Page B2 May 26, 1999 dbc iJortlanì» (Observer Community Youth Celebrate Opening of New Field Commissioner, Jim Francesconi and Portland State University President, Daniel Berstlne, discuss the celebration of the opening of the new community recreation field. Portland State University, in p a rtn e rsh ip w ith N IK E and Jammin 95.5 celebrated the offi­ cial opening o f PSU ’s new com­ munity recreation field by holding the firs t-e v e r S p rin g -F e st. SpringFest ’99 “a free all-day” event celebrated opportunities for community youth. Kids from the police Activities League, the Boys and Girls Club, the Catholic Youth Organization, the Gang Resistance Education and Training program, and the greater Portland commu­ nity were in attendance. SpringFest ’99 featured inter­ active sports challenges, perfor­ mances by local music, dance and theater groups, free refreshments, face painting, the D.A.R.E. cor­ vette, the Portland Police K-9 unit, the Portland Fire Department, as well as m any other activities. PSU’s community recreation field is unique not only in the opportu­ nities that it provides, but in its com position; it is made form 70,000 pairs o f shoes recycled by NIKE, 5,500 tires and 24 dump trucks o f sand. SpringFest ’99 took place at PSU’s Community Recreation Field (10'h & S W Hall), Saturday, May 22,1999, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jammin’ 9 5 .5 & Nike partnership with PSU to host "Springiest ’99," a community event for community youth. Anthropologist Defends Makahs PORTLAND, OREGON — An ipert on N orthw est Indian culture id professor o f anthropology at ortland State U n iv ersity says haling is central to the cultural identity o f the Makah Tribe. Fol­ lowing last weeks slaughter o f a gray whale off the Northwest W ash- ington coast. Professor Ken Ames ex p lain ed how the hunt could Breakthrough Treatment for Immune S ystem P roblem s Unveiled in The Im m u n e System Cure any have speculated that new treatments for HIV will almost certainly originate in A frica, since so many others are infected with the deadly virus. Now, thirty years after scientists began isolating that active ingredients in African herbal preparations and using them to treat p rostate p roblem s, Lorna V anderhaeghe and Patrick Bouic, Ph. D report that the plant fats which gave those African prepara­ tions their medicinal effect are also effective in treating HIV, H epati­ tis C, allergies, stress induced ill­ ness and autoim m une disorders like rheum atoid arthritis and m ul­ tiple sclerosis. Their new book. The Immune System Cure, N ature’s W ay to Su­ per Pow ered H ealth (K ensington Books, U S ., 1999), draw s on over two decades o f clinical research on the p la n t fa ts s te ro ls and sterolins perform ed in G erm any, and in Professor B o u ic’s labora­ tory at Stellenbosch U niversity in Cape Town, South A frica. The Immune System Cure ad­ dress im portant questions, includ­ ing: w hat causes one person to Loma Vanderhaeghe, Ph. D, coauthor or a new d o o h . m e im m une o j » « . . . catch a cold or flu, and another to Cure, Nature’s Way to Super Powered Health (Kensington Books, U.S., 1999). avoid it? W hy does one person with HIV live w ithout sym ptom s, A bram H offer, MD, Ph D ., an • How to avoid the common and another develop AIDS and expert in orthom olecular m edi­ cold and flu succumb quickly?, why does a sub­ cine, and co-w rote Fats that H eal, stance, harm less to one person, • How to avoid the side effects Fats that kill, and the K itchen cause another to be incapacitated of chemotherapy G uide, w ith Udo E rasm us, Ph D. by allergies?, and, why does seri­ M ost recently, she co-authored • Healing fats and harmful fats ous outbreaks o f infectious dis­ The Immune System C ure, w ith e a se le a v e so m e p e o p le u n ­ Patrick Bouic, Ph.D .; the book Lorna V anderhaeghr is a health touched? L om a V anderhaeghe w ill be released early in 1999. jo u rn a list w ho has been research­ and Professor Bouic conclude that Lorna V anderheage w ill visit ing and w riting on the subject o f supercharging the im m une system Portland June 3rd. Lorna w ill be n u tritional m edicine for over fif­ through diet, stress m anagem ent giving free open to the public teen years. She is edito r-in -ch ief and nutritional supplem entation sem inars at the D oubletree H otel o f H ealthy L iving G uide, a C ana­ enables it to do w hat it is designed at Jantzen Beach from 7-9 p.m . dian new sstand m agazine, and o f to do: fight disease. She will be discussing how to keep A live, a health periodical. She is This inform ative new book pro­ our immune system s healthy and also senior editor