Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 1999, Page 2, Image 2

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June 2, 1999
<£ht llturtUinb (Dframier
Senior Auto Accident Scam
P ortland P olice B ureau E lder
C rim es D etectives, in cooperation
w ith C rim e S toppers, are asking for
y o ur help in locating and appre­
hending a w om en w ho is targeting
elderly m otorist in a phony auto
accident scam . Since February, o f
this year, eight cases have been re ­
ported in Portland. In all cases, the
victim s have been fem ales over sev­
enty-five years o f age.
The suspect’s M.O. is to w atch for
a senior motorist leaving a grocery
store, or other parking lot, and follow
them home. The suspect then con­
fronts the victim, claim ing that the
victim ’s car struck and dam aged her
car in the parking lot. The suspect
intimidates the victim, claiming if she,
the suspect, files an accident report,
the victim will either lose her license.
her insurance will go up, or both. The
suspect then offers to forget the m at­
ter if the victim will pay her for the
dam age, which she claims is any­
w here from $250 to $500.
The suspect takes the victim ’s
money and leaves, but usually re­
turns within the same day and tells
the victim that the damage is far
greaterthan first thought. Onceagain
intimidating the victim, the suspect
says she needs anyw here from
$1,000 to $10,000 more, to repair
her car, or she will file a report.
The suspect, who uses a first
nam e o f “W edda, ’ is described as
a white female. 35 to 40 years o f
age, 5 ’5 tall, and w eighs approxi­
mately 155 to 160 pounds, with
hair that is dyed"strawberry blond.”
Crime Stoppers is offering a
cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 for infor­
mation, reported to Crim e Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or
any unsolved felony crim e, and you
need not give your name. Call Crim e
Stoppers at (503) 823-H ELP.
Clark County & Neighbors To Kick-
Off Speed Reduction Campaign
gan, and place it in their lawns that face
the road. The distribution o f the 1,250
signs will take place on Saturday, May
22 at the Claik County Public Works
OperationsCenter,4700NE 78'*'Street,
Vancouver, from 9 a.m. to noon. (Or, as
long as supplies last)
In addition to the lawn signs, the
county is installing larger, permanent
versions o f the signs onto all Clark
County N eighborhood Associations
signs. The “ It’s our neighborhood..
Slow Down!” metal signs will be
placed underneath the neighborhood
signs that mark each entrance o f the
35 neighborhood associations in the
county. “The permanent signs will be
a friendly, year-round reminder to
motorists that speeding reduces the
livability o f our neighborhoods," said
Holly Gaya, Clark County Neighbor­
hood O utreach Coordinator.
The campaign kicks off just as school
is preparing to let out for the summer
months, and a lot ofkids will be playing
A ST O R IA , O R E G O N — A c­
cused Seaside Beach thrill killer Bra­
dley Price is slated to take the w it­
ness stand in his ow n defense in his
trial in A storia today. Price and Jesse
M cA llister are accused o f killing
G abriella G oza and Frank N im z Jun­
ior on the beach in Seaside in the
sum m er o f 1997. M cA llister is ac-
cused o f being the triggerm an and is
throughout the neighborhoods.
“We have photo radar, and a multi­
tude o f traffic calming devices that we
could use, but the person with the con­
trol is the person behind the wheel,’ ’ said
JainesNaramore.ClarkCounty Sheriff’ s
Deputy. “Our goal is to raise each driver’ s
awareness, and let them know that they
can make a difference in the quality o f
people’s lives. It can also mean the
difference between life and death."
The “ It’s o u r n eig h b o rh o o d ...
Slow D ow n!” cam paign is being
kicked o ff during N ational Public
W orks W eek, M ay 17-22. The pro­
g ra m w a s in itia lly s ta r te d b y
Clackam as County, O regon, and was
a huge success. C lark C ounty is now
partnering with them for the produc­
tion o f the lawn signs in order to
reduce the individual unit cost.
For m ore inform ation, please con­
tact the Clark County C ustom er Ser­
vice R epresentative at (360) 397-
6118 ext. 4444.
Kelley. Ms. Kelley’s body was re­
cently recovered in theColumbia River.
