^lurtlanh ©baeruer Focus May 26,1999 Page S Memorial D avj U.S. AIK FORCE’S FIRST RLACK HELICOPTER PILOT Lt. Col. William Hugo H ollom an III, a decorated U.S. A ir Force pilot during three wars and one of the first African-Americans to experience in­ tegration in the U.S. military, will speak at the O regon V ietnam Veter­ ans “Living” M emorial in Portland during a M emorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 31. Activities at the M em orial will begin at noon with the reading of nam es of O regonians killed and missing in action in Viet­ nam . A ce rem o n y an d L t. C ol. H ollom an’s speech will follow at ap­ proximately 1:15 PM. Hollom an, 74, successfully com ­ pleted Aviation Cadet exam inations in 1942 and graduated in class 44-H from Tuskegee Arm y A ir field in 1944. As a m em ber of the fam ed Tuskegee A irm en (an all-Black unit of pilots), he flew P-51s with the 99,h F ig h ter S q u ad ro n , 332"J F ig h ter G roup, known as “The Red Tails,” over Italy during World War II. After the war, he becam e one of the first participants in the integra­ tion of the U.S. Air Force when he was assigned to the A irborne Elec­ tronics School at Keesler AFB, Miss. In 1948. D u rin g th e K o rean c o n flic t, Holloman served as a MATS pilot, transporting passengers and supplies to the Far East and Korea and return­ ing wounded troops to the Ll.S. It was during this tour of duty that he be­ came the first Black helicopter pilot in the history of the U.S. Air Force. Following the K orean conflict and a nine-year civilian career as a com m ercial aviator, H ollom an re­ turned to active duty in 1966 as d ire c to r for Safety and Standards in V ietnam and later in Europe. While in Vietnam, he logged 500 hours in the air, piloting Sky Cranes, Huey helicopters, U-21s and U-8s, often under combat conditions. After logging a total of 17,000 flying hours and becoming a Mas­ ter Aviator, Holloman retired from the m ilitary in 1972 and completed degrees in business adm inistration from th e University of M aryland and history from the University of Washington. The father of six chil­ dren, he now lives in Seattle and conducts research on Blacks in the m ilitary, gives lectures about the Tuskegee Airmen, and encourages youth to consider A ir Force and aerospace careers. T he Oregon Vietnam Veterans “L iving” M em orial is located in P o rtlan d ’s W ashington Park near the Oregon Zoo and the World For­ estry Center. vEHHEDY SCHO qi vt EVENTS Menamins Mary Kaderly Thursday, May 6 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium The Jim Mesi Band Thursday, May 13 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium The Steve Bradley Thursday, May 20 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium Craig Carothers Songwriters in the Round Sunday, May 30 at 7:30pm in the Gymnasium McMenamins Kennedy School 5 7 3 6 NE 33rd • P ortlan d, O regon • (5 0 5 ) ¿ 4 9 -5 9 8 5 All ages welcome • No cover charge unless noted uevoraicu im u c y cc «mono ww.. .......... ..------- ------ Vietnam. He will be speaking at Portland's Vietnam Memorial on May 31.