for the Ency­ vides A m erican readers w ith in­ strong. clopedia o f N atural H ealing, w in­ form ation about For additional inform ation or if ner o f the B enjam in F ranklin • 10 super Immune boosting you have any questions call 1 -800- A w ard in 1998. She w orked for nutrients 999-4859. five years under the direction o f M r strengthen the social and spiritual lives o f coastal Indians. He says the tribe hunted whales for two-thou- sand years before the practice was outlaw ed in the 1920’s. McAllister Tries To Escape tSTORIA, OREGON— Clatsop inty deputies say they found a ide note addressed to accused derer Bradley Pierce in the cell ‘thrill killer” Jesse McAllister. : note was found after McAllister i caught trying to escape from the iry in the prison. Sergeant Mark W hisler says M cAllister stacked chairs on a table to climb through ceiling tiles. But an alert deputy walked in and saw his foot hanging down. McAllister came back down into the library after being threat­ ened with pepper mace. The note to Price said McAllister wanted to tes­ tify for his former friend, but claimed that defense lawyers were NOT ask­ ing the right questions to acquit Price. McAllister may be called back to the stand this week in Pierce’s defense. Price faces life in prison if convicted o f the 1997 murders o f Brook Goza and Kasey Nimz. Grain Elevator Fire Investigated THE D ALLES, OREGON — re investigators, including mem- rs o f the O regon State Police •son Unit, have com pleted an i-site evaluation o f w h a t’s left o f the old Port o f The D alles grain elevator. The building was de­ stroyed in a spectacular blaze that b egan S aturday m orning. Fire M arshall O ffice spokesw om an Sally G ilpin says the intensity o f the fire and aggressive suppres­ sion efforts left NO physical evi­ dence to help officials determ ine the cause o f the fire. Groups Demand Anti- Smoking Funds SA LEM , O REG O N — A co a­ litio n o f a n ti-sm o k in g g roups w ants to be sure that at least 25- percent o f O reg o n ’s share o f the national tobacco settlem ent will be spent on sm oking prevention program s. The C oalition For A H ealthy Future has launched a series o f radio and print adver­ tisem ents to get law m akers to spend at least 18-M illion dollars a year to expand the state Health D ivision’s current prevention pro­ gram s R epublican leaders in the legislature have suggested that the m oney be locked up in a trust fund w ith the interest used for sm oking prevention program s. Gasoline Prices Dropping PORTLAND, OREGON — Iregon’s Triple-A says its new urvey reveals the average price f unleaded regular is a-dollar- -a-gallon... ten-cents cheaper than a m onth ago But the price is still 24-cents-a-gallon steeper than a year ago. The least expensive gas in the state can be found in sp a rse ly -in h a b ite d e a ste rn Or- SALEM , O REG O N — The O r­ egon Senate has approved legisla­ tion that w ould m ake changes to the state's minimum wage law The Tri-Met Offers Youth Summertime Bargain Youth can again enjoy unlimited travel at a bargain price this summertime on Tri-Met. “The Pass," which goes on sale Thursday, May 20, also offers discounts at local merchants. With “The Pass,” youth 18 and under can ride Tri-Met’s buses and MAX light rail trains all June, July and August for just $43. That’s half the regular price of three monthly youth passes. The special pass is available at participating schools, and Tri-Met sales outlets including Fred Meyer, Safeway and most Albertson’s stores in the Portland metropolitan area. Pass holders qualify for these special discounts: McDonald’s: Free dessert with purchase of an Extra Value Meal. Offer excludes McFlurry dessert. Ice Chalet at Lloyd Center & Clackamas Town Center: $1 off general admission. OMSI: $1 off general admission. North Clackamas Aquatic Park: $1 off general admission. “We’re really pleased to bring back this affordable way of helping youth meet their summertime travel needs,” said Fred Hansen, Tri-Met General Manager. “We expect The Pass to continue to be a big hit.” More information about The Pass and Tri-Met is available by calling 238-RIDE. egon. . . where the average price is a-dollar-34. The W est still has the highest gasoline prices in the na­ tion. The national average is now a-dollar-15. Minimum Wage Law Changes Approved changes would low er minimum wages for w orkers that receive tips and would allow em ployers to pay a training wage to younger w ork­ T R I - M ET N E WS TRI-MET 238-RIDE H ow w e g e t th e re m a tte rs . TTV’ 238-5811 • ers during their first 45 days on the job. O pponents o f the bill hope G overnor John K itzhaber will veto the legislation. 1