Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 1999, Page 6, Image 6

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June 2, 1999
(The |)nrthmb ffibaeruer
Employers Expect to Hire
68,000 Teens
Albina Rotarians
Sponsor Annual Rose
Festival Picnic
A lbina Rotary Club is sponsoring
its 1 J 1” A nnual Peninsula Park Rose
Festival and Family Fun Day noon-4
p.m. June 5 at Peninsula Park.
The newly crowned queen and her
court o f ambassadors will acknowledge
three individuals from the community
for their service by planting roses in
their honor in the historic rose garden.
This is the only Rose Festival-sanc­
tioned event in Northeast Portland.
F estivities w ill begin w ith a free
hot dog picnic follow ed by m tro-
duction o f the Rose Festival C ourt
at 12:30 p.m. In addition to the
com m unity leaders being honored,
the top three finishers o f A lbina
Rotary C lu b ’s annual speech co n ­
test w ill be announced.
Entertainment planned includes
fbrmerState Rep. Margaret Carter sing­
ing the national anthem and Jay Shawn
Allen ofTubm an Middle School sing­
ing the Black National Anthem. In
addition, performances will include
the Tribe Called Judah during the rose
Nineteen days and co u n tin g ...
School’s almost out and many o f
the state ’ s young people are starting to
look for summer jobs. Based on the
projection ofbusiness that has applied
to the Bureau o f Labor and Industries
to hire minors, more than 68,000 teens
will join the workforce this year.
"N ow ’s the time for employers,
teens and their parents to m ake sure
they are informed about child labor
regulations,” said the state’s Labor
planting ceremony as well as Primary
Color’s, Becky Underhill o f Boise El­
ementary, Fire Foxes, Janulla Taylor
ofK ing Elementary, Grace McKenzie
G roup o f W h itak er E lem en tary ,
C hargettes and A udrey G reen o f
Humboldt Elementary.
T he ev en t also w ill fea tu re face
p ain tin g , hay rid es, b in g o , d a n c ­
ing and a fire en g in e for y o u n g ­
sters to explore. P en in su la P ark is
lo cated at P ortland B o u lev ard and
A lb in a Street.
PortCancCCity Plumbing Co.
AT&T to Provide Local Business Services and Expanded
Telecommunications Services to State of Oregon
AT&T today announced that it
reached a five-year agreement with the
state ofOregon to provide local services
and a future network migration plan that
are Year2000compliant. Thecompany
will expand its local network in Oregon
and provide enhanced services for local
telephone business customers.
Undera contract signed last Decem­
ber, AT&T will install, operate and
maintain three new switching complexes
in Portland, Salem and Eugene to ser­
vice the needs o f die state ofOregon. It
currently provides local service to
Portland’s Central Business District as
well as Tigard and Beaverton.
“AT&T iseagertoprovideachoice
to business customers in Oregon," said
Terri Paysinger, client business man-
agerofA T& TBusinessServices. “By
implementing A T & T ’s services, Or­
egon will greatly expand and enhance
telecommunications services for all
public and private concerns through­
out the state. As A T&T expands its
network, we will bring integrated end-
to-end solutions to our custom ers”
“This investment into an advanced,
local network is critical to serving the
needs o f our educational and scientific
communities, as well as our business
and rural communities,” said Don
Mazziotti, State o f Oregon chie f infor­
mation officer. “AT&T has stepped
up to the challenge by providing us
with integrated solutions that not only
meet voice, video, and data needs but
also prepare us for the future."
AT&T will provide the state with
ATM switches to consolidate onsite
voice and the opportunity to consoli­
date data traffic. These switches can
provide true dynamic bandwidth allo­
cation among voice, data, and video
services, allowing more traffic to be
earned on fewer high-speed access lines.
In addition, A T&T is extending
the Local Service A rea Network for
Oregon to Bend, Roseburg, Medford,
Grants Pass, and Corvallis by install­
ing switching vehicle devices (PBX
equipm ent) in selected rural areas.
Continued from page A4
the rep o rt focu sed on the sexual
abuse o f w om en p riso n ers. T his is
p articu la rly sig n ific an t w hen one
considers that m any o f the w om en
in our ja ils and p riso n s have been
victim s o f sexual abuse before they
en ter priso n . A m n esty In te rn a ­
tional found that w om en all too
often beco m e v ictim s o f sexual
abuse w h ile they are in prison.
C o n trary to In te rn a tio n a l sta n ­
dards, p riso n s in th e U .S. em ploy
m en to g uard w om en and place
few re stric tio n s on the duties o f
m ale staff. F o r ex am p le, 70% o f
the federal p riso n guards are men.
W om en in p riso n s are o ften v ic­
tim s o f se x u a lly o ffe n siv e la n ­
guage, g ro p in g d uring searches,
m ale s ta ff w atc h in g inm ates w hile
they sh o w er and undress. In the
w o rst c a s e s , th e se w o m en are
raped. O r, in the w ords o f a N ew
Y ork inm ate, “ T hat w as not a part
o f m y se n ten c e, t o . .. perform oral
sex w ith the o ffic e rs.”
T ake the case o f a W ashington
state inm ate w ho gave b irth in
prison after years o f im prisonm ent.
She ch arg ed th at she h ad been
raped by a g uard, w ho d id p rove to
be the b a b y ’s fath e r in D N A te st­
ing, b ut w ho w as n ev e r p ro secu ted
b ecause he claim ed it w as c o n sen ­
sual sex. W a sh in g to n , like m any
states, has no law s crim in alizin g
sex b etw een in m ates and guards.
