Page A3 May 26, 1999 ^Jortlanò CObaeri 1er Mom Convicted of Starving Her Boy By BETH G A R D IN E R ______________ © T he A ssoc ia t e d P ress (NEW YO RK (A P) — A young m other who blam ed b re a st-fe e d ­ ing problem s for the d eath o f her em aciated 2-m onth-old son w ept as she was co nvicted o f crim in ally n eg lig en t hom icide T abitha W alrond, 21, faces up to four years in prison w hen she is s e n te n c e d . S he w as a c q u itte d W ednesday o f the m ore serious charge o f manslaughter, which could have brought her a 15-year sentence. P rosecutors said Ms W alrond starved 2-m onth-old T yler in 1997 to spite his father, w ho left her sh o rtly afte r she got preg n an t — or, at the very least, ignored signs th a t the baby w as starving. T he d efense said she w as a d o t­ ing m other w ho d id n ’t realize that her surgically reduced breasts w ere failin g to n ourish her child. D e­ fense attorney S usan T ip o g rap h said T y ler m ay have suffered from an adrenal gland d iso rd er — not m alnutrition. B u t a u to p s y p h o to g r a p h s show ed the boy w as em aciated , h av in g d ro p p ed from his b irth w eig h t o f nearly 8 p o u n d s to about 5 pounds. “ 1 think a child o f that size, with skin folds creasing over the legs and the arms, would have been hard to not notice,” ju ro r A nthony Bosco, 24, said outside the courthouse Ms. W alrond te stifie d that she never n o ticed T y le r’s w eig h t loss. She said she took n a tu ra l-c h ild ­ birth classes, w ent to n ig h t school to finish high school b efo re T yler w as b o m and ch o se to b reast-feed becau se d o cto rs an d fam ily told her “b reast is b e st.” A ll th o s e a c tio n s , M s. T ip o g ra p h sa id , d e m o n s tr a te d m o th e r ly lo v e . S h e s a id M s. W alrond b ro u g h t T y ler to a clin ic for a ch eck u p but w as tu rn ed aw ay b ecau se she d id not h av e a M ed ic­ aid card for him. Ms. W alrond sobbed on the w it­ ness stand as she d escrib ed how she found T yler looking lifeless and foam ing at th e m o u th and rushed him to the hospital in a taxi. “ I s a id ‘F a s te r , f a s te r ! ... S o m e th i n g ’s w ro n g w ith m y b ab y !” ’ she said. “ H e left m e, he died in the cab. I felt him le av e .” Hate Crimes E ÜI Fails in Texas By M IC H A E L HOLMES_____________ © T he A ssociated P ress AUSTIN, Texas — Texas law­ makers have abandoned a hate crimes bill designed to protect homosexuals, with Democrats blaming Gov. George W. Bush for its failure and accusing the Republican presidential prospect o f showing no leadership. The bill named for James Byrd Jr., the black man dragged to death behind a pickup truck in East Texas, had the backing o f President Clinton and Democratic presidential candi­ date Bill Bradley. It w ould have toughened the state's hate crim es law by increasing the crim inal penalties. It would also w ould have specifically included homosexuals for the first time. Asked repeatedly about the bill. Bush has said only: “ I will look at the bill when it makes it to my desk, if it makes it to my desk.” Sen. Rodney Ellis, a H ouston Democrat, suggested that presidential politics is playing a role, with the sexual orientation provision a sticking point. “ Since our governor is a leading presidential hopeful, the eyes o f the world are on T exas," Ellis said. “ E v­ erything we do now takes on na­ tional im plications.” The bill sailed through the Demo- cratic-co n tro lled H ouse but lan ­ guished for weeks in a com m ittee o f the R epublican-controlled Senate. It was abandoned late Friday, a day after two failed attem pts by Demo­ crats to force a full Senate vote. The Legislature adjourns M ay 31. “Jam es Byrd Jr. is probably turn­ ing in his grave tonight,” said Sen. Royce West, a Dallas Democrat. “He cannot rest, and we should not rest, until Byrd and his family can bring closure to this issue.” B u sh sp o k e sw o m a n K aren Hughes said the governor’s office offered ideas in an effort to break the stalemate, but critics w eren’t con­ vinced o f his support. “He wants the world to believe that he is a ‘compassionate conservative. ’ We want the world to know that his compassion does not extend to all the citizens o f Texas,” said the Rev. Michael Piazza o f D allas’ Cathedral o f Hope, which claims the world’s largest homosexual congregation. Dianne Hardy-Garcia, executive director o f the Lesbian and Gay Rights Lobby o f Texas, attacked Bush’s neutrality. “His unconscio­ nable, immoral lack o f leadership on this issue is both tragic and exasper­ ating,” she said. School Attack Is Troubling President, First Lady to Visit Columbine, Colo. B y SANDRA SOBIERAJ © T he A ssociated P ress With blood