D ep u ties fo u n d M r. O e s c h ’s
d riv e r’s license w ith the b o d y at the
tim e o f the recovery. T h e body w as
d en t for A m erican E x p ress F in an ­
cial A dviso rs. "W e look forw ard
to a g reat d ay o f g o lfin g to raise
funds to su p p o rt the effo rts o f v o l­
u n te ers w ho b e n e fit m atu re c iti­
zens o f S o u th w est W ash in g to n . ”
T he entry fee is $65 p er person
o r $260 p er foursom e. G olfers can
sign up as individuals to be m atched
w ith other players, or sign up as a
team . E ntry fee includes g o lf cart,
g o lf accesso ries, d o o r p rizes, re­
f r e s h m e n ts , lu n c h b u f fe t an d
aw ards. A prize raffle w ill feature a
w eek’s stay in W aikiki B each spon­
sored by R iv erv iew S avings B ank
C lackam as C ounty S h e r iff s o f­
ficers are trying to catch a b u rg lar in
the com m unity o f M onitor that has
been frightening sm all girls. A c­
co rding to the s h e rif f s office, the
b u rg lar apparently w ants to touch
sm all girls. He b reaks into hom es
V an co u v er W ay w ithin the C ity ’s
C entral Park D istrict.
T he p ro p erty w as acq u ired by
the C ity from the federal g o v ern ­
m ent in 1974 and is u n d ev elo p ed ,
ex c ep t for a p ath w ay co n n ectin g
Tort V an co u v er W ay w ith F o u rth
Plain B oulev ard . In ex ch an g e for
rec eiv in g title to th e p ro p erty , the
C la rk C o lle g e F o u n d a tio n h as
during the night and touches the
girls as they sleep in their beds. O ne
little girl said she w oke up to find
him standing alongside her bed. He
also has left pornography in som e o f
the hom es he entered. N one o f the
girls have been injured.
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r a tin g a u th o r ity , A .M . Best.
(airfare not included).
P lay ers o f all ages an d ab ilities
are w elco m e. P ro ceed s from the
to u rn am en t w ill b en e fit R SV P. “ It
is ex c itin g to w o rk w ith so m any
talen ted and carin g p eo p le w ho
are p u ttin g th is to u rn a m e n t to ­
g ether, from m any d iffe re n t b u si­
n ess and so c ial o rg an iz atio n s in
C lark C o u n ty ,” say s v o lu n te e r
C o n stan ce G u ald en , P erso n al F i­
nancial P la n n e rw ith A E FA . “ T his
is a co m m u n ity th at tak es care o f
its v e n e rab le a d u lts.”
To re g iste r fo r the to u rn am en t
call Ju d y D avis at 576-9 9 8 5 .
have family behind you.
City To Hold Public Hearing On Property Sale
A public h earin g is sched u led
M o n d a y , J u n e 7, b e f o r e th e
V an co u v erC ity C ouncil fo rth e p u r-
p o se o f ap proving a P urchase and
S ale A greem ent b etw een the C ity
and th e C lark C o lleg e F oundation.
T he A greem ent p ro v id es that the
C ity w ould convey approxim ately
4.8 acres o f property south o f F ourth
P lain B oulevard and w est o f F ort
released to the M u ltnom ah C ounty
M edical E xam iners o ffice w ho w ill
o ffic ia lly identify the body and no­
tify fam ily m em bers. Mr. O esch is
from Sw eden.
Burglar Frightens Small Girls
Golf Tournament To Benefit Retired
And Senior Volunteer Program
A m e ric a n E x p re ss F in a n c ia l
A d v is o r s a n d th e C i ty o f
V a n c o u v e r R e tire d an d S e n io r
V o lu n te e r P rogram (R S V P ) invite
g o lfers to p lay fo r fun and p rize s
at the 18,h A nnual R S V P 'Jim C h riss
M em o rial G o lfT o u m a m e n t at T ri-
M o u n ta in G o lf C o u rse, 1701 N W
2 9 9 ,h St. in R id g efield . T he T o u r­
n am en t is sc h ed u le d F rid ay , June
2 5, from 8 a.m . to 2 p.m .
“ A m eric an E x p re ss F in an c ial
A d v iso rs (A E F A ) w elco m es the
o p p o rtu n ity to p a rtic ip a te in this
im p o rta n t com m u n ity e v e n t,” says
F ran k M o ssett, F ield V ice P resi-
already serving a life prison term.
