ma >—¿««A l t May 26, 1999 Focus (£1^ Fortiani» ©bseruer Page 7 R IC O V ER Y A re You A L o v e / S ex Addict? 1. Do you feel desperate to find a new lover or mate when a relation­ ship ends? Do you feel anxious or uneasy when you are away from your lover or sexual partner? 2. Do you believe that your life is unbearable unless you’re in a rela­ tionship? 3. Do you make promises to your­ self about your sexual or romantic behavior that you cannot follow? 4. Do you keep secrets about your sexual or romantic activities? 5. Have you been in a relationship that you knew was bad for you, but felt powerless to leave? 6. Do you get a “high” from sexual or romantic activity, followed by a “hangover” (feelings of shame, re­ morse or fear of abandonment)? 7. Do you keep a list of your sexual partners, or, on the other hand, have you lost track of how many partners you’ve had? 8. 9. Do you vacillate between feelings of extreme shame and pride about the num ber of sexual partners you’ve had? Does your sexual behavior in­ clude activities that are illegal (voy­ eurism, exhibitionism, prostitu­ tion, sex with minors, indecent phone calls, etc.)? 10. Do you feel that your life would be meaningless without a partner? 11. 12. Do you have a pattern of recre­ ating the same type of dysfunc­ tional or abusive relationship? 13. Have you suffered negative con­ sequences at work because of your obsession with a relationship? By Mary B Contributing Writer from SAA in Portland “I have no reason to live any­ more.” So said the 15-year old sopho­ more accused of opening fire on his classm ates in the recent Georgia school shooting incident. Friends said his grades had slipped recently and he was heartbroken after his girl­ friend ended their relationship. Ju st as the consequences of Presi­ d en t C lin to n ’s rela tio n sh ip with M onica Lewinsky have increased public awareness of sex addiction, so this story can provide us with some insight into another common compulsion in our addictive society: love addiction (also referred >to as rom ance or relationship addiction). T h e M erriam -W ebster d ictio ­ nary defines addiction as a “com­ pulsive need for and use of a habit­ forming substance (as heroin, nico­ tine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physi­ o lo g ic a l sy m p to m s u p o n w ith ­ draw al”; or “persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harm fu l". In th e last twenty-five years, the concept of ad- diction has broadened to 7^ Movies JLThis This Week 1. S TAR WARS. EPISODE I - THE PHANTOM MENACE 20th Century Fox 2. THE MUMMY Universal 3. ENTRAPMENT 2 0 th Century Fox 4. THE MATRIX include what are called “process ad­ lion, “T hree characteristics sum up Anonym ous, there are many sup­ the major behavioral symptoms of a p o rt groups for people suffering dictions”: sex and love, as already from Sex and/or Love Addiction. mentioned, plus gambling, work, re­ Love Addict. These groups can be found in the 1. Love Addicts assign a dispro­ la tio n sh ip s, m oney (com pulsive white pages of the phone book, or portionate am ount of time, atten­ spending), and food (overeating, an­ on the Internet. tion, and ‘value above themselves’ orexia, bulimia). Love addicts can become so ob­ to the person to whom they are ad­ Phone numbers for the local sessed with their relationship that dicted and this focus often has an Twelve Step groups are as they risk their career, their health, obsessive quality about it. 2. Love A ddicts have unrealistic follows: their finances, and their other rela­ tionships. T his approach to rom an­ expectations for unconditional posi­ CoDA (Codependents Anonymous) 503/285-8891 tic relationships, unfortunately, is tive regard from the other person CoSA (Codependents to Sex Addicts) seen as norm al in our addictive cul­ in the relationship. 503/452-5961 3. Love Addicts neglect to care ture. We are im m ersed in songs, for or value themselves while they’re S-Anon (family of SA members) television p ro g ram s, and movies 503/299-4442 glorifying the intensity of “love at in the relationship.” SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) Ju st as alcoholics support each first sight’. Sadly, the relationship 503/224-9840 other in becom ing sober and m ain­ th at starts intensely often ends that way too. Many suicides and crim i­ taining their sobriety by following SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) 503/452-5961 th e Twelve S tep s of A lcoholics nal acts (stalking, homicides), are perform ed by rejected lovers. T hose p ersons with a su b ­ stan ce abuse problem will likely increase the use of their drug of choice when an ad­ d ic tiv e re la tio n sh ip en d s, T h e H o tte s t S p o t in to w n w ith th e re su lta n t toll d e­ Pool, sports, live music & dancing • Big screen TV - new ownership | creased productivity on the job, car accidents, etc. “Lottery will be here soon ’ According to Pia Mellody, We call it TA for a reason! in her book Faring Love Addic- TA 503-289-4711 15. Have you neglected your chil­ dren due to your obsession with a romantic or sexual partner? Are you plagued with a con stant feeling of loneliness? 16. 5. THE LOVE LETTER DreamWorks 6. A MIDSUMMER’S NIGHT DREAM Fax Searrhlight 7. NEVER BEEN KISSED 2Oth Century Fox 17. Do you spend hours download­ ing erotic pictures or engaging in sexual chat on the Internet? Do you feel powerless to stop being unfaithful to your spouse or significant other? 18. 8. BLACK MASK Artiran Fntertammen TOP TO BOTTOM F tXH lO H A TH LE TIC SHOES & CL O THING We Feature Fubu, Boss, Nike, South Pole, First Down, Fila, Adidas, Lugz 7 I ,,,s i . I \ l i H-S it K -7| m Sun K - )| m I In nt l( ( - iM / Universal Fammount T-Shirts 3/$lO Freaky Chains Free” COME SEE US and work boots 9. LIFE 10. ELECTION 736 N. Lom bard 97217 1 Horner Bras. Has your obsession with sex an d/or rom ance negatively im ­ pacted your health or finances? 14. • \ Í )( , \ l u l in I lillui b ill ) )l. I I' I-