• • » • < f ; .W s : i'Ä - - ‘ - X ... ÍV .-.V . , , A ? ... . Page B8 3T4?e Çortlanb (Ubefrm June 2,1999 To The Editorial Board of the Oregonian: The staff, students and parents o f Jefferson high School were shocked and disappointed to read the May 23rd article and the May 26,h editorial in the Oregonian con­ cerning Jefferson and its progress this year. The Jefferson family is stru g g lin g to u n d e rsta n d Mr. Ottey ’ s motivation for writing such a subjective piece o f journalism and feel com pelled to respond to his inaccurate and distorted view o f the efforts and progress being made toward turning Jefferson stu­ dent achievem ent around. Rather than objectively m ea­ sure Jefferson’s success against the Redesign Plan G oals, it ap­ pears that Mr. O ttey decided to measure our progress subjectively based on what he felt should be the results o f hard work and com m it­ ment to our students. Our accom ­ plishm ents, which can be identi­ fied based on the Redesign Plan, speak for themselves. A quarterly report by the Northwest Regional Lab indicates the following: • A fourteen-m em ber Site Council has completed work on a School Improvement Plan that will drive our work with students for the next three years. • A comprehensive counseling plan is in place for the first time. • A new attendance plan is in place. • A discipline committee met all year to craft a new discipline plan which will be implemented in Sep­ tember. Significant progress has been made in creating a school-wide area netw ork, including e-mail access throughout the building. An Intel challenge has been made in creating a school-educa­ tion departm ent for life skills in­ struction. Two com puter labs, an Apple- based and a PC-based, have been developed and are used daily by teachers and students. Professional development in the rently 252 freshm en enrolled at Jefferson. This is a decrease o f 40 students, not 200 freshmen. This decrease represents a 13.5% de­ crease not 50% as reported by Mr. Ottey. following areas are ongoing or have occurred. W orking with at-risk youth, portfolio and work sample a sse ssm e n t, drug and alco h o l awareness, TRIBES overview, and collaboration Sessions on the Cer­ tificate o f Initial M aster and Pro­ ficiency Admissions Standards tor all staff have been conducted. Three consultants assist school staff w ith planning for the C ertifi­ cate o f Advanced Mastery. The first group o f seniors gradu­ ates in June from the Health Sci­ ence BioTech Academy. The article and the editorial are also disturbing because they were not based on accurate data. In writing his article, Mr. Ottey had the opportunity to use accurate data and chose not to. He does not claim to have data that neither Jefferson, PPS nor the State yet has. He also had the opportunity to quote accurately but he chose to quote out o f context and create his own quotes. I w ould like to take this oppor­ tunity to correct some of the inac­ curacies o f Mr. O ttey s article, some alternatives o f which were repeated in the editorial. O regonian: “ Spotty attendance remains a problem .” F act: Average daily attendance has improved. The chart below is taken from the A -l report subm itted monthly to PPS and the state and com pares last year’s attendance to current attendance. 1 9 9 7 /9 8 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 1 9 9 8 /9 9 80% 73% 70% 71% 71% 67% 68% 69% 94% 83% 89% 90% 88% 90% 92% 92% O regonians: “Test scores are still very low. More than tw o-thirds o f 10th grad­ ers this year failed to m eet the statew ide benchm ark for math achievem ent.” O regonian: “Jefferson the began w ith year 400 about freshm en, but h a lf h av e since dropped out, m oved to a lte rn a tiv e program s or transferred to other schools. The State has not released the assessm ent scores for this year. N either the D istrict nor Jefferson high School has test scores avail­ able. Mr. O ttey was inform ed that no test scores w ere available. D isciplinary actions in 1997/ 98 resulted in 6 expulsions from school. As o f M arch 1999 there have been a total o f 19 expulsions for severely misbehaving students. Jerry Conrath provided the staff with training on dealing with dis­ ruptive students. M ich ael G ric e p re se n te d a w orkshop on understanding cul­ ture and how to effectively deal with disruptive students in the classroom. The num ber o f Deans to work with disruptive students was in­ creased from 2 to 3. A student A ssistan ce Team (SAT) was created to review be­ havioral referrals on students dem­ onstrating continual disruptive be­ havior in the classroom . Five in­ tervention teams were created to conduct intensive one-on-one in­ terventions w ith chronically dis­ October - February - May Oct. 97 Feb. 98 863 990 Je ffe rso n began th e sc h o o l y e a r w ith 292 fre sh m e n . There are cur- Oct. 98 Feb. 99 922 916 Mav 98 Oct.