C ourt observers say this w ill be the
m ost im portant day o f the trial for
Price w ho has m aintained he tried to
stop the killings.
Body Found In The Columbia River
Atapproxim ately4:30p.m. onM ay
24, 1999 a Coast G uard crew spotted
what they thought was a body floating
approximately 2-3 miles upriver from
the 1-5 Bridge on the Colum bia River.
TheCoastGuard called the Multnomah
County S h eriffs office and a patrol
boat was dispatched to the area. River
Patrol Deputies recovered the body o f
a Caucasian adult male.
S heriffs deputies believe the body
is that o f 39 year old Hans Oesch. Mr.
Oesch crashed into the Columbia River
in a light plane on January 8th, 1999
along with his passenger Kimberley E.
The Clark County Public Works
Department is working with neighbors
to try to get motorists to slow down
voluntarily in neighborhoods.
ourneighborhood... Slow Down!’’lawn
signs to residents living in the unincor­
porated areas o f Clark C ounty (outside
o f city boundaries), as part o f an overall
effort to make drivers aware o f the
dangers and consequences o f speeding.
“The county is focusing its cam­
paign on making drivers more aware ot
the dangers and consequences ofspeed-
ing, and encouraging motorists to drive
more safely,” said Pete Capell, Clark
County Engineer. “W e receive numer­
ous complaints about speeding vehicles
in neighborhoods. This campaign is one
o f our strategies to help reduce speeds
on residential streets."
Citizens living in the unincorporated
areas o f Clark County are encouraged
topick up a free lawn sign with the "It’s
ourneighborhood.. .SlowDown! slo­
Accused Killer To Testify
Before y o u make y o u r move,
m ake o n e call a n d a h e lp fu l,
friendly agent w ill be delighted to
tell you more. Then go ou t there
and conquer
the w orld...
w e ll be right
behind you.
ag reed to im p ro v e p e d e stria n a c ­
ce ss, p ro v id e lig h tin g and u tiliz e
th e p ro p erty in c o n fo rm ity w ith
the C lark C o lleg e M a ster P lan and
th e C e n tral P ark M a ster Plan. For
a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t
K e lly P u n te n e y at V a n c o u v e r-
C lark P arks and R ecrea tio n S er­
v ices, 6 9 6 -8 1 7 3 .
National Neighborhood Award
Goes To The Columbian
• • ••
T h e C o lu m b ia n n e w sp a p er is
one o f seven o rg a n iz a tio n s from
acro ss the U .S. se le c te d to rec eiv e
th e p r e s tig io u s N e ig h b o rh o o d s
U -S.A . (N U S A ) N o tab le A w ard.
T he aw ard w as ac c e p te d on b e h a lf
o f,T h e C o lu m b ia n b y V a n c o u v er
M ay o r R oyce E. P o llard on T hurs-
day, M ay 27, d u rin g the annual
N eig h b o rh o o d s U SA C o n feren ce
in M ad iso n , W is.
T he N otables A w ard is reserved
for those “ silent p artn e rs” w ho p ro ­
vide im po rtan t co n trib u tio n s to the
com m unity.
The City o f V ancouver’ s Office o f
N e ig h b o rh o o d s n o m in a te d T h e
Columbian for the exceptional contri­
butions it makes which help citizens
connect to government, to one an­
other and to understand how they can
make a difference in their com m unity.
Master Plan Completed For Fir Garden Park
C lark P ark s & R e crea tio n S e r­
vices has c o m p le te d a final m a ster
p la n fo r F ir G ard en Park. T he park
is e a st o f N E 155* A v en u e and
n o rth o f N E 4 2 nd S treet. P lan n ed
im provem ents include an enhanced
e n try from N E 4 3 rd S treet, sig n ag e.
co n crete/asp h alt access to the p lay ­
g round, g en eral site g rad in g , play
eq u ip m en t, ben ch , d rin k in g fo u n ­
tain and law n seed in g .
T he tim elin e for co n stru c tio n
includes gro u n d b rea k in g in the
m id d le o f Ju ly , w ith p ark d e d ic a ­
tion in N ovem ber.
C o p ies o f the m a ste r p lan are
a v a ila b le b y c a lli n g R o d n e y
W o jta n ik at V a n c o u v e r - C la r k
Parks & R ecreatio n S erv ices. 696-
8171 ext. 8426.
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