spilled today at yet an­ other American high school, President Clinton urged Congress to press for­ ward with gun control legislation and asked all Americans to * ’come together in the face o f these events to protect our children from violence. ’ ’ M om ents b efo re leaving for Littleton, Colo., where 12 students and a teacher were killed a month ago, the president said, ‘ 'The news this morning o f another school shooting... in subur­ ban Atlanta is deeply troubling to me as it is to all Americans. ’ ’ ’’This incident again should under­ score how profoundly important it is that all Americans come together in the face o f these events to protect our chil­ dren from violence,” he said. W ith the Senate debating gun con­ trol legislation 20 blocks away from the su n -d a p p le d R o se G a rd e n , Clinton referred to the debate and said A m erican m ust ‘'press ahead again with the national cam paign.” Clinton, who traveled a year ago to Oregon and another high school rav­ aged by gunfire, was headed with his wife, Hillary, to meet with victims’ relatives at Littleton's W orld Roman Catholic Church. The church is about three miles from Columbine and the place where counselors worked with survivors after the shooting. T he president, L ockhart said, wants to ‘ 'articulate how the country shares the g rief o f the Littleton stu­ dents and the Littleton community, and highlight the rem arkable resil­ ience o f these students and o f this com m unity.” Randy Lapp said his 16-year-old son, Joshua, who escaped from the Columbine library, will attend the meet­ ing. But he is not sure ifthevisitwillhelp Joshua recover. Tom Mauser, whose son Daniel was killed, said he was looking forward to meeting with Clinton. Mauser has criti­ cized the National Rifle Association, and formed a gun-control group called Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic. ‘ ’Certainly we’ll talk aboutmy son,” Mauser said. He also plans to give the presidentsome written questions, which he declined to specify "W e’re hoping it will help the heal­ ing process,” she said. Six Georgia High School Students Shot 15-Year-Old Sophomore Taken Into Custody By JAMES PILCHER © T he A ssociated P ress CONYERS, Ga. - A student with two guns opened fire at his high school today, shooting six schoolmates ex­ actly one month after the Colorado massacre, authorities said. The sus­ pect tearfully surrendered after put­ ting a gun into his own mouth. T he m ost se rio u sly w oun d ed stu d en t w as listed as sta b le after surgery for a g u n sh o t w o u n d to the intestines. Hours after today’s shooting, the U S. Senate approved a D em ocratic proposal - with Vice President A1 G ore casting a tie-breaking vote - to place fresh restrictions on gun trans­ actions. The proposal w ould require mandatory background checks for all transactions at gun show s and for anyone seeking to reclaim a weapon at a pawn shop. The suspect w as d escrib ed as a 15-year-old sophom ore at H eritage H igh School w ho acco rd in g to a friend had recently b roken up with his girlfriend. T he gunm an had two w eapons, a ,22-caliber rifle and a .22-caliber revolver, D istric t A t­ torney R ichard R ead said. *’I looked to m y left an d saw this guy in fro n t o f the g irls b ath ­ ro o m ,” said Je ssie M cC u m b er, a 15-year-old freshm an. " H e s ta rte d running sidew ays and sh o o tin g his g u n a t n o p a r ti c u la r p e r s o n . E v ery o n e’s scream in g , ‘O h, my G od, h e ’s got a g u n !” ’ The shootings happened about 7:55 a.m ., or about 20 m in u tes b e­ fore classes w ere to b eg in in this m iddle-class suburb 20 m iles east o f A tlanta. T oday was the final day o f classes for seniors at H eritage " I th o u g h t it w as firecrack ers until I saw the kids ru n n in g tow ard m e ,” m ath teacher T ony G ray said S enior Joe W atts said the g u n ­ m an d ropped the rifle as he fled. O nce o u tsid e, he p u lled o u t a re ­ volver, dro p p ed to his k nees and put it in his m outh, W atts said. A n assistant principal em braced the gunm an, w ho began cry in g and s a id , " O h , m y G o d , I ’m so sc a re d ,” W atts said. It w as " c o m p le te p an d e m o ­ nium ,” senior M ichael R am os said. N athaniel D eeter, 15, said the gunm an had broken up w ith his g irlfrien d three days ago an d since then had told D eeter, " I h av e no reason to live an y m o re .” " I told him he w as c ra z y ,” D eeter said. " I tho u g h t he w as ju s t feeling so rry for h im s e lf b e­ cause a lot o f kids feel like th a t.” C hris D unn, a so p h o m o re and friend o f the su sp ect, said he had seen guns at his frie n d ’s hom e but nev er heard him m ention plans to shoot any o n e at school. H