-Feb. # changed Oct. - May % R etained Oct. - May //changed Oct. - May 811 -127 87.2 -179 May 99 Oct. - Feb // changed Oct. - Feb % Retained Oct. - May //changed Oct. - May 855 -6 00.7 -61 1“ M O NEY Columbia Insurance Group, Inc. (503) 643-8002 • (877) 895-8600 F a c t: This has been the trend for sev­ eral years. This is not new infor­ mation. O regonians: The photo, which appeared with the Sunday article, showed a class­ room full o f empty seats. O rego n ian s: “ Roberts has committed to stay­ in g o n ly o n e m o re y e a r at Jefferson.” F a c t: 1 have continually stated to staff, students, parents and the District that I will stay as long as it takes to get the jo b done. M ichael O ttey was not told that I intended to return for only one year. He has been inform ed on The photo was actually taken prior to the arrival o f students for class. The attendance o f one class one day does not reflect the reality of the schools attendance, any more than one reporter represents the entire O regonian staff. several occasions that I will re­ main until the jo b is done, or one o f the v ic e -p rin ­ c ip a ls is p re p a re d to assume the p rin c i­ pal-ship. Michael % Retained O tte y a t­ te n d e d a Town Hall 81.9 m eeting at Jefferso n . % R etained I spoke to an a u d i­ ence of 93.3 p a re n ts It should be clear that m uch o f the inform ation presented in Mr. O ttey’s article and the subsequent repetition o f it in the editorial have made the task o f revitalizing Jefferson a m uch more difficult task. It is ju st this sort o f m isin­ form ation that has been instru­ m ental in Je ffe rso n ’s decline. W hile we do not except the truth to be glossed over, neither do we expect m isinform ation to m as­ querade as truth. We feel that Mr. O ttey and the O regonian have done the Jefferson community and the readership o f the paper as a w hole a great disservice by their inaccurate and very negative re­ porting and editorializing. We hope to see more fair and accu­ rate reporting in the future. F a c t: M LS n u \n t in t i i tt n VM 237 « ’ 77 Fat .503 212 M J 7 *4 C h e W - l $1 Portland Oid^on 972» ) CO!11 * 5 * bo » com C hris G uinn 111 Realtor Fax (503)643-6671 Free Phone Quotes • W e Shop For You! — I PHILLY CAFE Commercial $ Q 2 â Carpet ' 5sov° 12X13 Rem segas Laminate Flooring $1& S Vinyl $4ââ 4 4 5 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH 2 8 8 -9 3 6 7 Fish & Chips Terriyaki Chicken & Beef .Hamburgers & FLOOR COVERING 503-287-6225 I did not tell Mr. O ttey that 1 was seriously considering not re­ turning to Jefferson. 1 have no plan or desire to run for political office. M 224-6780 Ext. 1H I F a c t: PROPERTIES 10700 SW Beaverion/Hillsdale Hwy • Ste. #110 Beaverton, OR 97006 4818 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 “Some 30 percent o f students in the Jefferson attendance areas choose to go to other Portland high schools.” A Mortgage Division LOW PRICED AUTO INSURANCE Portlands Costless Carpet O regonians: Financial R aym o nd E. Love CARPET “ She seriously considered not returning at all.” “ Roberts said she is considering a run for politi­ cal office.” M IL LE N N IU M 4640 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 90 Portland, Oregon 97201 S A V E B IG O N O regonians: D iiro c iio T y " e rv ic e ess and com m unity members and as­ sured them that 1 was at Jefferson for the long haul and that in fact I was mentoring two vice-principals as potential candidates for the principalship at Jefferson. ruptive students and their parents or guardians. A n in-school detention center is in place to provide supervision and redirection for disruptive stu­ dents. An after school detention cen­ ter is in place and teachers are able to refer students. O regonian: Enrollment Change F act: B n s m F a c t: SOFT MONDAY - SATURDAY, 8:30 a m . ; 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. _____ "Tsoro CANNON’S Larry Matthews Owner = R tB EXPRESS= YAM SttfU YAM’S 'Sankan Chicken • Pork Rlbe « Beef Riba " Catering & Take-Out 503/284-J 272 Hour» , _ , Wayne & JOanita Cannon (Proprietors) Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q N to M h w l1:30am-9:00pm» FR I-S A T11:30am-11:00pm» Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 288-3836 3328 N.E. KILLINGSWORTH BU Y A N D SELL Often 7 cixuft a BIG CITY PRODUCE «B U M S mall E ngine R epair S harpning 460-3830 RHONDA SMITH 5700 N.E. 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