A m n e s ty I n te r n a tio n a l a lso
found th at w o m en inm ates receive
inad eq u ate h e a lth care. G y n ec o ­
logical e x a m in a tio n s are not rou­
tin e in som e sy stem s, for exam ple.
T here is little in the w ay o f alcohol
o r su b stan ce ab u se trea tm e n t and
few m ental h ealth serv ices pro­
vided. In ad d itio n , U .S. p risons
com m only sh a ck le w om en to h o s­
pital beds, ev en w hen they are in
labor or are d y in g o f can ce r or
o th e r diseases.
The im pact o f the im prisonm ent
o f w om en on their fam ilies cannot
be underestim ated. In 1997-98, the
report found that there w ere 1,300
babies bo m in U.S. prison. In 40
states these babies are taken from
their m others alm ost im m ediately
after birth. In a few, m others are
allow ed keep their infants from 30
days to 24 m onths. In C alifornia,
w om en eligible for a special pro­
gram can keep their babies with
them throughout their incarceration.
A nd w hat about o ld e r ch ild ren ?
T he in c arce ra tio n o f single m o th ­
ers is co m p letely d isru p tiv e to the
Over 25 Years Of Experier ce
AT&T’s current infrastructure in
Oregon includes nine AT&T Central
Offices in Portland, Salem, Eugene,
Beaverton, Bend, Coos Bay, Corvallis,
Medfbtd, and Pendleton, and a local
service office and switch in Tigard.
AT&T’s Wide Area Netw ork infrastruc­
ture connects all points o f presence and
includes a S O N Er Ring for the Pacific
Northwest, as well asafiber ring through-
out the Portland metropolitan area.
AT&T (www.att.com) is the world’s
premier pro vider ofvoice and data com­
munications, with more than 80 million
customers, including businesses, gov­
ernment and consumers. AT&T runs
the world ’ s largest, most powerful long­
distance network and the largest wire­
less network in North America. The
company is a leading supplier o f data
and Internet services for businesses and
the nation’s largest direct Internet ser­
vice provider to consumers. AT&T
also provides local telephone service to
a growing number o f businesses.
Not A Part of Their
cate is good for one year from the date
o f issue and covers all the minors em­
ployed at all the business’s locations.
Currently 5,818 em ployers in O r­
egon have valid E m ploym ent C er­
tificates. These em ployers expect
tocollectively hire over 68,000 teen­
agers this year. R estaurants em ploy
the m ost-nearly 30 percent. Retail
and departm ent stores em ploy an­
other 10 percent. But a host o f other
businesses looks to teens to fill in
during the sum m er m onths.
Com missioner Jack Roberts. "Teen­
agers are a great resource for em ploy­
ers, but there are special rules govern­
ing their hire and em ploym ent.”
Any employer who wants to hire
minors must first apply for an Employ­
ment Certificate from the Bureau o f
Labor and Industries. The application
asks the employer to list the types o f
jobs and hours the teens will work.
Bureau officials check the applica­
tions for compliance before issuing the
Certificate. The Employment Certifi­
• New Construction
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FREE ESTIMATES By The Hour Or By The Job
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Call Today For
1703 NE Alberta St
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Fully Insured and Bonded - Gauranteed - Work you Can Trust CCB# 127729
Black Owned
Please Don’t Feed The Fish!
w hole fam ily, b ut all fam ilies suffer. P ar­
ents o f in carcerated w om en som etim es are
u n w illin g ly throw n into the role o f c a re ­
taker. M arriages su ffer and often are d is­
solved. C h ild ren are den ied visits to th eir
m others, w ho have been deem ed “ u n fit.”
C hildren are put into the fo ster care system .
A ll o f these sow seeds for future problem s
in ou r co m m unities and for social serv ice
In one respect w om en and men are treated
sim ilarly by the crim in al ju stic e system .
T he rate o f im prisonm ent o f w om en o f
co lo r is m uch h ig h er than for E uropean
A m e ric a n w o m e n . A fric a n A m e ric a n
w om en are eig h t tim es m ore likely to be
incarcerated and L atinos are m ore than four
tim es m ore likely to be in carcerated than
w hite w om en.
C learly, the treatm en t o f w om en in U.S.
p risons is an abuse o f hum an rights. It is
one m ore in d icatio n that the U .S, stands o f
shaky m oral ground w hen it calls into a c ­
count o th er nations o f the w orld for th eir
abuse o f hum an rights.
Fish need clean
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F or in fo rm atio n on w hat you can do,
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Clean Rivers
Della Frazier is a staffing administrator
for Pacific Power; she matches job applicants to job
openings. The days are plenty full - but when ITelia
leaves the office, she's not through. The job description
she's written for herself means she then goes on to
mentor at-risk kids, helping with their studies or
preparing them for job interviews.
And the office isn't al wa vs her first stop at the start of
the day, either. One morning a week, Della goes to King
School and volunteers with project SMART - the Start
Making a Reader Today program. She’s worked with
the same first-grader and kindergartner throughout the
'98-99 academic year. They've come to know and trust
and even depend upon one another.
Though Della
is modest about it,
there's more.
Like helping
graduating college students prepare for real-world job
interviews. And going to bat to help save the Jefferson
High School program which trains and places students
not bound for college, into trades professions Raising
funds for scholarships. And helping students find
summer internships
Della Frazier. Teacher, mentor, volunteer, and, for 23
years, part of the team at Pacific Power. In the community.
She writes a mean job description.
A PacifiCorp Company
Making it happen.
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