e did notice the b o y ’s g rades had been falling. " H e w a sn ’t even trying anym ore, w hich I w as kind o f co n ­ cern ed a b o u t,” D unn said. The most seriously wounded, a 15-year-old girl. was airli fled to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta where she underwent surgery for a shot that had pierced her intestines. The hospi­ tal gave no detail on her condition other than that it was stable. The oth­ ers injured had superficial wounds: Three were held for observation at Rockdale Hospital in Conyers and two were treated and released. S tudents g ath ered o u tsid e the school on a track a fte r the sh o o t­ ing, then b eg an b o ard in g buses to head hom e. C lasses w ere can celed for the rest o f the w eek, b ut school officials said g rad u a tio n w ould go on as sch ed u led M ay 28. On April 20, two students with guns and bombs killed 13 people be­ fore taking their own lives at Colum­ bine High School in Littleton, Colo. P resid en t C lin to n w as p rep ar­ ing to leave for L ittleto n today w hen he rec eiv e d n ew s o f the R o ck d ale C o u n ty shooting. The new s " i s deeply tro u b lin g to me, as it is to all A m ericans. W e thank G od th a t the in ju ries to the stu­ dents do not seem to be life-th reat­ e n in g ,” C lin to n said. M ichael Shoels, the father o f Littleton victim Isaiah Shoels, ex­ pressed dismay. " I have said sin ce this th in g happened that they b etter b ew are becau se i t ’s going to h appen ag ain and a g a in ,” Shoels said. Heritage High, which has about 1,300 students, has no metal detectors but does employ a campus policeman and has surveillance cameras. The injured were identified as: 15-year-old Stephanie Laster, in stable condition at Grady M emorial Hospital; Brian Bamhardt, 16, Jason Cheek, 17, and Cania Collins, 15, all adm itted to Rockdale Hospital for evaluation with superficial wounds; and Drake Hoy and Ryan Rosa, both 18, treated and released. 'PortCancf City PfumBinq Co. Over 25 Years Of Experier ce * New Construction * Bathroom Additions * Remodeling * Leaky Faucets * Toilet Repair * Broken Water & Drain Lines * Sewer Line Cleaned * Poor Water Pressure * Rusty Pipes * Water Heaters - Service, Repair. Replacement FREE ESTIMATES By The Hour Or By The Job Call Today For Appointment 287-3866 1703 NE Alberta St Fully Insured and Bonded - Gauranteed - Work you Can Trust CCB# 127729 Black Owned Diabetes & High Blood Pressure: What Every Person with Diabetes Needs to Know Saturday, June 5,1999 9:30-11:30 a.m. Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center 2801 N.Gantenbein, Portland Lorenzen Conference Center Auditorium FREE—Preregistration is required. Call (503) 335-3500 to register. Many people with diabetes have high blood pressure. Even mild elevations in blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and eye and kidney disease. Please join David Wakeling, DO, Julie Goodwin, PA-C, MBS, CDE, Chris Blem, PharmD, and Melissa Jacobson, RD, as they discuss: V what is it? what do the numbers mean? V how to lower blood pressure V diabetes & high blood pressure: V role of the diet special risks & considerations v medications FREE blood pressure screening will follow the program. Refreshments will be served. Health System This program is co-sponsored by Legacy Diabetes Services and Legacy Heart Institute. Icgaci Health System include» Fnunuel Hospital & Health Center. Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center M endian P irk Hospital. Mount Hood Medical Center Visiting Nurse Asstx'iation and CareMark Managed Healthcare Northwest PPL) ©1999 Please Don’t Feed The Fish! Fish need clean water too. You can keep pollution out of our waterways. COME AND JOIN IN THE FUNI! Open House and Community Appreciation Celebration Together we can make a difference! (Street Party—shuttle buses to program sites) O n June 4, 1999 V olunteers o f A m erica O regon is having an old fashioned “ street party” to celebrate the successful com pletion o f the second year o f their 5-year strate­ gic plan and to thank volunteers, donors, and com m unity partners, for their continued support. From 9 am until 4 pm , SE 6*. (betw een SE A lder and W ashington) will be alive w ith live m usic, food, beverage, guest M C ’s giveaw ays, and m uch. m uch m ore. A dding to the ex cite­ m ent w ill b e a silent auction o f a late m odel car. Shuttle b uses, leav­ ing every half-hour, wtll offer trans­ portation to program facilities and offer attendees a chance to m eet their sta ff and learn m ore about their program s Everything is Free to the public. And everyone is welcome. For more information call Ron Sumner at 503- 230-1 125. 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