40-year association with figure skating entertainm ent. or Klimova & Ponom arenko is the n the long and storied history of essence of quality ice entertainm ent. Champions on Ice, it’s hard to W h e re else ca n you see T o d d imagine a more honored or tal­ en ted cast of skaters th a n Jo h n Eldredge in terp retin g the rhym ths of the rink followed by the in d i­ Hancock C ham pions on Ice 1999 vidual ice stylings of O ksana Baiul Summer T our, presented by Tom and V ictor Petrenko? C ollins. T h e tour p erform ances, A udiences are not only seeing the scheduled to visit 45 U.S. cities this athletic ability of these skaters; they year and fe a tu rin g th e likes of are w itnessing creativity by each M ichelle Kwan, T odd E ldredge, skater rarely developed by other skat­ O ksana Baiul and Elvis Stojko. ing shows. T his is the genius of C ollins continues to excel at the C ham pions on Ice and the reason delicate art of mixing today’s new­ people keep com ing back year after est skating stars with the legendary year. In addition to the stellar cast, talents of the past two decades. To Emmy award w inning choreogra­ take the magic of a M ichelle Kwan pher Sarah K arahaw a will direct the or an Elvis Stojko and com bine it o p en in g and closing p ro d u ctio n with the experience of Brian Boitano PR djem be, the dum bek, congas, float­ ing percussion and scud bass. Tickets for The Rite of Spring are $12 in advance or $15 at the door, and can be purchased at Powell’s On H aw thorne, 3747 SE H aw thorne, Pow ell’s T ravel S tore, SW 6"’ & Yamhill, or through FASTIXX at 503/554-9765. Michelle Kwan Todd Eldredge H E A D L IN E irfflHEDY SCH oqi raphy: “Stravinsky’s large range of emotional expression, sliding sounds, and rhythmic complexity com bine to form flowering phrases of superb melodic coherence." In Stravinsky’s original produc­ tion, the Chosen one danced herself to death, and ultimately transcen­ dence, in a fertility sacrifice. T o con­ vey a more assertive feminine role, Sharita researched M artha G raham , the first modern dancer to create the part in the U nited States. S harita’s own version uses eye-catching tech­ niques and flam boyant costumes to meld belly dance to the music’s larger- than-life mythological themes. Aazura (Julie Muniq), who teaches and choreographs in Portland, brings her international touring experience to the role of the Chosen One. In addition to perform ing in Europe, Egypt, and th ro u g h o u t the West Coast, she appeared in “Rigoletto” with the P ortland O pera and “Will U Dance?” at W illam ette University. Guest artist Ja n e A rcher is the dance director of DHOMBA!, P o rtland’s prem ier neo-tribal music and dance group. A soulful dancer with 18 years experience. A rcher will collaborate with D avid R olin, an innovative drum m er whose repertoire includes the Middle Eastern rhythm s of the T"" » -it A’ / “ ûrt LuenitU} at the Ji{{an y' Satwday . M hm 5 - 6 00Pm waOPm Five time Grammy Award Winner * Seven Grammy Nominations * 14 Gold Albums 20 year lead Singer For the legendary Temptations! The VOICE Dennis Edwards ALONG WITH & **lSi •»» Elvis Sto/ho M khelle Kwan Todd Eldredge V* Philippe (andebro Oksana Baiul Surya Bona/y And Nicole Aobak, »udy Galindo, Vtcfoe Petrenko M k h a e l Weiss, Kasakova A Dmitriev a n d Punsalan A Swallow TW TEMPTATION W W W FEATURING DEMOS EDWARDS! Rose Garden f t r o u p S a le « Z im -2 7 8 3 o r 2 M - 3 2 3 0 f lic Or slop by e » I W « b 4 , The K rs l a l i l l h a rld n . One Stop tf u e f r . o r Wfe» C V fte i .»o ar lie h e t» l o h i y - T h re e « h a « « « I I I « r l l » a l t Friday • June 18 • 8:00 PM >mw,lKlKtn«St«.